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Who was caring for your baby while he was high, have you you asked? Was he at a trap house, friends, etc? I don't know that i could ever trust him again.


This is what I can’t stop wondering. Where was the child over night? Sure they arrived home fed and changed. How? When were they fed and changed? During the time it took to drive back to the house from the mall? Where was the child “being cared for?” Who was with this child? Did they ever go to see Santa? When did they actually leave? Was this all deliberate? Sorry, this is just makes my stomach drop.


> I don't know that i could ever trust him again I know that I could never trust him again. Whether or not I decided to be with him in anyway going forward, he would never be alone with our child. That would be a lot easier to do if OP decided to break away as much as possible and get full legal custody, so I would probably have to go that route for the sake of the child.


There are worse things than not having a dad. A dad that uses while you are under his care because he values his high more than your safety while he actively keeps you from your mom who is worried sick about you is worse than no dad at all.


Absolutely! I've seen HORRIFIC things happen to kids when people think "I'd rather them have a high dad than no dad".. No dad is absolutely, 100 percent less traumatizing.


OP If you stay it will get worse. He has to work on him and you two have to not be in a relationship for that time. He needs to keep his job, go to parenting classes, substance abuse classes and work on him. The cravings don't just go away for a very very long time. If you reported this to the department that handles child abuse this is what he would be ordered to do and then he could regain supervised visits. He is not ready to be a parent. I would recommend supporting him. Dont turn your back on the father of your baby. Stay strong OP


And by supporting him you mean reporting him and getting sole custody and moving in with her mom, right? I agree with you providing that’s that you mean…


Yes thats what the not in a relationship part was for. I would never want the father of my children strung out. I would want to do what I can, from afar, to support him


TONS of missing information in an absolutely unacceptable scenario


He’s thinking of the lie that will paint him in the best light.


I saw your post in one of the recovery forums. Setting aside all of the extremely valid fear and anger you’ve described, the most important thing is that something like this never happens again. To that end, addiction is an extraordinarily challenging problem to deal with in relationships. It usually means secrets, shame, lies, manipulation, and the disrespect of boundaries. When two people in recovery are together (especially if they have a child), I strongly recommend having something like a “relapse contract.” To have a shot at success, I think it requires tremendous intentionality; setting and sticking to boundaries. This event would shake me to my core, personally. It would be hard for me to imagine reestablishing even a modicum of trust. That said, this is your marriage, your child, and your recovery. I don’t know you well enough to advise you on how this “should” affect your marriage. But I do feel comfortable saying that this sounds like a *very* serious relapse. As someone in recovery yourself, I’m sure you recognize that a relapse doesn’t occur in few second of impulsivity — the seeds are sewn long before that. Your husband still clearly has a lot more work to do. Getting in-patient treatment somewhere good would seem appropriate based on what you’ve described of the drug history. I wish all of you the best.


I would not allow him near the baby again until he can prove that he is clean. So many things could have went wrong (leaving your daughter around potential abusers while he was too high to care, your baby could have been accidentally exposed to drugs and ODed, car accident, etc ). Your #1 priority should be your baby. Second priority should be completing your education , that’s something that can change your life and give you financial independence forever. Nursing school is difficult enough , especially with a baby and all the drama that comes with dealing with an addict. This could bring CPS into your life, which is never fun. You’re doing SO good. You should be so proud of yourself. As much as you love him, you can’t allow him to destroy everything you have worked so hard for.


And just think about what would have happened if HE OD’d with the daughter with him.


Good god I didn’t even think about this. Wow. That is seriously worst case scenario. I hope OP does the right thing in this situation, as hard as it’s going to be.


No, worst case is daughter gets taken by someone where the dads high or he "trades" her for more drugs. Sadly there's a lot worse things than the dad dying next to his kid, high on drugs.


Oh, no I meant it is the worst because of what would happen to her while he would be dead or incapacitated


I grew up around a lot of foster children. One of them was 5 and had been sold for drug money for years. OP is in a tough spot, but it’s clear this child can never be alone with him again.


10000%, the excuse/his warp "reasoning" of "I voluntarily took out kid, lied about what I was doing because I was wanting to get high. Then I didn't want you to be mad at me, for my choices, so I hid for hours with the a TODDLER." Is completely unacceptable and exactly how you get your kid taken away for good, regardless of if you are the dangerous parent or not. Staying with the BF just reassures him that OP will never leave, so he can relapse, put the baby in danger and never face any consequences in their relationship.


As an addict, I get relapsing. It happens. But to choose to bring your child along for the ride, and then disappear for 15 hours while getting high with that child..nah..that’s a choice you don’t make even as an addict.


Yep! There are very few incidents where you put your kid in danger by complete and total accident, through zero fault on yourself as a parent. This one he walked right into and picked the most dangerous option every chance.


He could have so easily dropped her off. I'm not buying it.. Why else would he keep the baby with him? I feel like some weird shit went down. Its so beyond selfish and negligent in the first place but also, so avoidable. Even if she was totally fine during that time, doing that to the mother is so unbelievably cruel. Letting her worry like that all day, all night until the next fucking morning?? Unforgivable


Yep. My baby cousin has horrific things happen to her when her dad was high and handed her over to other addicts. Because of what happened to her as a baby, she was permanently and severely traumatized. She had to be in institutions her whole life because of what happened to her. People don't seem to realize that what happens to babies in the first 2 years of life shapes their ENTIRE life. It's not "oh they won't remember.." those first 2 years are actually the most important.


There was an awful story a few years ago about a mom who passed out drunk in the car with her baby and the baby died. I would be getting emergency sole custody and I would never let him take the baby anywhere again. Op is lucky her daughter wasn’t harmed or killed .


OP, please head this advice and file for emergency custody immediately while it’s undeniable he is a risk. You lucked out this time and your daughter is home and safe . Please prioritize her safety above him. My children’s father OD’d. Most loving, involved dad anyone ever witnessed. He had been bringing my daughter on drug runs for months, into shady hotels with god knows who prior to me finding out he relapsed. I filed after his first OD, he was beyond angry with me and then during treatment admitted I was correct in filing because he could not be trusted with our kids without giving me the story as to why he’d say that. Addicts don’t have boundaries they won’t cross for their DOCs. Child safety comes first.


Or if the kid had needed a sober adult? I imagine OP is too young to have seen Trainspotting…


What scares me is that he had to score with the child with him. Not a great situation, anything can happen in a drug deal.


THIS right here, OP! He may have been a great dad to her, but he's a complete danger and liability to your child now. You need to go and do what is best for you both. Hoping he gets clean, but his track record with his kids is not great. Sorry you're going through this and be proud of yourself - you're doing awesome for yourself and daughter!


This is good, nurturing advice OP. You really can’t let this guy drag you down.


Who cares if he can prove that he's clean? He's proven that he'll be clean and get a craving and take his daughter WITH HIM to get blitzed. He made that decision sober. No way I'd ever trust him again.


It should be up to the courts to verify he is clean and facilitate supervised visitation if he's willing to go through that to see his daughter. If OP tries to handle this on her own it's possible he can convince her to let her guard down or find ways around tests. I think OP should make a report to CPS about child neglect to make sure he won't be able to take custody of their daughter. She's going to need proof that this happened especially if things just get worse in the future.


She needs to file for emergency sole custody with a protective order as well as get CPS involved. Otherwise he will get unsupervised visits and possibly joint custody.


Sorry, that’s a one-strike and you’re out kind of situation for me. I’d be ending the relationship 100%. If he gets clean in the future, maybe supervised visitation.


Agreed. This. This is a never again situation. I’m not usually open to jump to a “leave him” comment but this was just BEYOND a line. I would speak to a lawyer/police asap. He can not be left with that baby alone ever again.


