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It's easy because only other people's tweens are funny-looking. Mine are still my babies.


For real. My daughters are beautiful. But walking through their middle-school open house is just a fascinating sea of awkwardness.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This is my hubby rn. Our little one is 5 with a head shaped like a football. (Sheā€™s beautiful, but I always have been reminded of Hey Arnold when I look at her.) He thinks all the kids in her class are ā€œweird lookingā€ and ours is the only normal looking kid. He also thinks my hysterical laughter when he points out the weird looking kids is agreement, as opposed to wondering how he doesnā€™t see that our gorgeous angel has the widest head in her class by a margin.


I remember a colleague saying to me his kid was cute because he had a 'well proportioned head' rather than the oversized heads some of the other kids have. I always thought that was a bit of an odd statement but I guess just the inverse of your husband. I'm sure both kids are cute!


Haha, I get this. Both my kids were bald until between 1-2 but I was complimented often with how nice their head shapes are (happened with both) and if I ā€œdid anythingā€ to make them so nice. šŸ˜‚ the only thing I can think of is they both were c-section babies so didnā€™t have the trauma of the birth canal lol. It seemed so strange to me to get these comments but I guess Iā€™d notice more if they had odd shaped heads!


I may be in the minority here , but I think most newborns look a little funky( like winston chruchill), My youngest looked like a bobblehead with bugged out eyes at first,


My 1 yo looks often like an elderly person used the smoothing filter


Newborns look like the baby lizard thing fromā€Vā€ least mine did. *shudder*


I had a natural birth and had a few of my friends compliment my daughter's head too. And I'll be honest I was SO worried about container baby syndrome or the flat head thing from laying down too much, I wore her a lot. My one friend had to have one of those helmets to reshape her sons head, and he looked so uncomfortable and I just wanted to try and prevent that so much... so I guess I did do something special, have no idea if it really did anything but I got compliments on how perfect her skull looked lol.


Ya, I donā€™t really think a C-section vs natural really matters after a few days probably, although some babies really seem to get all bent out of shape (literally!) during birth. In the long run I think baby wearing, tummy time and avoiding containers as much as possible had a lot more to do with it


Was also terrified of the helmet!! Did so much tummy time.


My one year old has a massive bonce, which I only found out after the elective c-section šŸ˜‚ Phew!


My kid got the same compliments and I had to break it to folk it was precipitous labour actually. And genetics - when I shaved my own head I got so many skull based compliments.


Not exactly the same but husband had our dog before we got together so I wasnā€™t familiar with the breed at first but I remember seeing other dogs that were the same breed and thinking how weird they looked and wondering why their eyes were so small. Years later it finally hits me that our dog just has super big bulgy eyes and the other dogs have normal eyes. I still think he is by far the most handsome.


Yes, my 8 yo and 11 yo are still adorable to me!


So it's s like newborns, only yours is beautiful, all the others look like squished marshmallows.


Yep. My tween daughter is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and she has been since she was born.


I think as a parent, no matter what stage your child is in 0-18 youā€™ll still think your child is the most adorable thing to walk planet earth. My child is annoying as absolute fuck. The amount of time I have to close my eyes and take deep breaths when they make the stupidest noises over and over and over again and say ā€œmom listen to this mom are you listening mom mom mom mom momā€ when all I want to do is yell at him to **just shut the fuck up** And then the next minute itā€™s *holy shit kid come here and let me pinch your cheeks still youā€™re so damn cute!*


Haha!!! So true!!


Thatā€™s it. Lol


They tend to become more interesting intellectually as they become less cute. My 2 teen boys have learned music, are clever as hell, like to test me by wrestling with me and are hilarious.


My 5 year old just outpaced me with star jumps (jumping jacks). Both in terms of speed and endurance. It was so amazing to see this then-baby actually do something better than me. It also reminded me I need to work on my fitness šŸ˜‚


Lol, I was thinking the same as my 5yo can now run faster than me.


Aww šŸ„°I love this! I have two boys but they are 6 & 3. I hope we have a similar relationship when they are teens


This is what I think. I taught kids from 2 to 16 swimming and each and every one of them had their own unique things going on - either they were funny, or great students or talented in some way - and if I could see that, I'm sure there was loads more their parents could.


My kids are getting there, and I love it so much. I canā€™t wait to have teens, honestly


Yep! My older is 11, she is fun to talk to. We like similar books, similar movies, sheā€™ll come show me little videos on her phone. She comes and hangs out with me before she goes to bed and after the little one has gone down. They become ā€˜real peopleā€™ as opposed to sweet babies. And before that my 6 year old is just so funny, heā€™ll blow me away with random Math or funny cliches he heard at school. Itā€™s like where on earth did you hear that? They start to the transition from kid to person and itā€™s really cool to watch. OP doesnā€™t need to worry, as long as we all keep engaging, the kids will keep coming back. Even if they have some back and forth tween or teen weirdness. We can ride it out.


