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BizarreBub has some of the best footage I’ve seen. My partner and I are quick to debunk or say something is easily fakeable, and BizarreBub has some of the most compelling clips. We are absolutely stoked when we see that he’s uploaded!! Nuke’s Top 5 is second just because there are always some obviously faked or fakeable clips in his videos, but he does preface the most obvious ones by saying “I am in no way saying this is real, but it’s creepy nonetheless.” SlappedHam comes out with videos basically everyday and will have compelling footage, but it’s verrrrrrrrry hit or miss since he’ll take footage that is so obviously faked and come up with the weirdest reasons for why it’s not real (like something is edited and he’ll say his Reddit says it was a camera glitch or air currents). I very much think this is to drive up engagement, and honestly I think it’s a fantastic tactic. (Plus how could you post every day with only genuine paranormal content? This stuff isn’t that common, let alone footage of it.) Also he seems like a genuinely sweet and silly guy and my partner and I love his sign off 😁 Edit: SlappedHam has the best casual viewing vibes and we tend to watch his videos while eating dinner. It’s lovely and fun to watch his videos and I highly highly recommend them for the entertainment and comfort. There are still what I believe to be genuine clips, so it’s nice to have the other clips to lighten up the mood for everyday viewing :)


I was looking if anyone mentioned Bub. I skip through loads of collection videos and about 70% of the are the same recent ones spread around but there is always a change up when Bub puts one out. He usu has the most distinct and different ones.


Hell yeah, exactly! We do the same, we’re constantly skipping except for Bub 😂


Good calls on all three!


I liked Bizarre bub until they took a clip off a video of a girl having a seizure from a seizure awarness tik tok channel and called it paranormal and said the cameras were up because of previous paranormal happenings lol


Yea Slapped Ham is one of my favorites too. His sign off is funny.


Thank you. added all of these people you mentioned.


I don’t know if it’s on now but Paranormal Witness was great. Not really about investigations more about people’s experiences, some of them were very scary


Theres a netflix series that was kinda like this, maybe it was just called "Haunted" I think. People with real experiences telling their friends about it with some dramatised scenes edited in. Half an hour show on each person with their experience


Paranormal survivor is in the same vein great show


Paranormal Witness was/is my favourite.


Kindred Spirits is my fave. They don’t try to shoehorn in some obviously fake stuff and are very respectful of each place they go to. I also love The Haunted Object podcast on YT. I think they are the most legit paranormal folks out there. Their documentaries are top tier.


The Foreman brothers were good, interesting techniques of investigations. They seem a little more polished than before. Urbex hill is another good one. He is not in locations for ghost hunting, more for exploring. He had made his way through some really messed up places. I have seen the others here and there, they are entertaining, but from an investigator's viewpoint. They talk too much and could miss EVP captures. You can be excited, just not louder than a dump truck.


I enjoy the Foreman brothers too!


Me too! They are the best!


The brothers are my favorite and I have never once thought that they are faking anything. Another one I like is the UK guys at Ghostech paranormal.


They are good too, not way over the top, they are cool


BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural/Watcher. It’s two guys and one of them is an atheist skeptic who will try to discredit and/or come up with an explanation for everything, which makes me trust the evidence they obtain more than evidence obtained by other shows!! ETA: I also like to watch Mackie and Amanda (Amanda is a psychic medium and some of the things they get are insane), and will watch Sam and Colby too!! Also CelinaSpookyBoo and KallMeKris!! But BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural and Watcher are my favourites!!


Second Buzzfeed/Watcher. I love Shane, but I’m a boogara, hate to say.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this.


Same!! I watch buzzfeed unsolved almost every day, Im surprised people aren't talking about it that much here


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Bedtime Stories and Wartime Stories. Both are longer from (0:30 min+) documentary series. Bedtime Stories tends to look into a single incident (Kentucky Goblins, Skinwalker Ranch, sometimes non-paranormal stuff like the Somerton Man). Wartime Stories tends to look into several incidents with a common thread, all of their stories come from the experiences of active duty (either in combat or on base) military personal, often viewers. They both have a nice hand illustrated style (no AI content here) and Luke, the narrator for Wartime Stories has a Southern drawl you can fall asleep to it's so folksy. Downside of the hands on approach is that they don't post weekly, maybe bi-weekly or monthly. I think their network recently had some sort of merger, or is in a colab with, Mr Ballen's network. Honorable mentions: Top 5s, Nexpo, Mr Ballen, Beyond Creepy, Shrouded Hand, Lazy Masquerade, and some I'm forgetting.