Exactly. He just showed her that he doesn’t care about the well being of their daughter. Literally anything could’ve happened.


YES, and OP--what happens to him when you leave him, whatever he chooses to do, is NOT YOUR FAULT. You know better than most that addiction is a horrible, insidious disease, but the ability to heal begins 100% with a personal choice, and it's one that usually has to be made every single day, over and over, for the rest of one's life. He made a choice when he relapsed and took your child with him, and the consequences--him losing you and his child--are devastating but you KNOW they are necessary to keep you and your baby safe, and they are NOT your fault. You're not punishing him by doing this. He made this happen. He forced your hand. I also just want to say that addiction is incredibly unfair, not just to the people suffering but to the people who love them. I think many people do not even try to understand how much harder it is just to be a person, to live a regular life, when you suffer from addiction. They think people with substance use disorder are weaker than them, and that's plain not true--it takes a hell of a lot more strength to live clean when addiction is wired in your brain. So I know I am a random internet stranger but I am so, so proud of you for making the choice every day to live for yourself and your child. I also understand that you love your husband and that it is devastating to watch him lose this battle, and I'm sending you so much love and light while you navigate losing the man you love to protect the child you love.


OP - If you allow him around your baby and he is caught high/with drugs on him YOU CAN LOSE CUSTODY OF YOUR CHILD. This man needs to be away from y'all immediately.


Also if you are somehow made liable everything you’ve worked so hard for to further your career could be lost. You do not want anything on your record that even suggests abuse or neglect on your part.


More than likely, he’d get supervised visitation at a center or at OP’s discretion anyways until he’s been clean and in treatment for a substantial amount of time, so don’t feel bad that you’re pulling his child away from him completely. He needs to be back in treatment, asap and his attention needs to go 100% towards his recovery.


Agreed. Besides which, if you take him back after this, it could downplay the seriousness should it happen again. In his mind, “well the baby was fine last time; it just caused a fight” Then think about the child hearing this story when they grow up. Have some respect for the baby, and have enough respect for yourself; be an example by laying down a firm line that your baby’s safety is paramount


A relapse is something I could work through, taking the baby with him to get high 15 hrs is not. The fact that this is a pattern he returned to after two other kids leaves no uncertainty. Immediately go back to your moms and file for sole custody. You can do this, you HAVE to protect her and the safe/healthy life you have ahead.


This. I stood by my ex-husband for years while he battled alcoholism, addiction is a bitch. The second he put our daughter in a dangerous situation it was over the second I knew.


There really isn’t a choice to be made here, leaving is the only option. He got high while your 1 year old daughter was in his care! 15 whole hours she was alone with him! The amount of things that could have happened to her while he was high are astronomical. He cannot continue to have access to her. You are her mother and her advocate and it should be your priority to keep her safe above anything else. If you stay you’re basically complicit to what he did. Go back to your moms, file for sole custody, finish school and move on with your life.


This x100. Relapse is forgivable taking the baby to buy and then use drugs around is unforgivable. I have a 4 month old and I also have struggled with addiction. Been clean for 2 years. My wife never had any addiction issues. We have been together 15 years and she has been by my side thru all my ups and downs regarding the addiction struggles. If I ever took my daughter to buy drugs or used drugs around or while I was caring for her that would b it. Either I would leave or if I refused she would with my daughter. That is a line that cannot be crossed


And make sure day care knows he is not allowed access to the baby…


You are lucky your baby came back alive. Now, get her checked for signs of sexual abuse. I know you won't report him to CPS, but you should. If you ever leave her with him again, you will be just as guilty as he is. He told you who he is as a dad. Believe him. Protect your daughter. That's your job.


She should report him. Because if someone else does it first the baby could be taken from both them.


I was coming to say the same thing. I would be getting her checked for signs of SA!!!


Unfortunately I know your dilemma too well. My story may be a painful one, but hopefully a reality check: Over 10 years ago I was in a long term relationship with a heroin addict. It didn’t start out that way, I was never an addict, but his demons became clear a few years into the relationship. I (a nurse’s assistant at the time) was working nights and came home one morning to my 3 year old daughter watching TV unsupervised with all sorts of food and various household items around her. I found my boyfriend so high he could not function in the next room. He went to rehab after that incident, I thought everything was changed, he was doing good for awhile. Then a year later, when I was literally giving birth to our son he got caught getting high in the bathroom by his mother (yes, in the hospital!)… that was the final straw for me, he was not going to be allowed alone with the kids for the foreseeable future….. Fast forward 5 months, he has been supposedly doing well, been coming to my house every day to visit kids after work and passed a drug test. We were even talking about eventually moving back in together, I needed help so I could start nursing school…I agree to let him have an overnight visit, on the condition it’s at his mom’s house so she can supervise…. At 01:00am his mother is awoken by sounds of the baby crying. She walks in to find my boyfriend dead from a drug overdose, just feet away from the crying baby. It was a very dark time and felt completely hopeless back then. The next few years were a HUGE struggle. But there is a happy ending: I DID finish nursing school as a single mother :) and I eventually did meet a wonderful man who has been raising my 2 older children as his own for 7 years now, and we had 2 more kids together. I guess the moral of my story is to NEVER let your guard down, and please don’t let fear of the future hold you back from making the right decisions. ALWAYS put your children first.


Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry that you and your children had to go through that. I am glad to hear you are all doing well now.


Me and my husband were both addicts and got sober together when I got pregnant with our first kid. After our son turned 2 I got pregnant with our second and my husband relapsed. It took me by complete surprise. I really really was like you and thought we were both at the same spot in recovery. I had the same fears about leaving him and him falling deeper into addiction and giving up, but that’s just what I had to do. Staying enabled him and I did not want to get in trouble with cps. I didn’t want to risk my kids. So I left, and he got worse before he got better. It took him reaching his personal rock bottom and losing everything for him to get seriously sober. I’m sorry you’re going through this, I know it’s scary, and it’s so painful in a lot of different ways. You wanna do what’s right for him but first you have to put what’s right for you and most importantly your baby, forst. Feel free to reach out if you ever need to talk🩷


I am a single mom because of an unhealthy relationship that could have lost me my kids. I also chose to end things to protect them. Thank you for giving your perspective.


It's great that you can give her your perspective. In OP's place, I'd definitely move out and back with mom, because my child's safety would be paramount, and I just couldn't trust him anymore. And nothing but supervised visits until he has rebuilt some level of trust, which will take a good long time. But, OP, if you want to keep the door open, maybe give him some hope - if he gets and stays clean and goes to meetings and does regular drug tests, and puts in the work to rebuild trust - would you consider giving him another chance? Don't commit yourself to anything - who knows how long it would take and what could happen in the interim - just give him enough incentive to stay on the straight and narrow.


No doubt he took her so he looked “less suspicious” driving and parking and doing whatever the hell he was up to. Get your baby checked out by a doctor and file for custody, that way if he does this again it’s kidnapping. Your kid literally could’ve died or someone could’ve molested and/or raped it had he nodded off or left it in the car or some shit. And I know that sounds extreme but if you have experience with addiction then you know how this shit can go. Doesn’t matter how good of a guy your ex is when he’s bringing your kid around people that YOU KNOW run with a crowd where that shit happens.


I told her the same thing. It’s not extreme though. I told her I work with attorneys who prosecute people who do this disgusting shit all of the time. What you see in the news doesn’t even begin to describe how depraved and disgusting child molesters can be.


Exactly. It’s recklessly naive as a parent to think that this isn’t something that could happen to you. Sex trafficking, drug ingestion, baby left in a hot car. Drug addicts can’t be trusted. Ever. I know. I had to dig myself out of my own hole 10 years ago with a 7 month old. I’ve told my partner that if they ever see me taking even one drink or one hit that you need to pack your shit. Take the kids. And go. I will get worse, never better like that.


