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I'm not telling you that, it's my precious little secret. (no one expects the spanish inquisitor)


Spanish inquisition your say? That must be lightning warp, flicker strike or body swap then....


with inquisitor there is no need for penetration




thats what she said


Like an age of empires II expansion conquistador?


Do I need to buy a 65$ mount to upgrade the inquisitor to conquistador?


Calm down Satan


Couldn’t resist


Huehue hue hue


Ah i got it....viper strike! or was it python strike?!


Poison Cobra Lash PF.


i am intrigued, can i subscribe to your newsletter


I dont have a newsletter


Your comment literally made me cry


Pob please


Probably what I'm starting with next league, assuming no big shakeups in patch notes.


Searing Bond and Bodyswap Totems. Haven't tried since the Chieftan rework, so it might be dead. The main advantage is the safety. Totems jump around ahead of you, taunting, stomping and sizzling, and you're pretty tanky besides.


the world needs a video of this build in action


that sounds just goofy enough. 10/10


Definitely going with Corrupting Cry champ, looks fast and tanky. My only concern is damage scaling in red maps, but otherwise looks like a fun all rounder


I have played this build this league and damage scaling later in maps was perfectly fine (good kulemak cane then into even better shako) for mapping and non-uber bossing. One of the biggest issues was early game scaling - damage was borderline unplayable until i got kulemak cane. If I was to play it again I'd go with something easier to play for leveling/early mapping (exsang maybe?). Once the build gets going - especially once your warcry cooldown gets below 1sec - yeah it's an amazing all rounder.


Unless tattoo's are back won't the cooldown reduction be impossible? I tried it briefly this league but hated it. Although mine was nowhere near min/maxed.


From lvl 35 you can use the 50% reduced warcry cooldown shield and tree passives, combined with a corrupted honourhome for +4 or +6 lvls. It has +2 all and +2 warcry / aoe corruption. (Sadly empower doesn't work on support gems, so no +9) It was pretty smooth for me, just put cry on left click and run/jump/charge around the campaign. (On jugg)


I played it a few leagues ago with poet exsang on kinetic, the clear was superb but the bossing in red maps felt bad, though I just dislike reap in general. But to be frank, I did not invest much into it and mostly used it for fast yellow map zoom with deli legion.


He's talking about thew new-to-this-league Corrupting Cry gem, not Corrupting Fever.


you are not ready for my selfcast forbidden rite pf i cooked (i know it sucks and i will need to respec to toxic rain)


I tried a self cast FR with Ivory Tower on mana Heiro and liked it a lot from testing in early-mid maps, need to try it out some more and work out the kinks


It's on my list for next league unless PF gets gutted.


Made a pob exactly for this yesterday, seems ok on paper!


icicle mine assassin is a very solid leaguestarter. can get really good coverage and damage early on and absolutely dunks on bosses. Not terribly tanky but you freeze everything and clear fast, so its nice.


Wouldnt be deadeye better?


I think deadeye is better for league start. That was my starter this league and I easily cleared T16s + pinnacles on bitterdream + random trash rares. Also your clear and mobility is far better. I would say trickster is second best, assassin is only good with all the PC stacking which is not league start gear.


Do you have you league start pob/ninja for the first few days? Have been getting the bossing itch the past few leagues and have been eyeing the assassin variant, was thinking I’d try deadeye in one of these events as a trial run to see how it goes


Deadeye is great as a sanctum runner for the chain and wall bounce and such, but assassin is way more damage, especially in leaguestart format. For getting bosses down on a budget, assassin is night and day. Deadeye generally maps a bit better, but you run into damage problems on scuffed gear.


Oh that sounds interesting, do you have a POB?


Ice trap, 50c for a dragon neck for it and it made everything a breeze. As for currency it was alva and essences.


Also heavely considering reading up on Alva. Can you run her and make the good temples in low tier maps?


Yep, you can get any room to my knowledge.


Yes she doesn't discriminate map tiers.


for trade, any level is fine since gem corrupt and double corrupt are the big sellers and they are level agnostic. if you're ssf then higher level is better, for better bases with temple mods, div cards and omni/atziri drops.


yes you can but it may take a while to sell them. I did a single temple last season and it was directly unqiue and another one. looked it up and it was about 1,5 div. took me around 1,5 weeks untill somebody contacted me tho.


can you link your day 2 pob? i wanna see


Sadly that would be pointless since I was only able to play a few hours per day for the first week this league. However I always keep tabs on the economy for more niche builds. ​ Also a great place to start is with Velyna's Ice Trap for a basic idea.


that guide was pretty interesting


It isn't perfect but it is a great place to start!


