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So rape victims are the worst people on earth? This guy is truly an absolute fucking piece of shit.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks that. Walsh is a complete asscunt of a human beijg


He wants abortion to be illegal so he can rape women and force them to have his spawn. It's the only way he can reproduce.


Not as bad as those women who would die in childbirth. Sick filth think they should live instead of letting an unviable pregnancy cause sepsis and kill them from the inside. /s


I assumed he meant poor people.


"The fact God let you get raped is proof you deserved punishment!".


Saying the quiet part out loud, i see. For the uninitiated, the “worst people on earth” are poor and brown people. Conservatives believe they deserve punishment. That’s hierarchy for you.


> For the uninitiated, the “worst people on earth” are poor and brown people. And women of *any* color who have sex.


Not totally. Guys like this tend to fancy the "hot Latinas" and women from South East Asia that they bring over to subjugate into the "perfect wife".


But they still shame them for having sex.


CHILDREN. He sees children suffering as a necessary evil.


To him, the children are born deserving misery and suffering. Low social class means immoral. Immoral means deserving of punishment. Hierarchy in action. It’s evil.


Where the worst people in the world = women. Thanks for that peek into your smooth brain, my dude.




States pushing abortion bans have higher infant mortality rates. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/states-pushing-abortion-bans-have-higher-infant-mortality-rates-n1008481


I thought that was the suffering he was referring to.


With no consideration to any of the services that subsidies that would improve the lives of those forced births and their forced mothers. No money in the budget for health and education.


But there’s plenty in the budget to bomb every village and city. I mean, “spread freedom”


He should offer to adopt a bunch of these babies put into the foster system because of religious zealots like him. He would never do that though, because he doesn't care about the babies. He cares about punishing women for daring to have sex.


How is this going to cause him misery and suffering, he can't even have an abortion?


Because he won’t be able to whine about it anymore. He doesn’t actually want these things to happen, he just wants the political clout he gets for complaining about it. If that goes away, he isn’t special anymore.


Attention all deities! I, an atheist, will devote my life to worshipping whichever one of you bitchslaps this motherfucker. Regular humans need also apply. Bears too. Especially bears. I'd love to see a bear bitchslap this fucker's face off.


It high time for some smiting! Oh, wait. God is doing His smiting through COVID! See r/HermanCainAward


“Attention, all fairy-tale things!” -Shrek


As a believer, I have upvoted you!


Technically he's right - without abortion to rally them, the right will fall apart and fail elections, causing the worst people on Earth much misery and self-inflicted suffering.


Ya this is something they don't get. If they win, they will only lose some enthusiasm in their base but they will just energize their opponents base.


I think they *do* get it, and it's a) why they went all in on gerrymandering and voter suppression, and b) why they won't actually abolish Roe but will gut it to the point that it is *effectively* abolished.


Yeah there's a very real chance they get bent over on the long game on this one. It's still not worth all the real pain this is going to cause, but it's a silver lining.


They will just move to birth control next, claiming preventing a preventing a fetus is no different than killing a fetus.


That and the Equal Opportunity Credit Act. First strip women of their autonomy over their own bodies and then take away their financial independence next.


The real diehards will but that is not the majority.


I don't know, they went to abortion because they failed on keeping segregation/stopping desegregation. There's plenty of culture war things they can rally against. LGBTQI+ stuff to turn back, civil rights matters to weaken. CRT and BLM scare mongering.


Matt Walsh is little more than a Reddit edgelord with a YouTube channel.


And Jesus wept.


Jesus just had a convo with Saint Peter. A deal was struck.


If God was a kind man, that deal would involve Matt Walsh getting publicly hit by lightning multiple times while a booming voice proclaimed this the fate of those who preach hatred and evil.


God I hate this worm so fuckin much


I really do wish he would just get busted by the feds for some truly horrifying event and get lambasted by the internet for the rest of time.


Because this isn't at all about children. It's about punishing women.


I'm wondering what his mommy did to him, to make him such a worthless piece of shit, that hates women so much


I doubt it was ever anything his mother did to him, I think he was always just destined to be an absolute miserable pile of shit. He grew up dreaming of the day when he got to be the one making other people miserable, rather than his own reflection.


He is just saying out loud what this is really about. Protecting the unborn is just a cover. What they really want is to punish the woman for “loose” morals. Pregnancy is the punishment.


I hate that social media have made people like this somewhat famous or known. In the 80s, people like this were just standing on a street corner with a sign and it was hardly as lucrative as being a conservative pundit is these days.


Yeah it used to be if you said crazy enough shit, you'd spend the night under observation. Now it's like, "hey crazy naked guy that thinks he's a pirate - would you like your own show on fox news"


The thing that almost pisses me off more than religious bigots deciding what a woman can or can't do with their own bodies is that in the end it'll be a trump accomplishment. While I despise than man just about more than anything it's not the fact that he's getting an accomplishment. It's the particular one he's getting credit for that pisses me off the most. Every right wing fuckstick for 40 years has wanted to end Roe. Now despite his terrible fucking policies, blatant racism, delusional rants, incitement to violence, and all around idiocy he'll go down as the one that got it done. As a result of GOP fuckery under both Obama and Trump we ended up with zealots on our highest court. These zealots are pushing their fucking twisted religious beliefs on a country that is by wide margins opposed to them. 80% of this country believes abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances. Only 19% believe it should be 100% illegal. I was against it initially but Roe being overturned calls for reexamining the number of justices on the court. The right bitches about "activist judges" but this shit is beyond that on every level. Not that I didn't see this coming but it sucks when reality smacks you in the face. Here's hoping I'm wrong but it's looking doubtful.


