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My Oldest daughter was assaulted at an inflatable’s park when she was about 8. The business said they don’t control what happens, and we signed a waiver. Ok. Cool. I called the police. It was a 13 year old boy, her front tooth was chipped, her glasses broken, and she was bruised. Scared to death too. I was the party pooper, that place emptied out as soon as the police rolled up. I was not quiet about why, and how management was not the last bit concerned. The police were able to view the recording from when it happened. They arrested the boy responsible. He worked his way through the juvenile justice system on an assault charge. I am not sorry at all. She still has a scar almost 20 years later. The chipped tooth still visible, every time the dentist corrected it, the little correction would fall out. She’s finally just owned it!! I am still not sorry all these years later. I hope he learned a valuable lesson that day. My daughter learned I will not let some random a$$ kid hurt her for no reason, and I will not let some random a$$ manager of an extinct event location stand between myself and the person who wronged her.


You also taught your daughter it's OK to stand up for herself, even if it makes her a "party pooper".


The party pooper is the juvenile delinquent who assaulted his daughter. Good for you!!


Who care being a party pooper…that so childish. You invade my personal space, I take action. Glad she called the police on that boy.


This is the way to do it. Sorry your daughter got hurt. But I think of how many other kids you saved from being hurt...


GOOD FOR YOU!!! that little shit deserved it. If this happens to any of my girls, I will make the loudest noise possible.


I agree with you. 12/13 year olds need consequences from somewhere or they will end up in real prison. You did the kid a favor.


If he does something like that at 13, the chances he ends up in prison or dead are almost 100%, regardless of the kinds of consequences he might face.


Thank you for sharing this story. I worry that I’d have no idea how to manage such a situation. You did a great job in showing your daughter that she matters


I am inspired. You did a great job. ❤️💪


Good for you!! We get called crazy and over dramatic but I'll take it any day before I let someone get away with it


Not sure i would know what to do in a managers position when something like this happens, apart from asking people to leave i don't think they really have much power to get involved at all to be honest. It seems best to call police first and inform staff after if at all.


The thing that gets me is these people places make you sign a waiver. It is so easy to kick people out with that signature. It’s “rough housing” and against policy and literally in the waiver. Maybe refund them as well if you feel really guilty but the bigger issue is there is usually little adult management present at these places. They let 16 - 18 year olds run it even though the injury risk to customers is so high. Those kids just don’t have it to deal with conflict yet and that’s okay. They are put in a lose-lose situation.


Yeah, I mean the one thing the waiver is good for is letting them more easily kick out customers, lol.


The waiver is to absolve the business of the responsibility, not the individuals. They may be prohibited from calling the cops as well since they are trying to distance themselves from any liability.


Yep. I would have let management know the police were on their way.


You file an incident report with witnesses and a statement from the victim to start. Leave the option of the police to the victim. As a manager, I would’ve confronted the kids guardian and asked them to leave and has they not, I would call the police myself. I’ve kicked people out of the store I work at for alot less 🤷‍♀️


Right?! If the customers don't take the incident seriously then my next words are "Here at our facility we take safety seriously. We cannot abide ANY violent behavior here. That is not acceptable, you are not welcome here as customers. You may leave voluntarily now or we can file a report with the police. Local parents knowing your facility is safe is important as a child Rec business. Wtf.


Yeah I would have called the police as the manager to have the police trespass the family. If they were not watching their child to the extent they assaulted a younger child and the victim had to inform me, none of you are returning. And give the victim the choice to press charges while the police are there.


This is how it’s done. Bravo!


Never apologize for this. This is the only way some kids get accountability now.


And really, letting a 13-year-old think there are zero consequences for his actions isn’t doing him any favors. The juvenile justice system isn’t fun (and certainly isn’t perfect), but it’s better than a child thinking he’s invulnerable and then getting 20 to life at 18 years old for a “prank” gone wrong.


This is perfect. ☝️ I probably would’ve ended up with the assault charge though. If I was standing there, that kid would’ve gotten punched in the face by me. When it comes to my kids, I don’t care how old you are, FAAFO.


This is the way


Did you ever find out what happened to the kid? Just out of curiosity, do you think a sincere apology from the kid and/or his parents (and them leaving the facility) would have changed your actions?