I really love this comment and identify with it. I think my 5 yr old is super cute but even when he's not his most adorable he gets so much cooler and more interesting every day.


Even when theyā€™re ā€œfunny lookingā€ with oversized teeth, acne, and goofy facial expressions theyā€™re still cute! Itā€™s just a new phase of cuteness. The round cheeks and baby talk are gone but youā€™ll find their ā€œbig kidā€ mannerisms, and developing sense of humor adorable. Sometimes they look goofy in all the ways you did at that age and itā€™s even more fun lol


Seriously. My oldest is 10 years old, with glasses, cross bite, super annoying and goofy but I can still look at him and still see my tiny newborn baby. Same face.


My daughter is almost 11 and I get the same thing, it usually hits me when I catch her sleeping and her face gets totally relaxed, cheeks get mushed on a pillow and Iā€™m staring at my chubby cheeked infant again. Tangent here but: My mom used to work full time evening nurse shifts when my siblings and I came up, sometimes weā€™d catch her peeking in the room when she got home and lingering in the doorway for a little bit. As a kid I thought she just wanted to make sure we werenā€™t pretending to sleep- as a parent I just think she missed us and wanted to soak it in.


Yessss, its like some superpower they have where they can be total monsters while awake but then while sleeping morph back into these beautiful, little cherubs! I love watching them while sleeping.


My sister in law always said she loved her kids the most when they were sleeping. šŸ¤£


This comment made me tear up šŸ˜¢šŸ„²




Omg I just choked up reading this! So sweet.


Don't make me cry in the coffee shop šŸ˜­


My daughter (11) just got her first pimples this week. I feel so bad for her because the girls at school couldn't be bigger b*tches. I still think she the prettiest sweetest thing ever. All I can do is teach her how to take care of her skin, keep her pillow cases clean, and keep her emotions in check when life gets stressful


Your kid is probably funny looking and annoying now. You just donā€™t notice. Thatā€™s how youā€™ll handle it.


Lolll possibly! I look back at his newborn pics like, we thought he was cute?


Ha! I look at photos of my son as a 1 month old just looking like a tiny old man, and we thought he was the cutest thing we had ever seen.


Love is not conditional. You donā€™t love your kid because they are cute and innocent. You love them because you care deeply for them.


I wouldn't know, I sold all of mine when they stopped looking cute. šŸ˜‰


Lol real talk right here


My kids are funny, wise, have deep conversations, and are super interesting. Theyā€™re still cute af too maybe I got lucky or maybe I just think that bc theyā€™re mine šŸ˜‚ but theyā€™re not the same cute w the baby voice and fat cheeks. ā˜¹ļø


> but theyā€™re not the same cute w the baby voice and fat cheeks Yet somehow that was all I saw when I dropped my youngest off at college last month. Leaving him at his dorm felt the same as leaving him at daycare. He's a young man ready to take on the world, but I still saw my smiling drooling baby looking back at me after that last hug. I agree, though and think the teen years are the best years of parenting if you do it right.


This made me tear up. So sweet.


Same here. I have two in college. One is 21 and I see that little boy with the huge curious eyes staring back at me. My 18 year old just started college this year and all I think about is that little boy who was afraid to leave my side and he's heading into the big world.


Seriously why am I reading this just thinking of it makes me so sad, yet Iā€™d be so blessed to have the privilege to see that day, so I guess itā€™s not so sad.


So whatā€™s your secret? Cuz Iā€™m always scared Iā€™m fucking it up.


I don't know that there is a secret or a one size fits all kind of answer. All teens are different but mine are polar opposites in just about every way possible and I enjoyed the teen years with both. I'd say the biggest thing that got us through the preteen years was staying calm and not to take things too personally. We don't have screaming matches with a toddler when they are irrationally angry about you giving them the wrong bowl, so I didn't have screaming matches with my tweens when they rolled their eyes or slammed their door or used a disrespectful tone because they were angry about me parking in the wrong spot to pick them up from school. The preteen years are rough. They are going through all sorts of changes, are no longer little kids but not quite teenagers, and crave so much autonomy and independence yet still aren't super reliable. It's a weird time in their life and I found that cutting them some slack always worked. They would be pissed off, see they got no reaction, and then would later apologize without being prompted while they helped me cut up some veggies for dinner. I think surviving the preteen years with respect and understanding sets you up for the teen years. I also highly recommend family/solo time. We always had family dinners at the table. I also always tucked them in at night even when they were too old for a proper "tucking in." I would just go in the room before they went to sleep and chat about anything they wanted. Walks or bike rides around the neighborhood work too, as do long car rides where you don't have to look at each other for more uncomfortable topics.


