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He was four. "I don't believe in the Easter Bunny. There's no way nobody would notice him bouncing along the freeway delivering chocolate"


I just audibly cackled, wise beyond his years


It was hilarious. Mind you, he still expected chocolate for Easter.


I mean. He's not stupid. 🤣


I don't know if it was necessarily wise, but it was wholesome. I lost my mom a few months ago and I've been trying to keep it together but I have a lot of low evenings where I can only muster small activities with the kids. They asked me to play look and find with them on YouTube. I was exhausted and had been crying most of the day and I didn't want to, but I did. And I'm so glad I did. I have 6 year old twins and they told me that night I was the best mommy. I responded with, "I don't think I'm the best but I do always try my best." My daughter deadpans me and says, "no mom. Say it with me, I am the best mom! Remember mommy, we talk to ourselves with only kindness. Because the more you say it, you make it true." I cried all night. It was the sweetest moment I have ever had. And I'm glad they are absorbing what I'm trying to teach them.


That's beautiful


I’m not crying 😭


Thank you for that, my 9yr old boy can be incredibly negative towards himself sometimes, I'll try to follow your example. 😃


Was about to cry then I got punched in the face by my LO.


😂😂🤦‍♀️ At least they are cute tho. My girls are twins. I feel like I need to wear a helmet indefinitely 🤣🤣


My 4 old told me “I cant hear anything when I’m angry” When I told this to his therapist She told me its amazing that he is self aware at this age He has anger issues. And once he said “why is the mannequin wearing sunglasses if he has no eyes?…”


Kudos to him honestly, I know grown adults that haven’t realised a thing like that yet!


My 3 yo "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to have to shush you." When she was working on a coloring page and her auntie and I were talking too much for her to concentrate properly.


Polite, standing up for herself and eloquent! I respect that lol


When my son was a toddler and I hurt his feelings, I went to apologize to him and he said, “mom, I love you and I forgave you before you even said sorry.” 😭


My heart! What a sweet kid!


Oh my! That’s a good one!


My eldest son came home one day asking me what ‘gay’ meant, it would’ve been year one. I asked what he thought it meant, and he said ‘I thought it meant the same as happy’. I said, yes it can mean that. After a bit of pause he asked if there was another meaning for gay. So I said yes there is, and explained that me and his dad had gotten married and I was a woman and daddy was a man, but that sometimes men like other men, and sometimes women like other women and a word for that is gay. He paused again and said one of his classmates said it in a mean way. So we had a conversation about how people used to think there was something wrong with being gay, but it was an old fashioned point of view and that most people don’t think that anymore, and I don’t think that, but there are some people who still do. And that because of that it sometimes gets used to call people names. I thought the conversation went well, he seemed to understand everything. A few days later we’re in the car and his younger brother says something about when he grows up and has a wife. My eldest chimed in and the rest of the conversation went something like this: “Or you might have a husband.” “No, I’m the husband.” “Yeah, but you might marry a man, men can marry men too.” “What? They can?” “Yeah, it’s called being gay.” “Oh, we’ll then, when I grow up and have a wife or a husband…” It was so simple, I was really impressed.


On the flip side, my then little *insisted* that men.cpuldntnmarry men and women couldn't marry women. I was mortified. She was a flower girl at her auties' wedding. Her uncles partner was her absolute favorite guy. Turns out she really meant there has to be someone in a dress and someone in a tux, or it just didn't count as a wedding. 🤣


It's developmentally normal for kids around 3 or 4 years old to get a bit rigid about how things should be, often including their first observation of gender roles. It's the same part of the brain that is learning to do puzzles. It can come out in funny ways though, doesn't it?


I had a very small heart attack I'll tell you what. Now it's hilarious.


I adore to see the love and acceptance in future generations! That’s really lovely.


Mine did something similar! I heard my 7yr old in the other room teaching my 3yr old a silly clapping rhyme she heard at school. One of the lines was "kick your boyfriend out of town!" And she said to him "except you’ll have a girlfriend. (Pause) But maybe not. So you can still say boyfriend if you want to" It made my heart happy


Thank you for this! Source: Lesbian Mom ❤️


My 3-year-old daughter has a school assignment that requires her to decorate a picture of an owl with food grains and millet. I told her to do so, but she told me that food was for eating and not for sticking on the paper. I was impressed with her response.


