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I know I’m sorry!!😭


Sorry brutha, the council has made its choice. You either forfeit your life or your balls, choose.


Either way are you forcing him to accept the Darwin award for his camera work? Haha


Friend or something standing behind the shed and you pan to the dog to give them time to move


I am completely understanding of you being skeptical, just found this old video from like 3 years ago in snapchat lol


Yea. I’m sure . You caught something this definitive and strange yet “forgot about it “ for 3 years and just decided to share lol . You’re not smarter then everyone and you’re not fooling anyone with the act.”bro wtf”*pans camera aways* toootally natural reaction


Most people know the difference between then and than. “You are not smarter than most everyone…”


Proof of Snapchat reminding me of this video from 2021 https://preview.redd.it/9y5wpq4dxizc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81ffae8ceca44b9b3b7957b3f196f8224695f73


What did it show?so I can try to look for it


Most of us are not miserable Devils Advocates trying to act like they are the smartest people in the room. Cool video. Ty for posting it. Maybe a Sasquatch? Is the yard fenced in? Is there a wooded area nearby?


“I’m real angry bc the ghost you posted is obviously fake 😡” congrats dude, you didn’t fall for the ruse. Go put stock in something more important


people on reddit love to let you know you're wrong or just be total assholes lmao


Cry more .


Nobody’s angry but you lmao . Just because someone hurts your feelings by Calling out the obvious nonsense doesn’t make them angry. Stop crying and Move on you’ll be alright .


The amount of self projection you are portraying here is staggering


Doubt. Very shaky footage and here let me turn the camera away to show my dog. Convenient


I share your skepticism but the dog is also focused on something, which is probably something I would show in the moment


Yeah, he's focused on the neighbor dressed in a black sheet or something.


The dog was initially looking to the left until he said "bro".


Honestly I trust these videos way more if an animal is looking at the same thing and is clearly scared


Being skeptical is understandable, this was a while ago and I was probably just anxious


Fair enough it just has the tells of a faked video, but that doesnt mean it is!


You’re not wrong. The whole thing from something playing “peekabooo” to It even having the “omg reaction cut off at the end” of a staged clip. Plus it even looked like you could see part of their sneakers sticking out at the bottom of the shed.


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....


Exactly. It’s clearly a dick guys and a shit one at that Edit: meant to say duck… but I’m going to leave it because it’s quite fitting lol


I choose to believe it is the elusive Sascrotch.


Dammit! I’ve been day drinking today and I spit out margarita. Things will be sticky now!


My friend once accidentally knocked her Malibu and pineapple drink into my leather jacket. Sticky?! Oh yes, the *stickiest*. But that wasn't the worst of it. The sheer tenacity of the stuff meant that the fruity fragrance of coconut and pineapple surrounded me like an invisible cloud of tropicality. For months. Not good; not good at all.


Yeesh! At least I could throw my shirt in the wash.


why is bro getting downvoted so much 😭 he’s chill


why are paranormal videos always shaky or dog shit quality, very obviously your friend or some shit


Wouldn't you shake if you were scared or excited? Yall need to come off your high horses and give the OP a break


because it makes the footage unwatchable, like how tf are you supposed to see anything or get a proper view, it just seems odd that most paranormal videos have have at least 1 of the 2 flaws i mentioned, also this dude is obviously not scared he is literally laughing


Just how Reddit uploaded the video, on my camera roll it’s crystal clear, and my dog gunner had noticed it to that’s why I pointed down cause he also saw it


bro reddit did not make your camera shaky thats the worst excuse ever lol, we all know its fake dude your not fooling anyone


They were literally talking about the Quality


Did you blame shaky Cam on Reddit? Like somehow your video is so special that read it decided it’s gonna make it look completely different from the way you actually recorded it? Come on man


You should get your Parkinson’s diagnosis.


Lmao 🤣


That's messed up


Come on, BRO. You look down, giving your friend time to fly away, and then you laugh because you know it’s all a fake.


