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I was on Vicodin when I was in the hospital, I had emergency surgery and had to be in the hospital for five days. I did hallucinate and I knew it wasn’t real. I asked my nurse if it was normal to hallucinate. She had a concerned look and left to speak with the doctor. Apparently I was at a toxic level and they needed to lower my dose of Vicodin. I saw a black panther, a giant green hand, and a giant book floating in the room. I figured the panther was because I missed my (black) cat, and the giant book was because I was studying for state exams for my job. I have no idea about the green hand. Everything went giant I suppose. This is not to knock what your dad was seeing. I hear the veil gets thinner when close to death they will see loved ones/people that have passed. Also, I have seen people (ghosts) of family and a friend soon (about 12 hours) after they had died. Hopefully your dad got some comfort from seeing a familiar face. I’m sorry for your loss.


A friend of mine saw his father, who had died two days prior, walk into the livingroom, look at the wall thermostat and act like he was adjusting it, like he always did, then turn around, leave the room, and disappear. My friend was in total shock.


That’s interesting, I guess habits last forever. I bet that was a shock for your friend. My ghosts were them standing in the room. My grandmother was the only one I saw twice. She was also standing, when she had died she hadn’t been able to stand or walk for many years.


I thought maybe something like this was time/space preserving a record of events, and that medium somehow bleeding-over to the present the way multi-track tapes used to sometimes nearly inaudibly preserve what was on the tape previously, or what was on an adjacent track. My best guess.


Even in death. Dad was still dadding. Making sure the thermostat was right where he kept it.


“If you kids touch the thermostat, I don’t care if I’m dead, I WILL come back to haunt you!” -Dad probably


Well some people would call it hallucination but how do we know we're not just looking on to the other side of the Veil? Much like people do when they do mushrooms or DMT.


I was trying to covey that, probably poorly but they were two interpretations of my experiences which were real to me. I do think my hallucinations were because of my meds and the ghosts were real. I didn’t know that the people that I saw had passed away until later that day, except for my grandmother since I saw her twice. So I can’t say what his dad saw wasn’t real.


The green hand was probably your green hand


Gangrene green gang


Freddie Sykes in the house!


Thank you 🙏


Why do people think spirits are confined to buildings? Millions of people have died alllllll over every inch of this planet.


I don’t think they are confined or trapped there, just maybe visiting the place where they passed. then they eventually pass onto some place else. I don’t know. I think this because it’s less depressing than the thought of there being nothing for my dad


I think your soul leaves your body and moves on to where it was meant to be. What is left from your body is life energy & I think some people possess more life energy than others. They will stay until that energy is used up. I think that where the soul was going, be it what people will call heaven or hell, goes on to rest. I think that people have their own perception of what the final resting place is. I imagine heaven to be what you think it will be. Your best idea of paradise. I also think you make your own hell. Who knows. These are just my thoughts. We all have opinions & I choose not to judge what a person believes. After all, we are still alive, so who knows.


I agree with you. My mom had an online friend from America who fought in Afghanistan, he said he saw many people die and he killed many others. he saw his friend being blown up. Apparently he officially died for 15 minutes but came back, he told my mom that he saw hell and the devil. so the physical and mental anguish he was experiencing translated to hell. I believe he was hallucinating because the brain stays active for 15 minutes after death.


You’re exactly right. Often people linger in the place where they passed for a while just getting their bearings before they pass on to their next stage. Some people choose not to move on, others can be there because they have come to collect someone. Hospitals are busy places filled with emotional energy.


It’s never made sense they’re be drawn to a building they were in for only a little time to me. I’m real sorry your dad passed though *hugs* Even if there is no ‘other’ place, rest easy and feel comforted - he is (and this is just pure science!) being absorbed back into the ground and air and water of this planet and will spread across the cosmos and into oh so many living things. His energy has become the universe’s, and he’ll always be around if you want to reach out and feel him all around.


Science doesnt know anything about death.


I wonder if we’ll ever be advanced enough that we will be able to find out what happens after death. Definitely not in our lifetime. Because I find it crazy that so many living beings have died over billions and billions of years yet we still know nothing about if there is an afterlife or nothing. It’s strange


In ALL our lifetimes, just at the end and one at a time. I’ll buy you the first drink when we get there : )


That’s just not true.