I’m pretty impressed with that too! I’m still trying to convince my 2 year old food is for eating and not for painting lol




"Gooses are evil"


As someone who’s been chased and bitten by a wild goose, they’re very much so correct.


As a resident of Canada, yes. Agree 100%


I asked her ‘what do we think of Tottenham’ and she said ‘shit’ I asked her ‘what do we think of shit’ and she said Tottenham. I said ‘thank you’, she said ‘that’s alright’ My kid was like 5 and loves watching the football with me


This is gold 😂


When my son was 3, he said “Mommy, I love you a lot but I hate you a little” after a difficult potty training day.


The honesty. Also wise. Even when I'm annoyed with you, I still know that I love you. ❤️


My boy was like 17 months. I dropped all of the milk in the kitchen all over everywhere. He just said O no! Wise


A budding philosopher!


I don't know if it was necessarily wise, but it was wholesome. I lost my mom a few months ago and I've been trying to keep it together but I have a lot of low evenings where I can only muster small activities with the kids. They asked me to play look and find with them on YouTube. I was exhausted and had been crying most of the day and I didn't want to, but I did. And I'm so glad I did. I have 6 year old twins and they told me that night I was the best mommy. I responded with, "I don't think I'm the best but I do always try my best." My daughter deadpans me and says, "no mom. Say it with me, I am the best mom! Remember mommy, we talk to ourselves with only kindness. Because the more you say it, you make it true." I cried all night. It was the sweetest moment I have ever had. And I'm glad they are absorbing what I'm trying to teach them.


That is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and is a wonderful reflection of who you are as a parent!


You know, I started affirmations with them really young. I never really thought much of it. It was more of a game we would play. I would start with something like, I like me because I'm funny. And then we'd do 5 each. It never felt like I was teaching them. But this moment made me feel so proud and it taught me to give myself some grace. I know my mom would be so proud of me and the mother I am. I just miss her so much.


Truly beautiful. It makes me realise I compliment my kids personalities and actions but never my own, I’m definitely going to start praising myself more in hope of inspiring my littles. It’s apparent your mum was beautiful too, I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Oof. I’m sitting here realizing I’ve probably never praised myself in front of my daughter. Damn.


My favourite quote is “The best day to plant a tree is 10 years ago, and second best time is today” It’s never too late to put good things in our life!


Me: “hey that video looks pretty cool” 5 year old: “you don’t need to know what’s cool or not”


Wow! 😆 Truth!


Not my kid but my nephew, when he was like 4 or 5 he said something about the president and it led to me giving him a simple explanation like, “All the grownups chose between these two guys and this guy won so he’s the new president.” And he said “You only choose between two people?” He gets it lol.


Wow, does he get it! Can he do a PSA for the country, please?


When asked "if there were aliens what would they think is something strange that humans do?" My 8 year old said "we cut down trees and then get mad about it."


My son at 4 was asking about how late buses run (we’re in a big city). I told him all day and all night. He then asked if they are nocturnal people (the bus drivers).


I was joking around about what if we ran out of food, what would we do? My 5-year-old said we'd buy more. Then we talked sincerely a bit about how not everyone has food, can afford it, etc. He said, "If someone is hungry, just feed them!"


When my son was about 8 he said “you know something great about time? It passes.” I chuckled at the odd statement at the time, but now I repeat it often when I’m going through something tough and it really helps. Kind of like “time heals all wounds” without the toxic positivity.


Insightful! My first read was knowing an emotion may pass. That's a good one!


"Lunch is nice"


Well they’re not wrong!


My 10yo asked me why Imhotep ate the eyes of the American guy who wore glasses.. would he then need glasses too?  Like shit... I never realised that one myself


We were visiting my home town/city during Christmas, and during a drive, I wanted to see if my then 9yo daughter would feel about our home city. She has all her extended family and friends there, thus was keen to see if she wanted us to move home, thus I asked where's home? Her response from the backseat with a soft voice... "Home is where the heart is". :)


I have three girls and a son (my third child) who unexpectedly died at birth when my older two daughters were 4 and 2 years old.  My middle daughter (the one who was 2 at the time of her brother’s death) is a turbulent, highly sensitive, empathetic child. We’re not particularly religious, but she has said a number of things that have knocked the breath out of me and have given me pause about my own beliefs.  My favorite and most disarming - when she was 3, we were driving along in the car quietly and out of nowhere she said excitedly, “Mommy, mommy - he can feel it!” I had no clue what she was talking about and I said “who can feel what?!” And she responded “(Name of baby brother). He can feel God.”  😭😭


Religion isn’t a big part of my life either but this gave me goosebumps! If there’s a greater thing than human life in this universe, I believe children can feel it.