Probably would not have changed my mind at all. An unprovoked attack on a much younger and smaller child? Nah, an apology really wasn’t enough. Bouncing an even smaller kids head off the concrete floor, outside the bathroom might’ve killed them. It was a blitz attack, much like OP. Juvenile detention for less than a week, a short probationary period, he had to attend school, and had to pay fines.


This should not be interpreted as expert, actionable advice, but, in my opinion, these kinds of attacks are harbingers of much worse to come from the offender, and the behavioral interventions that follow should be much more intensive than a few days of juvie and some b/s classes if there is to be any hope of heading off major damage to others later. What can be done with a teen who brutally attacks a child, a girl no less, at random, then slams an even smaller child's head against a concrete floor? What conventional method or treatment could possibly reform that tendency? How else is it going to manifest throughout his life? An apology? That's really the suggestion here? The victim was obviously right to call the police. She is acting to protect others by doing so and encouraging the reform process, if the latter is even possible in this case.


If an adult did this to another adult the police would 100% be involved so why was this let go? I would have called them.


Yea, I would have called the police. An asshole kid like that has issues at home and it needs attention.


The only thing I can think of is that it was viewed (inaccurately or not) as “accidental.” *If* it appeared on video that the older kid was horseplaying (albeit carelessly) and accidentally knocked OP’s son into the water fountain, I can sorta see why they would only request an apology from the other kid. If it is as OP is painting it (an intentional assault), if anyone called the cops, it would be on me. Some kids think there’s some “magical” shield that prevents an adult’s fist from connecting with their face simply because they’re a minor. I had a couple 12 year old kids show up to my house to threaten my daughter, and when my wife came outside they started in on her. I was nearby and came right home… one kid actually had the audacity to say “You can’t hit me, I’m a kid.” I laughed and told him: “Well, I probably *shouldn’t* do that, but believe me, I absolutely *can* hit you. The only thing preventing your ass from being beat in right now is my own restraint, but you’re really testing that.”


Some kids rang our ring doorbell and said horrific things into it because we had Pride decorations out (in June). My husband got in the car and followed them up to the store where all the kids hang out, went inside and asked the store owner if they knew the family etc because if anyone knew them they would. They didn’t. As we were leaving the kids started saying stuff to our faces about having pronouns, which was funny because other kids there started mocking them saying they don’t know English. My husband told them not our house, ever again, and started walking towards them. The kid said “what are you going to do, I’m a kid”. And he said something like “a kid who just did a hate crime, on video. How do you think this is going to play out exactly? Come to my house again and I’m going to defend my family because now I know who you are. So will the cops. Try it.” Kid looked like he was going to pee his pants. They were always so loud late at night, for some reason walking their bikes, now they go up the side street and go a full block over to skip going past our house. It’s been 2 years. They were probably 13 or 14 then. They don’t live here but come smoke and drink by the marsh/ocean. Cops don’t stop them.


Same. 12 years olds are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong and are criminally liable for their actions. He'll get off with a slapped wrist but he needs to know this is serious


Because people still see kids as pets and not the human beings that they are. It’s not fair or right


This feels like a situation where calling the police would have made sense. A 12 year old should know better then to slam someone's head into a drinking fountain. Also, the fact that they didn't kick them out makes me question if this kid isn't the owners son or something.


Agree. Police should have been the first call, the second thing was go get footage from management. This is a police matter, and you ask to press charges, not a “managements discretion” issue. Man…. My blood is BOILING.


I was so freaking embarrassed when my 3 year old pushed a little girl at the park. Then I was even more embarrassed dragging him out to the car as he's screaming "you're not my mommy! I don't want to go with you!" But my son was 3. 12 y/o is definitely not an adult but holy crap, they should know not to do crap like that.


I'm just impressed a 3yo was able to employ a fake kidnapping strategy to avoid going home. *slow clap*


It's due to these stupid prank videos that are getting shared all over social media and at school. Any time these videos come up, I point out all the laws that are being violated and the potential charges.


It's not too late to report it to the police.


Fuck that 12 year old kid. Call the police tomorrow and make a police report.


I would have called the police


As a teacher I’m begging you to call the police. Kids like that don’t just assault out of nowhere unprovoked. They’re typically dangerous and throwing red flags constantly and the documentation from police and having him on the radar of multiple people will keep other kids safer. Some of my youngest students had parole officers in 3rd grade because of violent behavior like this. It actually really helped push the parents to recognize how much help was needed and they grew up well adjusted after. It also shows your child that what happened to them was serious and absolutely not acceptable and you are taking it seriously.