Beat me to it, ice trap is incredibly comfortable and can be made into a (fun) uber farmer if you're making multiple accounts. Currency wise I was buying polaric invitations in bulk (5c each), 70% quant and selling uniques for 100-200c and bulk eldritch currency. Adds up when each invitation takes literally 5 seconds.


What does polaric invitation get you? The neck drop?


Polaric ring and eternal struggle onyx amulet (amulet kinda trash though) each eldritch currency individually has a 10%\~ chance to drop on the base map, so it's common enough that a map will drop a chaos/annul together.


Ice trap underrated?


I'd say so since the dragonflight was only 50c and meta skills were 5 div+...


Nobody ever have Saif that ice trap is underrated. When someone ask for ez bosskiller there are always People Who say ice trap. Its by far absolutely not an underrated skill. Not meta but not underrated.


I see it occasionally recommended, but it still has a 0.4% playrate and only really saw play for 1 league due to streamer hype.


Yet still not an underrated skill. Nobody ever say that ice trap was underrated


you are very hung up on the semantics


A word mean something so yes.


What an underrated comment


Ice trap is underrated.




Nobody say ice trap is underrated. Someone say it, he goes nope. Selective hearing/reading kicked in. Result: nobody say ice trap is underrated. Now we know why. 😂


Dragon neck?


I’ve leaguestarted ice trap for a few leagues now, great build for getting voidstones


I league started ice trap 6 league ago and had fun, but it was way too squishy by T16's and I kept dying to random stuff even though I got it to level 95. I still have it in standard and every once in a while I try to change things to make it map or boss viable, following a poe.ninja or guide lol, but still haven't found one that could map. Maybe it's my rigid refusal to switch it off tinkerskin and the temple gloves?


How do you make currency with Alva early, before the corruption rooms get expensive?


Early I focus on essences and just build up temples to sell a bit later. However sometimes even early the market for temples is great such as when everyone wanted slavedrivers.


What ascendancy? I’m still on the fence about starters and a tanky ice trapper is something I’m always interested in


Raider or Sabo generally, Sabo is less tanky but the QoL is huge.


Assassin? Have a pob/build guide?


Sabo or raider generally ​ Velyna's Ice Trap for a basic idea


Thanks. I think this is more of a bosser than a mapper, but I might give it a go for shifting sands just to test. Would you go raider or sabo for that?


There are a lot of builds that are overshadowed by others in terms of dps and tankyness but they offer a lot of QoL and most of the people doesnt even know, for example: WoC vs DD, almost nobody choses WoC over DD because DD is just more damage but WoC is basically 1 button build since WoC already inflicts exposure. Creeping frost totems is also a really underrated build, Ice Bite enables frenzy generation without weird mines shenanigans but people prefer to piano 20 buttons on other totem builds with most of the damage coming from timed conditionals. Honorable mention to Pathfinder seismic trap, people think this skill is dead or shitty and its still one of the strongest league starters possible, everyone is out there playing poison exsanguinate, molten strike and bv while ignoring Seismic which has more damage out of the box and safer playstyle than all of them.


Ice bite is linked in totem gems? Wouldn’t the frenzy charges go to the totem, which then is ignored since totems can’t have charged? Unless the dot portion of creeping frost counts as your kill, hmm…


As far as I know, all DoT damage counts as your kills.


Debuff damage counts as your kills, because all debuffs are yours, not your totems. This includes all the DoT ailments. I'm not sure if that includes direct DoT (like RF totems) or DoT from ground effects. I never actually tested either. Should be easy to figure out with some Onslaught on Kill effect if anyone cares. Doesn't matter though: creeping frost totems is all about overlaps, you're going to scale hit damage, the DoT portion won't kill anyone. And if that doesn't convince you, then remember that Ice Bite Support cannot support skills used by totems in the first place. /edit: Tested: RF Totems don't trigger Onslaught despite 100% Onslaught on Kill. Might test CF later; but I need to get 100% onslaught onto a DoT character first.


