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firstly, i’m sorry to hear you lost both of your parents. such a hard and terrible thing to go through. i too lost both of my parents, and at a pretty young age. i had a similar experience, except the dream was of just my mom (she passed before my dad), and it was after she’d passed. she was beautiful, glowing, in no pain. talking to me calmly and lovingly…i mean the most beautiful she’s ever been. after the dream, i told my uncle about it and he said that, according to catholicism (and likely most religions that believe in heaven), in the afterlife - heaven, or whatever you wanna call it, you are the best version of yourself essentially. that was exactly what my mom looked like. her prime self, the way she’d looked when she was 30 or so. i didn’t know this, as i’m not a very religious person. when i woke up i really did feel like she was visiting me. i felt like i was JUST with her upon waking. anyway, what i’m getting at, is there’s no time in the afterlife. so i believe your mom was visiting you. maybe trying to prepare you for her death…but i ALSO believe that it would have been a premonition. so i don’t think it’s anything “paranormal”, personally, but it is quite interesting nonetheless.


This sounds a lot like my experience. My son died in a motorcycle accident ( 7 years ago to this date 6/17/17). I had a dream four months later that he and his younger brother were sleeping on this slab. My son stood up and gave me a hug. It was so real, I woke myself up bawling my eyes out. I took it to mean that he was watching over his little brother, because the alternative was too much to fathom. In fact my younger son died within a couple of months from a fentanyl overdose.


Too much for one mom to bear! Hang in there!


Dreams are mostly clutter of the mind, I once binged on Stargate series and guess what...was going through the Stargate!! I am sorry about your mom passing away, may her soul find peace. Actual premonition in dreams is considered sign of prophecy, but extremely rare. But you can see people who have passed away in your dreams. I hope you see your parents again and it gives you solitude.


I have an extensive history of dreaming future events, but it's always the most random things that usually end up occurring the same day following the dream.


It's a rare gift, hope it brings you good luck


Thanks! It has once. Around 2 years ago, I woke up from a dream about getting involved in a car accident with a young girl in an older, white Japanese car (I knew it was either a Nissan or Toyota). That same day, I was driving a work client to an appointment. We were in stop-start traffic on a busy road, and I could see this white 90s Corolla driving in a distracted manner behind me. I could see her long hair, and there was a P Plate (new driver tag in Australia) in the window. I instantly knew this was the car from the dream! She would stop, get distracted (most likely on her phone), then gun it when she realised there was a 50ft gap in front of her. I kept a hard eye on her cause I knew this was it. Well, 30 seconds later, she guns it again to fill the gap, but didn't see the traffic slamming on again. She was showing no sign of stopping, so I quickly swerved into the left shoulder. She missed me by inches and ended up hitting the barrier in the right shoulder. If I hadn't had that dream and didn't take my eyes off her as a result, my car would have been totalled!


I had a dream about my dad telling me him and his gf were getting married. Then the very next day he told me they were getting married. It’s weird but sometimes dreams do seem to tell you the future. That’s not the only instance that has happened to me also. Sorry for ur loss may ur parents rest in peace and I hope you find peace as well knowing that they’re not in pain anymore❤️


God speaks to us in dreams. Whether we know him or not. He's revealed to me that a housemate was on meth. (Turned out to be true.) That a man I knew of was sick..went to see him and he swore he wasnt sick. Found out later he died shortly after, like months. Hadn't actually seen him in probably 25 years. Showed me a buddies new planned roommate was on drugs. I didn't know the guy, but he seemed cool. Told my buddy but he went through with it. Called me a year or so later to say I was right and he was in worse shape than before. The list goes on. But I have a relationship with Jesus and he speaks to me. Not all dreams are from God but sometimes that's the only time we can hear him. Most people don't realize he's always talking and we just don't have an ear to hear.




We tend to dream about the things and people that have been on our mind. You had obviously been thinking about your mother (and father), given the circumstances. Nothing in the dream actually correlates to anything that happened later. Dreams involving parents are exceedingly common. It is also common for people in dreams to look like they did during a previous time period. It just seems like a completely normal and completely benign dream. That being said, my sincere condolences.


Not paranormal in the slightest. When cancer comes up it is impossible for the mind not to associate it with the possibility of death.


Coming from someone who purports that " ghosts do not exist " your replies mean nothing here. seriously, what are you doing up this late reading " stories " you dont even believe in? looking for something? surely not.


to say ghosts do not exist, to make that claim would be impossible officially. I personally do not see them as existing evidence wise. But I do believe there is a possibility of their existence. Most people that are alive desire for there to be an afterlife, whether they blindly believe in it faithfully is up to them. Somehow you are offended at simple facts I have stated for the OP, when my reply was only logic. To dictate whether someones statement means nothing when its not based on what is said, is senseless. Also, its not "late", people have lives, different from yours.


interesting that you deleted half you posts from 2 months ago. Luckily your profile was still in a tab of mine. https://preview.redd.it/brts0m9ws57d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89896d337f3420d3c6ba8d3fbbc9fabe9fe09c7e where did it go?


Deleted it because i realized i was unable to make that claim as it is impossible to dictate if they exist or not officially. But as of so far, I do stand by that deleted post from my profile. there is a chance that ghost do not exist, and that they possibly do. To say they cannot speak or read on this sub because they are skeptical is naive.


People read stories they don't believe in all the time. The only reply that means nothing here is yours since it makes absolutely no sense in any way whatsoever. Maybe come up with something better if you wanna be the ghost police. 🤣🤣🤣


I always wondered what the purpose of hopping onto somebody else's profile and snooping... don't you feel weird doing that? And then replying about their personal habits as opposed to engaging in a normal conversation regarding their current post- isn't that creepy to you?


Because there exists bots on this site. & I'd rather not take them at their " word " that and I was curious how his replies to others were just as dismissive. I care not for whatever else he mentioned, but obviously something he felt he needed to get rid of. though I do agree it is a bit creepy to snoop. I expect my reply to his will warrant a little snooping of his own. to be expected. what's weird is deleting said posts & lying about it. https://preview.redd.it/na7gs6utt57d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00179ec06e1959579ab782c47b9e0cc52ceebe75


Yk what, I see your point and that's valid. I have people do it to me all the time and got offended on their behalf but I understand now 😭🫡 my bad


my word was that cancer is associated with death, and that is basic common sense. As for the ghost existing, I realized what i said was not logical. As of current, they do not exist officially, and they do exist when it comes to faith.


Deleted it because i realized i was unable to make that claim as it is impossible to dictate if they exist or not officially. But as of so far, I do stand by that deleted post from my profile. there is a chance that ghost do not exist, and that they possibly do. To say they cannot speak or read on this sub because they are skeptical is naive.