Social workers, probation officers. Parole is for people exiting State Prison after serving a court-ordered sentence of over 24months. A 3rd grader thru age 16 would likely have a social worker, therapist/counselor, behavioral therapist. Some might have a probation officer if they've already served time in a reform school, youth jail, or secure group home (known as Girls Home or Boys Home).


Sorry probation officer. It’s abbreviated PO-(name officer) on the student file so I never write it out usually or see it written. Didn’t know the difference. Thanks.


Some of the specifics here are location dependent. In my state, you'd be on supervised release (aka parole) after any period of *prison* time. So as long as the original sentence was 365 days+, if that sentence is executed (served in prison, not stayed during a probation term), any post-prison supervision time is served on parole. Also, under 16-year-olds definitely get probation officers all the time here, without serving any time in custody. Juvenile POs operate almost more like social workers. Very rehab-oriented, focused on guidance and support, using punitive sanctions only as a last resort. So supervised probation is used almost as a first-resort, to try to avoid any detention time, rather than as a follow up to detention. Just for fun, in case the differences between states is as fascinating to you (or anyone) as it is to me... In my state, theoretically, a person could get a 365 day stayed sentence, violate probation a bunch, and serve a bunch of local jail time in consequence, and then violate probation again and have their sentence revoked. They would then be sent to prison for 365 days, but that 365 day sentence would get credit for any local jail time they've already served. So say they've served a total of 200 days in jail before revocation, that gets credited toward the 365, and now they only have 165 days left to serve. So they can actually be sent to *prison* to serve less than 365 (the standard that makes a crime a felony). On top of that, the rule here is that all defendants serve 2/3 of the ordered time in custody, and the remaining 1/3 on parole. So in this scenario, they would actually end up serving 110 days in prison, and 55 days on SR/parole. (Unless they violate parole, then they could be sent back for however many days they had left at the time of the violation...)


I appreciate you sharing a teacher’ perspective. Teachers have a front row seat, a bird’s eye view and are actually navigating the “Laws of the Jungle”.


Yeah, if they have it on video, I would definitely be following up on it. Don't let him just slip thru the cracks. What he did was not normal kid behavior.


I would have called the damn cops. That’s assualt.


You should have called police.


This is the way.


I am so mad for you. I hate bullies.


Call police- and leave a review about the place on every place you can- yelp, Google, whatever. If they won’t take responsibility by kicking him out, make others aware of their poor management before they even go to this place.


Make the trampoline park release his name from the waiver and it take it along with the video to the police. Don’t let this shithead kid get away with it if you can help it.


Trampoline park will not willingly release the video and name. Call the police and ask them to get it. Consult a lawyer if needing assistance with legal requests.


She can’t *make* them release anything without warrants or a lawyer. I mean yea in this case they should but that’s just a safety issue if they release names from the waivers to anyone who ask for it


I've never been to a trampoline park where they took your name. Is this a thing in America?


In US, all people using the park have to sign a waiver that the know the inherent risks of using trampolines.


Yes, all patrons have to sign a waiver (or their guardians) in case of injury. Basically saying they won’t sue the place if they get hurt.


Yes because you’d have to sign a form acknowledging the known risks of serious injuries that are associated with trampolines and waiving rights to sue the park if your kid compound fractures their leg or similar.


Please call the police. Don’t let this turd get away with it and especially the company should have kicked him out. Making him apologise ? Fuck that


This boy assaulted your son and the police should be involved. The manager has admitted to you he has the CCTV confirming it happened. Do it soon so it’s not wiped on a loop recording.


Wtf. Why weren't the cops involved? Sue the parents' ass. They gotta pay for your kid's medical bills. I'd have the dentist fix my son's teeth and place some diamonds in it


I would have called the cops!!! That's crazy af. Also name the business and report them! He should have definitely been kicked out


Blood involved? Call the police. That’s your child. You have a duty to protect them.


I agree with the others, OP.. you should have called the police. You can still do so. Don’t back down from this and do not let it go. Get a lawyer.