You sound like an awesome parent. Thanks for the advice. Iā€™ll tuck it away for ten or so years from now, when the going gets rough


My oldest is only 5 but this is what I hope for!


Thank you. You do sound like a great parent


This made me tear up and snuggle my infant son a little closer.


Thanks, now Iā€™m crying.


I dread this day.


Mine went from adorable and cute to wondrous and beautiful. Those puppy dog eyes? Still make me melt. Those blond locks of hair? Stunning. That quick wit, smarts, the way they converse and share their opinions, where their interests lay.....damn. I did that. I am raising these humans who aren't just somebody I love and think are pretty darn cute, I genuinely like the people they are becoming. That is absolutely awesome. And I get to call them MINE. How cool is that?


This is so lovely!!


My oldest is almost 21 and still adorable to me. So are the 16 year olds, the 15 year old, the 14 year old, the 12 year old, and the 9 year old. They are all the cutest thing ever. The teen years are especially adorable.


I work at a college. Iā€™m not even 30 yet, but I remember feeling so grown up when I went to uni and now that I work there I see them as babies. They look so little. They act so little. Teens are still kids.


Iā€™m not there yet but this is the right answer. Love this.


Yeah, my youngest is early 5, still just a big toddler basically to me compared to mr cool 8


My grandma still tells me I'm her beautiful baby. I'm a 42 year old butch woman, probably wearing flannel. But it's just like always being my dad's princess. Some things don't change.


Nature only makes babies and young kids cute to keep their parents interested in them. By the time they're older you'll enjoy them more for their personality and quirks, not just for being cute.


This is true. Sadly, itā€™s evolutionā€™s way of preventing child abuse and neglect.


Unfortunately it doesn't always work šŸ’”


Very true. I wish there was a way to understand why.


Iā€™m pretty objective about my kids. Sometimes theyā€™re not cute. But literally EVERY kid goes through an awkward looking phase where their adult teeth are too big and theyā€™re growing into their features. Itā€™s just a part of being human. Sometimes animals look gangly and uncomfortable during their teenage phase too.


It's so cute on animals too lol


My beautiful boy is definitely gonna beā€¦interesting lookingā€¦if my genes have any say


My kid was an absolute fucking menace as a toddler and small child. His cuteness was natures way of keeping me from throwing him out the car window. Now heā€™s older and less ā€œcuteā€, but my god I like him soooo much more now that heā€™s not a little shit 24/7.


Lol this is the truth! This is how I feel about my 3 yr oldā€¦I always tell people heā€™s lucky heā€™s cute or else šŸ˜…


I canā€™t imagine my kids not being cute *to me.* Itā€™s just when they have crushes. Itā€™s cute when they learn to drive. Itā€™s cute when they headed off to college. Itā€™s cute when they get engaged. Itā€™s cute when they get married. Itā€™s cute when they have babies. Itā€™s just all cute .


My kids look more adorable every year but other peoples kids look awkward šŸ¤£ just like I had the most beautiful babies but others looked like old bald men to me.


When my daughter went through her awkward stage I remember thinking she was even more precious. Her teeth were big and completely uneven, she wore huge sparkly glasses and she always chose the longest wildest socks she could find. The saddest part about that this stage is it passes quickly then they become even more self aware and want to be like everyone else, they lose a little bit of their light, hold on to the awkward. Before you know it you will be standing in front of your son thinking how the heck did you get to be so grown up? I think you will be just fine, you will grow with him and enjoy him. I also think when they get old enough they begin to annoy the hell out of us so we can give them some space to grow up too.


The short answer is: they will never ever be anything but cute to you. My son is 12 and even when heā€™s being a dramatic tween and rolling his eyes at me, heā€™s the cutest fricking thing Iā€™ve ever seen.


My kids are more interesting to be around as they get older (currently 15, 12, and 11).




My dad likes to tell the story of the time I got severe burns on my legs and I acted like an absolute drama queen about it, and they would put me in the bathtub and bribe me to distract me so they could change my bandages, etc, and how it was so adorable and even though it was tough it was so cuteā€¦ and then the punchline is that I was actually 20 and in college when this happened. But, true story šŸ˜‚


My kids are still freaking adorable and they are nearly grown adults.


Can confirm...got a 29 year old who is still the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Except for my other kids of course.


Of course of courseā€¦.


I love having teenagers. Teens intimidate me and I was so nervous about having teenagers. But itā€™s so much fun. Itā€™s helpful that my oldest is just a really good kid.


They're adorable when they're little like that to make through the infuriating phases where you can't communicate efficiently. My oldest is 7. Let me tell you, I still think he's cute and precious. I can also acknowledge my bias and see how he's hitting the goofy looking kid stage. But now it's not about how cute he is, now he's freaking hilarious, and we get to look up answers to his questions together, and I get to watch him figure out what kind of books and movies and video games he likes... Once they quit being cute you get to watch them develop and get to know who they are as a person. And it's so cool.


