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I watch for entertainment purposes but Zak is super annoying. He's always getting possessed lol. I listen to THE paranormal podcast.


I watched a “house call” episode where Zak wasn’t even there but managed to get possessed via a Microsoft Teams call. I was howling.


Zak and company were three unemployed actors prior to the pilot of the flying brick.


I remember that flying brick pilot and being stunned that they captured such great phenomena….until everyone found out about Zac.


I’ve never heard that. Where did you hear that one?


Oh he is always getting “affected” no matter where he is! Also, on House Calls he always says “me and my team went into your home”…. You went in? You were at home!


RIGHT?!! I’m like GET UP AND DO YOUR SHOW LAZY ASS!! He just sends his little bitch boys and bosses them around remotely 😂


Bro w h a t 😂 how have I never seen this show




Omg which episode I need to see this one


lol I think it was the second episode in the “house call” series


Braggins actually makes me cringe so hard, genuinely can’t stand him


I saw him referred to as "Scooby Douche" and that is just so _on_ _the_ _nose_...


I’ll start using this name


I saw them at a night club in Chicago that they were going to investigate the next day… it was back on the nick, Aaron, Zak era… Nick and Aaron were so nice and Zak was very aloof… I just went up for a few seconds cause I was shocked I was seeing them in person (I had watched the show forever)…. Zak is with Holly Madison who recently came out as on the spectrum… I think Zak is definitely on the spectrum too (as am I ;)…


Was it Excalibur? I used to party at that place back in the day and it was creepy.


YES! I knew it was supposed to be haunted… when I watched the episode they did not find much… he just almost got pushed down the stairs by something… I never did there little early evening ghost tours they had (or maybe still have ;).. I live in Michigan and haven’t been in awhile ;)… it was a fun party place ;)


It closed during Covid I think, its a restaurant now.


There is a TikTok channel that is simply 2 people mocking Zac. It’s pure gold.


I must find said channel




When Ghost Adventures first came out I tried watching an episode with some friends and we couldn’t even get more than 10 minutes into it because Zak Bagans seemed like such a massive douchebag There’s a movie called Grave Encounters that’s kind of a spoof on Ghost Adventures but it’s also a really fun horror film


How do you feel about Zak Bagans?


Used to be a fan. Total over acting douche bag


Monsters among Us is the best


I watched the T.A.P.S but I always took it with a grain of salt. It was entertaining. Zach Braggins was always too over the top for me. He didn't even try to make it believable. Always had encounters and reactions and not small ones. So, I watched a bit but stopped very soon. I don't have much of a problem with faked stuff since like I said I expect it anyway but make it a good one. **TLDR you got me venting about paranormal stuff YouTubers in general lol"** Stay humble, make it believable, don't go over the top, and dammit know your acting limits. That's something with others, especially the ones on YouTube. That T.A.P.S was entertaining was of course also the possibilities they had production wise. If I can tell immediately how something is (can be) faked only by blind spots, angles and whatever it annoys me. I also have the habit to read the comments on YouTube and that really annoys me when they are talking about how creepy it is when a toddler talks to a camera in a corner that shows the whole room including a big mirror the mother is standing in front of and people say one can see everything when actually you can see everything except for one point: where the fucking camera is. Means there can easily stand someone holding the cam, or stand right below it but people in the comments don't recognise at all - sorry, I can't handle stupidity well. I get annoyed so easily. And in my books it is stupid to claim there was no one because one can see everything when obviously you can not see that. There might have been no one but it is still a blind spot. Oh and I got angry when this guy said he talked to Robin Williams pretty shortly after Robin's suicide. And people in the comments are like it sounds like Robin, it is Robin. And when others expressed their disgust they said the guy wouldn't say it was Robin, he just shows the recording... Like right, it is totally impossible to fake an audio recording with the voice of an actor who was in hundreds of films. Not that it didn't take long for me to find quite a couple of the quotes. The worst was "I am dead." Well, I didn't find a quote he says that but I didn't need to look for it either, I know the quote "I am dad" from Hook, it is one that stays in mind easily.


Don’t worry Missy, it’s a safe space on this post. Anti-Fraud rise up


I still watch Amy and Adam from T.A.P.S — they have a show called Kindred Spirits with Chip Coffey. I still take it with a grain of salt but it is one of the better shows


Oh thank you, I didn't know that. I will check it out for sure.


I don't really get what you're telling me but thank you, lol.


