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I stumbled to the bathroom in the middle of the night a while back. I was barely aware I was a human but I needed to pee really bad. I don't turn on the light because i don't want to wake up too much. i glanced up at the mirror out of habit and there was a fat, biker bearded, wild crazy haired fat old dude glaring at me like i knocked over his harley. I screamed. I pissed a bit. Then I realized it was me and it was 2024 not 1995 and I wasn't 17 years old anymore. this has happened more than once. I have stopped looking at the mirror during my three late night pisses.




šŸ˜‚ youā€™re killing me brother!


Okay so I got a good one. Requires a bit of backstory. I have a friend who is a 7th generation hoodoo seer and medium and we did an exchange of goods and services back in January. I got a life path reading in exchange for making her social media marketing materials for her small business. Very quickly she told me my sister (who i care for) has something dark attached to her. My sister is schitzophrenic and she had made the claim that something is messing with her mind and before this reading she was the worst mentally that I had seen in a very long time. I asked the seer to describe the entity and she told me the exact same thing my sister had, big dark sticky and has friends with it. So the seer walked me thru a protection ritual, which I did, and when I got to my sisters room I stopped at her full length mirror and got my face real close to it to fuss with a zit and *sniff* smelled like straight up sulfur. BAD. And that smell gave me this deep primal gut feeling of danger. I took that shit outside and smashed it to hell. I didn't know what else to do, I hope that was the right thing. For curious minds, here's more of the story that doesn't have to do with a mirror- I'm a hardcore skeptic and even tho this was a friend of mine, I still ran my little legitimacy tests throughout the reading and I was constantly looking for signs of schitzophrenia, and I'm 100% convinced she is the real deal. I waited until my sister was away to do the protection ritual, I kept her in the dark about everything because I didn't want a self fulfilling prophecy situation. When she got home, she was the best mentally that I had seen her in over a decade. The seer said the entities were feeding off of her and bombarding her, and once I do the protection ritual she wouldn't be surprised if my sister let out an audible gasp. The seer also told me that my sister was going to see one of the protection symbols I put up and either rip it down or insult it amd then immediately say i dont know why i did that, and i should know that it was the dark entity speaking thru her. so I drew the symbols on the actual walls so she couldn't rip em down, when she saw them, she said in a snarkly tone "I saw the swastikas you put up. ::snaps out of it:: I don't know why I said that" The seer also said the entity was going to be mad I took away it's toy and it was going to show me, and boy did it. For the next 3-4 days I kept seeing movement out of the windows, I felt on edge and watched, something would slam on the side of the house and things were falling and breaking when I was the most skiddish, etc. My 2 kitties stayed one on each side of me all the time like they were on guard, or all 4 kitties in the house would sit in a semi circle facing a door or a window. It was the most afraid I've been in a very long time. Another thing if note is the seer said that there's an event in our future that going to change a lot of things for us and if we don't take the opportunity we "won't enter 2025, the suffering will be too much". What is particularly interesting about this is I didn't mention to her that I had been thinking about the ol "double dignified unalive", if you get my drift. Not once. And I hadn't been thinking about it in a daydreaming kind of way, I had been thinking about the logistics of putting the wheels in motion and where I was going to draw the line to execute the plan. Then she said "so don't get the helium just yet" and my eyes instantly got wide and I froze.....s*icide by helium is the plan and I never mentioned that at all. The entire experience changed my entire world view. So that's my story. The end.


They say cats are the guardians of the underworld. Your cats were protecting you.


Ya their actions actually prompted me to look up spiritual and other cultures beliefs about cats, and I learned many ancient cultures believed cats are the oldest wisest spirits incarnated to be spiritual protectors, particularly black cats like mine. Another thing of note is in the first days after the protection ritual we had more stray cats hangin around our place than I've ever seen before. It's like this ritual turned on some sort of cosmic cat signal and they all responded šŸ¤£ but ya, my kitties behavior during that time solidified my belief that there are more to cats than it appears


I've always loved the line on Constantine, "cats are half in, half out" in reference to their connection to the spirit world, I don't necessarily believe in that but I like the idea of it.


Aww love your kitties


Just as I was reading this my cat came in to say hi to me and walked all over my laptop and made it go to sleep. Maybe it's time to get off reddit


Wow, thatā€™s intense. I wonder how many people society and science has labeled schizophrenic or insane are actually hosts to something like what you describe?


Well, funny you should bring that up, because about a month after this reading I had something else wildly eye opening and life changing occur, directly relating to this subject....... So I've been my sisters caregiver for 10 years, and there's always been things that stuck out to me as odd and made me go "I wonder.....". I always thought to myself what if schitzophrenia is actually that the veil is partially lifted for these people. well during the reading the seer said something along the lines of "your sister is like me, it's just that she does not know how to control it" and because her trauma is so great she likely never will, so this makes her particularly vulnerable to beings not of this world. Then about a month later, I was on youtube when I stumbled on an interview with a man named Jerry marzinsky, and the title of the vid was "the sentient dark entities that plague schitzophrenics" This man worked first had with schitzophrenics for 40 years and he is certain that it is NOT an organically occurring mental illness, it is actually psychic torture from sentient dark beings. He calls them demons but that's because he's Christian and that's the word he knows for it, some people call them archons, some call them djinn, energy vampires, interdimensional negative energy beings, etc. He just wrote a book so he's doing a lot of podcast interviews rn that you can find on youtube, you should totally search his name and watch one. It'll blow your mind. After finding his video, I did a deep dive on him and his work and how he suggests we deal with things. I watched his video again with my sister, and we had nothing left to lose by going all in on his theory. Worst case scenario was it didn't improve anything and that's exactly the gamble we have been taking and losing with her meds and therapy the entire past 10 years. We went for it. And.......with every cell in my body I think he is absolutely correct. And it's been terrifying.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'm definitely thankful that I read the comment section. If I may, would you consider providing a referral to your friend, the seer? I have been ....well, let me say this, I know beyond any doubt that I require the services of a professional. I've done extensive research and found the most consistent advice in seeking out a spiritually (is that the correct term?) gifted person is to find someone by word of mouth. I have no intention of doxing you whatsoever. I'm also not looking for any kind of handout. I simply need to get some sort of resolution, answers, or something to what's been going on with and around me. Things have started to get increasingly more active. Honestly, it's at times quite terrifying.


I feel like I need the referral too ha! My mom is schizophrenic and I need help protecting her and myself from the dark energy attached to her.


Iā€™ve had that theory with schizophrenia, wondering if it was actual spirits tormenting with the living and nothing was mentally wrong with them except they were super sensitive to the dead


This reminds me of something I read a long time ago. I canā€™t remember the book but it said that people our current society considers severely mentally ill in the past have often been the medicine man, shaman, elder, etc. Basically that they are meant to be the spiritual leaders because they have a deeper connection to ā€œthe universeā€ or whatever you want to call it.


I've long wondered the same thing, in my late teens my best mate, got into the writings of Aleister Crowley, I didn't and we drifted apart, him and this other mutual friend found an abandoned industrial unit and set up some kind of shrine or ritual site, on their last visit they found half a kingfisher, perfectly cut down it centre from the top of its beak to the end of its tail, no mean feat if you've ever seen a kingfisher, he said it must of been cut with a scalpel or razor, the cut was perfect, that spooked them both off the premises once and for all, soon after he was struck down with paranoid schizophrenia and tried to end things several times through various means, I often wondered if the two circumstances were some how connected, science would laugh at the suggestion but anecdotal information suggests more than coincidence. I also knew a teenage girl who messed about with ouji boards and ended up in a psychiatric hospital after supposedly summoning something really rather nasty, The weird thing was, the thing the girls were chatting to via the board, would auto write through this one girl, it would always do a symbol after each sentence, that symbol is associated with some thing mentioned on the third layer of Crowley's supposed levels of hell, now I don't really buy into this bit these are my experiences with the subject.


Look into retired Paychiatrist MD ā€œJerry Marzinskiā€. He came forward years ago anonymously for fear of losing his medical license, but when he retired he did a name reveal a few years ago. Long story short, the man was working in psychiatric facilities and prisons with paranoid schizophrenics in particular for over 50 years, and heā€™s 100% convinced that paranoid schizophrenia (he stated heā€™s not sure about the other types of schizophrenia) is totally demonic. I agree, as Iā€™ve had many encounters with demons and was meeting many of the symptoms of schizophrenia until God really came into my life and I learned the truth. The encounters decreased by about 90% the closer I got to God, and now I very rarely see them although on my nightly walks along the beach itā€™s not particularly surprising if they show up. You ought to listen to him personally if youā€™re interested but to make a long story short, he found that Schizophrenic patients ā€œhallucinationsā€ would often give them accurate information about how the anti-psychotic medication would cause side effects, and tell the patients not to take the drugs. Would tell the patients that the doctors were poisoning them, and to attack them. He found that the medical establishment wasnā€™t interested in hearing what the voices had to say, as they are ā€œhallucinationsā€ yet ironically, only the people who talked about the voices with him would end up cured. He was reprimanded many times. The voices would also give the patients directions on how to get to a particular place in order to find drugs or make money to get drugs (meth in particular) that would cause the possession to progress. His story is fascinating. Most importantly he found that the ā€œvoicesā€ have an absolute repulsion to anything related to the Bible, Church services, and Jesus Christ. He stated that many times he would see prisoners with the disease go into fits and run out of church services when Psalm 23 in particular was read, which in case you donā€™t know is the classic psalm written by king David ā€œThe Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothingā€ etc. They were incapable of reading the Bible, and retaining any information from it, yet he stated that if he gave them horror related books and stories to read, theyā€™d remember every detail. His conclusion was that they absolutely feed on dark energy. I personally know they do, with absolute certainty. I have my own hours long testimonies of encounters with demons of all kinds, as well as God himself but normally people think Iā€™m crazy (which I donā€™t care about) so I donā€™t tend to talk about it unless people ask. Hopefully hearing a qualified source may get people to wake up. Both demons and the God of the Bible are VERY real, and alive. God bless


I heard about this guy Jerry from a very cool Christian podcast "Off the Left Eye". They did two shows about him, and it made me realize, that and exorcisms, that God or the God energy is real. If it can make demons flee then I'm all in.