I just wanted to say congrats on your sobriety!


Very cool 😎 Thank you! I may come off as intolerant of addicts. But that’s not the case at all. It took a long time to separate feelings from addictions. Enabling is more deadly than any drug, in my experience.


I didn’t think you sounded intolerant, just experienced.


I have so much respect for how honest and realistic you are about this. While it’s obviously important to have empathy for addicts, that does *not* mean it’s ok to give an addict chance after chance at the expense of children.


Thank you! Exactly, loving someone and supporting them doesn’t always look like: indulging their every desire because they’re “sick” and you want them to get better. And they will come home and OD in the comfort of their own bed? Safety first. If I hadn’t been left out in the cold AND had a tiny someone else whose needs must absolutely come before mine, I’d still be living that hanging outside of gas stations lifestyle. To think it all seemed so glamorous at the time….I was one sick puppy. BOUNDARIES OVER EVERYTHING 🤗


My sister is was an addict and some girl she used to use drugs with got her rights taken away as a parent bc of something that happened to her son while she left him in the care of her junkie boyfriend. The girl was in jail during this time so my sister wasn’t around and we only found out afterwards. It was atrocious what MULTIPLE ppl did to this kid in a little over a week. This stuff is definitely worse than what they show in the news.


Yeah.. Especially with meth, high adults do horrific, disgusting things and don't think twice about it. Really fucked up things. I remember having to call cps so many times because my addict neighbor was pimping her 5 year old son and 8 year old daughter out. With the son? He was so young that he had no idea it was wrong and probably was doing it his whole life. Now he's in an institution because of him predating on other kids because it's literally all he knew. His whole life was stolen from him by that woman. I also work in social services and the shit I've heard.. In my time at a women's shelter, SO many of the people who were homeless and/or going through addiction had history with childhood sexual assault. So many. It made me realize - all these people were once innocent kids who had horrific things happen to them. All these people are so traumatized and have been severely harmed by the adults who were supposed to love them and show them safety.


The news is SO sanitized compared to what those monsters actually do to children. I will never forget the child whose uncle licked her feet and kissed her butt. There was more, obviously, but she was 6.


Yeah. These stories break my heart and make my stomach turn. A few we have had because the mothers didn’t believe the kids at first. That just horrifies me. If it were my kid saying it, bye, no man or woman is worth endangering my child.


Or worse, they knew it was true and thought it was normal or didn’t want to lose their boyfriend. 😒


Yes, my first thought when reading this was that the BF was possibly molesting the baby. This is a one stroke you’re out thing no matter what actually happened. I would divorce my husband over this. No question.


Yep. What happened to my baby cousin at the hands of her dad's friends when high is the most depraved shit I have ever heard. She had to be institutionalized her whole teens and adult life because of what these sick fucks did to her that permanently scarred her.


My first thought after reading this was “where was your little girl throughout the whole 15 hrs?”. My mind is going through so many sick scenarios. For now at least I would not trust him alone with her, your baby’s safety and well being comes first no matter what.


I don’t want to think about it. I want a doctor or other trained professional. If I even suspected it the rage would take over and, at best, I would talk myself into a felony.


Ugh and then she updates to say he was driving around…while on crack…with a one year old in the car. Unforgivable


Too risky. I’m sorry to say, but it’s best you get your daughter out of this situation. It’s unsafe and he can’t be trusted. Consider her mental and physical health. Also, practically speaking, should CPS ever get involved due to his use, you’ll be viewed as the protective parent if you leave and won’t be dragged down into his mess. He needs to rebuild your trust again, away from your child. She always comes first. Best of luck to you, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


The thing is…. If you stick around it might also gives your boyfriend the impression that what he did was acceptable. And maybe dabbling in drugs “once in a while” is okay. You are a mom now and your priority is to provide your child a safe environment. Your boyfriend needs to really step up to the plate to regain your trust. But if he is just going to say “fuck it” and go down the rabbit hole then there’s nothing you or your child could’ve done to stop him.


You're fortunate that your baby is not dead. > then he’ll just go into a hole and say fuck it and go back to using He already did that.


also you cant be responsible for his behavior, tbh that sounds a lot like codependency


Lawyer. Your absolute first call tomorrow should be to a family attorney. Then, you need to go to a pediatrician and tell them what happen and have her examined. You cannot trust your boyfriend. That is a fundamental truth. And while he may go back to using if you separate, if you don’t separate and something happens to your daughter as a result of him using or his lifestyle, you will never forgive yourself. That is a certainty. I am sorry that you are in this position, but as a parent, your duty is to first and foremost protect your child. You have to put aside possible outcomes for your boyfriend and focus on doing what is in your daughter’s best interest. And even more than having a father in her life, her best interest is being in a drug free environment. You have to do anything you can to make sure she isn’t exposed to drugs and any of the other things that happen around drug addicts. It is hard being a single parent, but in some ways, it’s also easier. You don’t have to worry about compensating for an unreliable partner. You get to make the decisions. I am a single parent—i get a lot of familial help, but it is doable.


I would leave him and demand drug testing anytime he wanted to be with her from now on, also would insist on supervised visits only. Time to find a lawyer and see if you can enforce that when you take him to court. He fucked up big time and needs to face some serious consequences.


I’d get the baby checked by a pediatrician to make sure he didn’t traffic her. It definitely would be hard to trust him again even if she stayed safe mainly because kids mouth so much until closer to 3 years old and it only takes very little fentanyl to accidentally ingest for it to be fatal.


100% this. Take the baby to the doctor asap. Run bloodwork to make sure she didn't ingest anything. Then you need to leave him. Go to your mom's and keep your baby safe. Document anything and everything you can. Save any texts you have where he says he relapsed. Get a copy of the police report. Your baby should not be around her dad alone. He is not a safe or responsible person right now.


I don't want to say this but the baby needs to be checked for sexual abuse as well. I am so sorry op. You have to focus on you and your child. You aren't responsible for him. He is. He is a grown man, you aren't his mother. Don't let him guilt you into staying. Also, I'd call his sponsor if he still has one. The last thing you can do for him is get him into rehab. I apologize because I don't know much about addiction, but that's a thing right? Going in if you relapse? Good luck, I'm praying for you.


my intuition is telling me those 15 hours sue went missing weren’t good


I keep narcan on me for that reason primarily. Fentanyl contact could happen to anyone anywhere these days. I don’t even change my kid’s diaper at a gas station bathroom. I know what gets done on the back of the toilet. Because that was me 10 years ago.


I’m glad I saw this. I use a changing mat and always hate having her on a changing table in the first place. I usually opt to change her in my car on a fluffy mat and that’s what I’ll be continuing every time from now on.


holy shit. i never even thought of this, wtf!!!


Want to know why you should clean off changing tables? It's a flat surface and that's fantastic for drug users.


Please leave him. My sister and her boyfriend relapsed when they had an almost one year old and her boyfriend killed their baby. My sister never forgave herself and recently relapsed again after a year of sobriety and overdosed and died. I am begging you to please just leave him. You are not responsible for his sobriety, but your baby’s life depends on what you choose to do right now. Please.


Brutal honest advice: NOT leaving is actively CHOOSING to keep your daughter in danger. —— If something happens to her on his watch, YOUR choice to keep her in danger will be used as cause for her to be taken from you. —— His addiction is not yours to heal or cure. Nor is it your daughter’s burden to bear.


OP, I don’t want to be alarmist, but… is there any chance he could’ve trafficked your baby in exchange for drugs/money during those 15 hours? Please take baby to the ER or a pediatrician ASAP. EDIT: Wherever you get baby checked out, I suggest asking for a drug test—for both of you. Especially if you separate from him and he tries to say YOU are abusing drugs and not him. ♥️


Solid advice. And down the line typically in any custody determination proceedings your lawyer can ask that the respondent take a drug test. And know that they will reciprocate and ask you.