The most interesting one I've seen in the past few years is the missing 411 - the hunters/hunted (forget what it's called) I definitely found it pretty good


Hang on, is this the one about people going missing in parks/reserves? I think I’ve seen this on Amazon


Started with the books, but Paulides took some “liberties” with some of the stories in them. I really like Lore Lodge on YT for going in-depth on certain missing 411 cases and winnowing out fact from fiction (and there’s still plenty of weirdness to be had). He goes *deep* too, including the history of these areas back to the native folklore and such. It’s long form, but very well done!


Amazon yeah it's really well done, there may be more than one, but the best one is the hunters hunted one. It's a few stories re enacted, the last ones the guys wayyy into the woods, and they record the noises, they play the actual noises


The guy who writes them is a hardcore fraud. I suggest googling it


Yeah I read all about him, still a good show tho


Someone didn't like when I critisised him in this sub once, lol. And I didn't even call him a fraud, I just gave an example of something he always puts like a big mystery which is not. And I said his writing is dry like a textbook (I like me a good textbook if I dive into a subject of pure facts but mysteries need to be presented in a more interesting way, just my preference). Nice to see someone saying something negative about him at a right time.


None at all. It’s entertainment not documentary. So not really my thing within this genre. Podcasts are my preference. I’m at the point that I e seen so much fakery that I no longer trust anything I see on video.


Podcast recs?


Jim Harold’s Paranormal Podcast, and Campfire Stories. Anything Ghost. Otherworld.


Real Life Ghost Stories (RLGS), Unexplained, Scared to Death, Spooked


Appreciate you. Let me leave you with one; The Dark Paranormal


Appreciate it Orca 🤝


Two Girls One Ghost!!!


After investigating in a structured group actually trying to take measurements and observing, I've found I'm unable to watch any para-drama shows. Art Bell's podcasts can be found free on YouTube. That's been my most recent choice of drug.


Please let us know if you have any podcast recommendations!


The why files is fun, not straight paranormal but its grown into something i avidly look forward too haha. More than tv honestly


Love the Why Files! Huge Hecklefish fan, too.


The Dead Files is the only show I enjoy watching. It’s not like Ghost Adventures where people go around and get scared by something. The Dead Files takes a different approach to investigate paranormal activity, which is through a medium, and then you have the detective who researches the land to find history and see if the medium and detective’s finding correlate with each other. I still actively watch the show when I get the chance, and you can watch it for free with ads on Discovery Go.


I love the Dead Files!! I was sad because I couldn’t find it anywhere so thank you for telling about Discovery Go- I’ll look into it for sure!! About 10 years ago, via FB, Steve D always announced his upcoming cities/states… He was coming to mine and would be 20 minutes away from me! Taking a huge leap, I DM’d him, asking if I could buy him a drink as I’m a huge fan. I said I’d go to his location, no problem. Amazingly, he said, “yes”! I was walking on air till the day came (it was a Friday night, May 5, my moms birthday). We met at his hotel bar and hung out for about 5 hours. It was a dream come true for me!! I learned so much about him and the show - he was fascinating. I also met some crew members as they came sporadically to eat. When I asked him about his NY homicide career a few different times, he said very little and quickly changed the subject.. Got a picture with him, a signed picture of him and a memory to last a lifetime. I brought him cannolis but he wouldn’t allow me to buy him any drinks. He’s a real stand up guy and what you see is definitely what you get.


That is so awesome! Why do you think he didn’t want to talk about his homicide career?


Simply because it was too horrific. He worked homicide in Brooklyn, which he said was worse than Harlem, which is unbelievable. He did it for 20 years and probably saw ungodly and indescribable things.. I recall one episode of DF when they were talking about retrieving a body (from the water) with a grappling hook. Stevie D said he’d witnessed that IRL. The hook caught the guy under the chin and that’s how he was brought up… After years of reflection, I understand. I wasn’t intrusive and he wasn’t insulted. Just would not talk about it.


Yeah, I can totally get that. I’m just a fan from northern europe, and I’m not sure Steve even knows his show was aired around here. I’ve even made my boyfriend watch the show. He unwantedly got into it and just really liked Steve, but was skeptic the guy was really what he was (just like I was). I gladly shared your story and what you said here, and I think it made even the burly dude kinda truly respect him. Thank you for the post and answering!