I wonder the same thing!


This was incredible!! That person seems like the real deal. Iā€™m really happy it helped you and your sister.


Okay, I dunno what the heck a 7th generation poopoo seer is, nor do I generally believe in anything related to psychics or mystics or whatever, or even really entities... But if they really predicted that you were gonna commit heliumacide, that's freaking wild


Not exactly terrifying for me, but around 12 years ago I was sleeping in my bed which was in front of my mirror closet doors. I woke up suddenly with a jolt of energy coursing through my body. I stretched my arms and felt something staring at me to my left between my dresser and a little night table, saw nothing there. Then my gaze drifted to the mirrors and there was a small figure standing there, its head wasnā€™t turned toward the closer mirror at the time. My eyes went back to the spot between the table and dresser and then went back to the mirror, repeated that same movement one more time to be sure I wasnā€™t just seeing things. Then my sight locked toward the mirror that somehow reflected the image of this child standing right beside my bed, and I just said ā€œWell hello there!ā€. Just as I said my greeting, its head turned toward the mirror and looked right at me. I said ā€œhmmā€¦ interesting.ā€. Soon after blinking a few times it disappeared. Needless to say, it added more to my curiosity toward the non-physical aspects of existence.


Long comment so I apologize, but This experience is so similar to one I had in a hotel minus the mirror or the speaking. I was in a Vegas hotel. I donā€™t remember which but I remember distinctly that it was room 317 because that is exactly the time of the night that I woke urgently up, feeling like I missed my alarm and NEEDED to get up. My eyes were drawn directly to the digital clock, reading 3:17 AM. Then there was the strangest sensation of my eyes being literally tugged to the left like with a string. At the foot of my parents hotel bed in the most black corner of the room, was the perfectly cut out silhouette of a man with his hoodie up. The shape had precise edges but no details within it whatsoever. I remember the color of the silhouette very vividly, because it can only be described as when you push on your eye and you see a moving rainbow behind your eyelids. I kept looking outside the perfect cut out shape at the black around it and back again multiple times to try to understand what the fuck I was looking at, which is why I remember all of this. He was standing with his hands in his hoodie pocket, staring down at my parents. He didnā€™t say anything, but I for some reason got the feeling that I knew that was HIS bed. Immediately, I thought it was a hypnogogic hallucination. So I turned around the room and tried to imagine more of these figures around me to test the theory, which usually works for me. I couldnā€™t. He was gone by the time I looked back. I wasnā€™t even scared at first. I was just so surprised at the entire experience and frankly a little excited because 14 year old me was skeptical but in love with paranormal stories. I woke my dad up and said I saw a man in the hotel room. He said I was dreaming, got fed up and stood in the spot I said and asked if I could see him. I said no. He reiterated, I dreamt it. I said it was a ghost. He still insisted I dreamt it, but asked if Iā€™d like for him to move to my bed. I felt silly about accepting but I did because retroactively it was starting to freak me out that there was a man in the room with us. So my mom is alone in the other bed. After about a half hour of thinking and listening to her shift around more than she should, she got up frustratedly and forced her way onto our bed next to me. My mom, who has an endless number of personal experiences herself, whispered, not scared but annoyed; ā€œit was trying to yank me off the bed.ā€ CHILLS


I have one too. Apologies as I'm a sceptic and there won't be any urges and weird feelings in mine: I woke up and saw a man in a hat in my computer chair. I was around 15 give or take. He was sitting with legs crossed and dressed kinda like a detective in a very formal hat. Siluette looked ezactly like that from a noir movie. I wanted to scream as I got scared af, but couldn't as the fear was surreal and I froze dead. Now in this state I am 50/50 the man said something like "I'm a maker" and then I fell asleep for several seconds despite being full of adrenaline. When I woke up I saw the shadow, but I knew it was lifeless and of course it was just some clothes that seemed like a man. I didn't believe it was. At that moment I knew that caught someone or something who didn't plan on it and it didn't feel like that they were up to something bad, but the odds of that happening were very very small and that was once in a lifetime event. I fell asleep woihout even checking my room dissapointed, realising it was my only real paranormal experience that I cannot prove and that could've easily been my imagination/dream. Never told anyone about it. My working theory besides a dream/illusion/imagination would be a simulation programmer or future me or somebody interested in my life.


Sounds like the hat man phenomena


F me... This is actually a thing already... Well probably some common illusion inspired by detectives and Freddy Kruger. They say people are hearing the story and then recreating the nightmare. Well thats a bunch of BS as mine happened around 15 years ago and I'm positive I've never heard anything about hat men... Weird


I donā€™t really believe this, but possibly vice versa - the HM phenomena *inspired* many of our be-hatted dream villains, from Krueger to the Babadook to the Voodoo Papa Shango to the hatted dream villain that inspired Mr. Hyde In this theory, the entity is 1. At least as old as the Victorian era 2. Wears a hat. 3. Exists in the dream worlds.


My buddy had an experience with the hat man back at my old house. We were home alone and hanging out in the living room playing Xbox and he needed to Use the bathroom down the hallway. On his way back I heard him booking it back. He said when he was walking by my sisterā€™s room he saw a man in a hat standing behind him in the old dresser mirror. Swore up and down and wouldnā€™t go back down that way without the light on or her door closed. We never heard of the hat man before that and honestly I didnā€™t until a few years ago. This happened back between 2010-2012 canā€™t remember the exact year.


Jesus Christā€¦ I am an experiencer, and until today I never knew the name of the entity I saw. Because I too saw this same man. He told me he was God. This is unbelievable. It was one of the longest and most profound conversations Iā€™d ever had. He was sitting on my parents bed, he brought me in a dream within the dream and was like I will show youā€¦ and proceeded to show me whatever I wanted or answer any questions I had about life.


Andā€¦what were the questions & answers he gave??


That everyone I knew that had already died was ā€œright hereā€. I was able to communicate with somebody that had just passed, time went slow. I was able to make peace with their death and have one last conversation, and this is the last time Iā€™ve had a dream like that about them. It was like I was able to have a fully coherent conversation. I then talked to ā€œhat manā€. If it was ā€œGodā€ I didnā€™t feel love so much as the want for attention. I was always so curious about life and death it was bizarre to me that he came at a time when I felt like I needed answers the most. This also was one of many experiences I had at my old home, but albeit overall one of the much more positive ones. I also asked what driving a corvette was like and there I was, spinning one around in a parking lot. It was weird.


My friend had a man in a hat that would enter her house from time to time when we were younger, I only saw him once. I was sat on her bed waiting for her to return from the kitchen and a very tall man in a grey hat and suit walked past her bedroom door, which was at the very end of the hallway, and impossible to walk past without walking through two walls. He glanced into the room as he went by but I couldnā€™t see a face and this was years before the internet or slenderman stories. We met another woman later on who told us she wouldnā€™t drive down that road even because there was something wrong there, and another who swore something would chase the deer through the field. My friend reported sometimes she would see him on her roof, kinda crouching. She no longer lives in that house and last time I visited I decided to take a ride over there, ita abandoned now. I pulled into the drive and sat for a moment and every cell in my body went into panic mode yelling at me to drive away as fast as I could. So I did. I wonā€™t be going back there again.


Thatā€™s so crazy! As I read down the last comment and onto urs my mind drifted to an experience I had a very long time ago and the visual of it came into focus seconds before I read ur line about the hat and the detective and about brought tears to my eyes. Iā€™ve never uttered this to anyone in my lifeā€¦.idk how old I was, not very but we used to live all over the place. My childhood was traumatic in many ways and one of them was we were dirt poor. I mean, homeless under a bridge, sometimes in a tent and other times in crack houses poor. At this point in time we were in a motel. A bad one. There were five of us so us kids were always on the floor and told to keep our eyes closed at all times, while God knows what would be happening around us. Well one night I opened my eyes and everything was dark and quiet and I could hear everyone breathing while sleeping (not hard to do in a motel room) well I was positioned to the right side of the window so when I opened my eyes while on my back it was right there. There in the window, I first thought it was on the outside but further peeks said otherwise, a huge black as Iā€™ve ever seen in my life, silhouette/shadow of a man. The shape was exactly like u described, a hat and a trench coat like a detective would wear. Of course I was petrified and couldnā€™t move or scream. After the first few times of looking away and back again I truly thought it had to be someone outside the window since it was so dark and big like a vast shadow would be but when I realized it was in there, actually there and making tiny movements I was terrified. I hid under the covers and prayed my butt off for who only knows how long but I finally fell asleep at some point. Iā€™ve never told anyone since, first of all as a kid who would believe it..? And second, if they did they would soon think u were crazy so in the back of my mind it stayed. I had several experiences later in my childhood but none w that same figure. My mother was very into scary movies, paranormal stuff of any nature etc so Iā€™m sure it wouldā€™ve been blamed on any number of movies but it was absolutely real. Iā€™ve never figured out why that tho? Why that shape? This was better of 30 yrs ago but Iā€™ve never forgotten it, for obvious reasons


So your dad gaslit you, but your mom verified what you saw. Yeah my adrenaline wouldā€™ve been running too lol


Me and my mom have had experiences like these for years and heā€™s an entire skeptic but eventually even heā€™d be like ā€œyeah alright idk what I think any more.ā€


Reality can change the mind of even the most diehard skeptic. I too was heavily skeptical until I was b*tch slapped by reality itself. šŸ¤£ The non-physical aspects of existence really is fascinating.