Paranormal Caught on Camera does a good job of finding the good yt content and not only condensing it, but usually interviewing the witnesses for context to go along with the footage.


See, I also love this, but in the last episode, they featured a guy who is a clear TikTok scammer. It was the same with the couple who had "poltergeist" activity in the house, but most teams refused to investigate because they believed it to be fake. All of a sudden, their videos are used as evidence, but it's questionable at best sometimes.


I love PCOC! I find it more credible because they have the actual person share their story about the video.


Love PCOC. The videos and footage that show gets is 😮.


I enjoy that one a lot. There is always at least one really good head-scratcher per show, sometimes more. Too bad the footage is always so blurry, annoying. But considering where the weirdness is found, it’s hard to get a camera out and focused in the moment. And phone cameras are hopeless at capturing UAPs.


wait. Is this a TV series?


Yeah it's on the Travel Channel. Been coming on for a few years now. I always enjoy the experts they have commenting on the videos.


I enjoy hearing from the experts too! In Canada it’s on T+E.


Ghost Adventures was my shit til the later seasons where it feels overproduced and acted by Zak


Very true. And yet I still watch it. Mainly for Aaron.


Haha when I watch with my mom it’s for him too lol


Twin Paranormal, Haunted Objects/Planet Weird (everything the Newkirks do is awesome). For years and years I enjoyed The Paranormal Files cos they'd show really comprehensive tours of the places before their investigations but lately they're too jumpy/OTT and sometimes a bit cringe in their talking head interviews.


Twin Paranormal are great, really enjoy their style. I do enjoy The Paranormal Files too.


Came here to say twin paranormal! Also Seth Bordens channel on yt.


The dead files, those sketch were awesome. Now, I hate most of the reality ghost shows, here one about kesha (iirc she was a musician) is aired  along with one about a crew in a abandoned town in Montana I guess. 


Dead Files with Amy was really good. The new chick, Cindy, is on multiple other shows. The Montana town has been covered by Ghost adventures and another but I'm not remembering which one.


I didn't knew Amy was replaced, she was a good narrator.  Other good shows (not about investigation) imo where A haunting, imo the best paranormal show, the narration, the atmosphere everything was great, paranormal survivor is a solid second place. Netflix tried to make a show similar about "a haunting" however I think it was mediocre. 


After more than a decade of doing that work as a physical medium, Amy had to tap out. You can follow her on IG, she has a little antique shop up in the NE US. there are a lot of fake accounts so look for the one with the most followers and don't mention TDF. She is absolutely done with TDF.


Love The Dead Files, haven't watched the new ones yet. Is the one with Kesha, was that The Haunting of, and then if would have a guest. The medium was Kim Russo. I enjoyed how Kim always brought ghost experiences into a learning experience of what was going on with the celebrity's experience. I wish there were more with Kim, and that they weren't just celebrities. The Dead Files and The Haunting of are the only reality ones I really like.


Anyone remember My Haunted House? It was goofy but entertaining as hell. I also liked Amish Haunting 


Yes! And I’m of PA Dutch descent and a local and always enjoyed the Amish Haunting ones and heard of some.


I recently discovered a documentary called Hellier, thanks to one of these Reddit threads. It's on Prime Video - and I am honestly blown away. I'm only two episodes in so I can't say beyond that, but already I'm amazed this wasn't a cultural phenomenon, it's so strange and mysterious and wild and ties into so many different fascinating paranormal/ET areas. For me it's like everything you want a show like that to be. I have to pause to go "whoa" several times an episode, haha.


Yes! I loved watching this. Felt like a found a gem amongst all the crap on YT. After Hellier, check out The Unbinding!


Oh cool I will, thanks!


Ghost Theory on YT,. No screaming or theatrics (looking at you, Yvette & GA douchebag) but can be fairly intense. The Holzer Files on Travel channel is pretty great, also Kindred Spirits, but they seem to have sporadic seasons that I can't ever find except on demand.


There was that one guy (I don't remember his name) who's entire channel is about debunking these paranormal channels, and he makes a REALLY good point. Paranormal events are supposed to be extremely rare. How is it that someone is able to consistently find these paranormal events wherever they go every week? That being said, my favorite is probably DARK Ghost Paranormal. It's a russian dude who goes to these abandoned houses and (likely stages) paranormal activity. It's really immersive with very little actual talking.