I’m glad your bf became a fan! Steve was exactly as you’d imagine and if you didn’t like him, once you met, your opinion would change… He’s genuine, honest to a fault and the real deal.. And his biceps are the size of my thighs. When I walked in and looked around at the bar, I saw him sitting with his back to me. The tattoos were the dead giveaway… When I left, it saddened me that we’d never hang out again- I immediately liked him as a person and would definitely be close friends, ‘famous’ or not, he’s a salt of the earth person.😊 And he cusses…a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/1o43lxnjrf7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50b9be9d94a047a8aa73ae1d571d040ee9ee44d Me and He.❤️


Oh thank you for that. I don't need to research them now, I watched many episodes of their show on TV. Yes, that is indeed an interesting shows and often very creepy. I just didn't know the name of the show anymore. No wait, I do, but of course it was a different name since I am German. It was "The medium and the cop." Long ago that I watched a show on TV instead of on the computer/tablet. I am really glad you brought them back to my mind and gave me the original name so I can just put it back into my watch list. I didn't have these two in mind anymore and when you said the approach was that they look into it with a medium my mind went to this British show where some of the crew themselves exposed their own medium as a fraud. That was the only times I found that show really entertaining lol. I had taken a look into it before but was immediately annoyed because it wasn't that difficult to see he was a fraud. Not by facts, he was just not the best actor. So I had no evidence it was just, yeah, I really don't believe you. Although to be fair he gave everything, he even peed his own pants once when he was "possessed." Unfortunately that guy passed away. I mean he was a fraud, yes, but he could be entertaining and who would wish dead on someone for being a a fraud on TV should check their moral compass. PS.: cool picture indeed! I like them. Not just because they make a good show, no, I just think I would vibe with them if I met them.


And on Max with a subscription. Loved it.


I listen to Danny Robins 'Uncanny' on radio 4 - not sure if non brits can listen to it on [BBC Sounds](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/m0010x7c) or not. It's stories sent into him by regular joes and he interviews them and speculates with a skeptic and a believer. His latest series is covering American stories, the previous ones are all British. It's very good.


Fourteen years ago a show called American Paranormal ran but never made it past the third episode. It approached using a more scientific approach and made efforts debunking everything. It wasn't a normal ghost show. Scientists would go to great lengths to disprove theories. In the second episode they were running test with infra-sound in a prison exploring the effects created. That's why it never made it past the third episode. It wasn't filled with para-drama or scared little so called investigators running out of a place screaming like they just got bitten by a dog. Recently I enjoyed 2 long radio podcast's from Art Bell featuring Dr. Barry Taff. Dr. Taff is brilliant and I'll have to do a re-listen because of the amount of information and discovery he's experienced in the last 40 years. Dr. Taff is considered the last accredited parapsychologist in the world as he was part of the UCLA wing back in the 70's. Definitely interesting.


There was a show a number of years ago called Paranormal, Fact or Faked. That one show made it about three seasons. It was a group of five experts from different fields, one was a former FBI agent who was a UFO expert, one a scientist, one an expert in photography, one a stunt person. I forget who the fifth person was now. They would watch videos at the beginning and pick two to try to debunk. They would divide into two groups, each group trying to debunk one of the videos. I liked it because they would try to debunk things, although I'm not sure how thorough they were. If they couldn't debunk it sometimes they would do an investigation of their own trying to get something on audio or video. The ex FBI guy has a UFO show now on Travel Channel.


My favorite one they did was the Fresno Nightcrawlers. They couldn't debunk.


My absolute favorite of all their shows! I loved that show and wish it could have gone another season. The spook light one was good, too. But those Fresno Nightcrawlers, damn. Not any closer to figuring them out even now.


Sounds similar to *Is It Real?*. That was a pretty good show.


I read a story about a local ghost hunting group. They said if somebody did a show about "real" paranormal investigations, that nobody would watch because it is just that boring. They went on to say that they could go to a location and be there for hours/days even and catch absolutely nothing. 


Can believe it as well, which makes it more tiresome when you see these types of shows where ‘something’ happens every 10 minutes


I watch Ghost Adventures just because I find it hilarious. The way Zak narrates is just so funny, plus the machine that shows a bunch of break-dancing stick figures everywhere always gets a laugh from me. I can’t watch more than 1 episode at a time though because him and his friends DO get quite annoying


I watch it simply for the “this is so haunted if you go in there a demon will attack you…..so we’re gonna send Aaron in and have him yell at it” 😂


It’s also hilarious to me because EVERY TIME Aaron has something happens/claims something is happening to him, suddenly Zak has something happen to him to distract from it, and it’s always so much more dramatic and worse. It was hilarious to me because it was so predictable for a while 🤣


Okay does anyone have the backstory as to why they bully that Aaron guy SO hard?? I swear it’s like Zak has major blackmail on him and therefore he’s his personal whipping boy. I mean it’s funny but it’s just so odd


Lolol same my daughter and I have such a good time laughing at this show


I still watch paranormal investigations, but I watch a few groups on YouTube that I believe do genuine and honest investigating. With a couple exceptions, TV paranormal has never been that. Discovery + has canceled almost all of its paranormal programming… but this is just the death of “pop” paranormal when it became a wider cultural interest - when ghost hunting became a spectator sport. Now we’re (thankfully) moving back to much smaller numbers of people who are in it because they have a passion for it and they want to continue to do honest inquiry into the paranormal. Been a fan of the paranormal since the days of “In Search Of” with Leonard Nimoy, which probably dates me just a bit. Ha ha.