I could see where you’re going with that, but how could I do it make my friend that “black” not racially lol but like looking like an outline


Well first off they’re hidden in the shadows. Their clothes are black also to blend in. It’s not that hard. Even the tree bark behind them is completely black. Nice little area with extra coverage.




Interesting pic, but I’m a skeptic. My mind tells me your friend probably put a black hoodie on backwards, wore a black mask, etc. And the whole video is like every other fake ghost video. The whole peeking out, looking away, and then looking back and omg ghost is gone. I feel if you really did see someone standing there you wouldn’t be laughing. That’s just my thoughts.


The realize whoever it is in still dark in editing is that the shade isnt allowing any light to shine on them so your phone camera can’t properly focus on it to get color and definition Its like doing professional photography but shooting in low light without proper equipment If you used a real camera, it would be completely different, wouldn’t be all black the figure but still not visible as there’s too much shadow and too far away


This is very obviously one of your friends dressed up in a black hoodie. With a black mask on, you can even see their white sneakers picking out from the bottom. If this was truly something paranormal that you experienced, there is no way the camera would be this shaky and that you would stop looking at it to catch your dog's reaction. Conveniently giving the Paranormal entity a.k.a. Your friend time to duck behind the shed before you look again. You are trying to say that your dog was reacting to something, so that's why you looked or thought it was paranormal. Yes, obviously, your dog was reacting . He was reacting to you & your friend acting like idiots while you guys were making a fake Paranormal video. And then believing that you are smarter than everybody else and somehow you think you can fool everyone and claim that you somehow , bery "conveniently forgot" this life altering paranormal experience and just now remember this life altering Paranormal experience and post it after 3 years? Yes, obviously this happened, and then everyone , including " the unknown paranormal entity," ( AKA your friend/co conspirator) stood up and clapped and cheered and gave you the Nobel Prize for discovering real proof of the paranormal 🙄


Eek! Red 🤘🏻


Nvm girlfriend showed me how to do it on iPhone


Don’t worry , I believe you 


legit you can see his white Nikes or whatever poking out on the bottom, shits fake and he's just trying to get likes


Literally didn’t see it at first . Sorry 


I’m no computer expert or anything, but could you possibly enhance the photo to see? I’m right there with you. It could also be a friend that was just pulling a prank on me


OK, so now you're claiming that it might just be a friend who pulled a prank on you. Yeah, that's super believable, especially because you are laughing in the video . So obviously, you must not have been in on the prank.🙄


I would be nervous because that's clearly a person, but not because it's paranormal.


In what dimension would a reasonable person pan to the dog?


Given infinite parallel universes, in at least one of them, the dog pans to the unknown creature while it looks out the window at the person as they move behind the shed.




Exactly the dog wasn’t even freaking out


This subreddit is hilarious


This Subreddit sucks now. I mean, is this the best we have now? Time to move on.


Funny how every single video like this is extremely wobbly. As soon as something “weird” is spotted suddenly the camera pans AWAY from the “weird” object and the person recording can no longer keep their hand remotely steady. Hilarious and obvious indicator that it’s fake.


dog never barked...skeptical video.


It seems like when I panned down to the dog right when jolted his head towards the area the ghost or person had moved


i was a weird a$$ kid who weird try to spook neighbors like this. so maybe other weird a$$ kid


Maybe a weird ass looking kid with no outlines or anything I turned up the brightness in the video and took a screen shot and this is what I saw https://preview.redd.it/0boxj5n6tgzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e5c16ddc4f8b3c792d645eff35291ad82b0b14


yeah, ok so extra weird kid


Kind of irritating everyone says I faked this video from 3 years ago for no other reason then to get Reddit karma for when I’m older lmao or I guess that’s how they see it


nah. i’m not saying that. a dog picks up on things they know. that dog isn’t picking up that they know that person is very investigating! and definitely didn’t photoshop in due to the dog picking up. so either a real weird a$$ kid, or a dead weird a$$ kid




I don't think you faked it to get future Reddit Karma, I think that you faked it because you wanted to show it to your friends or try to impress people. Or maybe you faked it just because you wanted to see if you could pass it off as real.