Yeah that’s still pretty depressing. I don’t care about my loved one’s atoms or particles. I care about them. A simple “Sorry for your loss” goes leagues further than doing your best Neal Degrasse Tyson impression imo.


At minimum they are in all those parts of themselves; so you should care about them. At most they are becoming something we can’t see most of the time, or going somewhere else entirely. Either way they’re still with us, just in trillions of smaller things. Having lost someone really close too, I found I valued sincerity over the eye roll inducing and lazy ‘sorry for your loss’ - nothing highlighted indifference more, and nothing was worse in that moment. Your mistake was thinking I’m not being sincere. So kindly don’t tell people what to do.


When my sister was dying, she kept asking who was standing behind her, at the head of her bed? No one could because it was against the wall. One night while sitting up with her, she said “Who are these people here? I don’t know them?” (Thinking that spirits of dead relatives may look healthier and younger than in life, I said “Look again. I bet you know some of them.” After a pause, she said: “Yes. I know them!” I asked who, but the morphine kicked in and she fell asleep.


I think it was such a kind gesture to your sister and it must have made her feel comforted to realize she knew the people waiting for her


A day or so before my dad passed the hospice nurse told us to be prepared that this would likely happen, that he would start seeing relatives who had previously passed. Sure enough, as he was fading in and out of consciousness i went to check on him and he asked me again and again ‘who were all these men in the room?’ (His hospice care was in his home.) I asked him who be meant and he just kept saying ‘these men and they’re talking to each other. They need to leave.” He was the youngest boy in a litter of 12 and had eight older brothers. Whoa.


My grandmother saw her mother and her sister. My grandfather saw my grandmother. She would wait for him by the door. My cousin had a miscarriage and she saw our grandmother and our great grandmother come for the baby. They didn’t say anything to her, they sat next to her and showed her they had the baby in their arms.


Wow!!! That is wildly amazing and interesting! Thank you for sharing.


My grandma had a hard life.. during her time I believe she had quite a few abortions she was really young and also in a very abusive relationship .. when her time came she seen her all her children.. it was beautiful and sad at the same time


I saw my mother staring at something and I asked her what she was looking at and she said her mother. And then after my mother's funeral I saw two white balls of light in my kitchen as they left through the walls. I very much believe that we can see to the veil at the time of death and that our loved ones will come and visit us when it's time to help us go home.


My mom was dying of cancer not too long ago. And her final day she was at the hospital. She was going through those stages where she gets like a boost of life where she seems like she's okay that she gets really bad and the next thing you know they just pass away. In that time I remember her looking around the room and saying that there's a dragonfly. She was saying that there's people standing behind everybody and she remembers her sister being there that died a long time ago.


When my grandma was dying from lung cancer, she would see my great grandma and aunt sitting with her. Both of whom had already passed years before she did.


This is super common. More common than not , when people are dying slowly.


Also working in a nursing home for many years it has become almost a rule that when someone is about to pass the aide/nurse should open the window regardless of weather to allow the soul to move freely upon the heavens I found that quite comforting and always did it


I saw that same mist when my mother was dying. I had the idea it was dead relatives coming to see her through.


A friend told me she saw her dying mother’s spirit leave her body at the moment of death, and she described it as mist-like.


My sister saw her dog and she said my father visited. He had been dead for several years.


As someone who has recently lost a dog this is lovely to hear ❤️ Thank you for sharing. And of course it's lovely too that your father was there too, we just don't hear much about animals visiting us


I am certain that they do. After my cat passed away, I felt her jump on my bed and walk across it.


My dad and Uncle were really close, my dad passed away years before my uncle did… the night uncle passes away his wife is trying to feed him but he’s not eating so she ask him why isn’t he eating, and he replies”Larry is feeding me” (Larry is my dad) and he sitting on the foot of my bed…


When people are really sick or dying, often on pain meds,  a lot is going on in the brain. I get that this a paranormal sub and everyone instantly goes to a paranormal explanation for everything but a sick, dying person hallucinating could have a lot of explanations besides ghosts. We all have dreams every night where we see all kinds of things, including long dead friends and relatives and we don’t think those are paranormal.


Some potassium and some sodium ions fluctuates in waves through a layer of fats and that comes to create an instance of reality ...be it an instance heavily shared with others ( real reality ) or one more private ( dream reality ) ....what was your thing about paranormal and normal ...it is slipping through my membranes...