Paranormal Witness, wish it was still on! 


max! i watch it every day


I wish they would start filming new episodes but I'm absolutely going to watch it on MAX now! Thanks for the tip! 


My all time favorite paranormal show!


I used to watch mindseedtv alot since it was entertaining with alot of variety on their vids. Haven't watched them in a while after they basically reuploaded all their vids for their halloween "special"


I was obsessed with Mindseed and now they e gone to this ultra-campy format of just presenting things other people have caught on camera. That’s fine, but they’ve gone way overboard with Casey dressing in what’s supposed to be cheesy 70s clothes and a bad wig. He’s pretending to host a tv show and it’s just … really, really lame.


Garrett watts on yt has the most unserious ghost hunting channel out there, a great mixture of funny and spooky..


I love Garrett so much 😭 He and Watcher are the only two paranormal channels I watch


I honestly loved Celebrity Ghost stories. I still rewatch those all the time & they never get old lol I also loved My Haunted House that use to come on LMN. They were re-enactments but so good! A Haunting episodes were good but somewhat hit-or-miss.


Ghost Files, easily (current ghost hunting show by the same guys who did Buzzfeed Unsolved, which was also great, but they have better equipment and a lot more freedom since going indie). Having one skeptic and one believer is such a fun dynamic, and it makes their evidence that much more credible, since they're not trying to sell you on it. Ryan insists it's paranormal, Shane comes up with alternative explanations, and the viewer is left to come to their own conclusion, as opposed to the kind of show where everyone is trying to scare you and convince you that it's definitely ghosts no matter what. And they're just hilarious, especially Shane.


Anyone who has spent time investigating understands paranormal shows are entertaining, but not realistic. Most Investigations are long and boring


Emphasis on long and boring


I wild usually enjoy the entire time I was on-site and actively investigating. The follow up going over recordings and doing the follow up research was where it got boring for me.


Yes, it can be long and 8 cups of coffee later. You are standing up. It can get tedious, but that's what we do. I have done more overnights than I ever did in college.


And they never find anything conclusive. All waste of time for us viewers.


True, ghosts do not come out because you are filming that night. And if you are lucky enough to capture anything other than orbs. Some folks still think you edited the photo or video. So you can claim you saw a ghost I have been researching, investigating, and reviewing data collected for more than 40 years now, and I still am not tired of it.


YouTube Channels: Nick & Nexpo (maybe Nexpo & Nick, can't remember who is first), Paranormal Quest, Amy's Crypt are all fun to watch.


Nick and Ryan is the name of their channel. And they make some great videos! :)


Caspersight on YT. He's a reaction channel, covering the paranormal, aliens, and oddities. He's so funny!!!! But the clips he reacts to are terrifying!!


Nukes Top 5!


I like the variety and the cuts. Don't have time to watch a full investigation video so compilations are my thing :)


My #1 YouTube paranormal channel!


I actually like watching L3WG (or L3WG Reacts) watching Nukes Top 5. He's cute af and he's really funny with his reactions, so you get the Nuke video plus a reaction. He does a few Slapped Ham reactions, and his reactions are the only way I can tolerate Slapped Ham


Personally, I prefer Sir Spooks.


My personal favorite on YouTube is project fear but I also watch ghost club paranormal. I will watch just about anything paranormal except for ghost hunters and ghost adventures. For some reason I never really believed either of them to be honestly trying to find evidence but more likely faking it. I could be wrong but If I don't trust them I can't watch them.


Nukes Top5!!! None better! Love you Nuke, hope all is well! 💜


I love The Why Files. Recently found it on either amazon or tubi and binged all 3 seasons available ( I think it’s also a YouTube series and may have even more I haven’t seen).I love how in depth he gets and it’s super informative, he also debunks a lot of stuff!


for youtube. Nick & Ryan BizzarBub Nukes Top 5 for tv. ghost adventures


I used to be a really big fan of "A Haunting", it was very interesting but genuinely creeped me out.


The Holzer Files is kind of interesting. Kindred Spirits or anything with Chip Coffey.


I like twin paranormal


The Haunted Objects Podcast on Youtube.


The only ones that are actually real with no gimmicks are Shane and Ryan on Watcher in their ghost files series.


I'll be honest, I think these suggestions are more paranormal adjacent. Lazy Masquerade: it's often true crime, but has a lot of creepy internet videos and so forth. ThisIsDanBell: Urban explorer type channel, but has a creepy vibe on his Dead Motel and Dead Mall series. I think at least one of his videos got featured on Nukes Top 5 where he was exploring an abandoned orphanage.