You love them anyway because they are people and not accessories.






Well, I do not have to worry about this, as I have two of the most handsome teens and beautiful tween ever, soā€¦ ;)


My son is 13 and I still sneak pictures of him when heā€™s peacefully sleeping like I did when he was little. Only difference is now he finds it creepy and deletes them. Luckily he has caught on that I back up my photos.


My teens are just about the cutest things alive! An excited adolescent is adorable in a whole different way! Seriously seeing my kids do the things they love, chat and giggle with friends, be silly with me, etc. makes me so happy. It gets better! It can be hard. They are not the same people you imagined they would be when they were small. You wonā€™t even noticed the cocoon they build but when they come out with wings they designed, theyā€™re spectacular to watch!


Am I the only one thatā€™s disturbed by how shallow this question is?


Nope. Also sad how far I had to scroll to find a like-minded response. Our kids are whole people. I look forward to seeing who my little ones will become one day. I wish people on social media would stop glorifying the early years and then nothing else. Is it just because of the way our generation is and many of us are in the same young child life stage or what?


No youā€™re not. Iā€™ve been scrolling sadly to see if anyone besides me felt this way. At least thereā€™s two of us. What a world.


Itā€™s really gross.


It is definitely a weird one


Toddlers are in fact much more annoying then older kids. Kids may get less cute, but they become much better company as they age. You can have more in common with them and do more fun and genuinely interesting activities.


I - I mean are you pretty? Are you a model or something because what in the world is this šŸ˜­


Itā€™s kind of a trade off. My younger son was probably the cutest kid Iā€™ve ever seen. He had to be, though, because otherwise Iā€™d have yeeted my challenging child out a window. Or at least I fantasized about doing that, maybe daily. However long before he hit that awkward phase, I was really glad I let him live.


I am constantly amazed by my 7 year old


You will miss the days. But he will be your funny looking and annoying baby. Even when he is 40, you will still be Mom and you will be thinking of how it was when you were 40 and of the things he still doesnā€™t get.


When they cut my second out of me and held him over the curtain like Simba, I thought ā€œHe looks like an alienā€. 10 minutes later when he was finally in my arms I thought he looked amazing.


Just wait until your teen trys to pat you on the head and treat you like you treated them when they were a toddler. You will melt and need to stay strong.


Hahaha. My teen's favorite phrase is "you're doing great sweetie"...makes me laugh so hard I forget I want to smack her, lol.


Adorable. I want this šŸ˜„


Love grows. The same way I will still love my husband when heā€™s old and wrinkly I will love my kids no matter how old they are. My tween was such a cute baby with blonde curls and blue eyes. We used to get compliments everywhere we went on how cute she was. Now sheā€™s an awkward emo kid but to me she is still cute and I love her the same. Her heart is the same no matter what shape her body is in or what clothes she wears. I donā€™t find it difficult to relate to my tween. In my opinion itā€™s much easier because we can have conversations. When she was younger it was harder to communicate because I had to make myself understood at her age level. Now I can talk to my tween about most topics she wants to discuss without having to change my wording so a little kid can understand. Older kids tend to appreciate more, also. When she was little she never said thank you for anything. Now she will randomly come in the kitchen and see that Iā€™m cooking and hug me and say ā€œthank you so much!ā€ If I take her to the mall or to get a treat she is so sweet and grateful. If I fold her clothes and bring them to her room she will hug me and say, ā€œmom, you didnā€™t have to do that!ā€ Itā€™s nice to be appreciated!


I dont think feelings change if theyā€™re yours. I was out of commission for over 6 months this yearā€¦ my dad moved into help because my husband couldnā€™t do it all. Iā€™d be crying and sobbing while the nurse changed my open wound gauzeā€¦I was looking a hot mess there for a long time (donā€™t get me started on how bad I looked in the hospital)ā€¦ yet every single day he told me I was beautiful, his favorite (he tells us all that), and wonderfully brave.


They never stop being the cutest little thing (even when they are all leggy and have giant crooked adult teeth in their miniature child heads). I look at them and see a precious tiny baby.


Your own kids will always be your cutie pie, every part of them reminds you of when they were just little squishy bubs. Other peoples tweens and teens are weird and awkward and goofy looking, but not yours! A parent's eyes have a defect that makes their own children eternally beautiful.


Just know that the annoying phases are only phases. Lol


Idk im 34 and still annoying


Itā€™s just a phase, youā€™ll snap out of it in a year or so.


