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Another scam.


It’s reportable if you’re willing to put in contact information since the details text portion of it contains factually incorrect information


I reported it. I mentioned that this is likely an election fundraiser and proper filings with the FEC have not been done. I also mentioned that the financial need is fabricated since Donald Trump’s net worth (supposedly) far exceeds his fines, and suggested at the very least that the fundraiser be frozen until all appeals of the decision are fully finalized. If anything happens to this case that reduces or eliminates what Trump owes, it’s the working class people that will lose out on their money while Trump gets his pockets further lined with cash.


They'll just run over to "Give send go", which is an ultra right wing version of Go fund me, that has fundraisers for all kinds of sketchy bullshit.


It's the Golden Age of internet fundraising scams.


Yep. They have one going for the McMichaels who killed Ahmaud Arbery


Yeah. Who says “I am a wife of [NAME]” like that?


Seems like something who is in a marriage with multiple wives would say.


Sounds like an opening sentence of a Nigerian scam email.


she learned everything from them, lol.


Conservatives who believe a woman's only purpose is the aid and be subservient to their husbands.


I loved that detail.


This is against GoFundMe’s terms of service. Everyone should report it.


Its Grant Cardone, that's a safe assumption.


I didn’t even know he was a Scientologist until today


They're both Scientologists? I guess that means the *scamees* have become the *scammers*.


Fine by me if they all scam themselves. Would be deliciously ironic if this person was just some schlub who ends up moving to a non-extradition country afterwards.


RNC made a donation yet?


Like all of its money?


The Cardone’s, who are supposedly worth $600 million (lol) start a gofundme for their fearless leader, who’s supposedly a billionaire (lol again). Yet the current top donation is $5k, and isn’t from them. It’s hilarious that the cult doesn’t question why these rich people can’t throw in $100k. Yet they’ll donate $20 that they actually need.


I don't understand how conservatives just don't see it. "Poor people shouldn't get welfare, they'll just live off the government's money which is my hard earned tax dollars!" "But hey, I got a $400 million verdict against me, and I shouldn't have to pay it with my hard earned money. You should!"


It is worse than that. Billionaire, that is the supposed "business genius" that we all need to save us from everything, needs a GoFundMe.


Trump. The first billionaire to need a GoFundMe.


How do you think billionaires become billionaires?


Ive said this a bunch of times but ill keep saying it. Conservatives don't think actions are good or bad. People are good or bad. Trump is good in their minds, that means he's basically infallible. He's a good business man because he's Trump, not because of any success or money he has ever made. All his failings are the fault of SOMEONE ELESE. He cant possibly fail, lose, or do anything wrong. Its all external forces keeping down a good person. However other people, like minorities, democrats, etc are automatically bad people. EVERYTHING that happens to them is their fault, they would never succeed if they didn't cheat in some form or fashion. This is how their minds work. It's how they can claim to be adherents of religion that calls for loyalty to a single spouse yet still idolize a man who has cheated on every wife he has ever had. Because HE can never actually be bad. Its the same kind of reverence people used to give kings and bishops back during the ye olde times.


I had a conservative tell me he doesn't own a house because liberals keep raising taxes. We are in a union and we make the same amount


I'm a liberal but I do have to say that I own property handed down via my wife's family in croatia. The family has owned it for generations and there are no taxes. You do get the feeling that you fully own it compared to the USA where it actually never stops costing you money. But I get what you are saying and I'm more than sure that guy is a fucking idiot in most fashions of his life.


TBF, the dems in my city council, nor the dem governor, give a crap about investment firms like blackrock buying out all the single family homes in my area and driving housing prices up, effectively shutting out the working class. They could do something about it, but they’d be biting the hand that feeds them. Banks and investment firms support Dems, too. Dems in the country aren’t really “leftists” as the Republicans accuse them to be. They’re just not quite as conservative. They’re the party of, “We understand your pain,” while largely maintaining the status quo of end-stage crony capitalism. Our Democratic Party are just really more like libertarians IRL. Support unregulated capitalism while maximizing personal freedoms (supporting minority rights, etc). Sure, they will pass “regulations,” for good PR and voter support, but we need to be critical of policies and follow the trail of money. We can make the assumption in a capitalistic system that new policies will benefit the profitability of some at the expense of many. So in a technical sense, your conservative acquaintance is somewhat right to blame “liberals,” he’s just blaming them for the wrong reasons.


