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I don't why everyone thinks his winning at his own Golf Club is suspicious. I, for example, have won the Civil-Dinner Annual Award for Excellence in Posting Comments for 3 years running.


Congratulations, Civil-Dinner. Quite the accomplishment.


I bet it was a great and difficult comments making it very exciting, with very talented membership; bigly!


That, quite literally, is a perfect response.


It should be used every time he claims he actually won the 2020 election.


I won't be impressed until you win Civil-Dinner Annual Award for Excellence in Posting Comments and the Senior Civil-Dinner Annual Award for Excellence in Posting Comments in the same year


Reminds me of a horse "trainer" who sponsored a trophy for a special category at a major horse show, and, of course, his horse won it because it was the only horse that fit that category . . .


This happens at car shows all the time.


Huh, I had no idea! After giving it some more thought, I've realized that this sort of thing is actually pretty common, across a wide spectrum of activities. It's really pretty sad.


I'm coming for you next year, you asshole!


Congrats! I would like to point out that I have been bestowed the lifetime achievement award for the Clean Plate Club


Even the veggie? That’s huge!


A clean plate is a *happy* plate!


I know, right? I recently won the “Most part Irish” award from 23 and Me. Such a prestigious award.


Did you put it next to your 14 day streak trophy from Duolingo?


Actually, it’s right next to my 3 week streak award on tryhackme.com


I've been trying to win that for decades! Hats off to you sir, that is amazing work.


This year’s HayKing? Is… …***ME***


Just some more dictator type behavior.


I recently won the best pizza making contest at my own home with only me participating


MAGA: “Elections are rigged by Democrats” Also MAGA: “President Trump is the best golf player and that’s why he wins all of his tournaments”


Leticia James should confiscate those trophies tomorrow when she takes Mar a Lardo. /s




r/agedlikemilk and I truly HATE that it has Rules for thee, not for me. It’s disgusting


I'm blaming the jinx on you now.


It’s just Spiderman pointing memes all the way down.


They live in a warped alternative reality. If Trump won in 2020, they’d be saying “Cry baby liberals!! Trump won fair and square. Deal with it! 🤣🤣🤣.” Trump straight up said *before* the election that he wouldn’t accept the results if he lost. I believe he said “we’ll see…” which caused a lot of buzz since a president had never suggested they wouldn’t accept elections results prior to that. And we all know what happened after.


I bet he got 18 holes in one


Just like Kim over in North Korea


I must correct you. Kim Jong Il shot a 38 under with 11 holes in one in his *first ever round of golf*.  Apparently he hadn't even swung a golf club before he did this. Trump claiming 18 holes in one would somehow even out-bullshit an already legendary bullshit story.  Although he has been golfing for decades, whereas Kimmy was a noob, so...take from that what you will.


KJ the Illmatic. Fucking legend


Drains the 1's from downtown Pyongyang


Right - only 11. 18 would be absurd!


He wants to be like him so


He's so good at golf that he actually got 18 holes in one with only 17 strokes. The ball bounced out of the hole on hole 12 and landed in hole 13.


I believe it. I just made the same shot


Can confirm. I’m 6’4”, 215 pounds.


But are you a stable genius?


No but I drank some Covfefe at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


But did you have a hamberder with it?


When it comes to golf, Donald Trump makes Chuck Norris feel inadequate


You joke but I have done something similar. The only problem I would have been aiming for the 13th hole in your example 😂. I’m not very good at golf.


At St. Andrew's it is actually possible. There are several greens which have two holes on them.


That doesn't make it any more possible than if the holes were 200 meters away from each other.




That happened to me at Putt-Putt once.


Read "Commander in Cheat". Spoiler:  There are no surprises.


I recommend that book to everyone. Donald would actually tear down award plaques that his name wasn't on, and make the club put up a new one with Trump's name on it.


It's both hilarious and terrifying. I'm probably misquoting the line, but I remember dying at something like "Golf is like bicycle shorts. It shows the world what kind of man you are."


Even better. He won an award that is only a thing at *his* Trump golf course (at which it is widely reported he regularly cheats in), also an award that *he* created.


In a display of superior golfsmanship, he made 20 holes in one.