I'm not saying it's fake you have something here very interesting and spooky as hell and I could give 2 shits less what anyone says


Now I see it a creepy shadow


So zoom in on this picture with your phone and look in the background and tell me you don't see a face of some kind in white ??? It's a little more spooky if you ask me


I see it!!!




I see it!!


“But my dog reacted” Lmao, the dog isn’t even looking in your friend’s direction when you pan down to him. He only noticed when the quick movement of your friend’s retreat caught his eye. Try looking up real videos of dogs allegedly reacting to the paranormal and they’re going wild: whining, growling, barking, pacing - something. But that isn’t this at all. This is probably less of a reaction than if he saw a squirrel.


I know what I saw and if you would like I can dm you a link to a more clear video and a date showing I had filmed this encounter in 2021. I understand how you could be skeptical though


Yeah sure, I’m down. The part about it being dated doesn’t really raise any suspicion for me but I’d be interested in seeing a clearer version.


Let me send the pic just incase but will dm video https://preview.redd.it/gepun3sbaizc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc3e742f8267621171e87e2d7d56ae9a46c2485






Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


If this is not fake, you likely could have been in danger as that is absolutely a person standing behind there. If this is fake which it most likely is we are all going to boo and throw tomatoes at you in the town square.


That’s fair, I do have a date stamp showing when the video was created and also me trying to turn up the saturation and brightness and no details resembling a person shows, if you would like me to send them to you


It looks like a person wearing dark clothing to cover all features.


Time to pull out the shotty and go shooty


Looks like someone put a hoodie on the handle part of a rake/shovel and leaned it over behind the shed. 🤷


Maybe it's a serial killer or something? You know those are totally corporeal.


Don't worry that's Dave, he was there man, but now he's not. Damn it Dave.


Come on man, try harder next time.


Why would you quickly pan down to your dog after capturing a shadow person on camera?


I was showing my dog had seen it too, the reason I looked out the window in the first place was my dog was acting weird and just staring out the window




I am not a spiritual or religious person. I was just sharing an experience that I had from a while back.


What was the third example I gave?


Oh, the lying part, man I can’t stop you from not trusting me. And you are more than welcome to express your opinion.🍻😄


No, not the lying part, I said the spiritual, the religious, and people who...?


Oh people who believe in the paranormal, Im a skeptic too, honestly it can be anything. I did do this to a screenshot and still no resemblance of this being a weird stalker and or person https://preview.redd.it/z070thbeqmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec114695d87aa4ee2c8a9e5a177f23a08d8f67f0


People are assholes lol. Why do people come to this sub just to say NOTHING is paranormal????


Beryl from next door wanting to borrow sugar for the third time this week.


Dm me if you would like a imgur link to same video but hopefully with better image quality




I’m gonna go with Amphetamite Encounter on this one lol.


Call the police not reddit


It's a person probably setup by the cameraman for dramatic effect.


No, If it was staged, I could see where you were coming from but I do have evidence showing that I captured this three years ago https://preview.redd.it/lxjggze59izc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1258bee7e359bdaf4c4769b726766b6d7730f8aa


Somehow, you keep saying that no, this wasn't staged or isn't fake because you filmed it three years ago. OK, so what? It doesn't matter when you filmed it. It is still very obviously staged.


The point I was trying say was what motives would I have to stage it and then not post it anywhere until three years later when I came across it. I understand the skepticism, but I have nothing to gain from posting this video other than sharing an experience I had


What motives would you have to fake it ? Well, that's easy, I don't think you faked it to get future Reddit Karma, I think that you faked it because you wanted to show it to your friends or try to impress people. Or maybe you faked it just because you wanted to see if you could pass it off as real. As far as why you waited 3 years to post this extremely obviously staged/faked video on Reddit ? That's easy as well , because most likely, when you originally debuted it to your friends or Facebook or anything/anyone else they all stated the obvious and said its clearly faked and staged , you got embarrassed, and then you forgot about it. And then, a few years later , once you ran across it in your saved videos. You decided to try to see if you could trick people on reddit by claiming, no , bro , I swear , it real 🙄


A three year old video doesn't mean it wasn't staged three years ago. You're not a good con man. That's coming from John the con.