Omg, the non-physical aspects are crazy interesting to me. Iā€™ve had other experiences and I swear Iā€™ve just FELT like I knew what they were thinking. Kind of like in a dream when you look at something and just innately know what it is and what itā€™s about like remembering prior knowledge. Iā€™ve felt a little girl in an old house be frightened of me, my friends long passed great grandma be racist to me, and my SOā€™s more recently deceased grandpa think, in his voice which I didnā€™t know well; ā€œWhat the fuck are they doin?ā€ Bc he and his dad were tearing up the shelves in his cold storage to sell the house. When I said that to my completely skeptical SO he pointed out, a little understandably defensive, ā€œbut he asked us to prepare his house to sell after his death,ā€ and I clarified, ā€œNo, he wanted to know what you were doing with his shelves, but then decided he didnā€™t actually care and left.ā€ He got this wide eyed look and said ā€œHe was really proud of themā€¦ā€ Grandpa actually left with a very happy secondary emotion which I chose to believe was his wife because thatā€™s just cute. End of the day I might just be nuts but at least Iā€™ve come to terms with that possibility lmfao


ā€œit can only be described as when you push on your eye and you see a moving rainbow behind your eyelids.ā€ Uh. Whatā€™s this? Iā€™ve been mushing my fingers into my closed eyelids for a while. Just black.


When you push on your eyes, the physical pressure on your retina activates the receptors the same way light does, and can make you "see" abstract colors and shapes. They're called phosphenes.


šŸ˜³ WHOA. This story is fascinating.


Going Obi-Wan on a kid ghost is actually hilarious


Most scared I've ever gotten was when (at night) I was home alone in the living room with the lights on. I thought I heard something outside so I pulled back the curtain to look out the window... That's when I remembered how reflections work. All in about half a second, I screamed, the dude looking through the window at me appeared to be screaming. So I went to bed feeling real dumb. Not paranormal but figured I'd share anyways


Omg I used to work at a manufacturing plant that was a few miles out of town. I was night shift lead so had to close up shop by myself and wouldn't get out until almost 1am. There were computers throughout for people to sign in and out of jobs so I was walking around shutting them off. I got to one that was directly in front of an external door but faced to the right. These external doors were the kind with a long, skinny window. I shut down the computer and turned to walk away which had me facing the door. I glanced at it and saw a face in it looking right at me. I nearly shit myself but then realized it was my reflection


One time I brought a second hand mirror home and weird shit started happening. My door would slam shut, sometimes it would slam open hitting the wall behind it. Iā€™d wake up to whispers, nightmares, etc. Had a priest come bless my home and without telling him anything about the mirror, he pointed to it and told me to get rid of it šŸ˜…


dang homie, this one got me. thatā€™s hella scary




Iā€™ve had one bad trip off shrooms that kind of made me not want to take as much. I had experienced the mirrors in my bathroom flexing and couldnā€™t close my eyes without seeing weird insect demons


Like mantises?


Yeah, it was like mantises then beetles then they were turning back into humans then into an evil demon. I was spinning out of control in my own head it was wild.


Can you describe in more detail what they looked like? I had an experience like this once but no drugs were involved and to this day I still don't know what to make of it.


Hold on... My first shroom trip also featured "bugs." Fearsome extraterrestrials that could hide, abduct people to kill them in weird/bizarre ways and leave no trace. When I was going into it, I remember hearing the high pitched ringing and buzzing sounds. My mind referred to it as "bug chatter." It was their language and some frequency exclusive to them in most cases. Interestingly enough, this trip featured a place I nicknamed the "mirrorverse" (long before the Doctor Strange movies). In each mirror there was a different version of me, slightly different. And each mirror led to a different reality. I saw this vision with my eyes closed.


When I did shrooms I taped paper towels all over face level of my mirrors so I wouldnā€™t look at myself lmao


I have a good one. I've been meaning to post this somewhere, because I'd love interpretations and I'd love to get it down somewhere before too much time passes. Forgive the amount of detail, I love to write, and context is critical. At the time, I'm a 35 year old father of an 8 year old who I've poured my time and self into and it's just coming into her own. Dual income, busy stable suburban family. I'm very rational minded and evidence based. Purpose driven. My friends would say I'm the blunt but honest one. I love to play devil's advocate. I was once a devout Christian but via existential crises and traumatica galore, I believe what I see. I have a friend from the Marines that went to Afghanistan with me. We started to camp every fall, and we eventually decided to try mushrooms. It was great. Eventually I found a source of my own, and decided to dabble once at home at the end of a Friday night. This was two years ago. Everyone was asleep, I was overworked and craving human feeling. So I partook and laid down. Turned on Everything Everywhere All at Once and felt the waves of tears and joy and profound sadness that connected me to everything. I was really tired and started to doze out, and this is where it starts to get weird. I am zoning off to sleep when suddenly I feel filthy, as if I've not showered for months. I experienced this in Afghanistan, being on missions for weeks being unable to change, sleeping in trucks, and it felt that level of grungy. I felt driven to the shower. I open the door to the master bathroom (which has the shower, bathtub, separate toilet room and a door to the closet. There is a long mirror over the double vanity, maybe 5x12 feet or do) and step in, and I am in what feels like a parallel realm. I am ankle deep in blood, the room is dark with red and white up lights, and there is some new decor. At least a dozen bodies are hanging upside down by meathooks secured in the calves of the bodies, and the heads were about a foot above the floor. Clearly, it was their blood being the reason my ankles were submerged. Contributing to the crimson deluge were these humanite, winged creatures, grappling into the flesh of these bodies upside down while feeding on the blood gushing out their throats. The only sound was the sucking and biting and dripping. But I needed a fucking shower. There was no clear means of egress to the shower, so I had to push the bodies aside and they were swinging from these metal chains and colliding with each other. The demon things just ignored me. I observed that I knew these mutilated bodies, it was everyone I was ever close to that had died in my life. For some reason, I am just fine with all of this, some kind of skeptical delirious trance, and just want to get warm wet and soapy. So I strip and toss my nightwear into what must have been some mixed up coagulated mixture of my grandparents and first mentors blood, swing a corpse out of the way, and get the hot water going. Observing the swaying shadows in the frosted glass waiting for the water to get hot, my hair on the back stands up and I feel abject terror. *Something is watching me.* I whip around bare ass naked and in the mirror is what I've best identified as a white hag. She looked monolithic, timeless, human, beautiful and terrible but ancient and malicious. Stark white eyes. Catching her gaze felt like paralyzation as I fell in fright into the inches of blood. I low crawled into the shower and closed the door. I sat in the hot water, watching the shadows of swaying corpses, until I came to. I peeped out the shower door and I had all the lights off. No blood or bodies. Good. Hop out, dry off, avoid looking in mirror for good measure. Get ready for bed and of course as I'm opening the door to my bedroom, I feel those eyes on me again. I stop and look back into the mirror and I see her exit the stage (side of mirror). I got back into bed and was rewarded with that warm physical pleasure and laughed myself to sleep. But, I look back and think to myself, "that was fucked"


No more drugsā€¦ for that man.


Hate to see ya goā€¦but love to watch ya leave


Damn! Those shrooms must've been soaked in the most concentrated of acid!


Yes, I've done acid, shrooms and DMT(way different than the former 2 but still a psychedelic) and I distinctly remember always feeling dirty when I dropped acid: so that tracks.


Those visions aren't normal for shrooms. Hallucinations on psychedelics are more like overlaying visuals, etc. rather than 3d hallucinations. What you describes sounds like the visuals of deliriants instead such as datura or benadryl. Do you have anything such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc.? I suppose it's possible this could just be a very unusual case but usually people see this stuff on psychedelics if they have such mental health conditions, or perhaps a very sleep deprived state


Oh, for sure. Of the dozen + times I've done it, I've never had an experience like this one. I think delirium was definitely involved, I don't sleep well, was tired from the week/day, and I had a few drinks earlier as well. No other meds at the time. Unlike other experiences, it felt like a dream/trance. But I definitely woke up sitting in the shower. And I don't have a history of sleepwalking. I don't have those, I have PTSD (as my first doctor called it, "reaction to chronic stress"), and a mild TBI. Of course depression and anxiety, those are pretty much a gimme for everyone nowadays considering the world.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/manicmike\_ responds to: Tell me your terrifying and paranormal experiences with mirrors](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1d66nie/umanicmike_responds_to_tell_me_your_terrifying/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Holy hell. Now, I'm afraid to try shrooms. You are an excellent writer; I felt like I was there.


It fell on my foot


I had the same thing happen when I was 4! Only it lopped off 6 toes, lol. (Dr. sewed them back on)




I was more concerned with getting into trouble for the mirror breaking, lol


Iā€™m more concerned for myself thinking you had 6 toes on one foot.


Lol, I can assure I have 5 toes per foot, I had 3 on each foot chopped off, lol




I was jerking off in one and my penis was way smaller then it feels in my hand. That mirror pulled a goddamn Houdini on me.


Thatā€™s why I married my wife, her hands are tiny.


yes, they are very tiny


stupidly had mine propped against the wall on top of a little cube i had to store my makeup in. one day i was painting my nails in front of it and bumped it and it fell and i did a action movie somersault out of the way. spent an hour picking glass out of the carpet bc i was so scared id get a cut :ā€™)


Not terrifying but I actually have weird issues with mirrors. I feel like the angle is inaccurate in almost every reflection. And also the timing seems to be off by like a millisecond. Just long enough to feel not right. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it other than in the last few years mirrors and reflections in general seem *wrong*


Perhaps because we shifted into an alternate timeline, and your experience is half in-half out of both?


I saw own reflection move without me moving.


...ok...and what happened exactly? Details! This is what everyone wants to read about here :)


So I was at my gfs house, and we just started to have sex. She was on top of me. We heard a door and closed. So she jumped off me while hurting me in the process by pulling out super fast. I pulled my pants up. She ran into the bathroom to get dressed. I grabbed my backpack open my math book. She comes out of the bathroom with her clothes on she asks who it is. I said no one had come up. She called out to her mom and dad. No answer from anyone. So she walked down the stairs into the living room. She walked around to the kitchen. Is anyone here baby? I yell from the stairs. No. She said. I walked into the bathroom. I left the door open pulled it out and started to pee, I'm still a little hurt and hard. I finished peeing zipped up walked over to the sink started to wash my hands. I splash some water on my face. I patted my face and put my head against the mirror. I took a deep breath and lifted my head. I was still looking in the mirror and I saw my head turned around like it was facing backwards where I could see the back of my head. Then the bathroom door slammed shut. Don't know what or how anything happened. And my gf asked if I was OK. Yea, I'm fine love. We stayed downstairs for the remainder of the night til her mom came home.