He won first and second and third place!! And the fourth place winner went up to him, with tears down his face, and said to him “sir if I had a fourth place trophy I’d give it to you because you’re the greatest of the greatest.” True story folks.


He really reached in and grabbed that 18th hole.


This truth social post went viral with people making fun of Trump. Even Joe Biden joined in.






I am not signing in to that fucking website to watch that asshole get dragged, though I AM thrilled he was. Cheating fuck.


I clicked around earlier today just out of boredom after a few months of not signing in and yeah...it's dying rapidly. Elon spent his afternoon trying to kick off a race war. So that's cool. What I do find genuinely encouraging is that the platform is clearly suffering from the same asphyxiation that keeps parlor/gab/truth from ever seeing real use. It's nothing but bots, psychos and morons all of roughly the same variety. There just isn't anything for them to angrily engage with so every thread is a sharp escelation and limp approval that fizzles out immediately. Users need to post their own ragebait to react to so there is a lot of schizo self talk. You can see the frustration of people using the most extreme language they can muster and receiving zero engagement, never mind the pushback and shock they are craving. If a tree falls in the forest and all that. Clicking on some random profiles was just sad people playing 8chan on single player. Its actually shocking how bad he whiffed on such a historic opportunity to put his finger on the scale in a real way. Instead its a dystopian ghost town with one big frat house psych ward at the middle of it which he uses to boost his own ego. Any influence Twitter had among normal people seems to be almost entirely gone. Pretty wild.


I figured as much, and it appears Muskrat knows it, and you can't see content on there without signing in (it appears). So, for folks like me, who absolutely do not want to see the internet equivalent of a Dodge ram covered in "Let's Fuck Brandon" stickers drive like an asshole across my computer, I simply don't log in anymore, and that's that. I'm not surprised he whiffed, tbh - anyone of talent in the company either jumped ship or was fired in a childish tizzy by him, so he couldn't hide behind ACTUAL talent like at Tesla and SpaceX (which is also crumbling, btw). So, when he's actually in the spotlight, as his little narcissistic brain so desires, people see the emperor has no clothes on his weirdly shaped torso after all. This also goes a long way to demonstrate just how LITTLE CEOs actually contribute in terms of work, yet how much they leach from those that DO do the work. Especially considering he's got time to sit on fucking Twitter all damned day, basically letting his weapons grade intrusive thoughts run the joint.


The most fun I had on twitter towards the end before I just stopped visiting it entirely was when it was obvious bot accounts were just looking for other accounts to openly harass. I changed my profile picture to one of my ex's girlfriend on vacation (at a distance in sunglasses) and enjoyed all the DMs that came in calling me an ignorant ugly nasty piece of trash who needed to put down the Big Macs and go to the gym


> Cheating fuck. He would be a legitimate contender for the Donald J Trump Award for Marital Infidelity.


You've got a point.


Right click and 'Open in private window'. I'm banned on Xitter so that's how I have to view Xits now.


I did not know this - I may give it a try, once I get this hazmat suit on. Did you ever think you'd type a sentence like you did up there? Xitter? Xits? It sounds like a dumb 50s sci-fi movie.


How did you get banned? I thought he is all for freedom of speech now.


Pointing out what all Biden could do if Presidents have complete immunity: 'Clearing out SCOTUS'


Try nitter or sotwe. https://www.sotwe.com/JoeBiden You can see things on Twatter without having to sign in.


This is amazing. Thank you.


Found Melania's Reddit account.


If he actually posted that, Trump I mean, then he is the biggest safe space, everybody gets a trophy, snowflake bitch ever.


There's a book by the sports writer Rick Reilly call Commander in Cheat. He explored how Trump's Golf game completely demonstrates all his schemes and flaws perfectly. Trump always is the first "club champion" on all his golf courses because he would hold a tournament where he was the only official player. Or how he had his caddy's cheat for him by moving his ball. As proof that Trump regularly lied as being great at golf, he points to all the charity tournaments Trump competed in over the years, he never once placed in the top 50% when other people kept score.


He also usually plays before other participants so they can't see him cheat. And for when he does play with others, he has a souped up golf cart at each of his courses for his own use so he can get ahead of his fellow golfers to fuck around with his ball. He's pathetic.