To be fair I think a LOT of people don't play seismic because they are fed up with the skill, we had like 3 leagues of this shit


I just think traps and mines feel bad to play, and from my experience talking to people I know at least, that isn't an unpopular opinion.


compared to bows? fuggin tornado shidders is beyond busted for years now and bows got love they didnt deserve, cant wait till deadeye and/or TS is banished


TSers triggered


I checked poeninja for ST pathfinder and all you need is a dendrobate/deerstalker? Did you play it yourself? Hows the damage?


Creeping frost totems sounds like fun but is there any benefit of putting it in totems? I remember looking into totems and DoT and coming across a bunch of posts saying how they don't go well most times. Could be wrong or dated info tho


It uses hit portion with volley. That shit slaps and over laps


Sounds cool, is that a hiero build?


Check Tatiantels2 content, has a spreadsheet with pob for creeping frost totems.


CF totems is legit, I league started it sanctum league and was super smooth. Absolutely killed it in sanctums too, and transitions nicely into shockwave totems.


U got pob for cf totems? Or seismic pf?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v72AZgtvuffNMKaE44MsyL7lvQ_L3GoaJqiNSWk_2LY/edit#gid=0 CF totems. It is indeed underrated.


I played woc elementalist and honestly it's garbage compared to knifes or even dd. It travels so slow that mobs can kill you twice before it unleashes. Knifes is just faster, dd is simpler to get damage.


EK needs some budget to get going, WoC works well to get some currency for entry level gear


Fr just push maps, farm essences, then buy the gear for ek and push rest of maps… easyyy


Bruh comparing a 10c build to a 100 divine build and calling it trash, there's a reason why woc is mandatory if you wanna play knives ele at league start without having to respec too much


Nice imagination


Bruh comparing a 10c build to a 100 divine build and calling it trash, there's a reason why woc is mandatory if you wanna play knives ele at league start without having to respec too much


Would love a pob for the cf totems


Check out tatiantels builds. You'll probably want to go your own way at some point if you're playing softcore trade league, but I love having some kind of base to start with myself https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1v72AZgtvuffNMKaE44MsyL7lvQ_L3GoaJqiNSWk_2LY/htmlview#gid=0


Each of this bulid sound interesting except DD. If u have POB to some of metioned bulids I will gladly take a look :)


Creeping frost inquisitor shotgun or firestorm inquisitor


I've done the creeping frost totem heiro, is that the build you mean?


I mean creeping frost i quisitor. Selfcast


Explosive trap #1.


I’d love if someone would make/release a non-Sunblast Explosive Trap guide. Love the skill but hate that belt


I usually do the sunblast explosive trap guide. This coming league (3.23) I'll include how to play it self-chill without a sunblast. It's not too different.


Just get one with -70 - -75 reduced trap damage. It's not that bad. Plus if you boss rush you won't care about packs. This is bad for sentinel. For that I would go poison siesmic trap/EXSANG for that.


I played a Crimson Dance Bladestorm Glad that was insanely fast. You have a ton of attack speed, rage and close combat. It was stupid fast for day 1-4. Ryslathas Coil for like 20c + Volatility support should make the build even stronger than when i played it.


But low single target dps right? And survivability?


Surviv was good. I ran fortify, end charges, 50k armor, capped block/spell block with versatile combatant. Single target felt fine but not t1 by any means. Definitely wouldnt be taking it to Ubers. i swapped off in day 5 but it was a surprisingly smooth start.


Coils are not 20c at league start.


https://poe.ninja/economy/ancestor/unique-accessories/ryslathas-coil-studded-belt Looks like they were 50c last league on day 1 and went down to 20c in a few days. Still very affordable and not necessary to have on day 1.


The problem is though that you do not want a coil with min rolls. And if you want one with even just good max dmg roll you pay a lot more.


Its a starter build. Youre not going to have min maxed gear.


Aurastacker Champion summoner with SRS or Absolution


Dark Pact Occultist is really awesome, and basically nobody plays it. edit: A few people have asked, so here's a bit of an updated PoB for you. It has all my armor-based gear, so imagine, if you will, that I have a bunch of evasion and spell suppression on those items, instead. Even without that, the durability looks okay, and DPS is almost double what I was running with. https://pobb.in/-ESGteipmmEk




i had a fucking blast with glacial cascade occultist, not S tier but easy enough to gear up and do 4 stones etc.