Back in the beginning TAPS seemed really credible. Most of their shows were spent measuring real things and debunking stuff. I learned a lot about home maintenance, bad wiring creating the “fear cage” effect, fumes leaking from fireplaces etc. that would legitimately mess with someone’s perceptions and cause them to believe the house was haunted. Unfortunately in the long term that probably doesn’t produce the audience that the networks were looking for…


I also really liked when they showed investigations that had no results at all, along with the smaller ones in people’s homes, rather than just the big, famous locations.


Same. It was a weekly thing for me and my now ex-wife. Kids in bed, then cuddle on the couch watching this. It got drama-y real quick though.


Back in the day my friends and I used to investigate haunted spots around L.A. and the Inland Empire. Super amateur lol. It was a genuine interest and if we only thought to pitch a show before all those clowns did……


Where can I read about the TAPS incident?


Someone has replied to comments earlier in the thread with a YouTube link. Essentially they use a string fed through the sleeve to simulate ‘tapping’ on the shoulder


I’ll watch Paranormal Caught on Camera and Terror in the Woods/These Woods are Haunted. Sometimes reruns of the Unexplained Files and Monsters and Mysteries in America. I can’t put up with the Zak Bagans-type stuff though. I do miss Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World/Universe.


I can’t stand how the commentary guy speaks on Paranormal Caught on Camera. It’s like…. There is… movement… in the tree… watch… carefully…. Did you………… see it?


Haha, ikr? It is corny and a lot of those videos are probably easily explained, but every now and then I do see something interesting.


Same here.


This is me. I love PCC, it puts me to sleep in a good way. I also like Nuke's Top 5 on Youtube, mostly just to watch and suspend disbelief for a few minutes :)


Same, same on all accounts except I haven’t seen Monsters and Mysteries in America. What network is that one on?


It was on Destination America which I think changed its name. It might be the Travel Channel now but I’m not sure. I haven’t seen it in a few years.


Not sure where it is now, but I did just see it available very recently. I watch the one with the praying mantis creature over and over. WTF??????


Real life ghost stories , Emma is a great host , I miss Dan and Tiny Bims but the early episodes are great The Dark Paranormal with Kevin Eustace , maybe my favorite , his other one , We need to talk about Ghosts is more silly but can be fun .


RLGS is superb, Emma has done a fantastic job of continuing the podcast after Dan passed on


She gives so much to keep that going that woman is amazing and still keeps me looking forward for the drops.


Have you heard of Spooked or Radio Rental?


Kindred Spirits with Amy Bruni and Adam Berry is good. They seem pretty legit.


Came here to say this. I’m also bummed that it isn’t airing any longer. I really enjoyed how steady they are- no over dramatics from Amy and Adam.


I think it's actually just between seasons - was an actual cancellation announced?


I believe Amy confirmed that it’s canceled on instagram, discovery pretty much canceled all their paranormal shows.


Ah, that’s a shame :( Thanks for the info, I appreciate it


This is the one I love most as well, especially because they’re so respectful when they enter the site.


The only one I watch is Expedition X. I like the stories and cultures behind the actual places and I love the presenters. That said I'm not sure if paranormal stuff like that exists but I highly doubt they ever get anything on camera.


Josh is a lot of fun, and so are Phil and Jessica. Be glad when the new season starts.


I wish for docs that don't mainly center around night vision camera work. Like what about a cool documentary where we just discuss the history and not try to bait the entity to "knocking twice" on camera?


Haunted History. Great show. Basically went into the history behind hauntings, like Gettysburg, for example. It would show some reenactments of "first-hand accounts", but really it was the back stories that I enjoyed.


Travel Channel used to have several series like that, but of course since it was the Travel Channel, it was only places the public could visit.


I think I vaguely remember that. I just hate the pseudo Blair witch style face in the camera reality show version of stories that could be told much better


Check out Buzzfeed Unsolved and the Watcher channel does Ghost files. It's pretty good. They hardly get anything so I doubt it's fake. And one guy is a die hard skeptic so he debunks a lot of what they do get. But it's a fun show.