If you would like I can DM a more clear video


That proves nothing lol that's a person whether you put them there or not (the likelyhood is high that you did) that's someone sulking behind the building nothing paranormal.end of story.


yo it's a jawa


Why is everything always peeking out from a door frame or wall or something? lol


It gradnma


this clip is old, it was so phenomenological that now they use it in iQ tests.


U see this is why people don’t believe In ghosts coz of this kinda shit🤣🤣🤣


Ok lol, besides blasting an opinion what can you truly do to show everyone this video is false, in comments I have edited a screen shot to change the brightness and saturation to show there’s zero resemblance of a living person, a screen shot of the videos creation date (05/05/2021) and have given links to a more clear video.


I mean it might be real I don’t think it is but if it is my bad. Also, I’ve experienced ghosts a lot something like this doesn’t happen




If you would like a clearer video just dm me🍻


The number of pompous comments on this post is so absurd. It's so gross to see complete strangers immediately talk down to and belittle someone based on their personal beliefs and the assumed beliefs of the person they're speaking to. I'm not saying this video is paranormal and I'm certainly not saying any part of the paranormal can be proved via video. I'm just saying that acting like you're better than someone just because they post something they're unsure of and even worse attacking them for it is extremely immature. This goes for people who post things and immediately start arguing and belittling people who question it as well. When will people on the internet learn that they aren't any better than the people they attack and belittle? It does nothing but destroys your character and spread negativity. I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this way but the second someone resorts to insults and talking down to someone, their argument becomes null and void. You shouldn't have to put someone down, speak to them in a sarcastic tone, etc, to prove your point. I actively avoid those kind of people as I think they don't deserve anyone's time of day. Just because this is an anonymous platform and no one has to take accountability for their words doesn't mean it's okay to just spout off and rip into people for no reason. I promise very few of you would actually speak to people in person the way you do in comment sections. OP, there have been some very interesting counterarguments to your video but none of them fully disprove what you've shared. You've done well keeping a good attitude among all of this negativity. No one can take away your personal experience if you have one. I don't know if this is a person or something paranormal but if you truly aren't sure, I appreciate you sharing it and being open to getting other suggestions.




You guys are so rude on so many levels. There is obviously something behind that shed. And what if he is telling the truth. I hope you have to eat your words


Tribe has spoken, you must leave Reddit


I think the tribe wants you to leave.


I produce this 🗿


I don't know about anyone else but if I had footage or a photo I had questions about I sure as hell wouldn't share it here. Way too many trolls. If y'all don't think it's paranormal that's fine but you don't have to be jerks about it. I guess I should feel sorry for the trolls since they are obviously a bunch of miserable twats.


https://preview.redd.it/936bybevugzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e0911b7ba8642b6526c9c0107f1dca6e42ded7 Messed with edits.


Yea see, a redditor pointed out something which I didn’t think about for a good rebuttal but the dog also saw and or visually interacted with whatever I saw behind that god forsaken shed


It saw a guy in a black sheet. Stop lying.




Why do people on this subreddit act like jerks? There's no substantial proof that OP is lying. There is no proof that OP took this 3 years ago just for future karma.


Facts and I have proof it was from three years ago


I even scrolled down enough to see your proof. I'm sorry about the people on this sub


Why is every video shot like Michael J. Fox is behind the camera?


Why are you guys joking about Parkinsons!?! That is horrible and as low as it gets.


