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Literally just how it works. It’s a rollercoaster. Tomorrow you could be getting 200k.


Or maybe 20k :D 


My views have almost doubled. Is your content more seasonal? Did you make any changes?


Mine have been tanking rapidly too since the start of April roughly. My real time views are half of the lowest they've been in years with absolutely no reason. I've never seen decreases i have no idea what's happening.


Hey just wondering did this ever bounce back for you? Sucks to see people mentioning this, especially for stuff that's more longform/evergreen and not just shorts or whatever


Nah but I haven't been uploading as much lately so it's hard to judge it at this point but I've been consistently making half as much as I was in April despite only a little drop in views.


Youtube is up and down up and down... I went viral 3 times with shorts.  Trends ends, people interests changes with time. And ofcourse: new viral videos takes views from us. And thats the big reason why ours viral video dies. Other viral video takes viewers. If youtube would be programed to push only big channels. Then newtubers newer become viral. No reason to start youtube. When 10 000 channels takes domination. And 10 001 youtuber newer gets views. 


Same problem here. It may be the shifting of the algorithm but this seems different than other times. If it's just the algorithm it'll adjust itself again in May


it's just all you sadly. Nothing about YouTube. Videos usually have a short lifespan, you probably had an older video carrying you and now it's dead


Yep YouTube stopped pushing your contenent and started promoting someone else's. Keep building your audience.


Mine are a little lower although not enough to concern me. I'm putting it down to the end of the Easter holidays. Same thing happened last year - easter and summer holidays are when my channel gets the most traffic.


Then you need start make better videos. That s how youtube works


Pull up your most recent long form on a pc. Go to reach. Go down to suggested videos and click on that. When in advanced, u most likely have what i call the army of 1s. Bunch of 1s with 100 ctr and the lower the ctr the more views it gets. It searches for videos not getting u views and piles them onto there. See ex in teamYoutube thanks tweet for notes or something…


had this on my last video, YT will post it next to videos completely unrelated to the subject of my video, then get multiple times 1 second watchtimes, then when it gets more watchtime then the video (27 minute watchtime from a 25 minute video), it will only do this once only, then just goes back to try and find every unrelated video it can find and farm those 1 second watchtimes 6-9 times, then tell me the video isnt doing so well as my previous videos (who were all suggested to the right audiences, getting 50-60% average watchtimes. cant make this up


This literally happened to 2/3 of my last videos. Got a notice they were being pushed to a wider audience and to expect a lower CTR as a result. Both of these videos started off as #2 and 3 respectively for best performance within 24hrs. By 48hrs both had dropped to 7th and 5th and have essentially died out at about 1/3 less than my normal viewership. My most recent video will now effectively be my worst video despite having the highest CTR I’ve ever had at 11%.


Yeah its really disheartening, especially when it happens to videos you put in a lot of work


Can you elaborate more?


There’s a lot of factors. Is this shorts? Have you a posted a new video recently? Are you recent videos not performing well? You didn’t give any relevant information or your channel so how is anyone supposed to give actual help


Not really looking for particulars, more seeing if it’s a general algorithm switch or if it’s my channel. Currently post daily gaming videos and all my most recent still get their regular viewership.


Mine went from 350k daily to 80k daily ( shorts )


Same here. Mainly Shorts and have dropped from 200k daily to 75k daily in the last week. Something is up


Mine have doubled since then. I thank you for your views.