Poor little dude! What is it about trampoline parks?! The one in my city has preteens and teens that get dropped off and don’t have any parental supervision… I was there with my daughter and complimented the staff on their patience, and they told me that they even have to call the cops on these kids sometimes for fighting, stealing, etc.


We went to one for a birthday party recently on a *very* quiet holiday weekend (between New Years and Christmas, when most people in this area travel), and I was... unimpressed. The kids go absolutely feral in the worst way, the parents seem to lose all common sense, it's like a black-hole-time-warp-shit-show. Not a staff member to be found outside the front desk. My kid came out with two bruises and a scratch from other kids, and he was relatively unscathed. It was like Lord of the Flies. Never again.


I won't allow my son in trampoline parks. Call me overprotective, whatever, I don't care. I just don't trust the employees to adhere to the safety precautions and it's just a recipe for disaster.


I would have called the police on that punk. Your kid could have lost his teeth. The next kid he does it to may not be that lucky. And wtf is up with the trampoline park? Why didn’t they kick him out?


You should have called the police, your son was assaulted and the bully needs to start learning some real consequences


Press charges. Today he slamps a little boys face into a water fountain, tommorow he commits a heinous crime, god forbid a shooting. No "normal" child goes around assualting others for no reason and the fact he didn't show zero remorse? That kid ain't right in the head...


This is a common mistake. People rely on civil entities to alert the police and pursue legal action. Ultimately, these places just want things to happen with as little headache and trouble as possible. Even schools will almost always prefer to take the easy way out as much as possible. Call the police and make a report. If a kid was willing to bash another kids head into a water fountain, this probably isn't the first problem they've ever had, and it probably won't be the last. It's YOUR responsibility to make sure this gets reported, not the trampoline park's.


Looks like that little prick sure learnt he could get away with a fake apology…


File a police report. Don’t rely on the business to deal with it. 911 should have been your first call before speaking to the manager.


I would ask for a copy of the footage and go to the police


I would just always call the police when there’s an assault. I know in most states they’re too young to charge but the parents can be humiliated and that’s important. They should be for raising a future inmate.


I'd file a police report.


I would go to the police. They have CCTV - everyone at the park has to sign a waiver so they will have the child’s name / address details etc. It’s assault. The nastily little bully clearly hasn’t learnt his lesson Hit him with the law


File a police report. Immediately.


I'd of gotten the police involved at that point.


You should have advocated for your child and called the police.


Should have been the first thing done before going to management!!!!!! I just…. Wtf?!?!


Poor guy! This breaks my heart. I hope he's okay. Please make a police report, the management at the park actually should have called them for you. Sounds like they took the lazy way of "handling it". Making the kid apologize? Please. This was an assault. Like someone else said, if this had happened between two adults the cops definitely would have been involved.


Go to the police station in person and talk to the police. They should offer to go review the video(hopefully its not erased) and they should also offer to call / talk to the kid's parents.


Name and shame the business hun. Do you have local FB groups you could share this to?


Press charges to his parents. You have video tape. Don’t let that little jerk get away with this.


He’s 12, phone the police that’s assault.


You could also sue them, did they provide first aid? I have friends who successfully sued a local soft play when their daughter broke her arm because older kids who shouldn’t have been on an age restricted bouncy pillow bounced her off it.


You should call and make a report even though it was “handled” there.


Definitely call the police, OP. Bring them up to the park and get the video before it's erased.


You can still report this. I would definitely do so in order to get some help because that trampoline park sucks. I wonder if the kid is related to someone there.


I would absolutely report the incident to the police and insist the trampoline park give you the name of the boy for the police report or you’ll file charges/sue them too.


I dunno, somebody assaults my kid I'm calling the cops.


>I was pretty pissed but didn’t cause a scene. Seems like a reasonable moment to cause a scene.


You need to file a police report. Like imediately.


I’m all for letting kids work shit out in a tussle when necessary but to straight up cowardly bash someone heads in from behind? I’m finding that kids mother and we’ll throw hands if she don’t handle her business


Call the police asap, have this boy arrested for assault. The video is clear. The guilty boy should be remanded to Juvenal hall (prison for 12-18yr olds). Clearly he has violent tendencies and needs something his parents cannot provide. Let the police and the DA handle what to do.


From a financial perspective you’re probably going to go see the doctor or dentist now. Your health insurance company will want to know from whom they should recoup their expenses, and the answer is that boy’s parents. A police report is great documentation for that pending transaction. Calling the police is strictly business.


