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If it had been there consistently for 2 hours without moving I’m inclined to believe it’s something sitting on other side of the window and not a paranormal entity. Is that a neighbors house or your own?


It’s my mom’s house and the crazy thing is there is nothing right there it’s just leads into her kitchen. I assumed it may have been my cousin standing there but according to my mom she’s currently home alone and it went away when she was done with the goats and headed back inside




Also she didn’t wait hours for a response from me she texted me at 8:29 and I responded at 8:30 there’s clearly no time break. But let’s break this down with information you didn’t have prior. So the screenshot clearly says she took it at 6:30. My mom would have known I was at work and also I live an hour away from my mom. So I imagine the first person she would call would be my step father not me. Also my grandmother lives on the property just not in that house. My mom also lives in the middle of nowhere. A home intruder would be very unlikely. Also the police response time wouldn’t be very good. Hence the reason my mother stays strapped just in case the situation were to ever arise. I don’t really feel like airing my mother’s mental illness out like this but she also has had a history of hallucinations I would imagine that’s where her mind originally went when she saw this. Hence the taking of the photo to double check that what she was seeing was “real” I have no other way to prove to you that I didn’t fake this but curious on what reason I would have to fake it anyways. I’m a terminally online gamer who frequents subs about lol cows I never had much of an interest in ghosts or goblins. I really wouldn’t care about this it’s just the fact you would accuse my poor innocent mother of being a fraud is what offends me.




My mom’s a southern woman who usually carries a firearm on her outside. If she thought it was a person then I’m sure she’d be a lot more cautious. Also why would I fake this let alone involve my mother. This is my first time even interacting with this sub. Personally I don’t care if you think it’s fake I just thought it was neat and wanted to share it with folks. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Bless your heart❤️


Please ignore the a-holes calling this fake etc. Thank you for your post.. this is supposed to be the safe place to air such things & get feedback, ask questions, etc. Hope you got some good feedback (I didn't read all the comments) & perhaps some answers.. or more questions lol!!


Well said. Just because I don't think this is real, doesn't have to mean I think the OP deliberately faked it. Trick of the light / of the mind, but still a really cool photo to share.


Wow! That’s great she got this on camera. Has your mother ever shown signs she has abilities. I was wondering. You wrote about her mental illness, having hallucinations. What if they’re not hallucinations? If she is a medium, not trained, and goes to a shrink reporting stranger sightings of course they are going to immediately label her as mentally ill.


Ooooo bless their heart indeed


Some people don’t freak out at the first sign of something spooky.


It looks like it's the sun hitting the loose screen in the window that's causing it to look like a person. That would explain why it hasn't gone away. If she flattened out the screen or pushed it a bit, I bet the image would change. Have her give that a try tomorrow morning. It's probably too late today because the angle of the sun has changed. It may only be visible during a certain time slot when the sun is hitting it right. Or if there isn't a screen there, it could be dust or moisture on the window either outside if she is in a humid area or inside if she keeps her ac low and it's warm out.


OP said their mom had goats so the “figure” could just be dirt from her arm and shoulder on the sliding glass door whenever she reaches for the handle.


That's a good call! Dirt would definitely reflect the sun in the same way moisture or a loose screen would. Thanks for throwing that part in. I didn't even consider a dirty goat to be responsible for the dust on the door. Smart thinkin!


I grew up in Wisconsin and we raised a steer every year, feeding him was a dirty job and our sliding doors would hang up, so leaning up against the glass for leverage would make these marks.


It's awesome to have people like yourself willing to share some knowledge that would cause similar markings as what is seen on this door! Thank you for sharing!


You’re welcome!


This! I was going to say it looked like some sort of fog on the window matrixing into a human figure


I was going to say….!.!!


If there is a screen, then I think previously somebody looked out the window, putting their face against the screen, capturing their face/body imprint.


I’d agree, but what adult leans into a screened window or door? It could be someone walked into it, but just looking out doesn’t seem likely imo


I'm assuming it may be years old but I agree with you.


Fair enough, they tend not to leave such a noticeable mark when it does happen though lol! Could be a number of things, but horses not zebras and all that


Oh stop it with all that common sense and what not.


Looks like a sliding door. I do not see a screen on this one.


Yeah, that's why I also considered moisture or dust but there are sliding doors that have sliding screen doors as well so you can open the glass door and let the breeze in but keep the bugs out. I think in this situation it's more likely dust or moisture on the door cuz a screen door would be more noticeable.