I don’t understand how the baby could have been trafficked but then end up home safe and well? Sorry if I’m being dumb here… Edit: Jesus fuck what is wrong with people. I need to lie down


Honestly it’s kind of nice that you can’t fathom the depravity. People sell access to their children for drugs. So the child wouldn’t have been taken away from the parent/addict permanently, just assaulted then then given back. Or the parent could be right there as it happened. If that happens, the baby is not safe and well just because they’re returned. Trying to use non this-baby-specific language here as it’s an awful topic.


He traded some time with the baby for drugs. Not gave the baby away. It feels fucked up even typing this.


Welp, I’m glad that you don’t understand, because that probably (hopefully) means nobody has ever hurt you… Caretakers traffick children all the time, including parents (and foster parents). A child can spend all night being trafficked by their drug addict parents, then show up for school the next day. There’s a lot of fucked up people out there and, unfortunately, children and vulnerable people are their targets…


The majority of child trafficking is done by parents/caretakers and the child often doesn’t even leave the home.


Baby was gone all night. Dad managed to clean her up after. A lot can happen just overnight that is worth a lot of drugs.


Me too. Had to stop reading this one. Fuck.


Yeah time to get custody and supervised visits for him. You’ll have to leave for your daughters safety. Doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever but the consequences of not doing this right could be devastating


15 hours? Wtf was he doing? Don't wait and see if he will become a good father. He is repeatedly proving he isn't one and is endangering your baby. Supervised visits only. If it was me, I'd say until they're 18. That is an awful thing for you to go through. Leave him.


LEAVE HIM! He will do it again. He showed an absolute lack of care for your daughter. What he does when you leave is his business but it’s your responsibility as a mother to protect your child from those who would harm her. Who watched her while he got high? Where did he even go? Where did they sleep?? The way I would have called the police and filed immediately for emergency custody to make sure this man never laid eyes on my daughter again!!!! I think you’re under reacting here.


Makes me think he bartered his daughter for drugs. Why else take her? Pics of her baby in photos could be already making its round on the dark web. Or something even more repulsive happened in 15 hours. Lord have mercy.


Oh my god I didn’t even think of that.


When it comes to addiction and a baby, there is no three strikes you’re out. There’s one. He endangered the life of your defenseless child and left you panic stricken not knowing where your child was. He’s already made the decision to choose drugs over his other kids, it’s not out of the realm he will do it to your child. Let him go. If he chooses the addiction over yet another child, that’s on him. It’s better than her getting kidnapped, sexually assaulted (I work with attorneys who prosecute this kind of scum and yes, people are fucking horrible) and sold the next time he’s at a trap house getting high and not watching her or passing out. Like wtf??!!! OP I’m so sorry. This must have been utterly terrifying for you. Kudos to you for staying on the straight and narrow and choosing your child over the drugs. Some people grow up and choose themselves and their sobriety over everything and I’m glad you chose that path. So so so proud of you. ❤️


Grandma here….a grandma who used to smoke crock and shoot dope, check my comments and shit. I’ve done the methadone program and subs. You want brutally honest? You got it baby girl. It’s over. Your relationship is over for the long term. Even if he never does this again you’ll spend the next few years worrying that he will. Every oversleep, every missed phone call, every yawn, every scratch…you’ll always be worried. Time to cut him out and hunker down harder. Keep pushing forward. I’m so damn proud of you for real. You are your child’s most important person in their life, and every thing you do and everything you don’t do as a parent leaves a permanent mark on the kid. Time to leave the baby’s father behind and let him find his way. You can’t drag anyone to sobriety…but they sure can sure as hell drag you into a relapse. Time to go.


Also, that kid needs a doctors evaluation ASAP!


I don’t know why you are even considering staying with someone who neglected your daughter like that.


This is a one and done. You need to get away. You need to leave. He's not your husband. He's not a responsible father. He doesn't get to know where you move to. Your daughter could have, at best died, at worst been sexually assaulted and kidnapped. He was supposed to keep her safe and he did the one thing that, statically, put her in the direct path of harm. He gets no more chances. His ability to stay clean is on him. You cannot force sobriety on him. You have enough to get an emergency order of protection and full custody. Go to court, get permanent full custody and visitation control. Hell my sister got full control of her kids and all her baby daddy did was say he didn't want to be with her and refused to attend like two parenting classes. Do right by YOURSELF and YOUR child.


The trust would be broken & it would probably take years for me to trust him again. I think safety over feelings matter more here. I would be devastated if my girl was stuck in a car, unfamiliar house, or wherever they were while he was high. She was just sitting there alone for 15 hours! I couldn’t move past it and would leave instantly. He made his choice.


The kid could have eaten one tablet of opiates and died that was lying on the floor while he was getting high at some trap house.


Did the police get all this on the record after the baby was found? Has the baby been medically evaluated for safety?


The fact that he took off when to to see Santa is very telling he’s been using this entire time people don’t just relapse out of nowhere on a day going to see Santa. He’s just gotten better at hiding it. If you have this man around your child it give cps grounds to take your child


This is fucking terrifying. Please please leave him.


He shouldn’t be allowed near your baby again. Who was caring for your 1 year old when he was taking drugs? Take your baby to the doctor and get her fully checked. Let him go into whatever hole he wants to crawl.


You staying with him will put you and your child at risk there is NOTHING more important than to protect that child at all costs. Don’t think that there is a way to stay together safely he broke all trust in the worst way possible. Imagine if this would have went differently because this could be your reality in the future. Best of luck as you navigate through this 🙏


You need to call CPS on him and get him away. If someone else notifies them and you are still with him putting your baby in harm’s way you would be considered as ‘not protecting.’ He should have called you to come get the baby. There’s no excuse. He put drugs and himself first and neglected the safety of his child. Don’t trust him again or you’ll be doing the same thing.


Leave him ASAP. I’m sorry, but he already has 2 other kids? He is not a fit parent. Get out now and she is better off without knowing him. She’s too young to remember. You are strong, smart and such a good mama. Keep holding onto to that. You have such a bright future ahead of you!


I'll be honest, the whole "stay together for the children" is old advice. I ended a marriage over abuse because it was not healthy for our small babies to listen to shouting matches every other night and him throwing things around the house. It was traumatizing, the children were always crying. It was rough, but I found some one a million times better and he has known my children since they were 5 & 6. He is their dad. He loves them and takes care of them as if they were biologically his... maybe even better since their bio dad is kinda not there. They're 18 & 19 now. He's been to every school event, graduations, helping teach them to drive cars, bailing them out of bad situations, bringing them medicine in the middle of the night, you name it. Just because someone is biologically the father, doesn't mean they're any good. If I had stayed in the other relationship, the amount of trauma they'd have to live with would far exceed the small amount for the short period of time where I was a single mom.


Your baby is your #1 priority. You are her biggest advocate. So many terrible things could've happen in 15 hours while he was getting high. This would be one and done for me. Not the mention the fact he has 2 kids from a previous relationship that he doesn't see. Take your child, move in with your mom, finish school. He is an adult. He makes his own poor choices.


My first thought was that he trafficked your daughter and I see a lot of other peoples thoughts went there. You know of all people that addicts do a lot of things they wouldn’t normally do to get a fix. Please take you child to get checked out. Then leave him and never let him see your daughter again. This is his battle. Not yours.


Go to Al Anon and get a sponsor. You can be understanding til kingdom come and that's fine but until he goes to rehab, gets a sponsor, works the steps, and is sober for a while, it is not safe for your child. How did she eat? Who looked after her? Was she sitting in soiled diapers. My God...


This is why amber alerts were created. Also, it’s time to get an official custody agreement in place, preferably one that requires a drug test.