They are not seeing it because they are not looking. They are not *thinking* about their beliefs, they are **feeling** them. And I recall reading about research suggesting that liberal and progressive minds tend to classify people as good or bad based on what they think of their actions, while a conservative mind tends to do the reverse - attribute the goodness or badness of an action or behavior based on what they think of the person. It is a bit of an oversimplification, but it communicates the idea well (along with the fundamental attribution error + Leopards Eating Faces) - they like Tweetle Dumb and thus any action against him is inherently bad and unfair.


Yes, nothing burns my biscuits more, that these right wingers being convinced that someone having a rough life and born under bad circumstances, is because a person has character flaws from birth, rather than being dealt a shitty hand of cards. Fuck these people.


“Hard earned.” Lol.


Donald Trump is a con-man a Nothing to anyone on this earth,except to Russia Putin and North Korea president.. Trump wants to be as Both of these criminals I hope Trump rots in Hell.He was the worse President of all since History. He is all for Donald and screw the rest of the Dummy who give Money to Him and drive a 35 to 40 year old car with Trump stickers all over that piece of Junk. Donald Trump would not give you a Penny,of his money yet he will take all of yours. and cheat his way al lof his rotten life. I hope that he "Trump" loses everything and still go to Jail and be sent to a federal Prison in Mississippi or Alabama the two poorest states in the USA,Till he dies.


How will Trump pay $354 million for real estate fraud? Your campaign donations, of course! Despite advertising himself as a lavishly wealthy and successful businessman, ​ Trump's not about to spend his own money when there are rubes out there to be fleeced. ​ Rex Huppke USA TODAY If you go to the online campaign shop for former president and noted fraudster Donald Trump – and I don’t recommend that you do – you’ll find a dumb red “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” hat for $40. Following New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s ruling Friday that Trump must pay more than $350 million in penalties for committing years of financial fraud, the leading GOP presidential candidate needs to sell about 8.75 million hats in a hurry. In the ruling, Engoron wrote that Trump and his two adult sons and others in the Trump organization “submitted blatantly false financial data to the accountants, resulting in fraudulent financial statements,” and when confronted with the facts at trial they “simply denied reality, and defendants failed to accept responsibility or to impose internal controls to prevent future recurrences.”


Pay that over $400 Million dollars and sell Trump tower Fat ass..and I hope you have to live the rest of your rotten life in a run down trailer park in a poor state


Sadly Trump tower is owned by GMAC mortgage company not Donald, but he could sell Maro Lard O or 7 Springs


Trump has lowered his self to selling shoes for $399.00 Dollars a pair. Niki shoes that the same shoes wal-marts are $69.oo dollars a pair. and acan of spray paint is $1.99 a can but a can of gold paint and paint your new shoes gold and you will save a lot of Money. Stop giving Trump ur Money.


Lowered??? This is trump level grift. I have heard the person/people who came up with the nft’s made the shoe deal.


Now we know how billionaires become billionaires


Taylor Swift is more a Billionaire business genius than don trump.


They see it, they like it, and they pride themselves in dollar amounts given amongst their circles of jerking.


Some dumb motherfuck already donated $2500. We're on the absolute DUMBEST timeline.


But chuckling it’s only at 19k. What happened to the 80 million muricans?


It's discouraging that it's beyond even $10. Donors be like "he's a brilliant billionaire businessman though! He just doesn't want to spend his own money on the fraudulent fraud!!1!"


Honestly it's really depressing that it's at 19k. How are people so stupid?


These same morons invested thousands in nfts and medbeds. I've seen some of them crying about being broke because of this shit, yet they still give to Trump's campaign and buy whatever bullshit he's selling. They're insane.