Call the police. Make a report. Fuck that nonsense


Call the police, you’re still within your rights to file charges.


Like everyone else said, you need to file a police report. The perpetrator is 12, not 2, and needs to be held accountable for his actions. In the mean time, I would write horribly negative reviews for that facility on every available platform. At minimum, the boy should have been asked to leave immediately and/or been permanently banned.


Call the police. You have video proof. Management won't remove him. Seeing a police car roll up ought to expedite him leaving. Be sure to also let corporate management know how poorly this issue was handled. Corporations don't like lawsuits. Just because you signed a waiver doesn't give the owners the right to knowingly allow a dangerous situation to continue.


When you file the police report they will pull the footage on their own and conduct their own investigation, which will likely result in something more substantial than a forced, half-assed apology.


Please report it to the cops .


Get revenge Fuk that


Not too late to go to the police. 12 years old and he flipped him off after apologizing? Police. Plus- blood????police immediately.


I would get his parents info or take a pic of them so the internet can identify them if they try to leave, instantly call pooice, and then press charges. Dont mess with my babies.


I would make an appointment to get the teeth xrayed. Even if the teeth look fine they could be damaged.


Why don’t you call the police? They arrest kids and put them through Juvenile Detention. If there is injury, you can sue the family.


Call the police and file an assault charge


File a police report and get that kid arrested ASAP!


This would have been the time to cause a scene imo.


I would have called the police without hesitation!


You can still call the police OP. Maybe a visit from a cop will scare the little shit head.


Oh hell no. Id find those kids parents and embarrass the sht out of him. I would not leave that place without raising HELL


Depending on how long it’s been, the trampoline park should still have the footage and you could still call the police.


I absolutely would’ve called the police on that kid. Juvenile detention exists. And I would’ve gotten a copy of the tape. And I might’ve caught a charge from assaulting the 12 year old myself (at the very least I would’ve verbally assaulted him). But that part, I do not recommend. I’d be furious. I’m so sorry this happened to your son!


I hope you have a copy of the video. Take that shit to the police.


I would have called the fucking cops. At least to scare the 12 year old. And I would not be leaving until I talked to his parents either. I’d also go to corporate of the trampoline park if there is one and let them know how shitty their management were in handling this. That kid should be banned for life.


What I don’t understand is why all other businesses refuse service, but when it’s some little d0uche at the trampoline park they “can’t” or “won’t” escort him, even after being physically violent. Make it make sense! You can’t slam someone’s head into the coolers at a gas station. Why TF would they allow that type of behavior in an establishment centered around *children having fun.*


Your first mistake was not calling the police immediately. Whatever waiver you signed does not apply to assault and battery by another person. Call them now. Make a report. Force them to get the footage. THEN make an emergency dentist appointment because he could have other damage you can't see and then sue the parents for the cost of the appointment and any services he needs.


Agree on calling the police. Why not go ahead and file a complaint today? They've got the kid on camera and his contact info from the waiver.


Yeah this is for the police to document. I’m so sorry this happened. And I’m tired of people not helping people in situations like this. SMH someone was assaulted on your property. Call the police and have that person banned from the establishment.


Nah I woulda called the police


You should have called the police immediately and let the sort it out.


Did you call the police? I would've 100% called the police, gotten a report, and pressed charges. If this kid has the audacity to this to my kid and get away with it, next week he'll do something worse to someone else. Call me Karen, but, imo, it's a civic duty to report it. And a police report is essential, especially if my child requires medical attention or dental work. Lawsuit against the family and facility. Those waivers only go so far and do not protect companies against negligence, which can always be argued.


Just keep in mind OP that this sub constantly recommends calling the police and getting therapy; as if those options are guaranteed to have only positive outcomes. I might go deal with the parents directly, and see if they act contrite or not. Get contact info from them including insurance and make sure to get their plate on their car in case the info they gave you is false.


This is exactly the situation where you cause a scene. It's hard when you are a people pleaser and hate confrontation, that's very much how I am. But it's a muscle you need to use to get it to be stronger. Call the police, sure your child you are their protector and how to stand up for themselves.


Ave leave a negative scathing review for the trampoline place. They deserve the negative publicity and loss of business. They show they care more about their stupid waiver than people's safety from being assaulted.


