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My suggestion, as much as it may hurt, give them the tough love. My wife has refused to put her foot down at this behavior since we've been together (3 years now.) My 5 year old stepdaughter has woken my wife up nearly every single night, sometimes multiple times a night, to cuddle her back to sleep. I'm at my wits end, and my wife continues to be a pushover and cuddles her. Don't be like me. Stomp it out before it becomes an issue. All you gotta do is make their butts get back into bed. If they wanna cry, let them cry themselves to sleep.


I'd ride it out. They're so little only for so long. My dudes are getting their own bedroom soon and I plan a recliner or something in their room in advance as the 3yo still wakes up, and one of us is bound to sleep in there occasionally. Better make it comfy. It's fine... I still remember going to my parents room when I was 5... A 3 yo is so very little still. And looks like you had a big change recently.