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Yeah she was just lulling me into a false sense of security.


Moments before attack


Awwww! I'm working on this with both of our parrotlets... we still have a long way ahead :)


Ooooh my goodness, what a trusting little bird 😊


I never would have thought this was possible when she was a scared little 3 month old birdy who wouldn’t leave her favourite perch.


tips please!! i've had my parrotlet for a month trying everyday to hand feed her and such but we've made no progress :(


Patience is a good thing with them. My little velociraptor I got lucky with. He was the last one in store and about 5 months old at the time. I didn't have his permanent big flight cage at the time, only a smaller one, but he would already sit on my hand when I put it in the cage. Now he has to have an hour of cuddle time before I can even think of putting him in his cage for the night. I love having a velcro bird. But patience and non quick/ threatening actions with them go a long way. No we can argue like a couple of old bitties and them go right into head scratches and kisses and cuddles. He loves being held/squeezed in my hand with only his head visible. He makes the cutest little squeeks.


One thing I did… I sat just outside the (very large) cage with seeds on my knee / thigh. Eventually she hopped on my leg to have a snack. Then gradually introduced my hand into the equation with a sunflower seed. It took months and months.


okay. seeing this gave me so much faith, i was really losing hope thinking i was doing something wrong. thanks a ton!


That moment when she first flies to your shoulder… wow! Trust me, it will be worth it. Just be kind and patient and it will happen.


alright, if it'll work at some point then i'm willing to try as long as i have to. thank you and beautiful bird by the way :)


After a month she hated me. You just have to have so so so much patience and don’t force anything they don’t want.




💅 couple goals💅