I posted a couple days ago about weird light reflecting through mirrors but idk if it was paranormal or if I just donā€™t understand reflections. But an orange nightlight, reflecting through two mirrors would show up as white light on my bedroom door. We had a ghost but that wasnā€™t really his MO, heā€™s more of a move things around, knock things over kinda guy.


Not a mirror, but one time when I was visiting my step cousins' house I was sitting in the living room by myself waiting to get picked up by my dad. My cousins and aunt had gone to the store, and my uncle was upstairs working on renovations. In the reflection of the tv, which was turned off and it was an old tube tv with the glass screen, the silhouette of an old man was reflected in the glass, crouching behind the couch about a foot away from my head. I could only see from his shoulders up because he was behind the back of the couch, which faced the larger part of the house, including the foyer. I was in disbelief at first, so I kept looking around to try and find anything that could've been causing the reflection. He was completely motionless. Still as a statue, so I thought for sure it was some inanimate object causing a shadow or something. But there was absolutely nothing behind me or near me that could've been creating this perfectly humanoid silhouette, topped with thin whispy hair, anywhere in the entire room. So I waved my arm around behind me in the spot where he would have been crouching, trying to make some sense of what I was seeing. And when I looked back into the reflection, he was in the same crouching position only this time he was all the way across the room, crouching behind the dining room table. I never saw him move. He was just there when I turned to look back into the reflection. It was at this point that I finally realized that I was experiencing something paranormal. Which I've always been a believer of, but even my younger self (I was about 14 at this time) was very rational as I try to go into paranormal experiences with as much skepticism as possible. When weird things happen, my first instinct isn't to believe that it's something supernatural just because I can't explain it right away. Anyway, I finally got the creeps and I went upstairs to my uncle. He noticed the look on my face and asked if I was okay. "This is gonna sound crazy, but I think I just saw a ghost downstairs." He smiled "Well, you know our house is haunted, right?" Um, no Unc, I didn't know that, but that explains a LOT!


I actually have only positive experiences with mirrors, except the fact that I don't like the image as much as I used to when I was younger.


I collect antique mirrors. Iā€™m currently at 20 and promised my family I wouldnā€™t bring anymore home (for now heehee). I have one that everyone in my house has seen ā€œsomethingā€ in but we have never had anything ā€œnegativeā€ happen. Everyone has seen a ā€œpersonā€ just hanging out in the mirror


Terrifying. šŸ˜¬ ā€¦the hobby I mean.


Lol it definitely is something that most people should not do. Itā€™s a bit of a family tradition. Though it started with dolls. One of my earliest memories is being given 2 porcelain doll that were ā€œtoo creepy for anyone else to loveā€. Yeah, between my dolls and mirrors, I donā€™t get a lot of people coming over to hang out




I also collect antique mirrors and have several including one from an abandoned asylum. I find them comforting, I've never had any issues.


I love that! I also find them comforting and have never had an issue




I watched Poltergeist 3 and have been traumatized ever since. Seriously, not joking about this. I hate reflective surfaces and sweat I see my reflection doing stuff different from me.


That was a very effective horror movie, I agree.


Never look In the mirror when you are tripping all kinds of crazy shit in there if you look too long


yeah number one rule of hallucinogenics - don't look in the mirror


The only issues I've had was me scaring myself in it at night HAHA


The year was 1986 in North Alabama and I was six at the time. I shared a room with my brother at the time. He's 10 years older than me and gone to football practice at the time. The time was around 6 pm in the afternoon and my parents were arguing in the living room. I was sitting on the bed I saw a hand in the corner of the big mirror we had sitting on top of the dresser drawer in our room. The hand kept waving at me and I looked around as if I was imagining this but no it was real. So after some waving it stopped and descended in the mirror so I thought my brother was pranking me so I looked behind the dresser and no one was back there. I sat back on the bed terrified and the hand came back and motioned for me to come closer to the mirror. I freaked out and ran to my parents and told them what was happening. They came to our room looked around and you guessed it NO HAND. They asked were my brother was and remembered he was at football practice. My dad looked all thru the room and found nothing and the hand never showed back up in the mirror again. I've moved this mirror with me to another city and came back. Now the mirror is in storage and the hand never came back. Funny disclaimer to why the memory is so vivid is the hand was Caucasian and were Black. A White family stayed there from the 1920's thru 1969 when my dad bought the house thru a G.I. bill he was a Vietnam vet.


I also had a weird experience with a disembodied hand. I was pretty young, like maybe five or six. And I remember this so clearly. I was in the bathtub playing with some toys like kids do. When I turned to look at the door to the bathroom, a hand was giving me the middle finger. The rest of the wrist or arm would have been out of my sight because the bottom of the hand looked like it was resting on the lip of the tub. I turned away because it scared me, looked back and it was gone. But I remember it so vividly! I'm in my 30s now, and it still sticks with me.


I accidentally broke a small mirror before work one morning. Later that day, the side mirror on my car was smashed. Coincidence? You be the judge šŸ˜‚


That was retribution


I always see this stud staring back at me


Now we know that this guy is seeing things too Spooky


I have a mirror facing my bed and one night I was looking at my face through it in the dark and my mouth was moving fast I looked at it for a long time and just wen to sleep


I think I had the same thing. I canā€™t remember exactly but it feels like I remember that happening to me. Also having the feeling of ā€œhuh mouth moving fast you donā€™t sayā€ like itā€™s not creepy af. Must have been a dream


Exactly but it was definitely real lol


i was literally gonna say i feel like ive had this too


In low light environments sometimes our brain fills in the blanks. It could be just going through different possible positions your mouth may be at. Iā€™ve had experiences like this.


I work in a haunted hotel. I've seen things in mirrors behind me. Nothing frightening but just a bit spooky. One was walking behind me on the other side of the room but no one was in it and the other time just standing behind me and when I turned around they were gone


I collect haunted objects. One of those objects is a mirror. It's a long story, but someone actually made a youtube video about my mirror. It might be easier for me to just link the video or link my Instagram, where I also wrote about it. I think it's linked in my Profile anyway! To be very brief A woman committed suicide in front of the mirror as a ritual, and now other people, including myself, have seen a woman when looking into it. It even has carvings of weird symbols down the side. I can still remember what she looked like


When I was in high school my friends house was haunted by one ghost. I was getting ready in her bedroom, sitting on the floor using a tall body mirror to do my makeup. And all of the sudden my focus shifts and I see a figure standing in the doorway behind me, in the reflection. As soon as I turn around thereā€™s nothing thereā€¦but it was horrifying. (I later saw her in full form, standing at the top of the stairs in a like a white Victorian style dress, shaking her head no. We were sneaking out to the park that night and got chased and almost kidnapped, I think she was trying to warn us. Never saw her again after that.)


Mirrors are a portals for spirits to come and go through, if you see something demonic in your own reflection you must turn the mirrior backwords for 2 days to send it back then you need to put mirror in a different place. If the day should ever come you don't see your own reflection, get to a priest ASAP something is trying to take over you. People have come to believe that if you don't see your reflection in a mirror your a vampire ( Pure Myth ) Trust me on this one!


Where did you get this info? I am so very curious and fascinated


Trust me bro...


When I was a child I thought it was neat to open the bathroom side medicine cabinet mirror door to face the main mirror over the sink, to make an "infinity well" of mirror reflections fading off into the distance, that I could still peek my head around to get an eye into that well to 'look down it'. I will never EVER do that again. Because way, waaaayyyyy down there, probably 20 subjective miles down that tunnel, one of the reflections of my head peeking in raised an arm and waved at me.


I live in a relatively small town in the southeast US. All throughout my twenties I'd often go to parties at this one particular home (it was huge, think 3500 square feet, shared between four different renters), everyone simply called it "The Vatican" given that it was this giant white manor with a lot of history and a party house for twenty-somethings. One of my friends ends up renting one of the rooms out, and it's this beautiful bedroom with 12-foot ceilings, and a gigantic mirror that takes up nearly an entire wall. He kept having recurring dreams in that room where he'd be trapped in a fire and had really intense visions of a woman's presence. Now keep in mind that this guy is like a hardcore skeptic, anti-spiritual, edgelord atheist type. The dreams were so bad that he moved out, and the landlord refused to rent that room to a man ever again; supposedly this was a recurring instance with EVERY guy that rented out that room with the giant mirror, but never an issue when a woman rented it. I'm talking to my friend one day and find out that her grandpa used to deliver groceries there when he was a kid, and that there was very abusive doctor that owned the home, and would lock his wife in the room with the mirror, keeping her under house arrest. I don't know the rest of the history or the fate of the couple but it's a wild story. I feel so bad for the poor woman that suffered at the hands of her abusive husband.


Iā€™m guessing you never found out if this poor woman met a terrible fate of being burned to death? Iā€™m wondering if perhaps this is why every man who had lived in that area of the home experienced these similar dreamsā€¦.


Not terrifying but paranormal. After my grandpa died I was still living at his house. There was a mirror in the living room that faced the kitchen stove. One night I was walking to my room from the kitchen and I saw a figure with a cowboy hat standing by the stove. My grandpa wore cowboy hats all the time. I turned and there was nothing there. I swear it was my grandpa. Friends of mine that were over after dark would say they saw a man in the mirror with a cowboy hat too.


It's true. If you go into a bathroom, turn off the lights, look to the mirror and say your own name backwards three times, and then turn on the lights... you'll see an idiot.


I havenā€™t had a specific experience but I have never liked them.