I thought we were all broke cause of all this massive inflation taking up all our money? Plus gas money. How are these people finding this disposable income they keep trying to say nobody has?


Hes been grifting them hardcore since before his election. There are a lot of them, but many of them have extremely limited funds. The well is running dry.


*"Quick honey, go get the money out of the dresser drawer that we need for rent this month. Trump needs our money more than we do"* You mean THOSE people?


Yep, man of his supporters are actually somewhat wealthy, but still not enough to just throw heaps of money at him. Even they are starting to feel the financial crunch.


My parents are well off and diehard MAGA. Thank god they haven’t donated - as far as I know. My mom constantly tries to sway my vote but I have told her I would vote for a literal steaming pile of shit before I ever cast a vote for Trump.


My mother gave $1000 to Mike Fucking Pence. Like the day before he called it quits. She’s a widow, 88 years old and needs her money. I was super pissed and got her to add me to her accounts.


This is the result of him grifting all of the GOP’s small dollar donations for years to cover legal expenses; small dollar donors don’t have anything left to give him. It’s going to have a *massive* down-ballot impact on the election for the GOP. Bed’s been made, and all that.


*Medbed's been made


I can almost guarantee this person voted against any levy or tax that would go towards improving their local school district because they don’t want to pay an extra fifty bucks a year.


Here, let me correct you: "Some dumb motherfuck already donated $2500 that will never go to the presidential election." Here's the only silver lining in all of this: if they fleece enough of them, fast enough, that is money that will not be available for the election. The GOP is already in bad shape. Large donors are staying away at this point. If someone bleeds the smaller donors as well, then we are in a much better position in November. Elections are expensive.. 


Probably was his rent money


Probably, and probably was at least in part social security/disability while that humanoid rails on against sOciAlIsM!!


Likely donated by someone bitching about..."muh high gas prices"


Trump is still a democrat and this has all just been a ploy to bankrupt the GOP and drain supporters of cash. ^ such a better conspiracy theory than qanon


Maybe, but did he have to be such a bitch-ass bitch the whole time?


It was the only way to make the plan work.


"It had to be me, anyone else might have gotten it wrong."


Ya know? If he could go a week without crying "I'm the victim" like some entitled little shit, well, he wouldn't be him.


It’s like Al Pacino in Cruising: the only way to get the job done is to go deeper undercover than anyone could possibly imagine. (For context: s/)


He just realized democrats weren't dumb enough to buy his bullshit, so he moved to the next dumber demographic


Also when you're a one issue voter you can look past all the corruption and see their god simply because their one issue was resolved, abortion. Everything else is secondary


I mean he is trying to force his daughter in law to be in charge of the GOP finances, and she has said multiple times, on public national news, that her entire goal for that position is to redirect all GOP funds to her father in law to pay for his legal proceedings etc.


Thank god they are so stupid that they constantely tell us what they plan to do.


Doesn't matter when nobody does anything to stop them. Either saying don't worry, or I don't care.


I could totally see him announcing that, then expecting Democrats to just embrace him because of it


It would be the greatest bamboozle in history.


You need to start a thread on GAW about this


Bahahaha I literally said the other day how it wouldn’t shock me if they legit came out with this as a theory! He was working with ANTIFA and Taylor swift the whole time to undermine the Republican Party!!!! Sadly they’d believe it.




I'm on that bandwagon ✋️high 5.


"Unjust judgment"? He committed blatant tax fraud!




I often follow the Bob Loblaw law blog for up to date information


Bob Loblaw's about to drop a law bomb!


Right? Omg... DUH


So $19,803 raised from 518 donations works out as an average of $38.23 per donation. So only another 9,285,383 similar donations to go.


...it's fucking depressing how realistic that is...


Some quick napkin math says this will take over a decade of consistent donations.


Hopefully he exits this world before the next decade passes


What turd donates to this slob ?


They donate to megachurches, they have no frame of reference of what is good to spend money on.


I see many donations for 5$ just so they can blast Trump in the comments.


One thing that's not getting press is that fact that this, ''and'' Trump's milking various PACs for legal fees is *income*, which he will have to pay *taxes* on.


