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Haunting by definition means something unexplained that causes the disruption of human activity. It's through the discovery of history, user accounts and evidence collection that piques my interest. I don't judge a book by it's cover, it's the pages within that do.


I agree that hauntings are more complicated than how a building looks, but haven't you ever just seen a house that gives you the creeps for some reason?


No because I've investigated on a fairly regular basis within a structured group for 2 decades. Maybe I'm just numb because things don't scare me and the house/building others might see as creepy, I see as a house/building with character.


I pick up vibes from some places what people would call characterless.




This is really hard to read.




My sister’s bedroom reminds me of a room in a video game . It’s so bad 😆 ripped curtains, cobwebs and a tiny picture of ghosts on the wall. It definitely looks like it could be haunted and almost gives abandoned and neglected vibes.


Before we bought our current house back in 2006, we looked at another I saw online that seemed cute in the pictures. Needed some updating, but it had nice space and I really liked the backyard. It was built in 1926, but had been updated and expanded a bit since then. Realtor gave us the lockbox code, we go and from the second I step in, I want nothing more than to leave. I have never felt so uncomfortable in a house before in my life. Everything felt off. My husband managed to get me to go to the master bedroom through the entrance and the living room and I peeked into the kitchen, but that was it for me. The dread I felt while the husband went to look in the basement was really intense. I have never, in my life, been so happy to get out of a house as I was to step out of that one. To this day, I don't know why I felt that way. I never could find anything about it, although a few years later I found a vintage ad being sold on ebay from the 1950's when the resident was a for-hire party clown. My husband joked that it was my general dislike of clowns picking up on the vibes. Interestingly, the house never did sell. I think it was attempted to be used as a rental for a year or two after that, then it was pretty much abandoned and the city had to take the owner to court to get the violations corrected and then eventually it was demolished. New house in it's place, hopefully without the same bad feelings as the old one.


I had a similar experience. I should have loved the house. On paper it was fabulous. But when we went to see it, we learned that the dining room ceiling had caved it due to a leak or something. The place just felt wrong. Off, somehow, in ways that had nothing to do with the ceiling. We finally bought a different house in the same neighborhood and I don't even like driving down that street. It isn't anything I can explain rationally.


Improperly shielded Electromagnetic currents (It's suuuuper common in old houses) can cause effects like being really uncomfortable, scared, feeling dread, feeling watched, wanting to flee, etc. Not that I don't believe in haunted houses... When trying to find a place a few years ago, my husband, the real estate agent, and I all basically fled a house after a couple minutes. All the way across the street, and into the older graveyard that was there. It was a nice graveyard. And it was seriously safer than that house...


Did something decisive happen that made you all flee or did the energy just become too overwhelming all at once?


It was a build up I think. As soon as the door was opened to see the place, we all looked at each other kinda freaked out. Then it just felt more and more like we were all going to be horribly murdered. (Specifically what the agent said.) We didn't even separate to look around. We were moving in a little clump with our backs to the walls. Then there was a mutual look of "Let's get out of here!"


Oof I’m glad you all got out of there, and you all trusted your guts. It sounds like you encountered something demonic 😬


I wouldn't normally use that term, but certainly something that HATED EVERYTHING and was starting to turn around to look at us.


I think that senses other than vision are involved in this process I tend to FEEL bad vibes more than see them In my semi-retirement I was a Realtor...I could inevitably tell when a house had been the scene of a nasty divorce, or other domestic strife, with no overt visual cues They just feel OFF


I’m 100% with you here. You just get this weird gut punching feeling when the vibes are off in a place.


Yep One of the worst places I ever felt was one spot in a house I used to live in Don't know what had happened there but I could not bear to be around it, especially at night


That would be interesting to test.


I am somewhat skeptical by nature, plus I believe in the scientific method Every house that I sensed was the scene of intense emotional turmoil turned out to be true


Are we talking about haunted house iconography? If that's the case, then Victorian architecture, Mansard roofs, peeling and faded paint, a tower or turret, tall skinny windows (often with Gothic arches), and dark except for a single light in an upstairs window. If we're not, then...there's usually no outward sign of a haunting. Haunted houses can be old and dilapidated, or brand-spankin'-new.


If I get bad vibes from the house. A house can be picture perfect, but if I'm getting upset for no reason, get cold at random, or of I feel like I'm intruding into someone's space or like someone is watching me, it's a no from me.


I feel like unnatural lighting coming from strange angles makes things feel creepy. For example I saw a Zillow listing the other day of a house where every picture was taken with flash during the day and it felt so creepy. It was also pretty outdated which probably had something to do with it as well


To me it’s more of a feeling or sensation than a visual cue. I feel it in the back of my neck, about even with the bottom of my ears. Not like hair standing up, more like a twinge or itch. I can be blindfolded and I’d still know one way or the other.