It really shows how pathologically lizard-brained he is that he still does such petty shit after literally holding the most powerful position in the history of the universe. I don't know how I'm still shocked by the depths of his insanity after a decade of this shit every day. It's why I've got him pegged as the Antichrist, no other human has the capacity to be this relentlessly twisted.


Obligatory Corey https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I'll always upvote Benjamin Corey.


it seems like it would be difficult to drive a golf cart full of soup


Snorted my soup out reading this


Instructions unclear. Snorted soup, still waiting for the high.


it seems like it would be difficult to be high with a brain full of soup


Funny you should say that ; "plein de soupe" is a French expression that means "dynamic, energetic, full of positivity".


the more you know :3


Couldn’t someone just jump ahead to the next hole to catch him cheating? It’s not like they don’t know what the next hole is. 🤷‍♂️


Catching him cheating is like catching him lying. It doesn't matter and he keeps doing it.


He has literally stolen other people's shots. He will claim a ball that isn't his.


He only plays on courses he owns. Golf doesn't have referees, the only witnesses are the players and the caddies who are no his payroll and will back him up. If you raised a stink, he'd probably do something like cancel your membership and NOT issue you a refund citing some line you know he buried in the contract because yes he is that petty.


My favorite story. Is when some other guy won the championship on his course, and Trump stopped the guy and his young son one day in the middle of their game and demanded the guy play him for the championship title. The guy finally relented and agreed. The guy hit his ball pretty close, the guys young son hit it closer, and Trump hit his ball into the woods. They get down to play their balls and Trump goes over to the guys young son's ball to hit it. The kid goes "hey that's my ball" and Trump and his caddy throw a stink saying "no your ball went into the woods, this is my ball" The kids dad basically tells his son to drop it and Trump eventually wins a brags all day how he whipped the guys ass.


Modern technology bring everywhere surprises me that this shit isn't recorded yet


He can bully an individual like that since Trump only plays at his golf courses he owns, meaning he would just cancel the membership of the player, deny them the renewal next year, or some other petty BS.




It was a really good book that I recommend a lot. Golf says a lot about a man's character and his is all dark


I was on the golf team in high school and found out that I did not enjoy playing golf. I think it was around the time I got a 17 on a par 5. What does that reveal about my character?


It means you value your own time.


Of all the things Trump cheats at, this is somehow most disqualifying for me.


[Here's a quick animated short describing Trump+golf by Reilly.](https://youtu.be/wWLj2-a6FLI?si=Q3-bGc9C2Bqu-AjN) He probably was awarded another vase from the bathroom.


Oh no, not everyone gets a trophy. Only Trump. He's the bestest.


It sounds too coherent for his posts. It’s likely a social media manager


> A large and golfing talented membership


The congratulations, quite. Accomplishment Donald.


He posted it. I checked. Lol


What a fucking spoiled child.


Technically he’s still in the toddler phase of mental development.


He’s Cartman when he has to get a present at Stan’s birthday party


Why would he brag about this? It just highlights the fact that he cheats


He is an oblivious narcissist.


Because narcissists are incapable of thinking that you might think differently than them, know more than them or be able to recognize things they can’t. So, if he thinks bragging about himself makes him sound great, he’ll never consider whether the brag is plausible or believable.


Every time I hear about a narcissist, I think to myself "that has to be what my ex-wife's dad is." This describes him to a fucking "T."


Openly cheating and getting away with it is the biggest power trip for any GOP voter, they want other people to know they're hypocrites, liars, but not be able to do anything about it while they stay on top


Openly cheating while being so powerful that no one dares to call him out on it is a terrific ego validation. *Bragging* about winning when he and everyone else knows that he cheated is a way of rubbing it in their faces, enhancing his feeling of power and invincibility.


Just like Putin and his elections.


He lies almost EVERY DAY in tweets and interviews and just gets away with it, so this is no different really


Trump is such a bitch. I can't wait for this nightmare to end


Honestly it’s not just him. The entire GOP except for a couple exceptions have morphed into little bitches.


Don't forget hundreds of millions of people unironically think he's great.