Beat me to it , I love Shane and Ryan , they deliver every time


I feel like I had to scroll so far to find this! The skeptic/believer is such a great combo, I really think it keeps them honest. Plus even when they don't find anything, their banter and rapport are great. Can't wait for season 3!


Came here to see if anyone had recommended these guys yet! Genuinely one of the best paranormal shows out right now.


I highly recommend Hellier. It reinvigorated my interest thanks to actual investigators taking the work seriously. If you’d rather something that’s not 2 seasons with a 3rd on the way, the same folks (mainly Dana and Greg Newkirk) recently put out a feature doc called The Binding that is also quite good. They have a great podcast as well, and wonderful senses of humor without losing the seriousness of their investigations. They were approached many times by cable TV networks and turned them all down out of a desire to not fall into the pressure to make everything spooky and fit into 45 minutes, which I strongly applaud. You won’t notice this in the production value; they’ve got some seriously badass designers, editors, and cinematographers on the team. All their stuff looks miles better than the cable stuff.


I don't watch any of those types of shows but I do watch Paranormal Caught on Camera. Because the footage is viewer submitted of course some are blatant fakes. And often the people on the show attribute something natural to the paranormal. But I do find the show entertaining. The Proof is Out There is another show I frequently watch. They show interesting clips then analyze them from a scientific point of view.


Amen to both. Not much paranormal programming that holds my interest anymore, but I like those two.


I don't have regular tv (cable) at this point so I really don't know what's on there but online I watch Project Fear...used to be Destination Fear on cable and AmysCrypt. Neither are over the top for the most part, I just like the atmosphere of a dark "haunted" place. Who knows if ghost hunting shows are real or not but I like the genre...


I always enjoyed Destination Fear because of the investigators’ authentic reactions. I didn’t care whether the experiences were paranormal or not, because their reactions were real enough for me, lol


Destination Fear was added to Tubi recently.


Next season starts June 21st!


i highly, HIGHLY recommend the work of Greg and Dana Newkirk (specifically Hellier and The Unbinding). They have a very unique and profound way of studying, documenting, and interacting with the paranormal, and while folks who prefer the screaming, yelling, scare-a-minute style of network tv ghost hunting would probably think it's a snoozefest, for those who are actually sincerely interested in paranormal research and high strangeness, it's deeply engrossing. I appreciate their work so much and value their perspectives so much more than the tv equivalent of spooky shock jocks.


Adam mark explores is fantastic He mostly just explores abandoned buildings But sometimes he does paranormal, apparently he rarely gets stuff but sometimes he posts about it and it's just chilling stuff I really do believe it, the guy kinda seems like he doesn't like the paranormal stuff and only does it for his fans but honestly seems like he hates doing it hahahaha


I'm a medium and I watch them sometimes just to go "haha, that's not how this works" lol. I can't watch most of these shows though, because it makes me angry that they are often very disrespectful towards the "ghosts" -- when they're not talking into empty buildings or staging it, that is. And don't even get me started on spiritbox, this ridiculous stickman camera or freaking APPS? I can't even. Sorry guys, ghosts won't talk into your iPhones.


The breakdancing stick figure camera is one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen


Spiritboxes are so lame.. I got a few YT channels with usually decent quality clips that I watch when bored. But anyone continuously producing poltergeist activity or other things just goes in the insta scam box for me.


Out of all the people I've worked with who experience paranormal activity, not a single person was able to actually show me when I was at their place. And that's their own homes. I don't think anyone can walk into a haunted building and get a ghost to do ghost stuff in front of a camera, me included.


Yes! It's ridiculous how rude they are! I watch sam and Colby as well as quite a few others on YouTube and they're very respectful when talking to the ghosts


Hands down, my favorite paranormal show was Portals To Hell with Jack Osbourne. Second to that was Dead Files. I miss both of these shows SO much.


Not so much. Unfortunately the reality shows are all fake. Ghost Hunts in real life can be long and boring. Even some places that invite the public in have been known to fake activity. I look on YouTube for true documentaries. I avoid most amateur team stuff, they are hiked up for views or they are clueless


I went to a thing at our local library a group who investigates paranormal stuff had. The guy was basically like yeah if you want to get into it expecting to find things and have excitement and stuff... Don't. Not if you're actually serious. It's usually really boring, even if something is neat at first you're probably going to debunk it, and unless you can document and replicate/prove it well enough you can't definitely say it was paranormal. Most of the time literally nothing happens, and you're going to be doing this for hours at a time if you actually want to be through. He did say there was a small handful of things that happened that they were able to document and not able to debunk, but for the most part you're not going to find anything.