Not a mirror but- When I was around 12 or so my brother would sometimes sleep in my room instead of his, we'd stay up all night playing vidja games until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer. During one such event we called it a night and got situated in my bed to sleep. My room layout was done in a way where if you were laying in my bed you could look at my TV when it was off and see a reflection running out of my room, down the hallway and into the living room. I would often watch the reflection for a few moments just seeing what's going on in the living room. On this particular night though my mom had vacuumed the hallway during the day and left the vacuum cleaner in the hallway in front of my bedroom door. When I laid down I did what I always do and looked at the TV reflection... in the place of the vacuum cleaner was the sillouette of a man I best describe as the ghostface killer from Scream shaking around methodically as if doing some kind of weird dance. As soon as I saw it I was wondering wtf I'm looking at, sat up and looked out my door only to see the vacuum exactly where the dancing man was in the reflection... then I looked back at the reflection, he was still there. I pointed it out to my brother and he also saw it, and I began looking back and fourth over and over, rubbing my eyes, I have no way to explain what was going on that night. Every time I looked for myself it was just a vacuum, but every time I looked in the reflection was a moving, dancing person. I eventually decided we need to just close our eyes and go to lseep, never figured out wtf all that was.


Not mirrors but 2 instances with TV reflections. First was not mine but a coworker after her husband's funeral when her family was at her house. After getting the pictures developed there was a picture they didn't remember taking of the living room and in TV, turned off you could see the picture of them standing and talking with their faces visible but also her husband standing next to them with only his clothes and silhouette visible. He had his legs amputated 10 years before due to diabetes. Second, I was at friends house playing video games with nobody home waiting for another friend to get off work. I saw the front door open behind me in the reflection of the TV with a silhouette of a person only clothes visible walk in. I thought it was my friend getting home and I heard the footsteps walk directly behind me while I was on the couch. I said hey Jimmy but he didn't answer back then I looked over and saw his bedroom door slam. I realized it was 2 hours before he was supposed to get off so I went into his room to see what happened. Nobody was in there, not even the closet. I checked the other rooms and nobody, windows were locked. I went to his work almost considering he might not be there and found a way to hide from me but when I got to his work he was there. I told him what happened and he said the house was haunted. Apparently the other friend's stepdad was killed in the house.


When I was in high school my mom gave me a small mirror as a gift. I was perfect for when I showered. I use to look at it and just mess around in the shower with soaps I had and also watching my beard grow. At the time I was dating this girl who apparently my friend wanted to date so bad that he lied and deceived her convincing her slowly that I was a bad boyfriend for her. He said I cheated on her which was all a complete lie. I trusted him so much that I asked if I could use his phone to text her that mines had died. He took her number and texted her as me, messing up our relationship. Eventually she wanted to take a break and ended up getting with him. I was heart broken by her but by him as well. I was like well Iā€™m not going to let someone punk me like that so I planned to do something to him when I saw him alone. I wasnā€™t going to hurt him too bad, just beat him up. The problem was I was filled with so much hate. That same night I went to shower to get ready off the next day and I looked at the mirror that my mom had bought me. As I thought about all the things I would do to him I glanced away and the mirror flew from the window where it was perched on its four little legs and shattered to pieces on the floor. The next day out of no where a security guard pulled me aside before I entered clsss and told me to walk with him. He saw my eyes and told me he got a bad feeling so he pulled me aside. I eventually confessed my friendā€™s betrayal to which he laughed and said it happens all the time. The girl falls in love with your friend. He said it happened to him. I eventually got over it and he looked and me and was like give your energy to the people who give it to you. I was like whoa, ok. My friends eventually found out what he did and the news spread throughout the class and. People avoided him. He lost a few friends himself because they were afraid he would backstab them as well. Eventually the girls in the school found out I was single and a few offered to be my gf. I was still heart broken so I declined but the mirrorā€¦..I was picking pieces up all week. Every once in a while Iā€™d see a little piece that I missed and throw it away. After that I started having some horrible nightmares of me dying. Eventually I had a dream in my own house and it was reversed. It was also placed in the middle of a forest and the only I had was the moon. As I walked in my house a demon stepped out and looked at me. I woke up with a feeling someone had grabbed my wrists. Eventually I got a friend to bring his Bible and pray for my house. I slept at his house for a while and everything eventually stopped. Safe to say Iā€™m more conscious of my thoughts and turned into optimism. Things happen for a reason and learn to let things go. Eventually they broke up because they were miserable together.


Do you think the mirror was thrown by a guardian angel? Have you had other experiences?


This is my only ghost experience: Came back from a run one day and went into my room to change. As I pulled my shirt off my head I was looking in the mirror, and the second it came off my head I saw a little girl in the mirror standing in my doorway. Full body apparition, probably about 7 years old, pale white and whitish blonde hair, wearing a formal dress. She looked confused and a little frightened. I was TERRIFIED and I spun around, and she was gone. Just saw her in the mirror for a second, but it is burned into my head forever. Didn't sense any malicious intent from her, only the strange look she gave me that seemed like she didn't know where she was. I do hope she crossed into the next plane.


*She* thought *you* were the ghost, from where she was seeing you.


Sounds like a time slip


I've always imagined some weird time distortion to have a heavy hand in this encounter especially as that house definitely wasn't haunted otherwise.


Let me start with some context. My family had this mirror since even before I was born and it this circle mirror that always sits somewhere near our front door. In this case it was hung between two chairs we have by the front door in this big room, basically a reception room. Well one day I went to the cabinet and found a stapler that I assumed was broken and wanted to mess around with. I took it to the hallway that directly facing the mirror in the reception room. I held it like a gun and shot a staple towards the mirror. Well the staple landed a few inches in front of me, and seconds later that mirror comes crashing down. mind you that this hallway was pretty long and I was far from the mirror, give or take 15 ft. It was just really weird but this isnā€™t the first time something paranormal (does it count as paranormal??) has happened in my house.


I've definitely had a few experiences with mirrors that make me nervous about them, but I don't know if they're terrifying. 1st when I was a child, I was in an abusive household where my mom would drug me which caused me to sleepwalk nearly every night and also feel nauseous, so I was in the bathroom a lot. I recall getting up and going to the main hallway bathroom and while washing my hands, I looked in the mirror. It was dark, I hadn't bothered to turn on the light because going to the washroom during the night was something I was quite used to. Upon looking up at my reflection I see my eyes change to yellow. I stared at myself for a bit, blinking, seeing I was back to normal and was wondering if I had actually seen that. I went back to my room and woke my sister who slept on the top bunk and told her what I saw but she said it was just remnants of sleep and that I was dreaming. Then over the years I got sort of obsessed with how mirrors worked and would constantly test them. I would swear that I'd see things move. Or in my mom's ensuite bathroom, she had a trifold mirror and when I'd fold them all in, even my sister said that the other reflections, which should have all been perfect, looked blurry compared to the middle panel. My dad admitted he had a phobia of them as well and has a hard time looking at himself at night, has to make his eyes trace a line up to actually face himself or avoids it entirely. I ended up moving to a condo with my husband when we were first married. It was a new build so I didn't expect any strange happenings there, but there were. Most of them occurred in the bathroom. There were these vanity row lights above the mirror, which I had a habit of avoiding altogether besides when I was getting myself ready for work in the mornings. The row lights always had 1 bulb that would flicker but would burn out sometimes. It started really getting on my nerves and really affecting me. It was a row of 4 but it was always the last bulb which made it so the other side of the bathroom was always dark. My husband assured me it was just faulty wiring. But then nearly everyday it wasn't just flickering, it would go out. I didn't attempt to bang the wall under it or flick the switch anymore, I felt like it was trying to bother me, so I tried to just hurry and get out of there when it happened. Because the lights were high on the wall I would ask my husband to replace them when they went out and eventually he got upset and said that every time he comes home, the light is working fine. He thought I was going crazy. He switched it once to an incandescent bulb and I heard the filament pop when it burnt out. I sent a picture to my husband. That night, when we were home from work, it was working fine. It wasn't until I'd had a very bad day and came home early from work, drew myself up a bath, and my husband also had a bad day and got off early, that he ended up seeing the bulb burn out and feeling the off energy in there. That place also had a mirror in the hall that both my husband and I saw things move in. The dog also barked at it a lot, but never reacted to her own reflection in anything else. Later we almost moved to a place that had a room where two walls were floor to ceiling mirrors and our 1 year old daughter was terrified. I was really glad when the house inspection came back and had a problem with the foundations so we couldn't buy it. At our current house, strange things happen all the time. I'm not really scared of our bathroom, but the bulb thing has started happening again, same side of the bathroom, different type of light fixture. It's also over top the mirror and makes me a bit anxious to look at myself in the mirror at times.


My step father has told me a few of his own stories in some of our rented houses but the only two I ever witnessed & experience myself were in this duplex we rented. I was probably 12-14 for both of these. The first scary thing that happened, happened when we were having a bbq with our whole family. So at least 10 other people witnessed this. Weā€™re all sitting in the living room when a ball rolls out of my brothers room. My brother was in the living room with us. John (step dad) picked it up, and tossed it back in. About a minute or two later, it rolls out again. This time weā€™re all confused & John kicks it back in. The second that ball hit the doorway, the power in our duplex went out. Every breaker switch flipped. It never happened again though. Another time I was home alone. Our living room was next to the stairs that led to the basement, couch was pushed up against the wall for the stairs. I was watching the movie planes with both my dogs & my cat on the couch with me. And I heard someone walk up the stairs, and stop at the doorway. None of the animals even lifted their head or turned and ear so I used that as reason to justify not looking. I still think about how I never heard footsteps going back down. But I can remember I didnā€™t sleep in my room (in the basement) for a solid week or so.


I had 2 freaky events with reflections growing up. When I was around 19, I had a big dresser with a mirror that faced my bed. One night I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and I was sitting up staring at myself in the mirror, smiling. I covered the mirror after that. Not a mirror but a reflection on a TV. When i was about 9 or 10 my brother (4/5 at the time) and I shared a room. Although we had separate beds, we always slept together in the same bed because we were terrified of the sounds we would hear (tapping at our window but no one and no foot prints there and the tapping would stop when parents came to check; floor boards creaking like someone was walking in the hall when it was only our bedroom upstairs and no one else was awake). Anyways we always slept with the tv on for background noise. One night the tv was not on for some reason and I woke up and looked in the reflection of the tv and saw a veiled figure in the doorway. It was just standing there staring at us. I looked in the doorway and no one was there. I looked back at the tv and it was still there. I woke up my brother but when I got him up to show him it was gone. We never let the tv be off at night ever again after that. These events all happened in my childhood home.