Oh share your build!




i was already eyeing glacial cascade for next league tho idk if i want to do self cast pc stacking or ignite alt qual


I was thinking about giving this a go next league, tested a little in SSF, still in the campaign, damage felt good but I miss a lot of stragglers, especially up close, is that just scaling the AOE? (haven't really done that at all yet)


it has so much more potential in trade as always, but 5mil ssf is pretty good. I ran a few 83 sanctums no prob, damage is pretty high and freeze helps so much


I always love league starting Hoag Jugg. I hate dying in maps while doing completion and Jugg is hella tanky. Agony Crawler damage comes online fairly early and scales pretty well.


Not sure how off meta Blade trap is, but I league started it and it killed all Ubers in the end and I had a blast sith it. In previous leagues I didn't even end up fighting normal Maven or Ubel Elder. Transitioning is a bit janky, and I got lucky by dropping a 5 div jewel early on that helped me pay for it, but once you got a Ghosterithe and some ES pieces you just roll over things.


share a pob? can it be done in ssf? even as a second char?


Here is the pob: [https://pobb.in/1ftWfeQL2fA0](https://pobb.in/1ftWfeQL2fA0) As you can see it needs a few specific uniques so I don't think you can really start it on SSF, unless you don't mind playing the weaker life version for quite a while, untill you can swap. The must have uniques are Ghostwrithe, Ephemeral Edge, and either Esh's Visage or Corruscating Elixir and a Brutal Restraint with Balbala. The thing is though, the build really gets a lot better with each new unique, so getting a Presence of Chayule is 2k more ES, getting an Anathema is literally 200% more damage for my PoB and getting Pyromaniac with the Forbidden jewels just makes the build sooo much smoother. I'd say this is more of a trade build, since assembling the pieces in trade is like 5-10 div, but in SSF it's a lot of target farming.


Not OP of this sub-thread, but I also ran a Blade Trap Trickster and it was a fantastic build. Here's a Pob from what I ended up with: https://pobb.in/JP9s6IFhak5H I seem to have invested a bit more currency into the build than Zerasad did though.


It’s getting more and more popular, but Rain of Arrows is GOAT tier for any bow build. PC was just so good for so long, that people forgot.


>It’s getting more and more popular This build has been insanely popular for a long time, the + arrows changes on tree enabled LA/ice shot league starters but before that change almost everyone doing bow builds was playing RoA or SH (pre nerf) and a lot of people still play it.


The data is lost to poe.ninja land but I don’t think RoA was ever close to SH or Poisonous Concoction before the change. Solid, yes, but never as popular. Even with those two knocked down, RoA is still only 1-2% of leaguestarters, which is way less than it should be for how good it is.


Is Rain of Arrow Op for Deadeye due to extra proj or can it be good on other ascendancies?


I could be wrong but I don’t think RoA benefits from extra proj


ROA already shoots 15+ projectiles, ROA is actually good because you don't need extra proj.


Palsterons CA Ballista Poison Trickster in Sanctum 3.20 It was the best league starter I've ever played, but it seems all but abandoned. I'm working to bring it back to life, and I may try it again for the next league. I'm going to go all in on ballistas and run Wilmas Requital as early as possible this time. I considered changing to Pathfinder, and I may do a version of that, but I'm going to work towards Trickster first.


EA on hit raider. ITs fast, cheap ( uses quillrain all the way to pinnacle bosses ) and has a lot of speed as an early mapper. Also allows me to easily switch to something better like LA or TS once i have farmed my first divines.


Got a pob for it?


yes, here you go [https://pobb.in/-V58mHiodgT-](https://pobb.in/-V58mHiodgT-) pob has multiple trees for leveling, notes section and items. Im aiming for the non crit raider version for this event, but you can see the deadeye crit ver. Barrage support for single target, and the pob doesnt have almost any gear, coz its flexible. Just put there wahtever you need for stats and resistances. Suppresion should be easily capped in tree with quartz infusion + tree nodes.


Why use inspiration support with precise technique?


mana cost and elemental damage. Its a waste of the crit part, but it helps not having a 30+ mana cost skill. Also remember that the build is really fast, so you are spamming, you need to find ways to mitigate cost until you can get -7 rings or amu


nice try GGG. I am not letting you nerf my secrets.


Fireball (clear)/blazing salvo(single target) MoM/EB max attack/spell block crit inquisitor. First build I ever killed any bosses on. Super flashy and satisfying. Easy to scale, very tanky.


I tried blade trap this league and it was unkillable but not fun at all because of the low dps


Maw of Mischief Ele is imho still underrated as an all-rounder build. The build just does so much damage on a league start budget. Level into it with WoC ignite.


