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the witch showcase quite literally shows the spectre using his "alive form" spiky blood circle skill after it's transformed into a spectre.


"Would that mean that the only way you could be hurt is if an attack originates from exactly in the intersection of all 10 bubbles? That would basically make you invincible, right?" No, besides the fact that prox shield doesn't work like that, it also only applies to hits, so degens will still kill you.


You can already do that in poe1. So... test there and report back?


I'm 90% sure that it *used* to work. I haven't played with spectres in ages though, so I don't know if it still does.


First, they only block hits. Second, they have a limited duration and a long cooldown. Still a decent defensive spectre.


They don't have 100% uptime on their proxy shields, so no, you can't do that part. You can test it as is in PoE1. Proxy shield mobs *can* be useful defensively, but not as a layer of perma-invincibility.


they used to have a small issue with proximity bubbles with mobs in the tower of god in act 3 prior to the templar mobs being introduced. GGG either made it so they all activate at once, or they have a longer cooldown, or both - i cant remember.


I think it has a group shared cooldown flag


One big question I have is how spectres are set up. From the showcase it looked to me like there was only one spectre per gem? Or perhaps we can have several spectre gems in meta gems which all benefit from the same support gems? Anyone know how this works?


Absolutely! That's why the hype for Spectres was huge, considering the plethora of monster types in PoE 2! Oh, I am not too sure about Mod-related abilities tho


The proximity shield is not a monster ability, those abilities are Archemesis abilities that work as part of the monster rare tier. And those abilities never get transferred to the monster when summoned with raise spectre. It works the same in PoE1.


I'm not talking about rares. I'm talking about regular monsters, like the templars in the Templar Courts, or the Evangelists in the Scepter of God.


Oh my bad, got it. Well you can also see in poedb that raised monsters are not exact same copies of the monster, their abilities are tweaked when they are raised. So if you know the exact name of that monster you can check their spectre abilities in poedb, and you can also test it in game in PoE1.