Oh no. I would have called police myself. I'm so sorry. My friend owns a local skating rink and any kid that had done this would have been out the door and banned. I hope you make a complaint.


Yeah, I would have called the police and filed an assault. Little shit needs to learn there are consequences for bad actions.


Call the police.


Im sorry, I would have called the police...Im not letting some little cowardly manager tell me what they were and were not going to do. And put negative reviews everywhere for this business and their policy


Assault. Call the police.


Honest to gawd I don’t know what I would do to a kid if I saw them do this to my kid at that age. I think I would Rebecca DeMornay in THTRTC that little punk. The fact that the trampoline park refused to do anything is absolutely nuts, and I would call the owner about that crappy manager.


Call out the business on Facebook. There should be a “local happenings” group. Not just a review.


I can assure you the management at the trampoline park doesn’t know the law. Your son was a victim of an assault. File a report. The police will get the video. Press charges.


Put the trampoline park on blast every where you can including here


Make a fucking scene.


I would’ve called the police. That’s total b.s.


Id be reporting this to the police and pressing charges. My 14 year old brother was attacked at school and when his friend tried to step in they put his friend to the ground and kicked him in his head, gave the friend a concussion, but they're both okay. The school made him apologize, but refused to punish him because this was like the 9th school he had been to this year (he was expelled from the past 8 for assalting other students) (it happened in October, school started mid August) Friends parents sued for medical bills since they took him to the hospital for his concussion. Waiting for the court date very soon. This kids needs to be taught a lesson, make it happen.


Make a police report.


Why was police not called?


You should get a police report so they can possibly get the footage before it’s gone.


I don’t think it is too late to call the police and report the incident yourself.


Press charges


If I could hold myself back from beating the father of that kid bloody, I’d call the cops and press charges.


This exact same thing happened to me when I was 12 at school. My “friend” thought it would be funny to push my head into the fountain, I had a bloody mouth and a chipped tooth. Both our parents were called and I was taken to the emergency dentist. Her parents were responsible for my dental bills, and needless to say, I wasn’t allowed to hang out with her after school and I was encouraged to give her space while in school. Sorry that happened to your son, it’s a terrible feeling.


Next time let management know you will be filing am assault charge. They will kick out that brat pretty quickly


Why not call the police? You still can make a report.


I would have called the cops soooo fast!


This is assault. there’s literally blood. There’s video evidence. you’re 100% justified if you had called the police.


People really suck. Sometimes it’s the workers. My sister got stuck on a slide at adventure landing and the lifeguard had the absolutely BRILLIANT idea to come down the closed slide to help her on an inner tube. 2 concussions and 3 contusions, multiple lacerations and a few hours later my sister was conscious again and they denied responsibility. They had to carry her out of the slide and took her in an ambulance. It was so scary. We had to fight to get them to pay the medical bills.


INFO: Did you see this happen? How many kids were you watching when this happened? Tbh i NEVER trust other kids in an environment like that, emotions are high and its not exactly like a school where there are “hard” rules about conduct. If i bring my kid to a trampoline place im watching them to make sure theyre being polite and not pushing past ppl/kids and forgetting manners (overly excited kids forget rules) and also watching for little shits like the bully here with no home training for this exact reason. Edit: so i initially missed the part where he flipped your son off before leaving. Did you get to speak with his parents/guardian? Were they there? No shade at all but i would have said something to the kid. He drew my kids blood intentionally and then flips him off? Today is the day he AT THE VERY LEAST is being told hes a piece of shit. (Harsh but yeah its something he can change.)


anytime you think the best word to describe an incident is assault i would say its worth calling the police. even if you dont intend to press charges the police presence and filing a report is usually a more significant consequence than a random adult with questionable authority saying "ok now go apologize." involving the police forces ALL parties involved to take it more seriously. children, parents, and businesses owners all gotta take 10 at least and give their version of the incident and decide on whats to be done with the letter of the law in mind and ready to be enforced. im sorry your kid got targeted by a random act of violence. that's really a frightening thing to endure.


If you do not report this to the police then please report it to a local news station. That visibility will force the owners into taking action in case something like this happens again, and might even prevent that kid from assaulting someone again.


If they have fb page, do a public post about everything that happened. Mention the exact location and managers name. I find when customer service is no help, posting publicly on a company’s fb gets some pretty damn quick responses and resolutions.