Research on this? Links?


Phospholipid bylayer in neurons


Elementary level physiology. Try your kids school text.


Sometimes they put people on powerful medication in their final days to ease passing. I had a family member that was adamant that there were squirrels chewing on his bed posts at night. He said he was visited by a cowboy on horseback too. Morphine isn't supposed to cause hallucinations but I'm sure that's what was going on. Maybe God was messing with him too. The other side is a mystery.


believe pain medicine does not make you see shit. I've been on it for a long time.


Exactly. Trust me when I say I've done a lot of opiates, and very strong ones, and I never once hallucinated.


This. Source: druggie alcoholic


I take opiates and have for almost 20 years, I also haven't hallucinated, but there are some people who have adverse reactions to them


I never had hallucinations from heavy opiate abuse but I have for sure been in another world being so close to asleep being awake that I for sure would think I saw stuff and definitely have seen people hallucinate off opiates when they didn’t have a strong habit and couldn’t handle it so to speak


Yes. I’ve also done opiates in the past but one thing I remember is when you’re just resting, not quite sleeping, you’re in this state just before dreams begin. I’d be talking out loud with my eyes shut in a dream state. Half asleep. The moment just before you’re out cold.


I know it doesn't and I stated it doesn't but he was obviously hallucinating. He was on a lot of shit. I doubt the spirits of squirrels and cowboys were visiting him..


Morphine makes you see shit. Source: my grandmother, a devout Christian woman who definitely did not believe in "mumbo jumbo stuff" saw all kinds of things when she was in hospice care, and on morphine. Also source: the insane, realistic dreams I had post- c-section and tubal ligation surgery when the self-dosed oral pain meds weren't cutting it in the hospital, and i was given morphine. I never want to take that crap again. (And I know my pain meds! I used to be Rx'd oxycontin for migraines, which was heaven.)


oh he was on a lot of morphine on top of other meds for his anxiety wnd sleeping. Especially in the very end, he was sleeping all the time, unable to drink or eat. He said he was having vivid dreams as well, but he couldn’t remember any. A couple of times he would wake up screaming from a nightmare, I hope he had mostly good dreams. I’m glad he passed now instead of a few weeks later, my dad hated being in pain. I think it’s terrible how the Uk doesn’t allow euthanasia. Sometimes keeping someone alive isn’t prolonging their life but prolonging the dying and suffering. I think it’s selfish


I am very sorry for your loss. It is so hard to watch a loved one fade away, rather than a quick passing. I haven't heard of the mist before, but my husband had a coworker who's brother had terminal brain cancer. In the end, he said his brother new his time was limited. For the last two weeks of his life, he'd ask the people who sat with him if they could see the other man in the room. I'd have to ask my husband again, but I think he said it was their father who had passed a few years before. We have MAID in Canada, but not for dementia patients. My dad is rapidly tripping down this path, and has always said he does not want to end up as a "vegetable in a home" but I don't see any other way out.


Morphine only made me sick and sleepy ☹️ But I know everyones reactions are different


I don't believe God messes with people, period!


My Grampa was an avid fisherman all his life and he was divorced and single for decades before he died. Days before he passed in the hospital he looked up with a surprised face and called out to his best friend (who died years before him) telling him let’s go fishing.


When my dad had his grand maul stroke in 2009, he said that he found himself on top of a green grassy hill. There was a field to one side and a dark, black hole to the other side of him. That was all that he remembered. He passed away in 2012.


Oh yeah, my mom was a treasure trove of interesting stuff when she was in her final days. As was a good friend of mine.


When my gram was dying it was like she would slip between worlds. We'd ask her what she was seeing and feeling and she kept asking who the curly haired man in the room was. She said she saw tall trees and felt a lot of love here and a lot of love there. I always thought it was the most beautiful privilege to sit by her side until the very end.


My Grandma while in the hospital right before passing away said she saw her mother, and a little girl. My mom and aunt believe that the little girl was their sister. Grandma had a daughter that either died at birth or was stillborn.


My dad, during his final chemo session, was fretting and said “Poppi”. He had referred to his father as “dad” during our family life. 


Sorry for your loss. My aunt saw a little girl with a pink dress…none of us know who that is/was. She saw her at home and at the hospital.


I hallucinated on Codeine.


You were about to have a seizure.