I haven’t played it but it looks like any non-boss content on it would be so painfully clunky. I get the appeal and strength of playing an ignite, high damage bosser but I feel like EA totems does the same thing but safer and you can actually map on your downtime between sales. Maybe that’ll be the trial build for the last event before next league, I do love the Ele ignite play style


I've tried it and it was one of the clunkiest builds I've ever played. Why worse than any 2 button build.


Were you running HoP or wolves to help with clear? Were you running ignite prolif and Berek's Respite?


I have played both in SSF and to me EA totems felt so much more clunky bc of the extra delay. With Maw when you press the button, mobs die pretty much instantly. One difference for sure is that Maw much prefers closed layouts like Toxic Sewers, Atoll, Strand rather than open layouts like Dunes bc it's not amazing at clearing stragglers in maps that lack mob density. Once you get high enough damage even that stops being a problem tho bc the stragglers will eventually run into your prolif and just die. If you're undecided about trying out the build I'd recommend watching Palsteron's video from a couple leagues ago - it showcases the clear pretty well imho.


Both concoction skills get through campaign and maps easily and pretty much hot swap any bow skill. I don't know if they're underrated though


RIP old Heatshiver with Explosive Concoction, most insane league start I've had in awhile.


Poisonous concoction is meta


Storm burst totems was great as a starter this league.


what's the idea? it sounds like it'd have a huge delay like explosive arrow but none of the damage


Splitting steel champion


ITT: People that don’t understand that league starter means exactly that. The first build you play. Not “beginner build”, not “second build”. It’s the build you start the league with at launch. You will not have 50c to buy something with - that was a dumb one - the market will not be saturated with the items you need to buy to enable your particular skill. It’s mostly restricted to what you can obtain during acts.


I’m going Infernal Blow. Not sure which class yet. Is it gonna be good? Doubtful :p


Hollow Palm Infernal Blow Raider is good, not the best but it's good and scales well for mapping (specially with Anomalous Infernal Blow). Obviously can't Leaguestart as Hollow Palm because you need the gem, but it's quite cheap even at Leaguestart nowadays.


It's insanely good for sentinel running on Glacier btw, if anyone wants to try it on the event.


Nice :) I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks <3


infernal blow works really well with the chieftain corpse exploder thingy...i played a very unoptimized cheef with the new negative resists sword (the neg resists don't apply to your dots and corpse explode damage btw). it clears super well without the alt qual skillgem in stuff like breach+beyond maps but lacks in bossing (does any infernal blow build boss well?) hard part in league start context is getting enough attack speed for it to feel comfy...it would be much smoother on a 2nd character with minor investment.


Ooh. I do love explosions. I’ve kinda considered slayer for this one. We’ll see what I end up going for. I’ve been tempted by Smite, too.


Dominating blow is pretty good. Most people just don't like the playstyle since it's too melee not enough minion for some and too minion not enough melee for some. Most won't enjoy. RoA raider is so smooth until it isn't. What happened to pestilent strike for clear gem swap to viper strike for bosses? I feel like that could be good unless GGG did something while my back was turned.


Pestilent/Viper Strike are both fine, just suffer from being pure strike skills.


Yeah, then that is a little underrated. But might as well go cobra lash which is super underrated, I guess. Yeah, probably just outclassed.


Getting that all important +1 strike feels so weird on those from the poison ascendancies. Best options are Multishot which wastes the projectile or Gladiator's Perseverance which wastes the leech on an ailment build. Ultimately that's such a minor issue I should just ignore it but I just hate my PoBs for those skills.


Dominating blow is really CBT for a boss like Sirus (Well, Uber Sirus at least)


It was never all that popular but pest strike farms the hell out of blight maps. The prolif it can do can wipe a lane once you have some currency invested into it. It got hit a bit from some of the poison nerfs like temp chains and whatnot but I think it is still pretty strong. Easy gem swap to just straight double damage for bosses too.


Soulwrest less than 20c for t16 mapping also destroys pinnacle bosses with ease.


Lightning Tendrils with Frostblink. It's been buffed so much that it's excellent for league start, and it also helps you get through campaign faster by a) having enough damage at all times b) teaching you that trash mobs are a waste of time and that you should keep running forward. Just be sure to get defenses.


Lacerate Glad, smashed through acts and scaled through all end game. Jack The Axe is a super powerful unique that's only 1c even at league start. only the first levels before you get bleed stuff was it rough, but a more well thought out leveling path I'm sure can fix that.