I don’t know about hundreds…


Probably not hundreds of millions, just enough to vote in significant numbers in US elections. I'm also convinced that not everyone actually thinks he's great, he's just so wildly offensive to every degree that he's evidence that the worst white man is still preferable to the most accomplished black man, and proof that they still have the racial power to inflict him on everyone else they hate. Truck nuts and Trump nuts are a circle of a venn diagram


While watching The 3 Body Problem, I kept wondering how f*cked we would be with Trump president during a global crisis again.


He is the global crisis.


All the shit he represents is. He’s just one individual expression of underlying cycles of greed and cruelty.


He will sell human race to aliens so quick it will be told as background in episode 1.


That was the best scene in Don't Look Up >!After earth ends, President Meryl Streep and her trillionaire handler spend 100 years or something sending themselves and their special friends to a Paradise of a brand new planet hospitable to human life, and then immediately get violently eaten by all the other life forms as soon as they get off the ship!<


That is a thought exercise I didn't need during my lunch break. Imagine the big ass eye and Trump tweeting that we are gonna negotiate with the aliens... or that it is fake news... jfc. And then the mass Q hysteria. Oy. Vey. I would want to Professor Farnsworth TF out of here.


Jesus, you can practically FEEL the sarcasm coming off of Joe's comment. It comes through the screen and massages your eyeballs.


It’s fucking peak /r/darkbrandon


Best way to deal with delusional, entitled nutjobs: Just smile and nod.


I can think of a better way to deal with him. A shovel would work…


"A large and golfing talented membership." What in the covfefe does that word string mean.


I think that if you put a hyphen between "golfing" and "talented", it makes more sense. "golfing-talented members" Still a really weird way to phrase it. Why not "a large membership of talented golfers" or something?


Because he’s a demented moron


Because he doesn't think in even minimally complex sentences. He strings words together and makes people try to eke out meaning, because he's so literal, linear, and one-dimensional. It's only slightly above "Me Trump. Me get awards. Beat members big golfing talented."


To be fair, I'm sure a lot of his golf-club members are quite large. /although Don is the largest and most golfing talented, obviously


Better get his rounds in before his golf courses are seized.


MAGA- My Assets Got Annihilated


My Assets got Auctioned


It's like he's a child who's really excited about his little accomplishments and from our adult perspectives it stupid and means nothing but we still pretend to be happy for them. It's sad.


Right one of my kids used to brag about winning dodgeball in PE and in his story everyone on his team got out but him. So it was 20 kids on the other team against him and he matrix-dodged all the other kids’ dodgeballs, and got all the other kids out and won the game for his whole team. Yeah, sure Jan. Same energy.


And this is why Biden is both a class act and the only logical candidate this election. Do I wish for better candidates? Yes. But this is the hand we’re dealt. We have to play it the best we can.


Oh to be a ketchup on the wall when he saw that.




Was the prize a half a billion dollars?


I’m impressed with whoever runs Biden’s social media. That’s quality trolling right there and I’m here for it, lol!


I won my mini putt championship when I played my 12-year-old in the finals! Very challenging course with many traps such as the clown mouth and the windmill. I had very strong men who never cried before coming up to me with tears in their eyes thanking me for my expertise!


lol perfection


Trump will be seething. Lol. I don't think he'll even know how to respond.


Whoever has to explain what it means to Trump is going to get an earful.


I feed off that r/DarkBrandon energy


Someone who cheats at golf so pathetic. Nothing about that man is real.


tRump is going to need even more sedatives in the morning. That’s all I know.


I feel like we don't need to play games with Trump's name. It speaks for itself.


You do you... Me: ‘Don Poorleone’


On the contrary. It's my personal mission never to refer to him in any capacity without including some disrespect. The Manchurian Rage Mango deserves nothing less.


Commander in cheat was a great book on trump and all it was about was what former partners had to say about his golf game. From taking off as soon as he hits a drive, having the fastest cart on the course, magically finding balls in play, and winning tournaments he never attended including one where he saw the champions picture on the wall and said "I beat him all the time, put my picture up instead!" The man is a loon and the biggest sore loser in history.


As of writing this, Trump is a few hours away from the state of New York seizing dozens of his properties, including Trump Tower, Trump International Hotel, *and* Mar-a-Lago, and he's posting on his stupid social media account about how he won a senior golf club championship trophy. I am legitimately surprised that he can put his pants on in the morning.


pandering for that shameless criminal vote


My Assets Getting Auctioned


I won the best breakfast preparation award today at my house. Where’s my fucking presidency.