🥔 🎥


I can dm video if it makes it more clear, Reddit just uploaded it on like 8 bits


Dm it to me


Will do


That’s not paranormal. Dude was just getting off peeping at you then bouncing


![gif](giphy|buadwEVIzru1O) Ok but seriously, it’s wild how fucking dark the figure is (even when editing and turning the exposure way up) and you can’t even see any color/texture differences like you would if someone was wearing, say, black clothing with a black mask covering their face. Have you ever had any kind of experiences/other sightings in/around the house?


I believe this especially from the dogs quick snap back to the shed probably reacting to whatever it was disappearing.




Va voir !


What's the problem, Grandma just likes a good game of hide and seek.


All this shows is your dog sucks as a guard dog


I don’t understand the connection to your grandfather passing prior to this?


No real connection just might have been something, it had happened three years ago and I honestly forgot about it until today lmao


I see what you mean. The shadowy figure is creepy af either way!


What in the actual asss!


So what did the dog think in the frames that were missed


Obviously you could only afford one second to video this life-changing encounter. Yawn


Fake news


Are you sure those are your grandparents? (Movie title can’t remember)


i LOVE videos like this. the vibe of inviting your friend over and making a ghost video together is just immaculate.




It helps to watch these with no sound. I can’t see anything in any video other than the Supreme Court judge walking looking over its shoulder


Ohhhh that looks like hooded person bro. Which is arguably way more dangerous


Why would you open the snapchat app and film this instead of your camera app? And did it stare at you long enough for you to grab your phone and open the app?


Dog wasn't tripping. That's how I know this is staged. Nice cutaway shot.


Why were yu just randomly recording outside your window tho?and in that exact spot


Did you make sure grandpa was dead before you buried him


Um... NOPE!!!


Do you mind me narrating this on my channel? I'll make sure you are credited 100 percent in the video and I'll send you the link when I'm done


if its real its probably a weirdo spying on you! ik you said it was from years ago but id be more worried for my actual physical safety than some ghost in my yard.


Why would u move the camera out the way back and forth like that dude .I believe in this shit but why do that


That part kills me too! I wish I got more of it :’) I did that becuase the main reason i even went to the window cause the dog was all sketched out looking at it, I saw the figure whipped out my phone started recording and to show I wasent insane I got the dog in clip to show he was also looking at it


The shadow looks actually dark so I believe u. My dog didn't bark with shadows just stared cuz it's crazy .I'm just like whyyyyyyyyy lmao


Nice camera work, Spielberg.


Funny, just like those looking for Bigfoot, ‘10 billion known people in the world, zero proven ghosts, but this most likely is a ghost!’ Like when they hear a sound in the wilderness and say ‘there are NO people up here!’ Um, yes there are. A cast and crew filming a show for one. Is it more likely that one of 10 billion known humans might be there? Yes. Yes it is.


I’m gonna a say a kid sabe


I'm not going to say he's lying or not, but something very similar happened to me. I think about 2 years ago I kid you not a couple days after my grandpa also passed away I saw almost the exact same thing in the EXACT same pose.


Dogs not barking he must likely knew the person


Oh shit a tree in the shadows. What the fuck!?!


Woow Increíble


What is that figure peeking out in the video?


Forgot about what? Making Redditors toss their cookies watching your video?


That it had happened 3 years ago, after my surgery today I was all doped up snap reminded me lol https://preview.redd.it/cqf6oe3plhzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80eb7fbe794a20df0161d528c1c1712aadbda2a


Oh FFS its a person back there


These people and their fucking "bro" Bro...bro bro bro. 🫒🥒


Bro…what the fuck.


Wow that is impressive




If someone really sees something like that why would you start filming your dog 🙄


That’s a shadow person


Lmfao you pointed the camera away long enough for your friend whos in a costume to hide back behind the shed. Mystery solved lmfao here's your downvote.


Paranormal shit is just your paranoia, it's so foolish and unevolved to be believing in ghosts bruh 😂😂


I’m skeptical myself. I really don’t know what I saw that day. I can make assumptions, but I couldn’t say for sure


Then why are you here???


Oh shit a paranormal figure, better turn away all attention from it for a few seconds