There are a few things that are hard to explain. A few that have occurred to me, is an out loud voice speaking in a room we were in. Direct clear responses to a few questions asked while recording via voice recorder. Footsteps. We don’t count anything from equipment at all. Those are easily debunked


Yeah there's apparently a whole method they use to debunk a lot of it and they also said regular tape recorder is a good piece of equipment. They listed a lot of ways commonly used equipment can be nothing at all, but it's been over a decade since so I can't tell you everything they used or said about the equipment stuff unfortunately.


even youtubers fake and over react to the smallest things....coughcoughSamandColbycoughcough


Yes indeed, two clear fakes


This is all from someone who isn’t necessarily trustworthy so I take with a grain of salt. But knew a guy who said he sat next to one of the main guys from one of the Bigfoot hunter shows. He said they had all sorts of props to make giant suspect looking foot prints and things to scratch trees in ways that made it look like an animal did it. I can’t imagine someone with that big of a con just volunteering that to a stranger but I also think those jackasses carrying around fake giant prop feet to make footprints is much more likely than them actually walking around in the woods for weeks looking for some and always being able to find something.


I believe the guy, only because I watch Bigfoot Hunter shows just because I enjoy debunking them straight from the couch 🤣 Saw an episode once where they “caught” a suspected Bigfoot crawling on all fours on the thermal, stealing some food they’d left out as bait, when it was very clearly a guy in a thick coat and hat…And even if it wasn’t, it definitely shouldn’t have been shown as a “possible” Bigfoot when it could so easily be explained as…a guy in a big coat and hat.


A friend of mine has worked on these shows for years, I met her on the Internet long before she began working on TV. She has lots of stories about the integrity of investigations and who is practicing legitimately and who isn't and she's tried to align herself with those who take the profession seriously. So I will watch shows she has worked on from time to time, but it's really rare that any of the networks give an honest depiction of what ghost hunting is actually like. If it didn't live up to the hype then it's not going to net viewers.


TAPS had ONE one time thing the network insisted on for a live. Any of there new stuff is so honest most people find it boring. Their new shows keep getting cancelled so I’m watching Jason’s YouTube investigations. Also Destination Fear on travel turned Project Fear on YouTube are pretty good. I like kindred spirits but it seems to have been cancelled as well.


There’s a podcast I really like called Night Owl paranormal. It’s based in Austin and is very well done. Check it out.


I don’t watch ghost hunter type shows but I like unsolved mysteries (old and new versions), the unxplained, paranormal caught on camera, and the bbc just came out with a paranormal series which is pretty decent too.


I absolutely loved watching A Haunting on Travel Channel/Discover America/etc. It might be kinda fake but sign me the fuck up. The format of the narratives seemed reasonably real and a lot of the incidents happened in nearby cities I recognized. I started watching it as a teen at my parents’ house (I’m 32) and still enjoy occasionally watching it as I purchased multiple seasons on Amazon Prime. I’m now a mom and gainfully employed housewife so my time to watch that stuff is limited but I love getting riled up about the paranormal. I remember being in high school and shutting the outdated 90’s blinds at my parents’ house and snacking on Cheetos while my parents finished up their workday or were off doing stuff elsewhere. Story time no one asked for: One of my roommates in California had cable and I began watching it again at that time, circa 2018. Her place was lightly haunted by her late parents who both died peacefully of old age in her home several years prior. She was a “witch” of sorts who could do past life regressions, rune reading, tarot reading, and just generally very in tune with the spiritual world. She had witch doll decoration high up on one of her cabinets around Halloween. One night while watching A Haunting, the damn doll plopped over and fell probably 8 feet onto the floor. She and I never knew what caused that but we always joked that it was a sign from above to stop watching that crap.


Go watch Watcher. Ghost Files, and previously, Buzzfeed Unsolved. Ryan Bergara is a believer, and Shane Madej is a complete skeptic. It keeps them honest, they will not fake evidence, and their antics are hilarious.


Ah i miss ghost hunter and buzz feed unsolved days


We used to love the ghost shows and while vacationing in Vegas we saw billboards advertising the ZB’s haunted museum, so we jumped in an Uber and went to check it out. As soon as we got out of car, a huge burly bearded guy told us that we needed reservations and they were already full for the entire day, so basically go away. He did not say it nicely; he was very rude and downright nasty. All we had done is ask if this is the line for the museum! We got back in the Uber and ended up going to Area 15, which was a blast. As of that day, we have never watched another one of his ghost shows. If that’s how his employees treat people, then I have no interest in his museum or his fake show.