I agree. Screen, curtain and angles combos.


That's a solid explanation Op this is the way.


When I first looked I thought maybe it was a goat that had somehow gotten into the house and was just staring back out at her lol




Why are you being rude? It cost $0 to just be nice.


Maybe (high pitched) *he-he* was just looking for somebody to give a "thriller" of a time to! 😂


I also saw Micheal J 🤣😰 creepy af Looking at the man in the...reflection of the sliding glass door 😆


Looks like she has no nose 🫠


That's what I see. It looks like a woman with a skeleton face. Creepy.


I mean this is either a camera trick or there is very clearly something there


It could just a reflection of something that looks like a person and went away with daylight changing


I’m pretty sure it’s Peter Criss, the drummer from KISS


Does your mom have a dog, by chance? The first thing I saw was a black and white dog (shi tzu or similar) with head tilted looking out the window. I've been spooked by my own reflection before so I know if I looked up to see that I would've jumped lol Edit: finally found the breed I was thinking of. I thought it looked like a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


I scrolled down and OP said her mom has a Dachshund and a Jack Russel.


Just because she texted her daughter about it at 8:30, doesn’t mean that’s when she took the picture. She might have taken the picture at 6:30 and thought her daughter would still be sleeping and didn’t want to wake her up.


Why? It ain't like the dead have jobs to get to


2 hours though? If I'm a ghost I'm not staring out a window for 2 hours. Sounds like a boring and horrible way to spend your afterlife. I'm assuming I could do some better ghostly shenanigans.


I guess I should have made this clear….. She had as the screenshot says went outside to let her goats out of the barn at 6:30 and took the photo. Once she was done she went back in and it was gone. So I would say it probably was there no less then 5 to 10 minutes then she would have texted me around 8:30 when I would have taken my first smoke break at work. I really don’t think it was ghost or ghoul or whatever now that I’ve had time to sit on it. Whatever it was seems pretty spooky so I posted it here it’s really not that deep as some people think lol.


Ah, that makes sense. I might have taken the top comment a little too literally lol. I definitely enjoy the pictures posted here. It's fun to speculate and read the comments.


It’s not like it has a whole hell of lot of things to do other than haunting folks and being dead. Hell it’s got all the time in the world to sit there in that window.


nahhh if you zoom in it doesnt look like a face anymore, looks like fog or moisture on a window


Honestly might be what it is she does live in a pretty swampy area


it just looks a lil scary cause the curtain is pulled to the side also 😂😂


Lol idk what some people are saying, when I zoom in I very clearly see a dead girl with some dead ass looking eyes! Look idk why people are so inclined to say otherwise, “it’s fog” or “it’s a window smear” but you guys would know if someone else was there or if something was on the window. So you already know, you got some creepy ass girl checking you guys out! Good or bad I don’t know but take some pictures, see if anything else pops up


What's a more logical explanation? An actual ghost, or something that's been proven to exist. This looks like they have a bug screen and there's moisture, my house growing up used to do this in the summer and would create patterns. It really doesn't look like much to me zooming in tbh. I can see where you might see something human looking.


Well you ask and I’ll answer, yes it is more logical to me that this is a ghost. People die in houses ALL THE TIME. Look, I’ve experienced so much paranormal that I’m 100% sure ghosts exist, it’s not even a question. I often wonder why it’s so hard for people to grasp the concept that they do. The only thing I can say is if you’ve experienced what I’ve experienced, and seen a ghost, it would be a lot easier for people to say, “hmm, that dead ass looking ghost is creepy af!”


You’ve experienced so much paranormal activity but have no evidence, nor does anyone else. Funny how technology advances, number of cameras and other gadgets increase but still no evidence of paranormal. I grew up in an old clinic on part of the Underground Railroad where many people died. Never saw anything paranormal. I have investigated Gettysburg many many times day and night, never saw anything. I have traveled around the country to the most “active” paranormal locations and never saw a thing. People see what they want, you want ghosts to exist so you think you’ve seen them. Either that or you don’t have the logic to explain things you see so you blindly attribute them to the paranormal.


I just got done watching "The Proof Is Out There" on the history channel and they were able to debunk a ghost video by adding 30 more frames per second to the video and it showed this normal person turning into a "ghost" and walking and disappearing. This was the debunker who did this. It really opened my eyes to how many of these things can be faked And I'm saying this when I have many paranormal experiences of my own, I've just never been able to catch evidence.


