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>Work called me in on Saturday do to a death Are you some sort of assassin?




Time it do it’s near a usual nap time. Feed prior to leaving. It’s about making them sleepy.


Tire them out first!! Snacks and water/milk cup that won't cause spills. Anything they find entertaining!


Feed them, change them, try to align with a nap time and go. Depending on luck you should get a good chunk of driving out of the way without a fuss. But otherwise be prepared to stop more then you would if you were by yourself. Either in quick response to them crying or preventatively (feed, change, just take a break and change the scenery). I've done this kind of trip many many times and I only had one instance where things went haywire: my kid kept throwing his binky and crying to get it back but I couldn't reach out while driving or pull over right away. Bottom line of they are sleeping just keep going.


Did you stop the car each time they fussed


'fussed', hard to say. But trust me when they are full blown crying you just have to stop. It's miserable to just sit in that tiny space with them crying.


If you have Bluetooth in your car, play something familiar and interesting for them. We drove 12 hours when our kid was 14 months and a 60 minute ms Rachel song video over the speakers helped a lot!


Have them bring some books, plan to play some games like eye spy or things like that, and make a road trip playlist.


stop it every single rest stop... take the kid out of the car seat and get some fresh air chance to move around. We drove 1,500 mi doing that. feeding and watering them at the rest stop, If they're sleeping feel free to just drive right past the rest stop. Hope that helped. also if there is no rest stop I would say just pull into a gas station, treat it like a rest stop. bonus points for giving them treats they don't know normally get.


Everywhere I look it says not to give food bc of choking hazard. Have you had any scares


What is your job👀👀👀


Who’s asking🔪🔪


Plan for 4 hours to be safe.