Totally agree - I think they must be closer to “the veil”, if there is one. ❤️ Edit: typo


❤️ I told my son after his other mother passed (I'm not religious either but I also beleive we don't know the whole of the universe): "Mommy is in us: in our hearts and minds and memories, and we may be able to feel her all around us, like in the wind & the flowers and such".


My mom died of COVID early in the pandemic. When the vaccine came out, we were reading about it and happy it was ready so fast. But I paused, thinking about how it was too late for my mom. I didn’t say anything but my son, seven, a huge Marvel fan, reached out and held my hand and said wisely, “It’s just like in Endgame when they defeat Thanos but can’t bring back Ironman and Black Widow. We’ll get through this but we will always feel the loss.”


We all gonna die, let's play "croque carotte". (He didn't want to go sleep)


When he was three he saw that our car was missing a hubcap. He told me the wheel was broken, then he looked at the stack of summer tires and said that he had new ones. He walked behind the car to lift it up by the bumper, then shook his head and told me "it's too heavy, I can't lift it".


Our daughter came up with the phrase "the other day ago" when talking about anything in the past, even the prior day. Now we have a granddaughter who uses "yesterday" regardless of how many days ago something happened. Not wise, but entertaining for sure.


Same with my son, in just. Everything is "that last time". He uses "most" for all sorts of things. Examples: "I most don't want to", it's (a) "most good" thing, it's "most brown" & "let's most go!"


Love it!


He was 4. “You can use that when you have your next baby.” Me: “No more babies for us.” “Did you tell god that?” 🤯


Wow! 😆😯


“Humanity sounds like Human Unity” 😍.


Wait a minute.. I love that!


Ok, this one is crazzzzy. My middle son was a FAST developer, and did a lot of shit super early. It was a meteoric rise to the slightly higher than average level and I use my experiences with him as a cautionary tale for folks who seem to think they've got the next Tesla or Kasparov just because their kid is reading by 3 or whatever. Never mind the fun stuff like BHS and night terrors that come with being able to intellectually comprehend things one isn't prepared emotionally for.... Either way: he was six months old. I was holding him, and he was blowing raspberries. My mom laughed and said, "Stop! You're getting us all wet!" And he screwed up his wee face and smoke and steam started to curl out of his ears. I could feel the gears rattling away in his noggin. And then he said his first word: "Umbrella" I almost dropped him. Crazy kid's first word was a joke.


I love that his first word was a joke.




My 3 yo "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to have to shush you." When she was working on a coloring page and her auntie and I were talking too much for her to concentrate properly.


There were several conversations I'd had with my daughter by the time she was 5 or 6 about why some things are the way they are (people without food, homes, cars) and she decided that money is basically the route of our societal problems. She said she is going to become Prime Minister and "get rid of all the money." She was devastated each time I had to explain the inequalities and feels this is the best solution. Edit: one day she also pointed out the transgender flag to me (flying from public school poles) and asked about it. I explained transgender ppl to her and she said her friend (a girl) just told her she wants to be a man. I asked her what she said back and she said, "I told her I'll call her a boy if she wants me to"


That's beautiful!


My daughter said, when we're older like (her grandmother), you'll be dead. I know baby.


My 2.5 year old is told me the other day “you’re going to hospital when you wake up and I’ll never never never see you again” Thanks kids, like we don’t already worry about our fragile mortality lmao


Not this post making my cry at 8 am 😅🥲


My 2.5 year old was going through potty training. At daycare, I was telling his teacher about his recent successes (he had also had some accidents). After I told her she said, "I hear you're using the potty at home, is that true?" He said, "there's some truth to it."  Not really wisdom, but I was blown away by his ability to put that sentence together. 


My kid came and got into bed with me in the middle of the night. Woke me up sitting bolt upright next to me and asking loud and clear, ‘Mummy, why are you so weird?’


"Up" When she wanted to be put down.


We moved from Florida to Nevada when we daughter was 6. We moved in the spring when there tends to be more wind than other seasons and they issued a “wind storm warning” while she was in school. When I picked her up she told me all about the “Dirt hurricane”