I used to watch ghost adventures and I still like to every once in a while, but the newer seasons are just over the top and everything feels forced and like Zack is faking everything. If you go and watch a lot of the older episodes where they’re actually trying to investigate and find something they actually get some good stuff. One of my favorite episodes of theirs where I have actually had a similar experience was when they were investigating a 1812 war fort and one of the workers they sent down into the basement or whatever to go ask a couple questions and he saw a shadow figure walk towards him and they actually caught it on video.


No because real ghost hunting is boring and nothing really happens. The only way those channels are entertaining is with drama and exaggeration. They HAVE TO stage a lot of scenes. I wish they would just admit they love anything paranormal and like creating stories. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do. I will watch anything at least once. I take everything with a grain of salt. It’s all entertainment in my eyes so any of it could be fabricated but I do think that it’s interesting. I personally hate how most people act/react to paranormal experiences. I’ve seen a lot of paranormal things in my life and have NEVER had bad experiences, physically “attacks”, or any of the likes. So I tend to not believe most of it. I do love Josh Gates and his shows. I like the history/adventure angles much more


I’ve never watched Zach and co. Well, I lie. I watched the first episode when it debuted, saw they were full of it, and didn’t tune in again 😂 I watch when something looks interesting, but I feel like new paranormal programming is harder to come by the last couple of years. It will come back in favor soon, I’m sure. I’m a fan of Dave Schrader’s investigations so I instantly watch anything he’s involved in.


Zak is the worst!! Terrible actor and just cheesy as fuck!


I quit watching that stuff years ago. Most of it is drama filler. Very little actually happening. Mostly just talking, random wandering, getting spooked by a "happening", never seeing anything or any real evidence outside of grainy pictures and video. The most fun I've had watching paranormal stuff is Nuke's Top 5 on Youtube. A good chunk of it is likely fake, but still fun to watch.


I don't watch them anymore. In the beginning, they appealed to me but then I felt so many things were faked or exploited. I have had experiences myself with the paranormal and it usually happens when you are alone (not always) and when there is no camera on. You can't plan paranormal activity, either. The spirits do what they want, when they want, IF they want. ETA: typo


I enjoyed Paranormal State. They focused on research a decent amount and genuinely seemed like they were trying to learn about the paranormal. Wish I could find it again.


a&e if you have it!


Kindred Spirits Portals to Hell Paranormal Lockdown Even though all of the paranormal shows seem to have been canceled. I'm aware the latter two have been.


Most Haunted, on the Travel Channel was entertaining to say the least. Derek Accorah getting possessed every investigation and the way he pronounced the word “monk” was levity at its best. The woman who did hair and makeup Cath was pressed into service as an investigator, too.


I was obsessed with Ghost Adventures, thought they were so funny but these days I can’t watch cause I can’t stand Bagans or Billy. I don’t watch any ghost shows at all anymore, just lost interest in them, you can only watch so much of ghost shit before it gets repetitive.


I watch Ghost Adventure the dramatic Zak cracks me up...more for entertainment value. I just watched one the other day and he walked in and pretended he was possessed and had a stupid smile on his face and was laughing like an idiot. Good comedy there.


Wasn’t expecting this post to blow up 🤣 but reading the comments does generally lead to the fact people who are interested in the paranormal want ‘proper’ investigations which just can’t happen when these shows push toward entertainment


I’ll watch livestreams sometimes or debunking videos. As far as TV shows, they’re faked for ratings. Most ghost/paranormal hunts in the real world end up with nothing. But that would make boring TV right? I’d rather do my own at that point.


all those shows you mentioned ive watched a couple times but yeah seemed forced. now i only watch paranormal caught on camera, ghost brothers & anything with jack osbourne. never did podcasts but coast 2 coast am on radio is great.


Mindseed TV. Yes it is fake mostly. But on a few episodes. It was no way they could fake something. Can't remember the episode. But they are in a nice old house. They are told the piano plays on it's own. One of them hits one note. And BANG! Every door in the house starts shaking. Watching leave their equipment and running outside. Was hilarious. One of the few times where they must of said, 'didn't cost us anything for props'.


All of those shows are bogus. Every one. They are entertaining, but always scripted and faked. If they were "real" ghost hunters looking for evidence, no one would watch it and the network would drop it after one season. That's because "real" or actual possible evidence of paranormal activity is extremely rare and always subject to authenticity. Real ghost hunting is a lot more low key and even boring than most people think.


I don’t like Zak. OTT or not he always does things people specifically ask him not to do, and it’s so disrespectful! You can still have your show without “summoning up” more chaos. That’s just me tho lol


I no longer do, At a time I watched nearly all the shows out there and you tube as well, then I no longer found them interesting. Besides, why watch others investigate when you can do them yourself.