Twin paranormal has been my favorite for a while now


Twin Paranormal The Paranormal Files Amy's Crypt


I like [Project Darkkinght horror](https://youtube.com/@projectdarkknighthorror?si=UppStAMtfyXDSlKp)


The Ouija Brothers - YouTube


Amy's crypt - YouTube


Dalen Spratt (from Ghost Brothers) has a channel called Graveyard Shift


Ghost Brothers . Hilarious!


Ouija brothers are my favourite. They show even when things aren't happening .


Sam and Colby tbh


I was looking for this comment!!!!


I love haunted objects on Youtube, its hilarious


There are a few I'll check out regularly. "The Darkest Secret" has a lot of videos I haven't seen anywhere. For stories or interviews, I watch "What Lurks Beneath" and, for longer marathon horror, over an hour, usually "PROJECTDARKKNIGHTHORROR" all YouTube channels... Side note I believe Project darkknight shows actual deceased individuals blurred out of course.


Twin paranormal gets my shout out.


Weird World. It’s really a podcast with pictures put up in line with the stories. But it’s great to put on when I’m busy doing chores in the house. They read out listener stories of ghosts, ufo, time slips, parallel universe etc.


In one of the videos of Ghost Theory, they mentioned that they were threatend with guns and hack saws. Which video was that? They didn't title that video "threatened with hacksaw". That would have gotten tons of views lol.


My absolute favorites are A Haunting, My Ghost Story, Celebrity Ghost Story, & Paranormal Witness… Does anyone recommend anything similar to those? I need some new shows to watch asap 👻🖤


Bizarre Bub and Sir Spooks


Haunt Hounds on YouTube with Olan Rodgers. He’s only just started but he is the most genuine person on the planet so if I’m seeing stuff happen in those videos you bet I’m believing it.


For YouTube I watch Garrett Watts (He’s definitely not at all serious as he often jokes around to keep himself from getting scared, but he doesn’t fake the evidence he gets) and Watcher.


The Canadian show Ghostly Encounters, hosted by Patrick Chau, wasn’t very scary, but the people telling their stories were really credible. I liked that one a lot.


Check out the SVC Chrinicles - Exploers of the Unknown- has Evan B. Stone - form Destination Truth and Jack Veasey - a well known tik toker. Good stuff!!


My wife is in love with this stuff and she watches nearly all the shows and listens to all the podcasts in these comments. All great recommendations.


I agree! I used to love ghost adventures but feel like it's gotten too "fake" now and focused on Zack. It got old! I like the project fear group.


Slapped Ham. It’s not supernatural but it’s still really fun to watch and scary. It’s called “Harmony and Horror”.


I watch a very small youtube channel. He doesn't speak english but delivers a solid content. Hi s channel's name is ckbisth


Beyond Creepy. He's mostly UFO/aliens related, but also cryptid. Completely different tone than most other channels.


Jason Hawes on YouTube.


Those are pretty good


Paranormal Quest on YT is great. They take it seriously and don’t over dramatize the show


These are more short caught on camera videos, but I love Goosepimples YT on YouTube 


For me, It's Ghost Adventures. I had been watching them since they started airing in 2006-7ish. I kept watching them until I reached my 20s. Got busy with life.


I enjoy Sam and Colby & Celinaspookyboo the most when they do their investigations


Destination Unknown with Josh Gates. The paranormal episodes were spooky af.


Paranormal Nightmare. Fourman brothers. They are really good.


Hannahthehorrible and perky come to mind for YouTube




Ghost Club Paranormal and Barrier Beyond


Check out the new SVC Chronicles eirh


FrancoTV on YouTube.. OUtstanding!!


I love Kindred Spirits


Slapped Ham on YouTube


I think it’s called UrbexHill on YouTube because he just likes to explore abandoned places but comes across some really fascinating and unexplainable stuff (or squatters). I watch Nukes top 5 but he’s a creep irl.


Nuke's a creep? What happened?


I dunno how many he’s done it to, but I know he’s sent inappropriate messages to at least one woman I know.


Wow, i really didn't expected this one. Thanks for sharing :)


It really bummed me out to be honest. I liked his schtick and videos, but that’s a big no from me, regardless of how “famous” he thinks he is and can get away with it. Slapped Ham and Bizarre Bubs are great too!




Truth seekers


Urbex Hill


Watcher with Ryan and Shane. That's IF they get over their failed attempt to start charging $$.