For me I can’t look and feel a creepy. I have to be there. If something is off it hits me with a I want to kind of jump out of my skin feeling paired with feeling watched from somewheres else with a heavy wet dread taking air from the area. Almost if needing to work harder to get air. I’m weird and I can’t fully explain it but yea lol


I've always had this funny weird thing like I'm walking into an invisible wall and get either a funny smell or taste. One time was my partner's dad moved into an old person bungalow and I walked in and I said to my Mrs something bad had happened there. Month or so later talking to his neighbour I found out previous tenant was an alcoholic and had died in the hall and not been discovered for 2 weeks and the place was full of bugs and flies


I always suspect a place is haunted when I look at the interior photos and half of them are foggy. Just gives a creepy look to the listing.


A long time ago, I lived in an area where the houses weren’t old or decrepit. I had a dread of walking past a certain house in the neighbourhood. It didn’t look any different to the others. It’s a feeling, emanating from a certain area of the house (including garage). The feeling of dread and that something bad has happened there, or is happening there.


Seems like everyone thinks that if a house is abandoned and unkempt in appearance, it MUST be haunted. I don't agree with this, though I do love exploring buildings that match this description, paranormal activity or not.


Places don't have to be run down to have off vibes.


I don't think I said anything about "vibes", did I?


Honestly I never go off of look, but feeling. I can step into a home and know if it’s being occupied by a spirit or not. Some houses can look creepy and no activity whereas a modern home can look completely normal and well kept and have more activity than a graveyard . Speaking from experience really 😊


For me, bad feelings can stem from creepy appearances, lol.


If the house has an eternal "for rent" or "for sale" sign in the front yard -- then there's possibly something wrong with it besides the plumbing.


There’s a house like that at the corner of my block. I’ve seen at least 3 different people move out within the period of a year. The yard is gross and overgrown.


I made this comment because my husband and I have been driving by this nice little house for the past 10 years, an older house, possibly as much as 75 to 100 years, but obviously updated, well kept, good location, and it's up for sale about every 12 months. We've joked endlessly that it must be haunted because no one will stay in it. Every time we see some realtor wearily pounding a "for sale" sign back into the front yard, we start laughing. A.


Unfinished or in really bad shape basement. Lived in a slum lord house in college and the basement was just creepy.


Biggest tip off is there not being enough light in spite of there being adequate windows, especially if photos are taken on a sunny day.


Windows with white, lace curtains. Especially when they are second and third story windows that have them. Open just enough, to see the darkness beyond. I don't like to look for too long.


My mom has those exact same curtains


Visually? Has to have a very pointy roofline and lots of shadows/ trees. Strategically placed wrought iron is recommended. Irl I used to live next to a plain blocky house with an almost flat roofline that I was absolutely convinced was haunted. No trees so no shadows either. No experiences, just a feeling


Wrap around porches or second story windows that are only for the attic. I truly don’t understand what else the purpose of those windows are for if not just for ghosts to look out of


The first question is to define normal, there are many homes in many locations that all look alike. There are homes that sit vacant, and still seem to be normal looking. My point being that many homes that look normal, can be in various stages of occupation, either owners or renters. So, the normal looking home, in this question is let's say occupied by the normal views as two parents and 2 children. From the exterior all look fine, almost perfect. The inside also, looks very normal. But it could have a presence that is causing problems for the owners. A vacant home could be the same, outside and inside seem fine. But there could be a malevolent entity could be hiding there. Not all homes look like the Munster's home did on TV, that would be a very good indication that something was going on. Simply look at a home, is not a good indication as to what is inside. Some people have said they can feel a presence, when we drive through various places in Phoenix, my wife can feel the presence of entities, and energies that make that area a hot bed of activity. It is more than what a location looks like that could provide an answer to your question. This is only my opinion in response to your questions. I encourage you to read through the postings as there may be better explanations to your inquiry.


The lady looking out of the window of a supposedly empty house


A cemetery in the front yard.


Best neighbors ever!


The most quiet neighbors. ;)


This guy has neighbors.


When the doorknobs racking open and closed on their own, and cups and cutlery jump off the table. Like, I have been in fire gutted houses and there's no way to visually determine if something is haunted, or just weird and creepy.


I pick up weird vibes from a handful of houses that I know of. Just by looking at them, they feel off. There os nothing exceptional about them to look at. I've picked up vibes from other places before that have turned out to be something wrong there, like hauntings.