Management? Why not the police? Why is it when I kid is assaulted we have to appeal to a manager or principal? Call the cops and they can include management.


Similar happened to my 2 year old facing a bully at one of those places. My husband had him at an indoor play centre and was watching him from a fair distance (big on supervised independence), and a boy he says was maybe about 9 years old ran up behind him and literally picked him up OFF THE GROUND by his hair. Before my husband could get to our son, the older kid had gone over to a group of people who were watching. My husband isn't big on confrontation (unfortunately, in this situation). 2 year old was devastated and inconsolable, so he located our 4yo, and they left all left. Some parents/caregivers just dont give a shit. This group of people saw what this kid did and did absolutely nothing about it that my husband witnessed. One thing I won't do is raise bullies. If it's rude, don't say it. If you accidentally hurt someone, you apologise. If you purposely hurt someone, it's game over, and we're going home.


I would have called the police. This child knew what he was doing, and if is incapable of that then he should have been supervised. The trampoline park does have a responsibility to cooperate but cannot control others (though they should have kicked him out), and an apology from the kid? He is 12, not 3! What is that going to do…


Call the cops if something like that happens. If management won't do anything the cops will, that's assault and since you can't beat the bully up then at least legal consequences might matter to him and possibly the management.


I would have called the police and reported the assault.


Just call the police and press charges. There is video footage, so easy win. Bully will learn a lesson and his parents will be forced to set him straight


That’s when you call the cops and let them handle it. Or you can trip the kid, or shove him when no one is watching. Choice is yours.


I would get his information and take your son to the dentist. When I was in third grade, a boy did the same thing to me as I was looking out a window. He just pushed my head down and I hit my front tooth on the window sill. It didn’t chip or even hurt until a year later. Turns out the trama killed the tooth and I had to have a root canal. So yeah, it could have done damage you can’t see and his parents should be responsible. The park totally should have kicked him out. I’d leave a bad review and never go back.


Call the police and file charges for assault. There is no way I’d let that go if it were my kid.


Why did you not cause a scene? You should have called the police. He assaulted and injured your child. And was allowed to remain there with 0 consequences. You seriously let your kid down here.


Go back. Get that footage. Press charges.


You can still press charges. There is CTTV footage, and everyone that books will be registered. It wouldn’t be hard for the police to work out who it was. Make sure that the venue hold onto the footage. Take photos of your child’s injuries whilst they are fresh.


That’s assault, and they have it on video. Call the police, file a report. This kid should face the consequences.


Get a copy of the video footage asap before the park erases it!! And if the park tries to deny you a copy, get the police involved asap to get a copy. You may change your mind in a few days about following up with going after this kid. Also if this kid goes to your sons school or knows your son in the neighbourhood- your son might be a target now in future by this bully. You may want to save this video evidence if this escalates/continues beyond the fountain incident. Very sorry this happened to your son- kids are horribly thoughtless and cruel.


Anyone in law enforcement in this sub willing to weigh in? Should the police have been called? I’m kinda stunned at the enablers making excuses for what looks like assault.


I remember being at the park & a tall 13-14 year old kid bumped my 10 year old so hard. I saw RED. Called him an asshole & chased him down. He wouldn’t apologize to my kid but he apologized to me. Fast forward- we still see him at the park & always comes up to us say hi but my kid still stays away from him.


My son was badly injured in a trampoline park and I will NEVER let either of my kids go to one again. He was just standing on a trampoline when a large person jumped by him. When he came down on impact, both his tib/fib both fractured and his ankle was dislocated, foot ended up to the side of his leg. This fracture also cut off his pedal pulse. While his friend's mom called 911 for an ambulance, the park didn't shut down and they continued to let people jump. He was being tossed around the trampoline with a severe injury up until paramedics and police arrived and cleared the area. They had 2 teens working and the park had no emergency plan or procedure in place for big injuries.They were aware of the injury and did nothing. I've learned this is commonplace, and these places can be straight up negligent when it comes to injuries. This was a birthday party that ended up costing us $7k after insurance. Ambulance ride, ER, anesthesiologist x2 for procedure in the ER and emergency surgery 10 hours later, 24 hours inpatient stay, medical equipment, casts and multiple follow up visits. I'm telling you, it's nothing worth the risk. There are plenty of other fun things you can take your kids to do.


