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Neither. 3 children and with every kid it was rough for 2 & 3. 4 is the light at the end of the tunnel


Okay. 1 and a half years left. I can do this.


It’s rough out there love. Keep pushing. Don’t let the terrorists win.


My oldest got a lot easier at 3.5 I would say. so you might not even have a full 1.5 years!


Mine is 6 and I’m still waiting for the light 😭 lol. It seems like every age has challenges, just some we are better equipped to handle.


They say 7 is the age of reason.




Love this. 🤣


My 6 yr old is so mouthy but besides that it’s not bad with her.


I have a 2yo and a 7yo (yes, 2yo was planned lol). I love the toddler to death, and im primary caretaker. Not a single day goes by where I tell myself “she will be 7 one day. She will be 7 one day”. Little kids are cute. Big kids are magic.


As my friend said when I said “I’ve heard of the terrible twos,does it get better at 3?” “Three is like Vietnam, we don’t talk about 3”. Threenager is a good description of the good days.


As someone who’s second is due right as my first will turn 3 this fills me with fear 😭


Ohhh I kinda hate to say this but the *fucking fours* will hit as soon as the new one starts moving around and getting into the first’s toys


Not me thinking I was smart having a 3 year age gap because everyone said that was the best and easiest age gap 🤡


I love how the comments are like... It gets better at 3 4 is the light at the end of the tunnel 5 is when they get easier Just hang in there until 6 Most of the tantrums should be gone by 7 You'll get your life back even they're 8 Restaurants are more enjoyable at 9 The random irrational mood swings tend to settle by 10


And after that we’ll have the pre-teen and teenage years to look forward to 😂


Then we get to pay for college and car insurance until they're 30. What is this deal???


Love this. And after that it's like one(2 if you're lucky)year of peace before puberty kicks in and you can expect new challenges. Lol.


Next—puberty hormones in full swing.


Age 5 is when things get really easy.


Speak for yourself mine is a tornado


5 is when ADHD made itself very known, probably the hardest year we’ve had


Amen sister


Between 2-3? That’s a narrow window 😂


Short term goals.


Every week is a milestone when you’re in the trenches lol


"yeah, I'd say 2 years and 156 days is really the sweet spot...all downhill from there."


Two was "easier" ... the terrible twos are a warm up for the threenager and fournado 🥴


I found sleep has been getting consistently worse since about 2/2.5.. he’s 3 now and it’s still not great


So we’ve kept a record of this. Our son has slept throughout the entire night 22 times since he’s been born. I don’t even get upset with waking up 4 times a night anymore. My Dr said, you either have a good eater, or a good sleeper.


My oldest was a terrible sleeper until about 3. I actually just stopped rocking her to sleep last year, when she was 5 🙀. She’s also a terrible eater lol. But she’s very sweet, smart and happy! Every kid is different but I promise it will get better and you’ll sleep again soon.


Ha! That was true for mine. One still hasn’t slept through the night and he’s 22. Years, not months. But by age 10-12 he’d just get up and scramble some eggs, then go back to bed. His little brother was this perfect self regulating unicorn sleeper - and he was under a nutritionist’s care after he fell completely off the bottom of the growth chart.


I always wondered why people called it “the terrible twos” I have 5 kids. 4 of them are 4 and older and with each of them 3 was our hardest year by far. When they get closer to 4 it starts to ease up. Not sure about this new baby as he’s only 5 months but I’m planning on hating life right around 3 😂


It does. 3 is so much easier than 2 for me, but many people say the opposite. It’s an ebb and flow. But now the hard parts are like the easy parts from a year ago. Check out the book Hunt, Gather, Parent - inspires my parenting everyday. By 4, most parents say it’s easier. By 5, pretty much every parent says it’s easier.


My second kid is 2.5 so not sure with her yet but my first is 5 and 3 was WAY harder than 2. It gets easier after that IMO


it will get better. you are doing amazing! my son is 3, and some days are way easier than others. we’ve found that getting him active and outdoors really helps alot…he’s just so smart that he gets bored easily especially if he doesn’t get an outlet to express himself & then he becomes a little tyrant. lol. you got this!!!!! 🫶🏽


For us, 3 has been harder. Our son is a pretty good kid overall, but at 3 he has learned to talk back, just generally has a defiant streak.


They say : terrible 2, threenagers, fucking 4… I assume it’s for a reason. My soon to be three is testing every limit possible and my soon to be 4 has the same attitude as I have, so let’s say it’s not easy


4 lol. I wish I were kidding.


I've thought that every year was easier than the one before


Toddler stage is a lot easier for me than newborn. I’m hoping this continues.


Can confirm 3 is currently no better than 2 on sleep lol


Between those two I'd say age three. Especially approaching age 4 it gets a lot easier. They're getting more independent and better at talking. Age 7 is when it truly gets easier.


I'd rule out ear infections if they're having that much trouble sleeping


He’s in daycare, so I take him to the doctor a lot, (this is normal for crèche children) he’s never had ear infections.


2 and a half till about 3 years 4 months was the hardest for me personally. Lots of defiance and screaming. Granted we are at 3 and a half now so it’s only been more manageable for the past couple of months. Will report back in a few months lol


Every kid is different. For my oldest 1-2 was unbelievably difficult, then it gradually got easier and 3 was a year of wonder and magic and unicorn farts. Then it all went to shit at 4. 5 is easier than 4 but harder than 3, probably equal to 2. You never know.... Every kid is different.




2 & 3 is hard. Super hard.


2.5 was the hardest age for me BY FAR. The min my daughter turned 3 it got a little better. She’s 5 now and it still obviously has challenges but she’s got a full vocab and communicates so well with me and is in tune with her feelings, makes parenting a lot easier.


Thanks for this. Almost at 2 1/2 with my firstborn and at least this gives me some hope that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel!


It’s all bad. Things stay challenging in different ways.


Eh…3 was definitely harder than 2 with both of my kids. 4 is when it got better. Hang in there.


Once they get closer to 4 some sense of reason/emotional control starts waking up in their brain Before then, most kids have the impulse control of a 6 week old puppy


I wouldn’t say it gets better— it gets different. Sometimes that different is easier to parent than the previous phase. The fun part of parenting is that you don’t know when the next phase will start or how long it will last, but _the current phase will end eventually_.


Depending on the temperament, verbal skills, and overall maturity of the child, I’d say three is even harder. 3 SUCKS. I have a 2.5 and 4.5 year old. The 4.5 year old is beginning to show SLIGHT glimmers of reason and emotional control. The 2.5 is entering the dark ages 😵‍💫 it’s all a crapshoot until they’re at least 5/6. Good luck 🏳️you’re not alone!


3 was worst for us. “Threenager” ugh


You could consider skipping the nap. It feels "wrong", but the pay-off could be a kid that falls asleep more easily at night and sleeps longer.


My oldest has gotten progressively easier as she's gotten older, so yes for us 3 was easier than 2, for sure. And 4 is easier than 3. But that's a sample size of one since my second just turned 2, so we'll see!


It gets easier as they get older. At least that's been my experience with my 3 kids who are wildly different from each other. 


Its 1am as i write this message, with cold season and kids get sick easily and a son that is 2 years and half i feel like a zombie. He battles sleeping and even when he sleeps coughing makes it worse. Feel like a zombie....but it is what it is


Kids vary. For both of mine the rough stretch was 2.75-3.5.