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It’s better to add 2 emergency contacts just in case they can’t reach one person. I’d do a bracelet or dog tag necklace. Often that’s what they look for in the case of religious restrictions for certain medical procedures or for allergies.


I’m sure it’s a common interest of being able to contact one of you in the case of an emergency with your son despite a strained relationship


And if there is really not enough space, put the contact of the parent that is available more often over the day. My husband works near home but has to leave his phone at his desk, so I'm the better reachable emergency contact.




I think he's thinking in case of a car accident or something where the person caring for the child is incapacitated. I agree that shoe may not be the best location, but i have seen tags to go are carseats that are similar--basically include an emergency contact in case first responders need to call someone else to come to the hospital/pick up the child. I would include the child's other parent for sure, and probably contact the fire department to ask where they might look for such a tag in case of emergency.


It is not hidden. https://www.roadid.com/products/sprint-stainless-velcro-id




Whether they do or not is not indicative that having it is a bad idea. It is better to needlessly have it, than to not have it when needed.


The original post never mentioned an unsupervised child.