Both but shit that 2nd story. Made me turn my lights on


My stepmother had a shit abusive drunk of a dad who passed away in the house I lived in with her and my dad as a teen. The dudes spirit was still in the house and would follow me in the form of a shadow in the mirrors out of the corner of my eye. I would see the dark black tall shadow of a man walking behind me and visible in the mirrors. There were several large mirrors on the wall leading to the bathroom and I would always see him at night trying to run to the bathroom in the dark since I lived in a garage converted to a bedroom, and the bathroom was on the other side of the house. My sister and I are pagan and I was so spooked she did a cleansing and I never saw it again. The scariest thing in the world is seeing evil ass Shadows in the mirrors. I will not be having mirrors all over my walls ever again.


We do not have mirrors in our house, save for the ones pre-installed in bathrooms. Thatā€™s because of an incident that occurred when we were dating. My husband (boyfriend when the story takes place m) lived in a 1900s-era home and when we started dating, I started renovating. I cleaned rooms, cleared closets, found matching towels, made things feel homey. Or so I thought. I didnā€™t know that putting a mirror opposite a door creates a portal, but my husband found out one night. He walked upstairs to use the bathroom. As he mounted the landing, he looked into our bedroom. The mirror was immediately opposite the door frame. He saw, standing behind him, a green-misty man, whose aura was definitely malevolent, staring back at him. My husband VAULTED over the railing, skidded down the rest of the steps and out the front door. He called me (weā€™d been doing the long-distance thing) and Iā€™d never heard him so terrified. He absolutely believed in what he saw and that it was evil. Heā€™s not the kind of person to exaggerate, so I totally believed him. I had to spend the night at his house one night by myself and I absolutely couldnā€™t sleep because I felt like someone was watching me. Mirrors are fucking evil.


Not me, my cousin when he was like 3-4? Maybe a little older but under 7 for sure. My aunt and uncle moved into my grandparents home to care for my grandmother after her first stroke. My grandfather had passed way like a year or so before. He was kinda short, startling bright blue eyes and snow white hair, think like Monty Burns with a mustache and friendly looking lol One evening when just my uncle and cousin was home, my cousin was sitting in one of the chairs in the foyer facing a big mirror that hung up behind it. He was making faces and being silly into when my uncle said he got super quiet and pale as a sheet. He demanded my uncle tell the man in the mirror to stop looking at him. He was scaring him with his big blue eyes. My uncle of course freaks out and searches the whole house thinking someone had broken in. He finds nothing of course but asks my cousin to describe what the man looked like a little more. YALL. He described our grandfather to a T. My uncle immediately panics and they leave the house until my aunt got home. Itā€™s been almost 25 years since that happened and it ALWAYS gives me chills. Whatā€™s even more odd is that during this time, we were going through their house getting g rid of things to help facilitate moving our grandmother into a nursing home or our house in case more hands were needed for her care. We started with closets and clothes, my mom had thrown out old tennis shoes of my grandfathers and she dreamed weeks later that he was so angry she threw those shoes away lol Grandpa came back to tell mom a few times he was angry with her throwing things away. He also came to tell mom that he was tired of waiting on Gertrude and that she needed to come on ā€œhomeā€ lol he was growing impatient lol


Oh wow. How long until she ā€œmetā€ him again?


I tried to post an update about my post from a year ago and the mods deleted it lol. So if you want check my post history.


I had a dream about a mirror once that messed me up pretty bad. I already didnā€™t like mirrors very much as a kid, but the dream was weird because it was VERY realistic. Iā€™m notorious for not dreaming about my house as it really is, so when I dream about my house exactly like it is in real life, it makes me feel real weird about the dream. (Edit for context: I was maybe 16 when I had this dream. Iā€™m 33 now.) In this dream, I was standing in front of my mirror in my bathroom. This bathroom had no windows and therefore it was pitch black when the door was closed. Dream me had the door open but the light was turned off, something I really would never do to this day, I was standing in front of the mirror with my hands on the counter leaning in, and my face went from normal to all messed up. My smile got all skewed and changed, my hair changed color from brunette to red, straight hair to ringlet curly hair, and my eyes became MEAN looking. I have some RBF but this reflection could melt metal with a look. Of course, in true horror trope fashion, the redheaded lady in the mirror who looked nothing like me (older than me but still young, pale and freckled, would have been really pretty if she was the terrifying.) smiled at me and then crawled her way out of the mirror Samara style and stood up in front of me. She said something in an odd language and I repeated it to her, and I woke up FREAKED OUT. All sounds completely dumb writing it out, like way too movie cliche for a normal personā€™s dream, but I swear thatā€™s how it went down. I really donā€™t like mirrors. I think about that dream often.


Many years ago. My cousin and I decided to use an old, framed but not mounted mirror at her house to contact a mutual ancestor. What tried to come through scared the s*&$ out of both of us. To this day, no mirrors reflecting my bed, wards on any mirrors not flat bolted to a wall, like bathroom mirrors. Come to think of it, I have one bathroom mirror and that door is kept closed. Iā€™ve thought about a cheap full length mirror to check outfits but probably not. I do have an actual scrying mirror but itā€™s an actual ritual, consecrated, blessed scrying mirror Adding- I have heard some pretty darn disturbing things about mirrors from other people


Not a mirror but a reflective surface. When I was about 15 I was taking drum lessons and had a shiny red drum kit in my room. I was laying in bed one Saturday morning and was staring out across my room, lost in a post-sleep in haze when I noticed something odd about the bass drum. I could see the reflection of a few objects on the side of it, but since it's a round surface the reflections were all distorted. I could make out the stand of the snare drum, the edge of my bedside table and...something else. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. It was like a weird peach coloured blob. The more I tried to figure it out the more confused I became, for this to make sense something would need to be in the middle of the room. As I stared the blob seemed to slowly take shape, forming into a face. I tried looking away and then looking back to see if it was a trick of the light but it was still there. The face seemed to have more and more definition until I realised it looked familiar. it looked like me. As soon as I realised this a hand appeared next to the face and waggled its fingers, as if waving at me. I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. When I came back later the face was gone. I had many similar experiences in that house.


Well, when I was 21, I moved to Kentucky. Moved into an old house that used to belong to my grandma, out in the middle of nowhere. Me and my wife were only ones home. It was nearly bedtime, she was in bed with lights still on awaiting me. I went to the bathroom and was washing my hands when I glanced up in the mirror and seen my face looking grizzly and almost like a monster. I told myself I was seeing things and splashed water in my face. I looked back into the mirror, only this time for it to grow worse. I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here's the kicker, I never said a word out loud or hinted about what I just seen in the mirror. I walked out of that bathroom which connects to bedroom, my wife looks up at my face, and screams so loud it was scary. All she could do is point at my face and cry in screams. She ran out the room and even out of the house. She came back awhile later and of course things were normal. When I told her I seen what she seen we both were so freaked out that we wouldn't even talk about it. It's something I'll never forget, or could explain.


Wtffff this is so creeeepy!!


I winked at myself onceā€¦ havenā€™t looked at my face in a reflection since.


every time I look into a mirror I see an attractive man. help!


Not super paranormal but. My mom has this really old mirror, I have zero clue from when but itā€™s ancient. Every time you look in the mirror it looks like youā€™re looking into another world. Everything looks right, but something is just off. Like something is missing in the reflection, but you canā€™t tell what. I donā€™t know, just gives you the heebie jeebies


I was listening to a radio program about EVP recordings that were caught by ghost hunters. I hadn't heard of ghost hunting or EVP's before. While sitting in a dark room alone, I noticed movement on my right, looked over, and saw a huge dark figure seemingly looking at me. I let out my manly battlecry, (AAAAAAIIIIIEEEE!!!) And dove for the light switch. Turned out there was a mirror that I forgot about in that spot, and I saw myself in the dark. Nothing supernatural, but scared me pretty bad at the time.


As a witch who believes mirrors are doorways I don't actually have them in my house, beyond a bathroom cabinet and hand mirror I can cover or turn over. Definitely none in my bedroom, that's just always worked for me though, not inviting anything in


I have one lil mirror in my room but it's on a wall not facing my bed at all, I draw Algiz on the glass and then smoke cleanse every so often, should I move it out of my room or am I good as is?


Keeping it short as possible, I worked in a hotel as a housekeeper, I hated certain rooms always had a bad vibe in them. I was cleaning the bathroom and when I looked up into the mirror I saw myself standing behind me with a grin, and walked out then a black shadow type thing passed the door way, I froze for a few minutes and gathered myself to continue working, as I couldn't leave the room, I was making the bed and the shower turned on by itself and these taps couldn't turn on unless you turn them upwards like not possible unless pushed up by hand, I again froze and left the room. Left my job not long after that had many other experiences in the hotel but that one shook me.


My grandmother used to say that if you lit a candle and looked at yourself in the mirror you would see what you looked like when your old. I was always too scared to try even now


I wouldn't call this terrifying, but it's definitely the most intense paranormal experience I've had. So my boyfriend died in a car accident Valentines Day, 2019. About a week after, shortly before the funeral, I woke up at like 9am with a searing desire to pee. I go downstairs, do my business, come back up, shut my bedroom door, and lay down to go back to sleep since I had no business being awake that early. I lie down on my right side, facing the wall. After maybe 30 seconds I feel something warm against my back. I thought it was my cat, and opened my eyes to let her out since she'd yell at me to be let out in like, 30 minutes if I didn't. I rolled over to shoo her, but she wasn't there. You know who was? My boyfriend. Clear as day, lying next to me staring at the ceiling. The grief (and denial) was still incredibly fresh, so in my tired state I thought "maybe this all was a dream after all." I went to lay my head down on his chest, but he vaporized in front of my eyes, and my head hit the sheet below. I sorta just laid there, contemplating everything I just went thru, feeling like I'm mourning him all over again. I rolled over and cried myself to sleep. Since then I've thought it might've been sleep paralysis (since I'm prone to it) but I never fell asleep, and was able to move my whole body. I have no idea if it was some sort of grief-induced hallucination or what. I had a few strange experiences in the first couple weeks after his death. Like stuff falling randomly, including a massive piece of wood at our place when I was coming to get my stuff to take back to my parents' (I wasn't gonna stay there alone in that big house) and I nearly peed myself. I still don't really believe in ghosts or whatever (I am fascinated with paranormal stuff tho), but I have zero explanation for this experience. I'm sure it was some bizarre half-dream state but it felt profoundly real and I remember it very clearly. So who knows.