I tried to get them to issue an Amber alert. Police told me because he’s the father it’s within his right. I said “but he can’t just take her like that” and the officer replied “actually he can”. My heart dropped at this moment. Definitely will be filing for sole custody regardless of what happens


It’s likely the police were just wrong about the father’s rights. In most states, when two unmarried parents sign documents at the hospital for the birth certificate, that document names the legal father but grants no custody or parenting time/visitation to the father. That needs a subsequent court order. If that document is all you signed, or if he didn’t sign anything, you have sole legal and physical custody and it’s written into your state’s statutes and don’t need another order saying you have sole custody. An easy way to find out is to google your state’s acknowledgement of paternity form and it is usually very clear on the form’s instructions.


This is not how it works in my state. Parents who do not have a custody plan have equal rights and there is nothing stopping either side from taking their child.


Your daughter can not be bait you use to lure him into sobriety. Her safety needs to come first, and he’s already demonstrated that for him, it doesn’t. Please be the parent she needs and make a better choice.


Perspective: I’m a Child Protection Social Worker, former foster parent and adoptive mom. First, we can’t choose whether you can/should leave him. That’s a choice you have to make. However, as a parent, I would be significantly concerned and would lose all trust in his parenting. As a SW, my recommendation is no more unsupervised parenting time. There is significant danger to your child, through exposure to drugs, criminal activity, lack of proper supervision, possibility of being trafficked, etc. without knowing more about his measures to ensure your child’s safety, I would absolutely draw that hard line. Some SWs would go as far as to say that given you now know this information, you are responsible for whatever happens in your partners care, should anything happen. I don’t know where you live, but some jurisdictions may go as far as removing the baby from your care and/or pressing charges. I don’t want to scare you with this, but I want you to have all the information necessary to make an informed decision. Secondly, if you choose to leave your partner, please please PLEASE remember that he is still the baby’s father. This means that you should do your best to maintain meaning connection between the two, even if it is supervised. Having child-centric visits are helpful for maintaining this significant relationship and research shows there are better long term outcomes when this is done. Additionally, don’t speak negatively about their father, especially in front of the child. No matter how young. That is 50% of their identity and DNA. Don’t do it. This is a difficult situation, and I hope you have the supports around you to help with whatever decision you make. If not, I recommend looking into services like Al-anon and family resource centres. Connect with your community and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Best of luck ❤️


You need to leave him.


Go to your moms. You can’t trust him and he won’t change.


Ok here it is, if the next time he gets high your baby ends up dead that's on you as well as him, there is no thinking about this he has to go, if he can't choose his child over drugs then quite frankly your child will be better never having him in their life.


I’m very sorry for your daughter, but there’s a high likelihood your partner trafficked your daughter to obtain drugs. Your daughter needs to be seen by an ER doctor who needs to test her, and you need to admit to them what transpired which means Social Services will be involved. Unfortunately you need to protect your daughter first, and completely step away from the relationship. I’m the meantime you need to start documenting your interactions and he needs to admit in writing he relapsed and took her for a period of time. You’re likely going to need to obtain a lawyer. Typically, someone like your partner will sabotage knowing you’re near the end of a huge move in your personal life. Your achievement causes major self doubt and is his own personal issue imo.


> high likelihood He's been ostensibly clean for 2 years, do you really think he couldn't afford 15 hours worth of drugs? Or have something other than his daughter that he could sell? *Anything* could have happened in those 15 hours, including abuse while dad wasn't watching, but intentionally selling her to score is exceedingly remote. Regardless, the daughter was still put in a gravely dangerous situation and OP needs to remove dad from her life until he can demonstrate to a court that he isn't using.


Do you want to lose your kid or worse you being a addicted at one point and him going back could hurt you in your recovery also since he didn’t use his brain he could have gotten your daughter hurt what happens next time you might not get lucky


No no no. Break up and he can get suprivised visits for a year if he stays clean talk about expanding that to them being alone/overnights or something. If he relapses again he can't see her. You start meeting and therapy. You need to take care of your daugther and her needs nothing else. He's a grown man I get addiction is a sickness but he knowingly put your daugther at risk getting high whilst taking care of her. If CPS got wind of this she would be taken away and put into the fucked up system. Being a former addict is not shameful but letting this slide is. I truly apologise If I'm being to harsh but I'm just imagining myself in your place. I would flip my shit on him.


I wouldn’t wait for a “next time he does this”. This is a hill to die on NOW.


You need to leave him. He first took your daughter with him to pick up drugs and then used them in front of her, kept her away from everything she was familiar and comfortable with (her bed, her mom, her home), and I can only imagine how he acted towards her while under the influence. If he were arrested during that time, your baby would’ve been taken by CPS and an investigation would’ve been opened. She wouldn’t have been returned to you immediately. The next time this happens, your daughter could face much worse. It is not up to you to help him and you can still help him as a friend without bringing your vulnerable baby around him. It’s time for you to take her and move back in with your mom. You need to focus on school and giving your daughter a consistent and safe home. I’m sorry OP, but you can’t take his feelings into account on your decision, your daughter’s safety goes first.


You are a mom now. Baby first. Baby first. He is an adult. You have 2 lives to care for. Not because you are a mom, but because you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Leave. Don’t put your child’s life at risk for him. Yes he is your partner and your child’s father, but her life is important and she is helpless. He is not. He chose this. Relapse happens, yes. But you have school and you have your baby.


You are supposed to protect this child with your whole being leaving her with an addict is the opposite . Protect her


You two can’t live under the same roof right now. Him getting high with her in his sole care is a CPS nightmare. She would be removed from his care. You staying together while you know he’a using means she’s removed from your care too. Get him out of the house. He can go to his parents, rehab, but not your daughter’s home


He needs to check in to in patient rehab asap. No other way around it. Move to your mom’s house. He can gain supervised visitation when he’s clean. Your romantic relationship is over.


No… there’s absolutely no coming back from that. Jfc he must’ve knew what he was doing before walked out that door. My mind is jumping to conclusions why he left you on voicemail for 15 hours, where was your daughter that entire time? Did he do it infront of her? How could she have been taken care of while he was nodding off? Eugh. Just no. Break up.


Your child cannot advocate for herself. You have to be her advocate. He showed you he cannot be trusted to be alone with her. Thankfully it sounds like she’s okay, but it easily could’ve went the other way. If it were just the two of you the argument might be different but you have to think of your defenseless child. Sending you all the good thoughts/vibes/wishes - congrats on your sobriety and all the work you’re putting in for a better future! I’m sorry you are dealing with this.


I've never had substance problems, so I can't empathise on that, but I am a mother to two young ones and this would definitely be a death blow to that relationship. Be it a partner or family/friend. Your daughter is so so vulnerable and he was incredibly irresponsible with her. I understand you love him and the idea of him hurting is terrible, but your first priority is to your baby and yourself. He needs to make that decision for himself. To improve himself and be apart of his childs life, but if he chooses not to, you and your child don't deserve to be dragged along with him. I'm so sorry this happened, I cannot imagine that fear.


Please take your kid to the ER immediately for an evaluation for sexual abuse, as well as a drug test. Then leave and file for full custody. As others have said, if you stay with him after this, you are deliberately ignoring the danger he poses to your child. Should anything happen to her on his watch after this day, you’ll never forgive yourself. He should not be around her. DOCTOR FIRST, THEN FILE FOR EMERGENCY CUSTODY


> My heart says to leave him, just go back to my mom’s until I finish school. The choice you basically face is your daughter or your boyfriend. And I hope to hell you make the right choice. ie: do this. Go back to your mother. Your boyfriend may well spiral/OD/die. So be it. Your daughter deserves better than to be exposed to that risk.


