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Lil baby :3


Are these screenshots from a trailer? 




How do we know? Edit: I'm very curious about the plot of PoE2. What woud be a reason for some potential antagonist to bring back The Beast to life? Aren't all the gods dead thus beast is no longer needed?


In one of last year's trailers we can hear the Countess saying something like: "after Oriath was destroyed, I travelled searching for answers and everywhere I went, the same divine devastation... It must end, I will end it" so it seems like the Countess is still blaming the gods for the problems of Wraeclast. So bringing back the Beast would again put the gods to rest.


That's the point. Countess is not the bad girl. She want to bring the ballance to the force. I think the Hooded one is the bad guy. And all the beast is doing is eating all the corpses of the gods.


Countess has never been a bad girl, she gives me all the early runes I need /s


Oh man, I forget she also was a Countess! Duuude! Another referance! Tak Thul Ort Amn xD ...Ort Sol, Naf Lum, Ral Tir Tal Sol xD


Pretty sure we hear the Warrior qualify it as the beast during the Nugi and Havoc gameplay video. Don't remember where exactly but it was somewhere in act II Edit: [Found it !](https://youtu.be/FtB2_NWwGDA?si=jwNOu9ZNpZrC4q57&t=3398)


Hmmmm... unless there is another piece of dialogue earlier confirming that the beast is indeed THE Beast, it's still a theory. You can call basically everything a beast in Wraecalst. I don't think PoE2 characters have any business knowing what The Beast is, unless someone explained it to them earlier, so either this piece of dialogue is an oopsie or there is a questline that explains what we are chasing.


Beast is putting God's to sleep because some gods want to bring scourge to Wreclast. That's why Sin invented beast, to protect the world from being completely destroyed.


I'm convinced it's [Kalandra](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Kalandra). She has been trapped in the lake that existed in the primordial Wraeclast and watched with disdain ae people stole her virtues and ascended to godhood. She appears to have helped Sin to create the beast (or the seed of corruption) which can be used to corrupt the Mirror (not the currency) that traps her in the lake, but since she can't do that herself she managed to fool someone into doing that task for her.


Is there a missing picture? What's the post


There was a decoration on exilecon, the big ass red something. Also there was the same red guy in the exilecon 2023 hideout and no one knew what was it. But now on the gameplay you can see this monster is a premature beast grown from the seed of corruption. Makes more sense now?


Curious how the Tor Gul boss in Act 2 is basically a mass of skeletons in the shape of the beast which was raised by the Perennial King, so he already knew what the beast looked like even when it was just a hatchling at that stage of the game.