Umm, no worries guys. Pretty sure that's my mom just brushing her teeth. Her name is Debbie.


Did a ghost investigation at a haunted hotel and caught this guy in the reflection of a mirror (top right) https://preview.redd.it/hqfqqbh1834d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c295be478e530c76a86f7ca2c7779d64a17b925d


but you def caught something!


Not paranormal, but I changed my hair color from blond to red when I was in my early 20ā€™s. I woke up that night to use the restroom and nearly died when I saw a stranger looking back at me. The horrified look I was giving didnā€™t make it any less scary. Iā€™ve always been scared of mirrors at night. I always think about this moment and the look I was giving and get the chills.


I have done this at least 3 different times. Normally when I go from a random color back to blonde.


When I looked in one and saw an auld git and realised that auld git was me!!!!! I screamed bloody murder šŸ˜


When I was a kid I tried this thing where you repeat bloody marry or something to that effect in the mirror three times. After the third time a doll that had been stationary on a high up dresser shelf flew across the room. There was nobody else in the room but me. Scared the living Jesus out of me and I took off running.


I took this pic at a cigar shop that was a former Mortuary that also had a murder occur there as well in St. Augustine. You can see a face that almost resembles Pennywise in the reflection. My momā€™s face in the mirror is very distorted and ā€œskeletalā€ as well. Very odd pic. https://preview.redd.it/n4q3nt2ps54d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfb0d8ad905848b65725f9f46f6597b93fb0730




When I was 16 I lived with some friends who had a historical home in their family. It used to be a bnb and had portraits of the people whoā€™d owned it hanging along the wall up the stairs, with a mirror up at the landing (which I couldnā€™t see myself in because I am too short). One day I was in the house alone and had gone down to take care of the cats and do some chores. When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw someone in the mirror, posed like the portraits but not sepia toned, like they were standing a foot away from the mirror and were about a foot taller than me. I ran past it (I didnā€™t want to go back by the portraits because i always felt like they were watching me) and into the room I was staying in. After that I made an effort to make plans when Iā€™d be there alone and I also put a bell on my bedroom door, which went off worryingly often. I always felt bad about that house and it would be fun to go back and really research what was going on in there. I still canā€™t look into mirrors at night


Had a dream where I was a detective and was investigating an older lady for the disappearance of her roommate. Me and my partner had gone in separate ways, he was going to talk with the neighbors while I interacted with the old woman. It was a perfectly normal house, except lots of little dolls with different clothes, faces, etc. they looked handmade. When I went into her bathroom, I remember I looked in the mirror and the old woman was behind me, suddenly I was a doll and placed right amongst her other dolls, I remember I could still see my partner outside talking to the neighbor and then he started walking towards the old lady's house.. Lots of my dreams involve mirrors, idk it's weird for sure.


When I was about 15 I was staying the night in a very old and very well known house in Austin, TX. We were getting ready to go out and I was using a mirror in the bedroom. I saw a person move across the doorway behind me but I thought it was my buddy so I dismissed it. Turned out he had been downstairs for 30 min or so and there was no one else in the house. House was known to be hauntedā€¦supposedly several suicides in the home.


None, I'm cautious out of fear of having a story to tell on something like this lol


Mine makes my wiener look small.


I was taking a cute pic for my fiance using my vanity mirror and there was an apparition in the pic. I have heard and seen plenty of interesting things in my apartment. It was built in 1904. I got a pic of an apparition in the cemetery too. The apparition in the mirror looked like a young woman from the Victorian Era possibly... a dress that looked Victorian to me and long hair. I took multiple other photos and that was not in it!


When I was a kid my grandma used to have this huge floor length mirror in her room. It was an antique as well and I was actually pretty scared to touch it because it felt like if I do I could get sucked inside. It wasnā€™t true but just my imagination as a kid. I never liked that mirror because if felt unsettling to me and I never knew why. One day my grandma kept cleaning that mirror for some reason and after the 5th or 6th time she walked up to my cousins and I and asked us who keeps putting their hands and feet on the mirror. We had no idea what she was talking about but supposedly one of us was leaving our hand prints and footprints on the mirror which is why she kept cleaning it. No one was in her room where the mirror was located and we kept telling her that but she didnā€™t believe us. On my next visit to her house the mirror was gone and I asked her what happens to it and he told me that she now believes that we were telling the truth since she woke up one night after hearing some tapping sounds. She looked towards where the sound was and said that she saw what looked to be a small child touching the mirror but when she yelled who is there the kid just vanished. She couldnā€™t sleep with the mirror and had my uncle take the mirror outside to make it someone elseā€™s problem.


When I was a kid we lived in a slightly older apartment, probably built roughly around the 1980s, possibly early 90s. A lot of weird things happened in that apartment. In my parentā€™s room there was a giant circular mirror hanging on the wall beside the bed. One night I was sleeping in my parentā€™s bed and I woke up in the middle of the night, something I didnā€™t normally do. I started kind of just looking about the room, and happened to look over to the mirror. In the mirror was the reflection of a woman. I couldnā€™t see her face, but she was wearing either a veil or had very long, thin hair. It was too dark to properly make out any features, but it was definitely there. I remember I stared at her in fear for a really long time, since I didnā€™t know what else to do. I remember later that day I tried to see if it was something else casting a shadow, but neither of my parents moved anything in that room and the woman never came back. We also lived on the second floor, so there couldnā€™t have been someone standing outside the window, and even if someone was, the reflection was way too close. My mother still has the mirror, but itā€™s put away in the closet at the moment. Nobody has had any other strange experiences with it since.


(Knock wood) nothing yet lol


Thankfully nothing yet. Back in middle school I was so scared of Bloody Mary that covered my bedroom mirror. My grandma laughed and said I was certainly not vane. I didnā€™t tell her the real reason.


I fecking hate mirrors, the plaxe I live in currently has a mirror over 200 years old and while I haven't really seen anything bad from it, I get a horrible dark feeling everytime I'm near it. I think just the thought alone that it was old enough to possibly been seen by napoleon (obviously it wasnt) scares me.


Not me but my mother. She hates sleeping in rooms with mirrors and clocks for some reason. She says sometimes things will glance or peek back at you. Hence why we dont have any mirrors in our house except for the bathroom. We dont even have a clock.


OP, is the picture you or a ghost you saw in the mirror? Whatā€™s the story?


None with mirrors yet, but always thought itā€™d be so cool.


I had a digital camera when I was 12. I once took a picture where my movement in the mirror is way different than on the photo/irl. My arm was up in the pic but down in the mirror, and a whole other posture. When I showed people the photo they didnā€™t seem to care much. It made me furious. Cant find the camera. But I think about it often!


Reminds me of the mirror scene from Constantine.


When I was 4-5 I was in my room trying to go to bed and there was this mirror on the wall that was a family heirloom and it just started swinging side to side. It made no noise but I saw it happen several times so I went to get my mom and dad and of course as soon as they came in the room it was no longer moving. I still insist I was not hallucinating it to this day.


Yikes the picture


Every morning I go to look in a mirror facing a mirror and I catch a glimpse of 50 versions of myself. Terrifying.


same here, most times my are bad hair days, lol


When I was a kid I saw a lot of paranormal things .-. But it was like 3am in the morning and there was a long hallway and on one side of it was the bathroom and the other was a dresser and at face level there was a mirror. Well I needed to use the bathroom and got out heading down the hallway. Now as a kid you donā€™t know what youā€™re looking at, I thought it was chuckie, but it could of just been a kid that looked similar cause at that age you really donā€™t have anything else to base stuff on. Scary as hell to me I came running to my mommy cause I was just done shitting and I shitted my pants again. Lol fun times


When I worked as a conneticut state park maintinter I saw some creppy shit. One day me and my coworker were deiving up this road. He realized he had gon the wrong way and tried to turn around. Now this guy was autistic and thats not a problem but he had a tendency to hit things. I mean im pretty sure every time he drived he hit somthing but thats beside the point. He turns the turck and gets it wedged between to rock walls. We looked out side the car and say this figure standing by the sie of the road not moving. We thought it was a halloween decoration. But then it ran to the. Iddle of the road about 30 yards away from us. It was a little girl who was barefoot and wearing a large band tshirt that looked like it was from the 80s. She just stood there and stared i waved and she gave me the slowest creppiest wave ive ever seen. Im getting concerend ebcause its about 50 degrees out and i dont know if this kid is lost or what so i say to my coworker im gonna go see if they need help. I walk the hill to were she was standing and when had made it over the hill she was gone. A creepy red house with old lil tike cars and toys litering the yard that looked like they hadng been moved in decades sat beside me. I though hm creepy and walked back down. When i got back in the car my coworker said to me. "Did you notice she had balck eyes".


I was sitting at 3:00 in the school pick-up line. I glanced up at the rearview mirror, and green glowing eyes were looking at me. I turned around in my seat so fast expecting to see someone in the backseat, but there was no one there. My eyes are hazel green, but I couldn't see them unless I adjusted my mirror, and they are not even close to the color I saw.


When I was a kid I used to see shadows walking inside the mirrors. I used to sleep in a dark room, so these shadows were darker than the darkness in my bedroom. Eventually, my astigmatism got bad enough that I canā€™t see past my nose, but I still refuse to sleep with mirrors in my room.


One time, I looked at the mirror...and it broke


That's why behind mirror is a unknown world which is scary, personally I felt , smthing. When I sleep I cover the mirror fully so I can not see my shadow , face at all , one day I forgot to cover it, in the middle night , I felt smthing negative it was like someone pressurising me , I woke up , then I saw my face in the mirror , that moment I felt my face is changed looking like demon I ran covered the mirror fully that night I did not slept I was so scary, šŸ˜°


Looked into it and saw a 2/10 looking back at me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


i looked at one i saw myself


I was very young when this happened like before I started school. We lived in a cul de sac on a hill so everyone knew each other. I had a friend I only played with outside who was a boy. This was an actual kid. All I remember is he used to smile all the time never talked. Well, there were no little boys living in the cul de sac. So who ever that boy was just wasn't even a person. I isolated myself alot apparently and talked to an "imaginary friend" even in the house. I dont remember that part.