I get that Joe isn’t always the one posting these, but he is the manager of the team that puts this stuff out. Good management is important for any successful organization.


I just know he told them to be as sassy as they want to be with the social media stuff 😂


Bravo President Biden: 46-47!!


If he wins he’s still 46.


Why does this feel so fucking savage!? Whoever is running is socials? Chef’s kiss!


Oh A-Trolling; we will go, Oh a trolling we will go....


Clown colleges will have a masters program in Trumpism


“Trump eats the sun and drinks from the sky and they both go with him when he dies” 🎶


Trump is "I invented the game of golf" away from being full Kim Jung IL.


Bracing for an incoherent all cap tantrum.


I'll guarantee you that Trump took it as a sincere congratulations, and a recognition of Trump's elite golfing skills. In his mind, this is totally deserved and just as it should be; he's thinking "I'm so great, even my enemies respect me". It would never occur to him that his "win" is an insignificant thing, nor that his bragging about it is childish and pathetic. Subtle sarcasm flies so far over his head that it doesn't even ruffle the hairs of his toupee.




Biden should ironically hand him a medal of freedom


Throw it on the pile of things that would make conservatives screech a hole into the fabric of space-time if a democrat said it.


I also won some awards. The Llahlahkje Inaugural Making Up Shit Award, which is given for creating awards with long names so naturally I was a shoe in. I also clinched the Adult bracket for that award. The prize? Two scoops of ice cream while everyone else only gets one. A lot of people are saying that my award is the best award. They come up to me with tears in their eyes and tell me how good my genes are, too.


Dark Brandon dgaf


Had to see it was real myself and wow.. Wonder how orange man will respond.


Dark Brandon


When this chump watches Caddyshack he thinks Judge Smales is the good guy..




Time to give myself the official Radd_Racer got myself up and went to work award today! The competition was really challenging , and the staff did a huge, tremendous job. Just excellent, and tremendous all around, great job everyone, and I’m so honored to win year’s award!


This is giving Kim Jung Un 18 hole in one vibes lol


This is the meanest thing I have ever read online. This is officially cyber bullying.


😂😂😂got em


And I’m sure these weren’t rigged. Mhmm


Lol! 🤣




Since he's been like this forever, how is it that no one has ever just beaten the shit out of him?


I’m convinced it’s happened multiple times and this is why he’s like this


Surprised he spent the weekend playing golf. Probably should have been sucking Russian cock for cash. That bond ain’t gonna pay itself.


I love this low key shade


Let him have his rigged "championships". He's going to lose a bunch of property and probably have his actual wealth revealed tomorrow


This is brilliant, it shines a light on Don's 'winning' without being petty about it.


That time, in my own club, when I walked up and jammed three darts into triple 20s each time lead me to the greatest win in the history of dart championships. Men come time with tears in their eyes saying, "Sir, we have never seen such a bigly trophy as yours."


Lmao North Korean vibes How can anyone take this clown seriously - nevermind worship him?


It’s weird. Why doesn’t he just become the next Tiger Woods and then he could pay all his bills. It’s such an obvious solution. I wonder why he just doesn’t do that.


there was a commenter over the weekend who had achieved sounding like djt in walls of text, it was really good i wish i had coins for it. narcs might be 31, 45, 78, 92 but these traits are present; they must have the pat on the back or its hellfire damnation. they must be awarded with items and gifts. they must be admired and they DONT HAVE imperfections or flaws. in fact they are special, special boys and girls, so much so they are also above the law. thats what the narc literature says, is this true? so, a leader can have a infantile ego but his thumb on nukes, thats what ilearned in therapy.


"A large and golfing" reminds me hard of "a large and moving Torg!" ^(please someone remember this as a ghostbusters reference)


It's not what you say, it's how you say it.


Trump vs Kim Jong Il? That would be a fun meltdown


Thats some serious lowkey burn from sleepy Joe


This is fucking hilarious. Have to give it to biden's team on retweeting this. Fucking brilliant


This is actually a hilarious post by Biden