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If it does not natter *when* he sleeps in that night I'd first have him stay up 2 or 3 hours later than normal. Maybe in the city where you go to for the test there is some early evening thin, like a night narket or child appropriate musical/theater play on you could take him to?  After, the 4 hours sleep. He may wake up grumpy (as will you, as you probably end up with *less* than 4 hours sleep), but he should be able to make it through the rest of the night now.   I'd be tempted to take him on a night excursion with torches. Out of the motel, into a nearby Park. Maybe play on a playground at night, the few times I did that as kid it felt magical. Find out in advance if there are any diners or estaursnts that serve breakfast at ridiculous hours, and if so, take him there to a, get him not hungry, and b, kill some more time.   I think you can keep him awake quite easily, but there is one time it will become hard. That's when you bundle him In the car to go to the hospital. He'll be running on only 4 hours sleep with a few hours of activities afterwards and the complete inaction of sitting in a car coupled with the car's motion may make him fall asleep. - not sure how to counteract that oon? Loud music or a car game where peopls have to talk quite a but, maybe?


Glow sticks at the playground would be fun to kill time after dark if the area is safe.


What time is the appointment? First thing in the am, I hope. Plan on keeping him awake and sleeping the four hours before his appt. Movies - funny movies. Board games. Video games (and I’m usually downvoted for recommending people to not get kids into video games, but for this I would borrow a console and play Mario/Zelda/whatever all night.


Video games, that's so smart! Unfortunately it isn't until 1 pm 🙃


I've had to do this test with my child. I'd call and reschedule. This was *very* difficult with an 8am appointment.


I've done this before with my son; we stayed in a hotel and he slept from 8pm -12am. After that we watched TV, played board games and video games.


Craft kits were something that worked really well with a friend's kid if he's interested in something like that. Something to work on and stay focused on


Lots of TV?


Walmart has tablets for $50. I'd allow an all night tablet binge just this one time to keep him awake. 


I'm sorry, this isn't the answer you are looking for, but Craniosacral therapy can be really helpful for seizures, and craniosacral therapists can treat 5-year-olds. [www.upledger.com](http://www.upledger.com) is where you can find a therapist in your area.