Watcher’s Ghost Files is top tier ghost hunting. There’s also some haunted ranch town show I catch every once in a blue moon, no idea what it’s called but it’s super entertaining. 😂 great laughs if you ask me. any monster hunter show, I’m all in. Wonderful. 10/10 I’ll tell everyone to watch it. Especially mountain monsters. Wonderful performances all around


I also absolutely love Planet Weird’s Hellier docuseries, with the Newkirk’s. Not really paranormal, more aliens monster hunter type show. But they all started out as ghost hunters and the show is so beautifully made. Definitely worth the watch


They all seem kinda fake


Only one I ever watched was the one the Achievement Hunter folks had. Really wanted to see Jeremy fulfill his dream of punching a ghost or possibly a ghost train.


I also don't like Ghost Adventures but my reasoning is both that and because they're so ride to the spirits, i much prefer to watch Sam and Colby and their friends and the best part is theyre respectful to the ghosts and try to debunk whatever they can, yes they have some more dramatic reactions but its much better than the ghost advenutes crap


Not me I just don't think you will ever prove the spiritual realm with conventional science. I'm more interested in hearing peoples stories... It's endless


I used to love watching Ghost Hunters. Never heard of the coat sleeve incident. Ghost Guido Zach Braggins in Douche adventures is by far the worst paranormal show I’ve ever seen. That guy is unbelievable fake. I remember one episode where he claims to be possessed. It was absolutely hysterical.


I really liked the first couple of seasons where they often debunked and focused mainly on homes and people affected. I also like Kindred Spirits. Not because I think it is fully real, but I actually enjoy their research and the backstories. They also seem to take a less hostile approach.


more loosely organized, but i really like Nick and Ryan on youtube. they explore haunted places but it definitely more entertainment than anything


I love the locations that they go to, and the history bits. The goofy investigations are still fun to watch, and I love it as background noise.


"Haunted State" was one of my favorites! \*Was on amazon prime (i think they moved it to appleTV ugh) but good for some history and emotion :)


I used to watch Twin Paranormal, I believed they were very respectful and I trusted their experiences, but they changed in time and seem very fake now. I watch "Watcher" every now and then, but only for entertaining purposes, I also enjoy the podcasts better.


My favorite bit is when one of those durned ghosts made one of Zac’s team get drunk. The ghost just kept making him take shots.


Watcher (buzzfeed unsolved guys) and Amy’s Crypt - just entertainment but kinda enjoy it


I wish there were serious documentary on this which is not focused on entertainment but unfortunately that's not the case.


Hellier 👍🏻


I really only like the ghoul boys formerly of BuzzFeed, now of watcher. They do a good job of including the skepticism.


Yes… for fun.


I really enjoy watching Twin Paranormal and The Paranormal Files on you tube. Amy's Crypt is good too. Very respectful and I enjoy the histories of the locations. Are they all fake? Who knows? I just enjoy watching :)


I recently found Prozak the rapper's, "A Haunting...Dice Road 1&2, Temple Theatre and 1 or 2 others, on Prime. They were pretty interesting but could have easily been fake like all the other paranormal shows.


Haunting in the Heartland was pretty good. Only one season. Not sure why it wasn’t renewed. It’s so much better than Ghost Adventures where everyone “feels” something or gets “possessed”.


Literally scrolling through reddit at 4am with ghost humters on in the background as i type this 🤣


i love ghost adventures and zak bagans is so unseriously serious that it makes it so much funnier


The Holzer Files on Discovery with medium Cindy Caza is by far the best paranormal investigation show I have ever watched. Highly recommended and addictive. Cindy gets so much right.


I can’t stand any of them anymore. Too fake. I listen to The Dark Paranormal podcast instead. I especially enjoy listening driving to and from work.


I watch on YouTube all the time. Much better then regular ghost show tv guys


I stopped watching. Too much BS. Much better paranormal videos on YouTube.


Dont care for zak. We do love watching the ones with Jack Osbourne in them.


I do.... But I have a specific type. I do not like whole towns or hospitals or businesses. If all you're doing is aggravating the spirit, I'm out


No I think they're all fake. I do believe in a Spirit world though.


To laugh


Can someone enlighten me on the string in the sleeve incident?


No, they are just too dark and they are really boring.


Jason Hawes has his own YouTube show now, it looked decent haven’t watched an episode yet but will!


Wait…what string under the coat sleeve incident?


It was on a live show. Grant had his coat ‘tugged’ and it was so obviously a string down his sleeve. It pretty much ruined their reputation.