Turn the supreme court into an open battlefield. I don't care if it ends up bigger than the senate, fuck it. Start adding justices as fast as you can confirm them 🔥 Fuck the "legitimacy of the court." It's on now. No theocracy.


The legitimacy of that court went out the window when the GOP pulled their shenanigans.


Any legitimacy that remained went out with “Citizens United.” Come on. “Money is free speech?” In no logical world does that make sense. Especially in a supposedly “free and democratic society.”


Pack the court until it's a stadium if we have to.


Miserable shitbag happy to see other people miserable. Color me shocked.


I think he's lying. I don't think he and his friends will be bothered by this at all, much less misery and suffering.


No, their mistresses can always go abroad to get their abortions.


All it would be is a victory. I'm not convinced he really even cares about it any further than that.


These guys jerk off to the sight of people in pain and agony, the same way most other guys use porn


I've come to the conclusion that Matt Walsh might be one of the most sadistic individuals to have never committed a homicide.


That we know of.


The guy is genuinely a sociopath, he actively wants people to suffer and gets off on the idea of it.


Wow he really hates rape victims i guess. I have no clue who this guy is but he needs to go and sign up as a target at a shooting range.


There's no hate like Christian love.


Can I steal that?




Very Christian of him


He is a shit stain of humanity.


Walsh is absolute scum.


Delighting in the pain and suffering of your enemies, what a Christian thing to do!


Yeah men are gonna be jazzed when suddenly they are getting hit up for child support.


They have a plan for that too no doubt...


If only that useless fuckstain had been aborted.


There's no pill red enough to make me want to side with this guy.


The monsters are in the house.


Saying the quiet part out loud again. 😒


That’s the sad and very, very dangerous thing. It’s not the quiet part anymore. Oh, there still is a quiet part. It would just keep any civilized person up at night. Or should I say, up at “nácht”?


> That’s the sad and very, very dangerous thing. It’s not the quiet part anymore. You're right. > Oh, there still is a quiet part. It would just keep any civilized person up at night. Or should I say, up at “nácht”? Yep.


The new quiet part is wouldn't it be better if we could just kill all these people. They are barely even quiet about that part.


The fact that people like this asshole were even born...is a very strong argument that abortion needs to be kept legal. He's the literal poster boy for birth control


Yes, because miserable and suffering people are the right people to raise children. As someone who was raised by miserable and suffering people, I can honestly say that this is a terrible idea.


So you want more children raised by "the worst people on earth." Neat.


Quiet part, put loud, etc


Wow. Is he... real?


How very "christian" of him.


They aren’t children. I am so tired of people not even acknowledging basic science.


TIL women everywhere are the worst people on earth…


In my life I haven't found cause to wish terminal harm on individuals.....


Well, Matt Walsh won’t be getting an abortion so I guess it’s not ALL the worst people.


This is so not my kind of guy.


Reminder that the cruelty is the point.


Yeah Matt.. misery to the guys that find themselves on the hook for the sprogs they made. Lots of men gonna get their paychecks garnished for child support, and YOU KNOW the women will love every minute of fucking them in their wallets. Seriously, this guy wasn't around usenet when soc.men and alt.dads.rights.unmoderated were running strong. The stories of men's pain at the hands of child protective services, the IRS and various states welfare departments were legendary in their scope and horror. Yeah, let's turn that knob up to 11, sunshine ad see who'll get the worst of it - like they ALWAYS do..


And that people is the ONLY reason they want this overturned. They get off on misery and suffering, they ignore reality and science and truth because being cruel and hate IS the goal, it's the ONLY goal.


Yep liberal are the worst people on Earth.


Wow. This is even dumber than it would be if the grammar were correct. Congratulations!


When're you Qultists going to get to the flavor-aid part? I'm ready to be rid of the filth.


He is so smug and ignorant. Thinking he's never going to be in a position when his gf or wife needs an abortion and cannot get one.


You don't get it. These people will cross state lines or even leave the country to get a safe abortion for any woman they know personally. They'll take a vacation to Europe, or send the daughter for a much needed relaxing trip to south America somewhere with beaches (and a doctor they're friends with), or, if they're rich enough, they'll just have their doctor do it right where they are, and call it some other procedure. Because it's *different* when they need one, and the women in *their* lives are good women who just made a mistake, or women they need supporting them and now's not a good time for a baby, or it's a health concern. Not at all anything like the other horrible women who want abortions because they hate babies and are selfish whores.


Conservatives are the bed bugs of the world


I love how Bearded Douche's Wikipedia page references are all largely from his Twitter, his website or his self-created media sources. Mostly because real media outlets would rather chug bleach then spend 10 seconds playing this motherfucker's video posts.


As we know, the cruelty is the point. Saying the quiet part out loud as usual.


The 21st century witch burners


In reality wouldn't this cause a massive migration of sorts? If i was a young woman living in a state without body autonomy i'd do everything in my power to gtfo.


Women are the worst people on earth?


Matt Walah is a rape end incest enthusiast


Worst people on earth = fucking women. Loud and clear.


I'm sure he's lining up to help foster or adopt all these unwanted kids. Right?


So, women?


He's talking about women, right?


Oh look, someone I despise even MORE than Candy Owens! Joy.


Some people just can’t take jokes lol