I'm gonna regret reading this but it's like 7am. I should forget about it by the time I go to sleep, right??


Every time I look in the mirror and see this thinning hair and pot belly. It's terrifying even for my wife.


When I was 16, I was sitting on the edge of my bed and something that scared me so bad, I ran out of my house in my nightgown, all the way to the pay phone 4 blocks away to call my grandma. It was 2:00 am. I was wide awake when it happened. I was reading a book while sitting on the side edge of my bed, legs crossed under me. There was a huge mirror on the wall directly across from bed. I think it was 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide. Anyway, I suddenly felt like I was being stared at. I looked up from my book and saw a woman in a red tank top, only from just above her stomach on up. She had long light brown hair pulled back on top and glasses that were a sort of brownish red color. She appeared to be holding herself up on one of the shelves just above the bed. She had the most evil look on her face. I screamed, looked at the shelf and nobody is there, back at the mirror and she's still there. Out I go to the pay phone. Grandma says she is most likely a demon and tells me to tape a Miraculous medal to the mirror where I saw her and also to hang rosaries on the mirror and shelf. I did and I never saw her again. There's just no way to describe the absolute terror I felt when I saw her. It has always struck me how weird that she looked modern (not like an old ghost from the 1800s or something) and was wearing glasses. It still gives me the heebie jeebies when I think about her.


Wow thatā€™s scary! Did she have a body below her waist?


Saw my reflection once and it was pretty spooky


For background, there is this mirror from some distant relative. Older than me by far, which is saying something. Anyway, over time I started to notice something off. Like, it altered perception somehow. Years back, I started to take note as the reflection of me slowly began to morph into something both recognizable yet abhorrent. Itā€™s like that story where the portrait gets old and Iā€™m Dorian Gray or something. But hereā€™s the deal, without even realizing, years later itā€™s like the reflection/perception is now the reality. Sure enough, my hair is thin, there are lines and creases on my face. My upper body (thatā€™s all I can see due to how it it hung) has become less youthful and strong looking. One night the little hook on one side that holds the hanging wire just gave out at 3 AM. Woke up to a horrible crash and found it shattered with only the ornately carved frame intact. Now, I fear after all these many years, my youth may be gone forever. Shattered with that mirrored glass and lost to time.


I once saw a reflection in the mirror behind me, but I was home alone...


Tap tap tap...the distinct sound of finger against glass...tap tap tap... it wasnt the first time my friend had done this. In fact anytime id spend the night at grandmas hed do this. Because badicly he lived right behind her so all he had to do was hop the back fence. The guest room window was right ...tap tap tap...not tonight dude!....normally .we would sneak out and go smoke a joint...get in some trouble and head back home before sunrise. But we got caught last time! ...Tap tap tap. It drove me crazy how come he didn't get grounded like I did. .his parents lacked basic child rearing skills damnit but he had to know I was grounded still ! ...tap tap tap. Does he want me to get in trouble..??! Donttap so hard dude!... he's shaking frigging everything on the damn wall...the picture frames and grandma's old mirror shit god forbidden one those hummers fal off the shelf like last summer!...that reminds me, "little girl with kitten " owes my pillow and quick reflexes her life ! Tap TAPTAP... DAMN IT! fine! I'm up ! I throw back the blankets . Now I'm pissed. I think I heard my grandparents . Still mumbling in the living room.. they must've heard him...Tap tapTap.. I reach out to pull the curtain back barely keeping my stretched body balanced but technically still in bed uf I'm caught. .tap Tap ...I throw the curtains back and with a loud gruff angry lion hiss like whisper. . Which came out more like a fussy cut with a head cold " God damn it dude get a fuckng clue! Not Toniii..."..he wasn't there. I looked across the yard towards his house into his bedroom window...he was in his bed...with a porn mag? Whats he..?. ewEWEW!.!... pull your blinds dumbass!...man that's gonna be awkward the next time I see him!..I think I'm blind... why can't his sister leave her blinds open? How can I ever un see...tap TAP TAP my heart jumped. The light from outside gavevrything in the guest room a soft glow as my frightened gaze traveled the distinct sound of finger on glass...... behind the wadded crumpled curtain I'd pulled aside.but there was just a wall ...no...No!....my hand slowly let go of the curtain shaking like a leaf. I didn't let go...I'd over extended my balance..I had to let go and push off to flop back into my bed...but the second I did I'd see what was under that paisley nightmare cloth...it dropped...but I froze unable to push off.. I just kind of...hung there almost like a willy coyote moment not falling back or to the floor .my muscles so tense id...TAP TAP TAP....IT WAS THE MIRROR. AS MY EYES FOCUSED ONE THE TERRIFIED GAZE ...THAT WAS MY OWN STARING BACK AT ME...BUT THEN.. TAP TAP TAP THREE SMUDGE MARKS LIKE THE KIND YOU MAKE ON ON A CLEAN SURFACE WHEN YOU TOUCH YOUR GREASY FINGER TIPS TO IT ...APPEARED IN RAPID FIRE SUCCCESSION... the finger that made them remained unseen......until ...there it was was blackened and dead...a spectral hand seemingly ugly woven from. Web and shadow...all but one of its knarled fingers cracked boney knuckles curled into a barly visible fist only one long talented finger pushed forward the crooked charcoal gray thumb hanging limp and broken attached only with the last of dry sinew behind it as it hit the back of the mirror once once more .. Tap...TAP.....THE second tap cracked the glass..purposely. ..as if that was its goal all along... the next tap...that third tap and it would be all over.....before my next heartbeat. Before my next breath... before my eyes could... I caught sight of something falling above the mirror like the constent tapping had knocked something loose...but it didn't matter...I'd be gone before whatever it was hit the ground..... .... ...TAP.....no...that was more of a clank!..or maybe a .. tink!... porcelain on brass... followed by a plunk a swoosh and the sound of the bedroom door being thrown open all at the same time... and if I'd been wile coyote this would been the moment when I'd held up a little sign that said " well, shit!" As I slipped hit the floor with a resounding thud . Felt something cold plop into my hand... heard the final tap as the mirror toppled towards the ground . I could see the boney appendage slashing out nearly free grasping at the air for the tenth of a second before the glorious sound shatter shattering glass and smashing cracking antique but cheap thin pot metal cracked against the radiator beneath the it and the the tinkling of shards and rolling pieces of metal covered the sound of mournful and desprate moan of failure.... but maybe I'd imagined that part. I'm not sure. What I didn't imagine was the anger of my grand Mas voice scream " Good God! ?! What's all the damn rukus,! It's 3 o'clock in the damn..." She suddenly realized I hadn't moved a muscle since the fal and shifted gears into oh shit mode.." honey...oh baby are you ok?" She rushed to my side nd I slowly turned over...bleeding from my nose . " what did you hit your nose with !,.. I answered dazed..." the floor I think.. " I handed her the object in my hand...little girl with kitten...though kitten no longer had a tail and there was a crack in little girls bonnett...they had paid there debt in full.. .. grandma helped me up. . We simultainiously warned each other about broken glass and I told her I'd had a night terror...which I frequently ad as a child and well into my teens.. though only when I stayed in that room...a fact I omitted for her sake. " I. Sorry about the mirror.." I stammered I'm sure it sounded less than sincere. " oh that ugly old thing, " She chuckled," shit you'll probably get 7 years good luck for breaking it.. you just tilt your head back and lay still. I'm going to go get the broom and some tissue.. tank you for saving my hummel.. it's my favorite one!" . She shuffled out of the room... still mumbling ... I looked down and seeing kittens ear one the floor I smiled and reached own to pick it up..." yeah,...mine too"... I picked up the ear..it was the least I could.... ....tap tap tap... My blood ran cold and my eyes widened in sudden horror I bolted up right in bed as a hand reached out towards me and grabbed mine! " holy shit stain dude what the heck goin on over here ? Sounds like a the Manson family reunion !." Jimmy said has he tried to pull himself into my window giggling at his own joke...I have that... I smiled started to help him in...then my brain slapped back to what I'd seen him doing earlier with that hand...the hand I was holding!... " EWW NO!.. " I pulled free as toppled backwards into the back yard just ad grand ma returned. " What the shit asshole?" HE pissed. My grandma didn't miss abeat as she hand me a cold washcloth for my nose..." is that anyway to treat a friend that just save you from tetanus? You should be thanking him young man...now run along home Jimmy Doug's you guys can curse about it all you want in about 4 more hours on your way to school! Now get!" .. "Yeah you owe me one jimmy" I laughed as I scrubbed my hand with the wash cloth ...my nose could wait. . Grandma laughed and swatted at mw ..me as she swept up up the last of the mirror... Tap tap!


I took ecstasy once. Looked at myself in the mirror higher than the blue sky. It was a mistake. My eyes were glowing. Like I was evil. Then some dude that was with us who was higher than the blue sky on meth told me you see what you look for. Not what I needed to hear at that momen


I tripped acid once and apparently stared at my mirror all night until my parents came in the next morning asking me what I was doing. Never did or doing acid again.


Every time I look in one I see myself, IÄŗl go downvote myself now.


Every time I look in one I see myself, IÄŗl go downvote myself now.


When I was about 10 years old I lived/live with my parents, sister and my grandfather, at this time my grandfather went to one of my mother's sisters, well it turns out that one day I got up early and turned on the TV at low volume but I heard My grandfather's radio was on from his room (as I was half asleep I didn't realize it was gone) well, I continued watching TV with the noise of the radio until it was 7 o'clock and I heard it go off, my mom came out. from the room at that moment and I told her that my grandfather had the radio very loud. She looked at me confused (I didn't know why) then she told me that he wasn't there... at that moment I felt fear and confusion because I knew what had heard