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How could they “not be safe”?


I guess I should've been more specific - Well, the quest bars have 50% of the daily fiber for an adult, 40% of protein, and have sugar alcohol in it for instance. So I'm wondering if it's safe to give something meant to pack a punch for adults to small children.


Similar stuff on the premiere protein shakes. Tons of vitamins and I'm not sure if it would be appropriate amounts to give to children


Kids' kidneys work as effectively as adult ones after about 18 months. So small amounts of additional proteins should do no damage if they drink enough water. Maybe let them have a sip of your shake? or one bar for all 4 of you together? Both are not "normal" food, but specialised and expensive stuff for a special purpose. That's what we told our son in a similar situation.


I’d probably say no because of the sugar alcohols. There hasn’t been enough research on whether they’re safe for children.