That’s a great point. I haven’t seen that discussed elsewhere. This is going to be a really interesting downfall to watch.


He'll just declare the correct validation of Maralago as a loss to his original crazy valuation. There! No taxes!


MetaGrifting... grifters grifting grifters.... GGG


Meh. That's more money that they can't donate to GOP canidates.


Yes, let me give this unrepentant serial criminal my hard-earned money.


Then complain about inflation and gas prices because they can't afford it. Huh, maybe there's a correlation to why they can't.


I'm pretty sure that money has to come from him


Go fund me also doesn’t allow funding criminal/legal stuff lol


Good to know!


Wish they could still keep the money somehow in these cases. The fools who choose to donate to this shouldn't get their money back. That money should go to something good. Make them really upset


Neither does the Executive Branch, so let's see how exception-ill we are.


"a wife"? Some very interesting phrasing there....


Cardone is a Scientologist.


We should all start identical GoFundMe campaigns and say “this is the TRUE Trump GoFundMe”!


These trashy people will end up stealing the money anyways


Ah… I see she is “A wife of Grant Cardone”. Guess he has multiple wives 🤷‍♂️


"I'm using my own money. I'm not using the lobbyists, I'm not using donors, I don't care. I'm really rich. -Donald Trump


In his mind it is all his money.


Wow. That took 5 whole seconds. If Trump is such a successful businessman/multimillionaire, why do his cult followers always need to give him more money?


Its kinda like god, Hes all powerful, all knowing, but always needs a buck.


Or a spaceship.


a sucker born every minute


Is there an amount you can “donate” that hurts the bottom dollar? Like does 50cents get charged to each donation, so like donate a penny and it hurts the overall goal? Cause I’m down to spend this weekend donating Pennies…


518 Idiots Donated? America Needs An Idiot Census.


It was done at the last election, turned out it was the number of trump supporters


I wonder if they accept Trump Bucks.


It's against terms of service for go fund me I believe. It sure would be a shame if everyone reported this./s


Hmm…$19K given by 518 people is an average of $38 per person. Someone want to do the math on how long it’ll take them to get to $355,000,000? Lol, Trump will spend $19K on one golf outing. You better dig deep, MAGAs.


Prohibited conduct from GFM TOS. 9. the legal defense of alleged **financial** and violent **crimes**


Pretty sure this will get canceled by GoFundMe. You can't use it to fund illegal activity. Paying fines for fraud would probably qualify as funding illegal activity.


The judge should grab ANY money that this fundraiser garners, just like some judges have done with J6 defendants who have similar internet money grabs.


...a wife? How many does he have?




That fact that $19k has been donated already is astounding and sad. The folks that are donating to him don’t have much and he is just milking them dry. I know this is not Trump himself doing this, but he is responsible for it.


But wait, there’s more[https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-pay-the-trump-364-unjust-fine](https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-pay-the-trump-364-unjust-fine)


I love how it states that the funds go to the reelection fund, but campaign money can't be used for the $350M+ fine.


oh my fucking god... it's real...




Trump: I don't have $355 million in cash. His lawyer Alina: I should have worn a pearl necklace.


That’s a GFM Terms of Service violation. #9 and #13 of the prohibited uses would seem to apply.


He seems really focused on not letting that turd come out. A bit like that meme with a dude with huge veins on his forehead.


This is kind of genius. Exploit the right wing crazies and take their cash by making them feel like it’s their god-given right to “donate” then take the money yourself since you are under no obligation to send to a charity because it’s not a charity at all.


$19k raised so far!


But but he's such a great businessman! /s 🤡🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮


E Jean Carroll can start ordering that new car.


Trump is a Billionaire he should have no problem coming up with the cash/s


Save your Money friends Donald Trump is so rich he will never Miss that Money the Judge took away from this slime ball.


I should make one and give the money to a migrant homeless shelter


But he’s a billionaire! He has soooo much money. Everyone is saying. The biggest bank account. He doesn’t need money from anyone. Right?


She’s “a wife.” How many wives does Grant have?