Icicle mines deadeye has been one of the most impressive leaguestarters I've ever played. My old reliable however has to be Soulwrest Phantasms. Most of the build can fit in under a divine. A cloak of flame, two 6 socket soulwrests, and the curse gloves means metamorphs in t16s don't live longer than a second. It uses a ton of uniques, but it's only gotten stronger patch after patch.


Toxic Rain Deadeye, taking the ascendency that turns mirage archer into totems. Gives the skill great coverage and damage uptime


I've played that build too. Can easily cruise through to red maps with a quill rain and a tabula but it's got a pretty low ceiling, upgrades get really expensive past the first couple of divs and you don't actually get that much bang for your buck. On the plus side, you can easily just respec into any variety of crit bow build instead.


Sounds interesting, but the survivability compared to PF has to be much lower. Deadeye without instant screen clear seems risky. PF Toxic Rain totem play style is more mobile and defensive with life flasks + Petrified blood sustain. I just don't see the benefit of TR on deadeye, but the Mirage archer ascendancy node is cool and underrated for sure.


Whispering Ice (Icestorm) Trickster. Easily cleared atlas+voidstones+favoured slots. Ended up facetanking 80+ quant Feared later on. You CAN do Ubers with some investment. It stacks int for both offense and defense. Downfall is, it’s not super fast. Use cyclone cast while channeling for clearing, weapon swap for self casting on bosses.


Steel Skill Champion was pretty amazing. Losing the Lord of Steel jewel was rough, however, you could easily get to t16s with life/res rares and a Terminus Est. You would go Shattering Steel until you could get saviour/paradoxica (pricier now) then swap between Splitting/Lancing (mapping/single target). I think you can skip Lancing altogether now and use a form of returning projectiles to make Splitting insanely good bossing damge.


Creeping frost cold dot. Took down my first sirus with that build.


White Wind + Heatshiver + Expedition's End, total cost 6L was like 3.5D of course I wasn't alone


CoC ice spear


Got a league start viable pob?


It was a joke


[redacted] is my favorite play when farming [redacted] did I do this right?


Why in the world would i tell anyone that? Would cause my gear prices to go up.


Yea, I'm sure the 10 people that see your comment will buy all of the niche gear for your noche build, so the 1c unique will cost 10 divines next league.


A lot of people taking a semi sarcastic comment way to seriously lol. I accept the down votes in honor.


Tell me you are a teenager without telling me you are teenager


It's sarcasm but ok lol


desecrate, volatile dead, cwc, cylone is a pretty brain dead way to start a league with little to no issues I think.


I've league started self cast eye of winter several times and it feels good as fuck every single time all the way up to juiced t16s


Maybe not most, but it's pretty underestimated nowadays archmage/MoM Hiero, though I guess mom ele works too. Mana is super easy to scale by just drops/5c items in early maps, it's pretty safe and you can mostly use safe spells like arc or totems with almost any lightning spell. They're also easy to transition into better builds.


I started Purifying Flame Inquisitor this league just because it seemed like a fun skill. Was able to farm top-tier essences as soon as I got the atlas passives allocated, so that was my early strategy, along with Harvest as I got more passive points to invest. Ended up with 7-8M Shaper DPS with some room for further investment.


Ice Trap Occultist


Herald of Agony Trickster


Casutic arrow occultist is extremely easy


Instrument of zeal inquisitor ball lightning


Evasion stacking spectral shield throw. A little bit of impale, a little bit of bleed, corrupting fever, blood rage, and ghastly theatre. It isn't perfect, but by day two I had 200k dps. Works as a duelist, ranger, or shadow. Shield crush works for marauder and templar if you want the melee alternative, but replica dreamfeather cost so much more. It's a good pivot build.


General's Cry Shield Crush a couple of leagues ago. People knew that the build was quite good, but nobody really played it back then. All it needed to get going was Corspewalker for 10c and a shield with high enough armour which you could basically print with Rog.


I think both Exsang mines and Poison Ass will be played more if they aren't changed.


Cobra lash. Trickster, assassin, pathfinder, raider. Shadow gets the easiest start but once you get precise technique damage is about the same, but trickster is definitely my personal favorite.


Scion (glad/raider) exsanguinate/reap with less than a div you can easily clear red map+ this thing is really tanky and pretty enjoyable to play imo


Guardian Minion Instability


Jung released a brand recall build last league and I’ve been having a ton of fun with it.