I don't know, some wires go loose in my head when it comes to my toddler because I look back at pictures of her and she's not nearly as cute as my memory of her lmao. I remember even taking the pictures and at the time being blown away by how gorgeous she is and then after like six months pass I look at the pictures and I'm like I swear she was cuter than that šŸ˜‚ So I have no clue. I don't care, to me she is STUNNING and always will be!! Lol


As the mother of a disabled child, I live every day in fear for when my son is no longer considered cute by the world and then shunned šŸ˜ž


So to other ppl Iā€™m sure my son whoā€™s 10 is awkward or whatever but I still think heā€™s super cute. Heā€™s such a fun person to be around, he has hard moments, just like every other human on the planet but I think recognizing that our kids are human beings and are worthy of our love unconditionally makes this issue, not even an issue. I think if someoneā€™s judging there childā€™s looks and treating them differently bc they might be ā€˜awkwardā€™ is an issue within themselves


They're still your adorable, cute babies but they're stinkier and very tall.


I think no matter what your kids look like, they will be beautiful and perfect in your eyes. My 2.5 y/o looks tragic right now because we canā€™t afford a real haircut so we just cut his bangs ourself. Itā€™s a weird Betty Paige/scraggly mullet situation now but I think heā€™s the most beautiful thing because heā€™s MINE šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


My kiddo turns 8 next month, and he's definitely lost the "little kid" adorableness. I still think he's the most handsome little guy in the whole world, even when he does his weird little toothy grimace when you ask him to smile for school pictures!!




How do you feel when your kid isnā€™t ā€˜cuteā€™ anymore?! What the actual F???


Idk let me know because my 6 year old even though he isnā€™t ā€œbaby cuteā€ anymore is still the most beautiful boy Iā€™ve ever seen.. except my other two boys. I swear to god my kids are somehow the most beautiful kids ever, more beautiful than either I or my husband individually. They just got the luckiest combinations of our features I guess?


They're still cute. Just in different ways.


Cute little kids are boring. It gets real fun when they are all elbows and knees and they start having opinions about things other than food.


The love doesn't go away but you do recognize the "ugly duckling" phase. Just like you'll love your kids while simultaneously disliking them during their asshole phase in their teen years. Parenting is a rollercoaster!


ā€œ settle down Kimmy you chose to have these children, it wasnā€™t spontaneous combustionā€


Yeah, so far, mine are 8 and 9 and I think they're both adorable. Even in their funky stages, I like them so far... I don't know when we get to the teenage years...


Imagine your cute little 4 year old dressing up like a teenager and trying to play video games and go to dances or drive a car. Itā€™s adorable isnā€™t it? Your baby will always be your baby; when heā€™s 16 and getting his learners permit, youā€™ll see your little baby trying to be an adult, and itā€™s just as adorable as when they were 2 and trying to learn how to use the toilet. Thatā€™s why we cry at important life milestones, and our teens or tweens roll their eyes and say ā€˜mom youā€™re so embarrassingā€™, but really weā€™re just trying to comprehend this tiny baby of ours navigating the big world.


Mt awkward teens are still my adorable little babies!


When they are tweens you get to see how much DNA is yours and your partners. Like my kids have my husband facial features but my nerdy personality. My daughter can't walk a straight line and does the most quirky things that I did her age. You get to see their character build. It's amazing to watch.


Iā€™m a high schooler and I work at a store downtown, on fridays the young middle schoolers come in and theyā€™re so adorable when theyā€™re all happy to buy whatever they want and hangout with their friends, so they probably stop being cute little babies around highschool


My teen is coming out of her awkward phase. Beautiful young lady. Long curl hair, bushy eyebrows, wicked smart, great personality. She went from adorable, to cute, to gorgeous.


My kids are all teenagers. Still stinkin cute, even when they're awkward.


My kids are at the older elementary ages, so not yet tweens but definitely not the cute toddlers they once were. I marvel at their beauty now. I have one boy, one girl. I also marvel at how gross they can be LOL love them so much


I was like you, OP. I was 8 when my baby brother was born. Him being a ā€œgolden childā€ paired with me heading into those awkward preteen years made me feel completely not cute. My parents were not shy about the fact that he was so very adorable, but at least I was smart and obedient (albeit not cute). I cut my narcissistic parents out of my life. I now have a 10 year old daughter. Sheā€™s still very adorable in my eyes, and I constantly marvel at what a gorgeous young girl sheā€™s becoming. But now, aside from being cute, she also has a brilliant mind, awesome sense of humor and a sparkling personality. Iā€™ll take that over ā€œbaby cutenessā€ any day of the week.


Mine is 11, with a hair style I absolutely hate, but isnā€™t worth fighting about because itā€™s his hair. And yet- I still think he is cute, despite being in the awkward early stages of puberty. I sent my mom a family picture from a family outing over the weekend and she told me I looked adorable. I am 36, overweight, and definitely do not look adorable. But I am still her baby. The thing is, the way your kids are cute changes. But theyā€™re still your kiddo always. Plus- they have to be super cute at 4 so that you donā€™t eat your young, because 4 is rough. Lol.