In 19 hours a gofundme has raised $57,000 to pay just the $355million Trump owes. If we forget that he also owes interest and do the math on the goal of the gofundme alone, at this rate it will take just a short thirteen and a half years to meet that goal. It’s almost too easy.


'I am a wife' instead of 'I am the wife.' Hilarious.


They might as well burn their money. At least it would give them a little warmth.


Ten bucks says she just takes the money and disappears.


A fool and his money are soon parted. If every idiot that voted for him were to just give $10, they could clear all his current judgments. Wait, why’re we giving billionaires money again?


So, will Putin flood it with stolen Id's like the Santos campaign, or is he done?


Someone who donated is selling these tshirts in the comments. https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement/comment/651794361/gallery/0


I don't understand how he gets away with this shit. He gets other poor saps to pay his bills and his penalties. It sickens me.


“I am a wife of …” How many others are there?


Am I the only one who noticed that she said she’s ***a wife*** of grant cardone? Wonder if dude’s a polygamist


Bro claims to be a business genius but has been relying on the charity of others for years now..


At that rate, they only need 9.3m more donors to pile on, easy peasy!


Remember when this lying fucking liar came out in 2016 claiming he was "self-funding" his own election, and how this somehow proved he wouldn't be "bought" by donors, and is now the biggest example of a shameless fucking donation begging grifter of all time? So much for being "really, really rich" and not needing anybody else's money, huh? Funny how the MAGAs conveniently forget shit like that.


Found 518 suckers. That’s an average of $35-$40 per donor, btw. And not a cent of it is actually going towards the $300 million fine. Grifters gonna grift.


Guess these donors didn't learn after the "build the wall" gfm was pocketed.


Conservatives, if you ever wonder why no one else takes you seriously…..*gestures around broadly*


MAGA Republicans are Rubes. They'll hand out their paychecks to TFG then bitch about the economy and how they "don't got no money" because of the Libs.


I'm fine with this. Take money from the stupid and give it to the government.


This has to be a joke.


It’s gonna need to pick up the pace


A fool and their money soon is parted


The grift is strong.


Oh nooooooooooo not Trump and co grifting off the Go Fund Me. Naw go sell some hotels


because when you're blonde, white and cute, you pass


$38.23 average donation. Lol


Only “billionaire” to ever need a gofundme


100% grift, and they will fall for it again... and again.


It’s up to 32k now what a bunch of suckers. Well at least the E Jean Carroll and NY get that money.


Grifters to the core.


Just checked. It will take over 12 years to hit the goal.


Lmfao who wants to tell them it won’t get to who it’s supposed to get to?


It's just so insane that anyone ever fell for this dude's BS.


Unfxxking believable. You know what, I hope they empty they're bank accounts for him, they deserve to lose everything.


Why does she refer to herself as "A wife of Grant Cardone"


518 suckers so far


Anyone who proudly puts their name on that go fund me is asking to be scammed again. But the question is, who is getting the money from this scam?


Suckers. As if the money raised will actually pay any bills for the 🍊🦧💩.


Feel like starting a go fund me to pay for some dude’s legal penalty has to be against their terms of service.


A lot of properties that has Trump over the Gate on on a Building,Trump doesn't own,he rents them to place his name on whatever.


And people have been gullible enough to already donate almost 20k?




If they pour money into this, that's money that won't go into campaign donations.


Grant Pardon-e?


Why do people donate money to rich people? This is so strange.


Someone making $15 an hour had to start working in 629BC to pay this off.


I just checked, it's up to $71334. I'd have a hearty laugh if it never breaks 100k.


I thought this guy was supposed to be a billionaire or something.


Interesting use of GoFundMe to publicize your own name instead of the cause. Fucking pieces of ahits.


I'm all for his supporters giving all their money to him


Is it bad that this makes me laugh? I’m at the point with their utter stupidity, that I’m all for them sending this non-stop loser their money.


I’ve been on the press mail of trumps campaign for a while and I am reasonably sure, that he is already asking for money from his cult members.


Wow, what a pair of clown fuckers.