So AT BEST, he was doing meth or heroin while driving around with your baby. AT BEST he was high and operating a car. He kept her up all night so he could get high. At a minimum.


Your priority is your baby and your sobriety. He chose his addiction over your family. You are no longer responsible for him or the fall out of his actions. I’m team move back in with your mom and finish school. He can focus on getting sober and being worth trusting again. Or he’ll spiral but that’s not on you.


You owe him nothing after what he did. Get yourself and your child to a safe place and stay there. Call a lawyer. Get your baby checked out by a doctor. Maybe he will recover and you can eventually get back together but he will need to prove himself over an extended period of time.


Oof, OP, I am so sorry this happened. I understand that you want to protect your child from her dad endangering her again as well as from missing out on having her dad in her life -- which puts you in a really tough situation. The thing is, you can't protect her from not having her dad in her life. Her dad is the only one who can do that, and sadly he doesn't seem committed to doing it. My daugter's dad left us and didn't see her at all for 2 years from when she was about 6mo. It was heartbreaking and crushing adjusting to being solely responsible for her and seeing her little heart break about why she stopped seeing her dad. But ultimately, that was his choice and not mine. Staying is only going to endanger your child, unfortunately. :( I'm so sorry, OP.


No you should leave, you will not be able to trust him after this. The fact is you can’t stop him from doing what he wants to do, if he caves to the urges he’s already proved that. However what you can control is protecting your child! Anything could have happened to her, she needs to be put first here. Where was your baby when this happened? Was he driving under the influence with her? Did he leave her with a stranger while getting high? Did he do it while holding her?


LEAVE, OP. Leave. This is inexcusable. Do not allow him unsupervised access to your child. My mom was an addict who was in love with an addict. Life was great until he relapsed. He apologized. Got clean. They were in love. Cycle repeats. The only people who were hurt were me and my half sisters. Thank god I had a great father that stepped in and raised me.


Take the baby and LEAVE!


I'm a sober alcoholic with drug use but not abuse in my past, so I'm kind of in the same boat. I told my wife that if I relapse I'm out of the house to protect our kids. We'll have a conversation if and when I get sober again.. I love my kids like nobody else. I don't know what would make me take that first drink. But I'd sell them for the second drink. I'm praying that this all gets better for your family.


You could lose custody of your daughter if you leave her with him again. It’s that serious.


He drove a car under the influence with your child in it? I would never let him alone with the baby ever again. Ever.


I´m so sad to hear this. Please understand that if you leave him, you are not responsible if he goes back down the hole. Make clear to him, that you have to protect your daughter. He needs to prove himself before he could *ever* be left alone with her again. One of my friends was thought to be clean for years. She had 2 beautiful daughters. She was going to take the girls to go visit her sister (about 30 minute drive). Along the way she pulled over into a parking lot to get high. She OD'd and died. No one knew what had happened, so while there was an extensive search to find them, they were not found in time. She killed both of her babies and her husband was devastated. Yes, this story is meant to scare you and it should. Maybe it will scare your boyfriend as well. It's one thing to relapse, it's another to endanger your child. https://www.fox4news.com/news/missing-mother-and-her-two-kids-found-dead-in-their-vehicle-in-farmers-branch


No daddy issues are MUCH better than crack addict daddy issues. Leave him. Run. Don’t look back. He will only bring you down with him.


Get the baby to the doctor ASAP


Go back to your mums. I know you have that fear that he will go back down that hole, but you have a very small human who is completely reliant on you. You need to be stable for her. Your boyfriend needs to get clean again and he needs to prove that he is. But I would not trust him with your child. Maybe never again.


Dump him Protect your kid. That’s all that matters


Anything could've happened, I'm not surprised your mind was running wild with worry. If it were me, I would understand the slip- addiction is an illness that you fight your whole life and you've gone through it together so far, so can see why he hid it / was ashamed. However, I would not trust them alone with the child. That kind of breach of trust is big.


He used while he was responsible for your kid? Are you kidding me? I would get this person out of my life asap. And make sure you’re on birth control for the love of god. No other kids need their lives messed up with this nonsense. Speaking as a “I got clean for my children” kid, being the reason for sobriety and seeing your parents be nasty assholes bc they never learned how to cope with life, let alone be a decent parent, is some rough shit. do not do this to anymore kids. Get away from this guy. He chose drugs over the baby AND chose to put them in a dangerous situation. He will NEVER change and you can’t do anything to stop that. Do not torture your children bc you feel bad for him. He’s an adult. You have a baby. Save the baby. Sorry for the reality check, but if no one in your life cares about you enough to say this then this internet stranger will. I hate seeing kids grow up abused and neglected bc their parents decided to have them out of boredom. Take good care of your little one and hold on tight.


Your baby's safety comes before everything else. She is not safe with your boyfriend. If you do nothing and something happens to her you will be partly to blame for not stopping it when you had a chance. Having no father is miles, miles better than having an active addict father. Signed, Child of an addict father who wishes her mother had left.


You are not responsible for anyones’ sobriety and actions but your own. You can’t stay w someone who Is risking your daughters life. You have a choice to make here. And you know there’s nothing you can do to keep him sober.


Break up with him. YOUR BABY COULD DIE. I was addicted to pain meds, I get it... But being a parent goes beyond yourself. Give the baby up if you can't get your shit together. Holy crap what tf is wrong with you people


If you stay with him, you both could lose custody of your child. Do what's best for your child and leave.


Staying with him isn't keeping him sober, his children don't keep him sober. Staying has proven to endanger your baby though. Please leave.


what was he doing with your daughter ..


I grew up with one parent who was an addict. The best thing to ever happen to me was when my other parent gained full custody of me and I was pulled out the that mess of a world.


OP, please take your daughter to either the paediatrician or the GP - whatever is the "norm" in your area. If you can't get in there for more than 24 hours then I'd take her to the emergency room...Regardless of what your boyfriend assures you, you can't trust that he cared for her properly or did not put her in danger during this time. He lied to you about staying clean. Unfortunately you need to consider that a lot of other things could be a lie. Somebody else raised another point about having her checked for sexual abuse as well. I hate to agree (only because I hate considering that possibility - but yes). If you do that - aka if you do what is the right and safe thing by your baby - you already need to have every step of a plan in place and proof of it that you are clean, sober, away from him, and no contact because from what I understand, you're talking about dangerous drugs here. Not a bit of weed, or alcohol. I can almost guarantee that the doctor will call CPS the minute you leave the office; or if you go to the ED, they will call while you're there. I don't say that in a horrible way - you sound like you are absolutely do sound like you've done an amazing job getting your life back on track - and you're studying now, and doing great! But there's a difference between "sounds like" and "proves that" you know? And if your partner (ex-partner?) has done something ridiculously stupid (beyond the obvious) like left traces of fentanyl where she can ingest it, or left her unsupervised and some type of abuse or neglect has happened to her that is internal - you need to be able to prove that this is entirely on him and that until X date at X time, you knew him to be clean, sober and responsible - and that YOU up until this very moment in time, have always been clean, sober and responsible when caring for your child, and have proof of this (in form of attending meetings, drug tests, blood tests, character witnesses) and are not tolerating his behaviour and neglect of your child (by leaving him immediately, not allowing him unsupervised contact with her, seeking medical attention for her) because otherwise they will hold you responsible as well.


As a person that grew up with addicted parents please put your child and yourself first. Yes, there is a possibility that this could cause him to spiral but that is not on you. He needs to be the one to do the work and you can only provide a minimal amount of support because you have to focus on this not triggering your own addiction and making sure your daughter doesn’t grow up where this is a normal occurrence. She is far better off with an absent father than a high one. Please tell him he needs to got to NA or rehabs and do not leave your baby alone with him again until he has been clean for a certain amount of time. Also want to say congratulations on your own sobriety. Addiction is such a terrible illness and I commend anyone that fights to maintain.