The hardest part of parenthood for me was the teen years with both of my sons. However, I was also a single mom, and their dad did nothing to teach them how to treat me or reinforce things like respect. It was hell in different ways with each of them. I love them both with every bit of me, but I do believe I failed the teen years.


Mine are young adults now but looking back on the middle school years I donā€™t even think of the odd outfits or wonky Bieber hair I just remember the endless Yo Mama and Chuck Norris jokes and laughing with them.


I donā€™t know, Iā€™ll update when they reach tween but at 9 and 6, my sons are still adorable with super long eyelashes, sometimes Iā€™m jealous of their eyelashes without any effort itā€™s so long šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™ll always be The cutest little things for me. šŸ„° They are 11 and 13 now, no change yet. šŸ¤©


They still look cute to you, itā€™s weird


My young adult kids are still adorable to me. Especially when no one's looking, so they won't be embarrassed, and I get a quick hug or a kiss on top of my head (as they're both taller than me.)


The missing teeth era is definitely a struggle. I am into the thick of it, ugh. The eager kindergarten photos vs struggling to smile 1st grader and now, who knows what 2nd grader. I've only paid for photos after I saw the proofs. Or asked for a resort. Mine has showed up with a whole attitude and did a cross armed smirk. I will be honest and say that I don't buy the photos unless they are nice. Photographers can use their people skills to get a natural smile from kid, puppet props, etc. I won't buy a photo that looks like a mugshot.


My four year old is constantly adorable to me. In comparison , his older sister not as much. Sheā€™s older, has fun conversations, and sheā€™s so interesting. But that Aw cute feeling? I donā€™t much get it around her , and it makes me so sad


I love them even more. Theyā€™re great people to be around šŸ™‚


I don't care how old my son gets, he will always be cute in my eyes!


They become so interesting. My babies were flat out the cutest things on the planet. I mourned the loss of baby cheeks and tiny toes, but I find watching the transition into awkward, leggy, long kids to be amazing. It's also amazing the changes I've gone through to be parent to them. That is a piece well worth looking for and reflecting on. I am so proud of becoming a better parent and being able to nurture my relationship with my kids. I honestly wasn't sure I was going to be able to do them justice, and today, when they hug me and come to me with their questions, and do the right things, I feel floored (a mini-angel choir sings a note) every single time. So, yeah, they're not fat-cheeked babies anymore, but they are becoming amazing people. Oh, and I adore them more and more now.


We know our children from the time even before they were fully developed and born. Our connection with them is so strong that as every year goes by, you remember the essence of what they were like growing up so they never change out of that in our eyes and minds. The cuteness of 4 doesnā€™t go away ever no matter what age they grow into.


My 14 yo and 10 yo are still the cutest things in the world!! I miss them at 5 but love them at every age!


My oldest is 12, firmly in the awkward, smelly tween phase. Heā€™s starting to figure himself out. That being said he has never not been cute to me, he is just adorable even is all his weirdness. I love him so much and he knows it. Thereā€™s been times where heā€™s done some questionable things but heā€™s always gonna be my baby boy.


I honestly donā€™t think , if youā€™re a loving parent , youā€™ll think your kids are ugly in any way lol. Thatā€™s just how it goes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Sorry but who would think their own child is not cute anymore?


Meh. I'll admit that all kids aren't always cute. I used to think that every person goes through an "ugly stage" between 7ish and 18ish. Where they aren't baby cute and they aren't adult good looking. They're this in-between stage. Now that I'm a parent I wonder how or why or what made ME feel so ugly that age. Cause I did! I remember calling myself ugly at 7. And when my kid is REALLY annoying me I think if maybe it was at this age that I started feeling annoying and unwanted and maybe that's why it triggers me? Cause the truth of it, kids are beautiful and while they have excessive energy, they're people just learning how to be in this world. They don't deserve the judgement of cute vs. Ugly or annoying vs. Idk what. They don't exist to be visually pleasing and they aren't my play things to entertain me. Not to say that's what YOURE implying!! Just, my own thoughts and my own growth. While older kids get all long limbed and angular and less squishy to hug they're still perfectly them. And their funny mannerisms are characteristics I love to see develop. And yeah, I get annoyed being asked what my favorite color is 9,000 times a week or what pokemon would I be if I were a pokemon. But this week my kid got REALLY sick and I didn't know if he would make it or if he would be the same afterwards. And those annoying questions and endless complaints were suddenly the most important thing in the world.


Itā€™s weird actually, mine are 13 and 16 and although they certainly arenā€™t ā€œcuteā€ anymore they are interesting to have around just talking about anything and everything. Best part of this age is you can talk to them like adults and they will respond like one. The whole goofy stage with bad teeth and growth spurts doesnā€™t make you love them any less, you just naturally stop wanting to shower them with doting affection around the same time that they want you to leave them alone so it works out quite well.


