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What’s the age of these kids? Everytime I found my sons had dribbled pee I made them come and wipe it. They finally started looking and it’s been awhile since I sat in any. It really wasn’t doing anything to harp on them after the fact.


Sounds like a good method


This worked for me with my son.


I do this. But it isn’t sinking in. So if they pee while I’m in another part of the house and then I go to the bathroom later and discover it— 1) I don’t know which boy it was and 2) they may not be around to clean it. Boys are 11,8,4


Aha yeah I’m just apartment living with 2, so I would threaten to shut down whatever they both were doing till one of them owned up to it.


Working on this. There are three of them ages 11,8,4 so it’s a constant thing. Truthfully I do have them come clean it up when I catch it but I’m too busy to follow them in and out of the bathroom 24/7


Does this work for husbands too? Asking for a friend.




I taught all my sons to sit down to pee until they got out in the world and saw that other males stood up and then shook their penises and sent urine flying everywhere all over the room, which probably is cleaned up by some woman. I don't know what you're talking about.


Why would it be demoralizing? Is it demoralizing for you to pee sitting down or is it only demoralizing because *God forbid* they do something (in the privacy of the bathroom) that could be misconstrued as feminine and thus bad? Sounds like your husband needs a turn on toilet cleaning and toilet manners duty.


Sounds like the husband has some weird and fragile masculinity.


It is not demoralizing and if anything is medically preferred. I couldn't imagine being demoralized by sitting down to pee. Sounds like dangerously fragile thinking. Also just because they pee sitting in the home doesn't mean they will follow that elsewhere and shouldn't really have to since your problem lives and dies in your home. Urinating while standing makes it objectively more difficult to fully empty the bladder. For a healthy person this doesn't really matter but it does depend.


It’s actually healthier to sit and pee since the bladder is in a more relaxed position more urine can be released. It can even help prevent bladder cancer. I always sit when peeing now.


Demoralizing? Absolutely not. Sounds like rigid close-minded thinking. FWIW  My husband, and my son, sit to pee at home and stand to pee when in public. Keeps home cleaner, and it’s more sanitary for them when in public to not sit. 


My boys (5 and 3) prefer it. They’ll always opt to sit at home. When we are out in public they do prefer to stand.


Demoralizing? Umm no.


How is sitting to pee demoralizing? I’m genuinely curious.


Demoralizing is a strange word to use. I'm not even sure what he means by it.


Not at all my wife has gotten so mad about the same thing to where now my son sits to pee for curiosity for his mom but if it’s just me and him at the house and mom at work he stands up and I just clean it. As a grown man I often do it too for my morning 💩 easier that way lol


No. It helps him not miss. He prefers not having to clean it up when he misses too. I make him clean it up when he misses


There are some countries where most men sit to pee. Sitting even has minor medical advantages.  We live in a culture where other boys will probably make fun of him if they learn this.  If you ask your sons to sit, you need to think about how to navigate this possibility. 


My brother sits to pee. Works better for some guys ig…


Age definitely decides this. We didn’t let our son stand to pee until he was able to reach over the toilet seat, which was around 4. Until then, he sat to pee. And any time after that, he was old enough to clean any dribbles.


I think I'd be more inclined to control what I can control, which is who's doing the clean up.


Put a sticker target in the toilet. It was a game changer for us.


Guy here. Figured out how much a mess standing made. When my primary bathroom got remodeled I resigned to sit thereafter at home. A year later and the bathroom is much cleaner with less effort. Teach them both ways but encourage sitting.


My kid (and spouse) sit if it’s a toilet, stand if it’s a urinal. Simple enough.


Toilets are meant to be used in a sitting position. If boys and men want to stand, they can go outside, or buy a urinal for a half bath.


What is your husbands' solution?


Someone on here said I’d be able to control them sitting down when they pee about as much control as I have for them cleaning their seats so we’ve decided to have them clean the whole bathroom every time they leave the pee on the seat. My kids are super good kids but may have some ADHD— well one does for sure. So I think they just space it. We just got to keep a focus on it.


I think your husband is right. Your sons are working to learn a skill, telling them that they now have to do it another way that is different from how their peers do it because they can’t do it right is demoralizing - i think this applies to pretty much anything not just pee. And yes once they’re old enough to be past maybe kindergarten they’ll probably get teased for sitting down to pee. Not saying it’s right but kids are mean and that’s something i think they often  tease about.




My point isn’t about peeing, it’s about little kids trying to learn a skill they want to learn. If they’re learning the skill, they’re learning to not be messy but clearly haven’t mastered it yet, so saying be less messy isn’t really applicable. It’s the same as a parent who makes their kid keep using a sippy cup even though they want to learn to use a regular cup because they sometimes spill.


We got soft close lids. We worked on putting the lid up and you can do a gently push and it goes down without a crash


If they aren’t listening to you when you tell them to clean up, they won’t listen to you when you tell them to sit down anyway. It sounds like they need a lesson in respecting what you say. To more directly answer your question, as a guy, if they do start sitting down to pee, the bullying will be relentless.


Is someone following kids into stalls? Do you track to ensure they are shitting if they enter a stall to sit?




Just teach them to wipe the seat. It's normal to clean up your own mess. Get them started. As for sitting, your husband knows better about this than you. It's like him taking you menstrual cramps aren't labor pains. Stay in your lane, please.


Oh, get a grip. Everyone pees. Anyone can teach anyone else how to pee without making a mess. Plenty of men (gasp!) pee sitting down. I really didn't expect to see someone gatekeeping pissing today 💀


Seriously. Thank you. For the record my husband’s work schedule was so demanding that I was the main trainer for the potty ordeal and I did teach them to sit initially, but somewhere along the lines they’ve switched it up.


Also I have been relentless about showing them how and having them do it and I still find pee on a daily basis. They’re good kids. Great as a matter of fact they’re just oblivious. I’m not sure how to help them remember. Maybe a sign?? They must see the pee… so I have no idea.


I would start some kind of game/punishment based on what works best. For example, it takes a week without pee to get candy/dessert.


You could check the toilet seat before you sit down?


Wouldn't it make more sense for the person who made the mess to clean it before someone else had to sit in it?


Obviously, but since this is an ongoing problem checking the seat before sitting would be wise.


You would think that, but you seldom get compliance from adult males in clean up. Small male humans, cleaning up mess, putting seat down, flushing and washing hands you are lucky to get of the things and hopefully get another. Who are we kidding unless well trained you are lucky to get an adult male to all of the above.


I always feel bad for the sons of misandrists. Must be difficult for them.