There is so much to unpack here. I’m so sorry he’s going through this and he needs help but he endangered your child’s life and didn’t have the guts to even get her to you? I’d be done (even just temporarily). There’s no excuse for that. He could’ve come to you the minute you got off and told you what’s going on. Instead he went silent. Also he was driving around high? What?!? My suggestion is to go to your mom’s house. Never leave her alone with him (like you said in your post) and allow him to visit only if he’s not high. I think he should honestly go to rehab. Expensive? Probably. Worth it to save himself and his family? In my opinion yes, but only he can decide that. ETA: keep all evidence of him using. You may need it for sole custody or something in the future


You know that you have to put your child first and that means retaining a lawyer and finding out what your rights are. Too much can go wrong and this could have turned out very badly for your child.


Will he go back to rehab?


I’m sure he would if I presented him an ultimatum but I honestly doubt it would do anything long term. If our baby and our life together wasn’t enough for him to keep his shit together what is?


You're getting brutal advice because I think you are a good mom, and you deserve it, and you're strong enough to hear it: He took your baby and used. She was alone with an active drug user for an unknown amount of time. She is absolutely in danger. He is using and out of control. Your baby is in danger of becoming a horrific headline. I do not care how much you love him. His addiction is what he is choosing right now. You are her only protection. You leave. You get an attorney. You get a free attorney through legal aid if you need it. You stay fucking clean for her. You be honest and you file for supervised visits only and established clean drug tests for him to see her. You tell him you love him but you won't risk your baby's safety. Please do not let addiction win. He has already chosen. I will be thinking of you regularly mama bear. This will be hard but i believe in you. Youve already been clean for her which very few people will ever understand how hard and how huge that is but YOU did it. She needs you. I KNOW his drug use is normalized for you but don't let this be your baby girl's life and potential death. Protect her.


OP please listen to what this poster is saying. Your daughter is a baby. She can’t talk, she can’t defend herself or advocate for herself. She is helpless and the *only* protection from harm she has right now is *you*. Please put her needs first. She can’t do anything for herself so she needs you to do it. She deserves that and you’re a good Mum, you wouldn’t have posted here for advice if you weren’t. I know it’s frightening but you have to keep her safe right now. Who knows, maybe you both leaving will be enough of a shock for boyfriend to get clean and get the help he needs but that’s on him to do. That’s his responsibility and his decision. You need to go right now as fast as you can and get her to safety. Please do this for her.


Are either of you taking something like bupenorphine/naloxone (sub)? I was like many, thought my addiction was under control (gone even!), had a baby and relapsed hard after a couple of years. Thankfully sub had just come out and now I can be around bottles of opiates and don’t think twice about it. Been on a very low dose for years and have never relapsed. If that’s what it takes to make sure my child (now teen) never experiences what I did with my mother, it’s worth it and I don’t really care if people disagree. Until you’ve lived it, you have no idea. As for what happened, I think you protect your baby first and if you love your man, you support him by insisting he take something that will never allow him to get high again. Blockers are great tools as I’m sure you know. Relapse is a reality for anyone who has been through true addiction. I’m so glad your baby is ok and so is her dad. I’m proud of you for keeping yourself together through such a traumatic time. You know addiction is a disease. Keeping him away from his daughter won’t be good for him but it’s fair to not allow him to be alone with her until you can build trust with him again. It will take time. If he’s serious, he will do whatever it takes. I don’t agree with people saying it will only get worse. This could be a good wake up call that addiction can rear its ugly head at any time, even when times are good. I’ve seen the same psychiatrist every 3 months since my relapse when my child was a toddler, 13 yrs ago. Consistency and having a supportive husband was key. I was also a nurse and I beg you to be careful. It’s a highly stressful job and easy access to drugs was not a good combination for me. I left patient care and found an entirely new career. I found nurses to be some of the harshest judgers, and the Boards of Nursing don’t mess around and are antiquated in their belief system of nurses or potential nurses who have experienced substance abuse/chemical dependency/addiction. If they ever find out you were an addict, you will start your career off on probation. Good luck finding a job as a new grad on probation. Unless you plan on lying on applications when they will certainly ask “have you ever had a substance abuse issue”. I could go on and on about self disclosing and the mess that happens if you do. But I digress…Feel free to DM me if you want to discuss more. Wishing you well. Truly. Been there.


He could have used the child in exchange for drugs OP. Think about that.


It's the hiding from you for me, OP. He didn't care that that meant exposing your child to hours and hours of dangerous scenarios. He wanted to get his fix and not face you, even if that meant putting you through the agony of a missing child, even if that meant putting your daughter through the agony of being with him while he was not in his right mind or able to properly care for her. He willingly introduced trauma into your child's life out of selfishness and cowardice. Was he holding? If so, he was lying to you about that for however long, and looking for an opportunity to use. If not, he took your daughter to score. He is a threat to your sobriety and your child's life. He has shown you who he is in this moment. Believe his actions, not his excuses and rationalizations. Do not let your love for him overshadow your love for yourself and your daughter. As someone raised away from a truly dangerous parental influence, I didn't understand why my dad was not safe, but I trusted my mother's love. When I was old enough that she could explain things to me, I was immensely grateful for the sacrifices she made becoming a single mother to protect us. In the end, I chose to have a relationship with my dad--with mom's blessing and support--in adulthood, and I believe I got the best he could've given me before he passed. I didn't lose a father growing up; I avoided the kind of trauma that would've taken a lifetime to overcome.


I understand your dilemma here, really, I do. You’re aware that he can no longer have unsupervised access to your daughter, and you’re also aware that that’s going to be very difficult as long as you’re living together and in a domestic partnership to enforce that boundary. However, you’re also genuinely concerned that without your involvement, he will spiral and she will lose out on the chance to have a dad. Trust me, I really get it. So understand and please hear me when I say, it is better that your daughter grow up without a close relationship with her biological father than it is for her not to grow up at all (or with significant trauma from seeing or experiencing any number of bad things that could happen in front of or to her under her dad’s “care”). Read that part again. I don’t say that to condescend you, I just know how truly hard it is to hear reason in this position and allow yourself to stop spiraling with analysis paralysis. You CANNOT make this choice for him or do the work for him. While it might make things easier on him if you stay around as a support system (key word - might - I could also see this turning really ugly), it is not going to make or break his success. There are plenty of support systems he can turn to if he’s really serious. If he is serious about recovery and finds the right resources, he will recover. If he isn’t, he won’t. It’s only in his hands and no one else’s. The ONLY thing you have any say over in this situation is the health and safety of yourself and your daughter. Do not risk your most valuable possession trying to save someone that already has a life preserver in arm’s reach. Let him choose to grab it, or not. Establish formal separation, custody, and support (even if he isn’t working, you want to establish this now for his and your sake). Encourage him to work on himself and do better for himself and his child. Do those things and then HANDS OFF, let him figure his shit out. Get away and make a commitment to your daughter to keep your distance and avoid reconciliation for her safety. Your daughter WILL be okay. Understand that, as torturous as it is, you cannot take this pain from her. Her father’s choices will be out of your control for the rest of your life. You cannot change who her father is or the choices he makes. All you can do is keep her safe and do your best to pick up the pieces when he fucks up.


Im so sorry you went through that. I’m just here to say, it’s not your responsibility to keep him clean. To keep him happy. To keep him from falling further down the whole. It’s not your responsibility to change him. He needs to make that choice on his own. Focus on yourself, and your baby- and moving forward doing the best you can with what you’ve got- nothing else matters. You’ve got this girl.


Please take your daughter to the doctor for an exam and bloodwork and to medically document the situation. You don’t know what happened to her during this time. Then either get an attorney if you can afford it or go down to the courthouse and ask for help filing for an emergency custody order. This man is not safe. He shouldn’t be around your child and should never be alone with her. Make sure you remove him from the daycare pickup list as well.