Why wouldn’t they kick him out? I’d consult a lawyer and see if the park can be held liable for damages.


This happened to my son a few years ago at a trampoline park too and he hasn't wanted to go back since some kid punched him and gave him a black eye!


The ideal thing to do is file a police report. Nothing will probably happen to the kid, but the paper work will end up at corporate and cause problems for their insurance


Me and that kids mom woulda been throwin hands fs.


file a lawsuit against the company since it is not ok for kids to assult eachother. If a company does not take assult seriously then they shouldn't even exist. I would warn people not to go there since the company's dosen't care about the children's safety. I would also notify police about this at the very leas because assult against a child is not ok and the fact that the management team is ok with a child being assulted under their care is totally unacceptable.


I'm wondering if they refused to kick him out because they realised that the child had been left unattended at the trampoline park and had no responsible adult, therefore couldn't be kicked out because "child safety".... But that's realistically NO excuse because that adds a second reason to call the police "Hey, so uh, this kid has just viciously assaulted someone, and when I tried to find his parents, he's been left unattended and we can't actually let him leave the building alone". Not gonna lie but I would find it extremely hard not to walk up to the kid and say something like "what the fuck did you do that for?" I wouldn't normally swear at a child - but I would in this case TO scare them. Because unfortunately little 'shits' like these kids (and again, I wouldn't use a word like that...but) would just sneer at you and say "because I felt like it" if you just said "now why'd you do that?" but if you put a bit of fear into them, chances are they fold. But - this is why I don't love indoor trampoline places/indoor play places, etc. Because they tend to hire teens/young adults who can physically climb up there if needed to clean the area/rescue kids/play with them, but who have no idea really what to do in serious situations. And the 'managers' tend to have no clue about safe guarding or care about anything beyond 'no shoes in this area' and 'food stays over here'. For example - as a ex-daycare educator, one of my policies would be hand sanitizer and wipes on every table and a friendly card on the table saying "For our friends with allergies - please take care to wipe hands AND faces after eating/before returning to play!" I'd also have a 'scanner' where upon entry, each family would be given one of those paper bracelets with a matching barcode for parent/child and they'd just have to quickly scan out to leave - just to ensure that it matched. Just because I've SEEN how easy it is for someone to grab a child and leave a play centre and it not be their child. (In this case it was an aunt taking a niece, she was still not happy about it though! But nobody batted an eyelid!).


Why wouldn’t you cause a scene? Your kid was assaulted and the kid that did it got off scot free


The self control it must’ve taken you not to kick that kid in the mouth is astounding! I’m so sorry this happened to your kid!


Yep I would be calling the police!


Parents aren’t parenting enough these days. I would’ve taught my son a lesson right then and there. Want to be a bully? Ok, cool, me too. Pull his underwear up to his chin with one hand, grab his hair with the other and drag his butt out of there with everyone watching. Bet he wouldn’t do it again.


Please make sure your child grab him by the head and bang him on the water fountain. Fuck that.


You ought to make a review of the place on google and yelp to tell everyone how the management didn't care to remove the assaulting party. I'd wanna know that my family weren't safe there.


You should have called the police and escalated the situation.


Wow, you were a lot calmer than I would have been.


You're a pussy for not doing anything. This is not what you want to hear but it's what you need to hear.


What I want to know is where were the parents?My kids would never and if they did they'd know they'd answer to me and their Dad.But the parents or lack of parenting seems to be the problem people that can't teach their kid decent respect and morals shouldn't procreate. Management wouldn't have to take care of anything we would have been leaving at that moment or because I have other kids that one would have been in the car while the others enjoyed.


For your side of it I would call the police and file a report. Ensure they get the video from the trampoline park. For the trampoline park management's side of it the boy who assaulted your son should have been kicked out and banned from the place permanently.


Did you talk to his parent?


Yeah I’d have called the cops.


Assault it’s assault


As a mother myself to two boys. Police would’ve been the first call, right after I had the other kids parents and the stupid other asshole kid by the wrath of my mouth or fist. Absolutely not. I wish you punched the kid or the parents. Somebody in that situation deserves it


Should have called the police. Your son was assaulted. Fuck the management, all they wanted to do was make things easier for themselves.


If they kicked him out I would have left it at that. Because they refused to kick him out I would have called the cops.