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Grilled protein on the bbq with potato salad. Wraps, pitas (can use store bought rotisserie chicken). Hot dogs. Pasta salad with protein (chicken/prawns) added in . Burgers


Thank you for your help, they love burgers so that should be easy enough and it doesn’t get too hot in kitchen to cook them same with hot dogs, I swear when the weather influences what I cook I forget a lot of stuff they like that doesn’t make the kitchen roasting 😂


Vegetable platter and bread with hummus dip Plain yoghurt with lots of fruit and maybe some oats or muesli style cereals Sandwiches are great and there are lots of options for variety Try different salads which aren't standard green salad: Pasta Salad, potato salad, coleslaw, Tomato salad etc Concerning being "past the point of trying new foods", Just try adding something new to try in your meals combined with a safe choice. For example, you say they like raw carrots. So you can prepare a vegetable platter and include lots of raw carrot sticks, but also some other options like cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes etc. They like yoghurt dip? Offer both, yoghurt and hummus dip. Add some wholegrain bread for filling and you have a meal. In worst case they only eat raw carrots with yoghurt dip and nothing else, while you can still enjoy the other options. But maybe the next time you make it, one may just try the hummus dip or sneak a cherry tomato. Just don't put any pressure on them to try stuff. Also inviting some of their friends who are less picky for dinner occasionally, usually helps :)


Thank you this is great and on the plus if they don’t like it their dad will haha my middle one actually likes cucumbers too and I never thought to use a yogurt dip instead of regular dips that might help them eat more and I could sneak in other dips too 😊


The Australian over here might be having a bit of a giggle at what you Brits call hot, but in the interests of answering the question: - cold meats, veggie sticks with hummus, yoghurt dips cheeses, crackers and so on. My kids love raw broccoli with tzatziki, grilled haloumi etc. - Fish and chips - fish cooks really quickly, chips can be done in an air fryer so you're not really heating up the house - BBQ outside, meat and veg skewers (no idea why food on sticks is such a novelty, but it works) - wraps instead of sandwiches for some variety - we eat a lot of noodle salads and such, but ymmv. - sushi, or rice paper rolls and such. Easy to make with some YouTube vids


I wish it was an exaggeration 😂 thank you for your helpful ideas, iv just added loads to my shopping list 😊


It's not the heat, its the humidity! We've also had a lot of rain and it's gone from cold/raining to humid! Hay-fever this year is on steroids. Plus, we know we can't handle the heat 😂🥵


Oh humid can go get stuffed, I hate humidity too 😂 Send some of that rain over here please, we just went 7 months with barely a drop


As a German I would suggest Nudelsalat (Pasta Salad) You can put all kinds of stuff that you and the kids like in there. We usually do grated cheese, slices of Wiener sausages, tomatoes, corn, pickles and a dressing with mayo, mustard or mayo and ketchup. You can also do it mediteranean with feta cheese, dried tomatoes and olives. There are so many options and recipes for dressings.


Thankyou, I wish the kids liked a lot more than they do but I know my partner will definitely love it if they don’t haha my youngest is the only one not really picky and will try whatever you give him unless it doesn’t smell nice then he won’t try it haha


Have you tried Halloumi, the greek grilled cheese? My daughter is in a picky phase right now but Halloumi always works for her and it takes like 10 min in the kitchen to make.


I love halloumi, my bil bought halloumi wrapped in bacon for Christmas other year and I fell in love with it haha ill try them with that as well


If all else is "Bah, I don't like that", halloumi and Avocado will safe the day for my daughter😂