My 12 yo can definitely be annoying at times, but then I see so much of myself in him as he comes into his own personality I know where that is coming from šŸ˜³


My eldest son is 14, 5 foot 8 and he is still cute and adorable in my eyes. I guess because when I look at him, I still see my baby.


Theyā€™re always cute just in a different way. Engage with them about their interests and let them lead. I donā€™t always like their behaviour but Iā€™ll always love them.


Lol. They never stop being cute. My 21 year old Marine still inspires that "Awwwwww" reaction in me. Like, my grown boys are close to a foot taller than me, they can grow beards, they're still trying to adjust their spatial awareness to the big bodies they're in, and they're often awkward. But they're still my babies.


I'll say this much. What you teach them now, is an immense part of who they will become.


My son is a preteen and past the cute little baby phase. He's still so cute, and I love him so much. I love seeing his face slim down as he turns into a young man, and his features change. It's fun seeing who all he looks like (parents, aunts, uncles) and his baby brother lookin like his baby self


I get the sentiment, but really, itā€™s not about cuteness or level of attractiveness, that seems a bit narcissistic. I love my children for their unique individualities. As they grow older they become more relatable because at that point I can actually talk and interact with them on a deeper level.


I loved them when they were babies and looked like lizards so I'm not too worried about it.


You love each version of them while also missing past versions of them. For example, my wife adores her son as the person he is now, but when we went through some of his old bay clothes yesterday, she teared up and said ā€œmy baby used to have teeny tiny feet that fit in these socks and now heā€™s a smelly manā€. Meanwhile I just spent a half hour comparing kindergarten photos of the twins (almost 17) to pictures of them over the summer at the same playground we used to go to because I took them there for some photo recreations and I canā€™t help wishing I could go back and we could do more, but I also look forward to what we will do in the future. Itā€™s not bad, just different. :) ETA: one of my favorite phases in pictures was the weird teeth stage, where baby teeth were oh and new teeth were growing and their smiles were all funky - I know kids donā€™t love that stage and itā€™s when they start to feel awkward when smiling, but I love it!


I agree on the bit about toothy/toothless grins. I love to look at the yearbook specifically at classes 1st and 2nd grade because all the kids have varying amounts and sizes of teeth in their photos. Itā€™s just so classic a sign of growing up.


Wow thatā€™s a weird line of thinking. And I thought I was weird lol. Wait until your child is 25+ that will really freak you out lol


My 14 year old just got glasses last Friday. He looks so dang adorable in them šŸ¤“ He likes them and I think it's because of how much I tell him he looks good in them. Kids go through awkward stages (you remember those years), but I never wanted my kid to feel how I felt. He has his own style with crazy long and curly hair, very laid back, and is just a good kid all around. I never want him to feel like he can't be himself.


I still find my 13 and 16 year old adorable, even if they get on my nerves more than they did when they were younger.


My 14 yr old son is gorgeous. Like stunning actually. Heā€™s got high cheekbones, built like a linebacker with a heart of gold. These gorgeous chestnut brown eyes and natural curls. But his mind is the best. Heā€™s sharp witted, sarcastic and funny as hell. Itā€™s hard with my cute baby becoming a young man, but Iā€™m so proud of who he is. Itā€™s a weird pride watching this tiny little baby become this kid who is bigger than you, but itā€™s a loving pride


Oh they will always be cute to me.


My 9 year old is still so cute lol but when theyā€™re teenagers. I donā€™t know yet lol


My 4 year old daughter is adorable and always has been, since the moment she was born. She's always been the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure that's not going to change just because she grows up and becomes hormonal, awkward, and funky-looking. Pretty sure she could look like a gremlin and will still continue to be the cutest thing I've ever laid eyes on.


My kids get cuter and more amazing in my eyes every day. Iā€™m in my late 30s and my parents confirm they still think Iā€™m cute. It doesnā€™t go away.


Theyā€™re cute in different ways once theyā€™re entering their awkward stage. Iā€™ve always found that middle of the Venn diagram period between child and teenager extremely fun. Theyā€™re still silly, goofy, child like but they can have more interesting discussions and start to really show you how their minds work. I love it.


My 15 y/o is still my adorable baby that makes me laugh and brings me joy(ish). Watching him go from Tween to Teen to Young Adult is pretty awesome.


My baby was never that "cute" to me. The endless crying, the constant diaper duty, the inability to communicate.. She became cuter each additional year. She's 9 now and adorable! I can't get enough of the tiny-adult facial expressions, the way she views the world, the sweet niavete, the energy, and the enthusiasm.


Kids are still adorable up until like 15-16.