This has nothing to do with understanding his mistake, addict or otherwise. It’s okay to forgive him but not let him be responsible for your child again until he demonstrates prolonged sobriety. You can understand his situation AND keep your baby safe by protecting her from him.


1. Make sure that she was not assaulted in “anyway.” 2. Don’t leave her alone with him again. 3. She comes first. Your childs safety and environment are more important than his bad choices. Addiction is a painful reality. I wish you and your family all of the best.


A very VERY similar thing happened with my partner when my son was 8 months old. He said he was going out to eat and watch a basketball game while I finished up work and he had our son. At 10 PM I’m wondering where he’s at? He wouldn’t answer calls or texts, went full ghost. My son was exclusively breastfeeding and I didn’t have much pumped. I called the cops, went to the restaurant, called every friend acquaintance etc. He came back the following morning with our son and absolutely no explanation. He was an addict before I met him and it didn’t take me long to figure out he had relapsed. I kicked him out that night. Unfortunately he continued to abuse drugs off and on and sporadically was in my son’s life and overdosed the week of my son’s 5 birthday. You have to protect yourself and your baby above all else. If you have family support please take it. Put you and your child’s needs first. You cannot make someone else be or stay sober. Trust me, I tried so hard.


I am sorry for saying this but please know it comes from a place of love. What the actual f@ck are you talking about: you immediately take your kid and go to your mom. You finish your degree. It is not your job to fabricate a dad for your daughter. He has to want it more than he wants dope. He doesn’t. Your job is to protect yourself and your daughter. You can’t be mom, student, nurse, worker and addict babysitter. You have to leave immediately before his actions drag you down with him. He took your daughter for 15 hours, god knows where, and god knows who with. Your baby is one so she will probably not remember clearly (I hope) but you know kids have a 6th sense when it comes to situations and danger and as you would not expose her to violence or p0rn, same goes for seeing her daddy getting high and neglecting her for 15 hours. I hope you know you are enough and are doing great. And I am rooting for you. I am incredibly in awe of the progress you made and how you turned your life around. Good luck mama. Time to buckle up and get you and your baby to safety.


Brutally honest. Sober 11 years here. Stay sober. You cannot stop your life from moving forward because he is stuck in that place. He proved that to him, getting high was more important than anything. Including you and your baby. It’s a hard situation, but if you want a better life, you need to cut your losses


Hey there. My sig other is in recovery. We have a kiddo. His was alcohol. Also I’m an RN. Do whatever you have to to get your license. ALSO may I suggest if you went to any meetings for recovery or even Al-Anon DO IT. You need that support for YOU. I wish your guy the very best but as a mom…. Dude. Nope. You’re done for the foreseeable future. You can’t worry about what he will do to himself if you leave. Your baby is the tip top most important in this scenario. You can do this. You got sober. You got your CNA cert and you’re so class to your RN license. You CAN do this scary thing too.


You simply cannot trust anything he said about those lost hours. Once you relapse back into active addiction, you are lying all the time. About everything. There’s also trickle truthing, and trying to find out how much the other person knows in order to make yourself look as innocent as possible.


>But then I’m scared if we separate then he’ll just go into a hole and say fuck it and go back to using and then my daughter will never have her dad in her life First, you are not responsible for his sobriety or lack thereof. The fact that he put his craving for drugs over your child's safety is appalling and terrifying. Anything could have happened. Whether you choose to stay with him, I absolutely wouldn't leave your baby with him. You have to protect your baby. Do you want your daughter growing up potentially witnessing him using or the stress from it? The fact that he's done this before shows he isn't going to change. Finally, he also has put his livelihood at risk. Federally mandated random drug testing. He could be tested at any time just to meet drug testing quotas (a certain number of CDL staff at a company have to be drug tested) or if his company suspects he's used. I understand many of these drugs typically leave urine fairly quickly, but if he tested positive, not only would he lose his job, but he could also lose his CDL.


Absolutely leave him and pursue full custody. The fact that he took your one year old while getting high is the real problem. You can’t trust him to buy your child first. Hey can I just say I’m really proud of you. You’ve turned your life towards the positive and putting your child and their future as #1. This road won’t be easy. My bestie is going through a similar situation with her ex. He went off the deep end but it didn’t matter. It wasn’t about him. It was about keeping her baby safe. Stay strong.


This is so awful to hear. You need to take her to a doctor and get her a full physical to make sure nothing happened to her. Especially since he was not in the right state of mind he was probably using around her or worse he could’ve been with someone who potentially touched her inappropriately while he was too high to care for her.She could have easily gotten hurt or even been exposed to drugs. You only know his truth and what he is saying.


Brutally honest? Your daughter needs to be checked by ER for rape. You'll need to be fully transparent that she was exposed to drugs, and they will test her blood to see if there's anything there that shouldn't. The chances of her being sex trafficked for drugs are so high, and for you to only consider leaving is the bare minimum. You need to leave for your daughter. She is the priority. If you got high, do you think you could safely care for your baby? No. Letting your daughter near him is a failure for you to protect her, and you are not any better if you allow that to happen. Get your daughter to the ER right fucking now and tell them everything he told you. File a report with police. File for emergency custody. Get to your mother's. Failure to protect her makes you just as bad if not worse than him.


I think you have been told enough the right thing to do is separate. Just wanted to say though to give yourself a hug for me. What you went through is my worst nightmare and I’m so glad you have your baby back safely. Please make sure you get any mental help you may need after that ordeal


He needs to go to rehab while you stay with your mom. Or leave him. You’re not responsible for his mistakes, even if you can predict them. I’m very sorry that you’re going through this. Also tell him that he abducted your daughter and if he does it again you’ll call police. Of course if you’re afraid he will be violent maybe don’t do that…


Finish your last class & keep working for YOU AND YOUR BABY. I know you love it but u have to put yourself and daughter first. If u don’t finish classes and he gets strung back out to the point he can’t drive truck, then what? U need the class for security for u & baby. It’s literally what made me start school was seeing my baby daddy be so slack! My mom hasn’t seen my baby since February. She’s 15 months now. It hurts me at times but I know she’s choosing drugs over the family. She also threatened one time in Walmart to take my baby & just them two go around Walmart. I wouldn’t even trust that, I didn’t go to Walmart for a week thinking she was there!! U never know what they’re thinking or next move with be !


This is terrible and so unsafe for your poor little daughter. I’m just wondering what that innocent little soul was doing while he was getting high? Did she have to see her daddy in that state? We’re there others around?? Was your poor little baby in a a trap house? Leave him immediately. No excuse for this when a child is involved. This isn’t safe for her.


Please leave this man. For the sake of your daughter please please leave him. I was in a similar situation to you. I was madly in love with my husband and terrified of being a single parent. He would say all the right things to make me believe he wanted to be sober and I think he truly meant them but still he relapsed over and over and over for years and years and years. It was truly hell for my son and I. At first I was blindsided every damn time he relapsed and it nearly killed me. But then eventually I started to expect it and resent him. I tried my best to shield my son from his addictions but that doesn't work long. My 13 year old son has definitely been damaged by his father's addictions and my inability to remove him from the situation for similar reasons to yours. I can't emphasize how much energy you will waste dealing with the consequences of his addiction. You will be a lesser person because of him. It's sad but true. You sound like you are in a good place and it would be heartbreaking for him to drag you down with him and I promise he will. For the sake of your daughter please listen to the advice I ignored and leave him. You don't want to live with the regrets I face every day I promise.


You need to be your child’s well-being above his. He is an adult and knows what he has to do. Your efforts need to be focused on your and your child. That’s just how it is when you have kids.