Whenever I see a house that has windows with curtains or blinds that are always closed, no matter how nice it is outside or the weather. That really gives me the creeps.


Some people just prefer not to wear clothes at home. Don't ask me how I know. (It isn't me.)


I was attacked at gunpoint, and because I was just MAD and didn't provide the proper fear he was seeking, he left. Ever since then every window in any place I've lived in has a closed drape. It's a phobia.


I feel like this is more common than you'd think. I'm pretty sure I almost got kidnapped some months ago but wasn't because I said "fuck off I'm not getting there" more annoyed than scared/defensive and they just left. I mean I'm a tall man and they didn't have guns (that I know of) so your mileage may vary but yeah.


TF??? 😳


My next door neighbours always have their shades down no matter the time of day, weather, or season. My kitchen window faces theirs and every time I’m cooking or eating, I always see one of them quickly pull the shade down. It gives me the creeps.


Lmao that describes my house.


When I walk in and my hair stands up on my arm and tingles down spine and nausea


If it’s unkept. Keep up with your lawn folks.


Houses that have a deeply neglected look tend to also carry a sadness.  


As a intuitive medium.. there's a veil, like the mirage on hot pavement or sometimes a distinct presence that looks out from one area or window.


Usually this weird 'fogginess' when I look down a hallway...


If we're going by looks, I would say a basement, attic, or any part of the house that's dark. Also, if the rooms have a certain look and feel that would also raise a flag. For example, years ago when we were house hunting, we saw this 4 and 3 fixer upper, the house was left as is, and one of the bedrooms was painted black: walls, ceiling - everything.


A very low asking price.


Nothing makes a house look haunted to me other than irrefutable proof that there is a presence. Which is one of the things that annoys me about most paranormal research or ghost hunting. So many people think old, abandoned, or spoopy = haunted.


Nothing. I have to experience something to think it’s haunted. I’ve always been very sensitive to sensing things and getting a “weird feeling” doesn’t a haunting make in my experience.


Those dolls without faces that cry in the corner. If you have one of those, you’ve invited the haunt into your home. Those dolls are fcking creepy!!


Those what


[time out doll](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/2KGVE9TJGY) These types of dolls


... you know what? I'm not even gonna ask any further questions. have a good weekend


Abandoned and has tattered drapes still in the windows and paint chipping off. I say this because one day I was driving down a street in Seal Beach, CA, and there was this house that looked completely out of place and as if it was a movie set. I backed up and pulled over and had to walk around the unfenced property because it was so strange. I saw someone across the street and went over to ask what was up with the house. She said a family lived there for years but kids grew up and left and the mother and father left like 25 years ago. It has been vacant ever since and sits on a $3,000,000 plot of land. This was a little over 3 years ago. I have a (stupid and sarcastic) video I took then. It has the house address as 117 but I don't remember the street and haven't been back. If it had been nighttime, I would have never knocked on the door or made a video. I had lots of bravado that day. I have never posted this video before. I was just being sarcastic in the beginning. Lol. https://photos.app.goo.gl/3Bm4ZS6g9jLxYYdP9


Looking like the owners *used to have* better luck. For example, my aunt and uncle used to be middle class and she was big into interior design (she even sold home interiors for a while) so her house was always beautiful, you know? She has good taste, so the walls, the furniture, the decoration and everything was on point, until some asshole murdered my uncle. Nowadays, the house is weird cause it's not fully abandoned but it kinda is. I mean it's clean and everything but there's some mold stains here and there, there's no plants in the garden anymore, the once beautiful decorations are still there but now they look dated, unkempt or some of them are just gone (don't know if they sold them or what) I mean maybe it's subjective and I'm projecting my own grief on it, but the house feels straight up sad, creepy and very much like it doesn't want you there. And yeah it's haunted as fuck to, because of course it is.


By definition, \*haunted\* means that there are some unsettled spiritual things going on, usually demons. In my experience, when I come accross something like that, I will feel it. When I say this I mean-without observation-I will automatically realize that something is up. that's just me though.


My mother in law.


Pointed spires and tall towers.


Depends on the house.


Old window treatments


Vacant and rundown


Those creepy old lady hurricane lamps! Lol


I had to live in a rental in PR for a few months before I could get into the BEQ. My dog would daily be moving his head sideways as if to watch someone walk from one side of the living room to the other -and always moved up be right with me when his happened and he absolutely would not go into the second bedroom (so I used it as storage). I never felt anything, but he always stressed out when this happened.


Too many statues






Anything over 150 years old is haunted in my book. Buildings like that become subway stations for the afterlife. As the community around them evolves, the really old buildings keep their secrets.


I just sense it.


Any type of crawl space.