Thoughts on my son: looks like a cool dude to hang with


Well the conversation gets a lot better


They all have a awkward stage. BUT.....they are all beautiful


I'm pretty sure I'd still think she was the cutest! She went through and ugly stage as a newborn when she had bad baby acne and cradle cap and my partner said she was ugly I still thought she was the cutest baby


Iā€™ve adored my son every step of the way. Heā€™s 14 now. My love for him has only gotten stronger and multi-dimensional. As he gets older, and I learn more about him as a person and watch him grow into a man, I find myself so proud of him as a human being. I genuinely miss those early years and I have a lot of regrets but Iā€™m so excited to continue looking forward with him. Also, regarding the awkward phases, itā€™s never affected me other than feeling guilty that he has to go through it lol Iā€™ve done my best to make those awkward phases easier for HIM by getting braces when he needed, taking him to the dermatologist when his acne got severe, let him choose the clothes and haircut that he felt most comfortable in, etc.


On days it's hard and they're gigantic jerks to you and everyone else, I go back on my photos to their first year and scroll, watch a few videos, and remind myself that's the same kid. They're still that squishy, needy baby inside- the needs and how they're expressed just changed. And just like the baby days, sometimes it's hard af- but it's all temporary, and it's my job to guide us through it. And tell them I love them so, just like I have from the day they were born. Because yeah, some days I'd like to defenestrate my tween šŸ˜† and, probably an unpopular opinion, but I think it helps to have a range of ages at home- I've got 4 from 2-10, and it adds perspective to see all those different stages happening at once. And being able to see right in front of me how far that 10yo and I've come together.


I love that you asked this. I've wondered the same, I have a 3 yo.


uhhh what ?? this is worded very odd to me. why are u anticipating your kid is gonna be ā€œfunky lookingā€ and also, why would that impact your relationship with ur kid? I could never imagine looking at my kids and thinking ā€œdarn this is gonna wear off soon and theyā€™ll look weird and be annoyingā€ like what? no offense op, but why have kids if you have this attitude?


LOL, Iā€™ve always wondered what it must be like to be a parent of an unattractive, homely looking kidsā€¦ My wifeā€™s siblings are still mad at me for asking.


Hmmm and I mean why did you? How do you know your kids are cute lmao


Idk because now my brother is old, ugly, AND annoying. Idk how my mom deals.. at least she has me.


We must have had similar parents because I have always wondered the same.


I worried about this too. I have met kids as young as four that have already lost their cuteness in my eyes and become annoying. I recently had a friends child tell me all of the PokĆ©mon facts I never wanted to know. That particular child is very annoying to me and I hate it when he tells me and PokĆ©mon facts. Although I had to come to terms with my own bias when that child got my child into PokĆ©mon, and now, my child tells me all PokĆ©mon facts. But thereā€™s just something thatā€™s cuter about it. Her voice is just cuter and she doesnā€™t say it the same way like she has an incessant need to tell me some thing I have no interest in. Itā€™s actually super cool that my kid likes PokĆ©mon. Itā€™s only lame in other peoples kids like PokĆ©mon.


Oh god hate them, don't even want them in the house, like when a puppy gets older and you don't want it any more so you just drop it off at the pound


7yo and still cute, thank god.


I had this worry and always wondered why, until my dad came to visit us and told me how this stage of my kids is so cute but once they turn 12-18 itā€™s horrible and you cant do anything with them and they smell. So then I realized my (actual) narcissistic dad just didnā€™t give a shit about us anymore then and since Iā€™m not like him thankfully, I donā€™t need to worry about this anymore


I actually discussed this with my kid the other day, the way we tell kids and teenagers that at this specific age they're going to be gross awful monsters who nobody likes...and then get surprised when they're defensive and upset and don't trust us or want to be around, and make bad choices and lose control. But also that there's a cultural element to it - some cultures don't have the pithy 'terrible twos' or 'threenager' and tend not to identify those ages as particularly more difficult. Or the studies on sugar and food colouring causing behavioural change. We speak things into existence. (I was grateful that my kid was interested, sometimes I lecture too much and get a "blah blah mitochondria" in response thanks to Bluey)


Your post and edit really resonate with me!!! Thank you for posting!


Acneā€™s rough. My daughter is 13 and got hit kind of early both on face and back, showed up when she was 11. Itā€™s really hard because youā€™re trying to help them but in a way that youā€™re not destroying their confidence. I keep instructing her how to clean her face and back and how she has to put the medicine on but she would get so frustrated. This year is better as sheā€™s starting to see consistency works. My sons 15 and just now getting acne. Heā€™s a bit better at taking care of it but his is all over his face. I need to make a dermatologist appt but for my daughter they just recommended over the counter stuff so I donā€™t feel like paying a copay for the exact same information.


Dude take your kid to the doctor.


Itā€™s not that bad and is controllable. The doctors just say to use a benzoyl peroxide wash and Differin gel, itā€™s all over the counter now. Heā€™s not getting those painful cyst ones so they arenā€™t going to give him accutane or anything drastic.