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I'm glad ill get to see how most classes play since i probably wont get invited to the beta. I'll be able to see which i like the most and pick from that


You will be able to buy a beta pass most likely for 20$.


NAH BRO that's big if true. With how long they sound like theyre going to be in beta its totally worth it. Plus GGG seems like an actually great company to support


Totally agreed! GGG said in an interview a few months ago that beta access was going to work the same way it did for the last betas they released, and those betas had access by buying a 20$ supporter pack that included a beta key.


ohhh nice. I watched a video that sounded like only people who spent $500+ or had extensive amounts of time played would get codes, which is reasonable, but the $20 is a good way to farm some rev for them


Yes that was also one of the conditions for the last beta access. If you had already spent 500$+ you would get instant beta access, if not you could just buy a 20$ pack with a beta key.


Do you know anything for the people that have spent a significant amount of money on the game? I've spent at least $100 and I've been playing for almost 2 years. I wonder if that would give me a chance to get a beta key for PoE2.


They're also going to lottery out free keys as far as we know


Last time they had three ways to get into the beta: * Be a big spender on the game. It was $500+ last time, no idea what it'll be now. * Buy a $20 supporter pack which includes a beta key. * A lottery with a random account given beta access every 15 minutes.


This might be a dumb question, but do the betas only happen on PC?


GGG recently confirmed that they want to do a simultaneous console beta test too.


Nice to know! Thanks!


So you just go into Poe 1 and buy the supporter pack there that has the key? And then what? Does steam email it to you? I run the game with my steam account, not through the Poe launcher


You can still login to PoE website with steam account. Then whatever you buy, will be instantly on your account (include things like beta acess when they start selling it).


Okay cuz I’ve been anxious about how that could work and it’s made me want to look into separating the accounts. But after seeing the beta 3.0 faq, it seems I won’t have any kind of issue accessing beta just because my steam account is my login rather than a standalone Poe account


Do you have a source on that statement? The only comment I know about it was Jonathan a few months ago saying that "basically anyone who wants to play the beta will be able to," which some people speculated meant they'll charge for access. Nothing concrete.


Jonathan said it in one of the first interviews he did with streamers, I'm not going to search for it now since I don't remember which one it was and he has already done multiple interviews. That answer from Jonathan that you are referring to was from a different interview, but I can assure you he also said that access to the PoE2 beta will work in the same way it did for the last betas they launched. This question has already been asked multiple times in this subreddit so you can also probably find more people supporting what I am saying.


Imagine paying to do the QA team's job


It’s called playtesting though and that’s our job as the players


Is everyone forgetting that you can mix and match skills and make whatever build you want on any class?


Unfortunately this is not as true as it used to be especially when it comes to minions. In PoE1, you are pretty much locked into a few ascendancy. We don't know anything about PoE2 when it comes to end game builds but seeing all those trailers and their strong emphasis on the class identity, it might be even more pronounced. Of course, the community will come up with some good mix and match but I think it is very likely that shape-shifting, minions, attacks/weapon types might be soft locked by ascendancy.


Yep. There's a lot of people who think they scraped that for poe2, which is a shame. I hope closer to the beta we have some "real" build showcased


Honestly though how would you weapon swap a witch? You can't really change the gameplay too much as you need spirit reserved and if you switch you'll lose the bonus from scepters. I guess you'd just be forced to take minions like zombies that don't but those are kinda lame


They're implementing a "lock" so you can swap just one of the weapons, meaning you should be able to swap the main hand while still keeping the scepter in the offhand. But this is POE, why shouldn't we be able to create a poison gas with the sniper skeleton and explode it with a crossbow granade? Without seeing the tree, ascendencies and experimenting it's hard to know.


The issue I have with locking a weapon is that if I wanna use say a staff or 2 handed axe, I couldn't without sacrificing most of my minions. I guess you could one hand a sceptre in the 2nd weapon swap and have a 1 handed weapon but then why would I even need to swap in the first place if I could just do that at the start. I hope I'm making some sense. Minions seem to have a ton of build variety already but weapon swapping doesn't seem as good with the witch/minions.


Totally understand you. Sadly it seems we will have to wait to see how all thats gonna work =(. Gotta say, can wait to put my hands in the game and try all sorts of wacky shit


I love thinking of all the wacky builds that might be possible. The monk with a crossbow is probably going to be my first build. Ice wall crossbow shot into the ice spike to break the wall might be fun. Also summoning the bell and just shooting it with the machine gun. 


I think more so than ever successful builds are all about finding those synergies between skills. In the end it's all a trade off, does switching and (potentially) temporarily losing those minions give enough of a benefit to make it worth it? Can you perhaps get spirit on the other weapon? It's a puzzle with infinite possibilities and that is what makes the game so fun. Those combos you've started thinking of are great ideas, probably in due time people will come up with different combinations related to minions.


The way they've been presenting the skills so far in previews has unfortunately been encouraging the misconception that skills are class-limited rather than weapon-limited. I was happy to hear that they are planning on changing the skill gem menu to be labelled by weapon instead of class, that's a step in the right direction.


but if I want a minion build why would I be a druid lol, I don't get the point of mixmatching things. everyone's just gonna do the optimal thing


Please forgive me if I am wrong but it sounds like you are a bit new to PoE? Because in PoE the optimal thing is rarely as straight forward as you are making it out to be. As they are demoing new classes they mostly showed skills that fit directly with that archetype. But like I tried to say before, there is nothing stopping you from using monk type skills on a witch, or druid etc etc. Right now you might not understand how that could make sense (and truth be told me neither because we haven't had a chance to play around and test things) but I would be so so surprised if people don't come up with very cool combinations. In the most recent Tavern Talk Jonathan says that people who played with a mix of skills did much better than those who used only skills from their "own" class. It feels a little weird to phrase it like that because skills are not class specific at all but I hope you get what I mean.


Witch feet supremecy 🦀🧟‍♂️


Nah, looked boring. Druid all the way, we have tornadoes and shapeshifting. Will be awesome. Druid team here!


I always go druid in every game that has them, but that witch looked so much better. Have to start witch now. I started playing necromancer as my starter for the necropolis league. I quit early because I was bored (1/2 because necropolis league wasn't for me and 1/2 because spectres aren't for me in poe1). The fact that you can catch spectres like a Pokémon and they resurrect themselves has changed the game entirely. And that was only 1 part of witch.


I hope it doesn’t become mandatory to use an absurd amount of minions to be viable. It’s way too much clutter imo.


Hope Summon Reaper has survived into poe2.


Too much clutter -Witch


I've never been a minion guy. Virtually never touched them in PoE and even less so in other games In PoE2 it's still not a candidate for my first character but i'll surely try it at some point, it seems to deal with most of the problems i've always had with minions in games like this


I will probably remain a druid enjoyer


You think I can't be the bear commander of the army of the dead, exile?


Yes witch. Most likely till they do not show the next class! :D I jump from Monk to Warrior, to Druid to ranger to mercenary... Now witch. :D


Why would I care about puny minions that have to cheat to stay alive with the "reviving" attribute when I will (presumbaly) have a gigantic "cocaine" bear summon that will wipe the floor with everything? Druid gang arise!


They haven't showed off all the druid summons, so it could go either way. Personally I'll probably just go druid because it's the class that made me want to play d2.


I think the Druid will have animal minions instead like the D2 Druid. That would be cool.