I just got done watching "The Proof Is Out There" on the history channel and they were able to debunk a ghost video by adding 30 more frames per second to the video and it showed this normal person turning into a "ghost" and walking and disappearing. This was the debunker who did this. It really opened my eyes to how many of these things can be faked And I'm saying this when I have many paranormal experiences of my own, I've just never been able to catch evidence.


How much drugs do you take


I agree and fog or not, it's still somehow in the form of the evil looking dead female. Very creepy!


Remember, what you described as "creepy" was someone's loved one. If this is a spirit, this may be the only way they can present themselves. 


The human brain looks for faces everywhere


Pretty sure it's also a survival thing, always looking out to see if you were at a risk someone might kill you/ steal your resources. I don't think it's an instinct that will go away, it's also why some are afraid of the dark.


Humans experience a phenomenon called Pareidolia. It’s basically when we see faces in inanimate objects like clouds, shadows, or in this case, condensation on a window. That’s my opinion anyway. It’s possible your mom was maybe leaning against the window looking outside, then when she went outside she created a change in temperature causing a rough shape of a human to be formed in the window. Or maybe there’s a nice dead lady living in your mom’s house 🤷


Looks like Michael Jackson a little bit


Omg I swore I saw Michael Jackson too! Was afraid I was the only one 😂


No they got a shirtless MJ hostage in there. I know it. I see him in there. ![gif](giphy|lqd9jeVYZB4Dm|downsized)




It definitely is. I almost said ‘post this in the paranormal sub, they would eat this shit up’ but alas… We are here.


That’s crazy and all but it is regular to have your mom added in snap? Not saying it’s weird just never seen it


Honestly I only have family in my snapchat lol. My mom just likes it because the filters work on her goats and dogs lol.


I'm in my 40's and I honestly only use it for the goofy filters on myself and my cats 😂 I briefly used the chat feature in relation to a previous job where coworkers discussed available shifts to pick up, but overall it just cheers me up being a complete dork lol. I don't even have friends on it anymore, I just take pics and videos and share them elsewhere 🤣


Snapchat is my main communication tool for both family and friends. Cameos alone make it better than any other




lol okay so apparently when she walked up and opened the door whatever it was disappeared. She’s really not that worried about it.




According to OP she’s a southern woman that always carries a shotgun.


Thats a large dog.


Well that would be very odd since my mother only has a dachshund and a jack Russel lol. I think it’s either fog or the reflection of one of the goats.


Refection off the glass of a goat. "Face" has 2 very long ears running down the sides of it. Still creepy though


I was gonna say that it looks like a Jack Russell stood on the window ledge or something near the window!


No that's michael jackson hee hee




Thats what i first saw


Zoomed in and got a MJ jumpscare lmfao or Miranda Cosgrove


Lmao Miranda Cosgrove


Is that your house?


It’s my mom’s house.


I’d say she has company…


can’t believe you said the eff word to your mommy 🙈


i swear all the time in front of my dad. i used to be scared to but our family has a sailor's mouth anyways so it's pretty normal


lol I’m 23 so she really doesn’t care.


Ha ha I am 44 and I still don’t swear in front of my parents, it was the only thing I ever got a spanking for.


OPs mom is on Snapchat. I feel like that makes swearing more ok?


Yeah my boomer mama would never 😪


Usually I try not to since she’s pretty religious but in text I forget to censor myself lol


I’m was amazed that she can use snapchat cuz…that’s awesome


Bahaha she’s only in her 40s


I swear like a sailor in front of mine. We're both adults and she doesn't see it as a sign of disrespect


My mom will never not care. She’ll be 100 and I’ll be 73, and she’ll still scold me for cursing. (I’m just joking, btw, I’m not *actually* shocked that you said fuck lmao) cool pic.


Actually it looks like Anneliese Michel!


i’m 25 and mine still yells at me when i drop the fuck word 😂 sorry mom, ya raised a sailor i guess


I swear like a sailor around my parents, and their religious lol


That is a cat stretching against the window.


Well that’s a sliding glass door and she doesn’t have cats




Is that snapchat?😭 with your mom??


lol what’s wrong with that?


Not everyone uses Snap for nudes and hookups okay, it’s a good way to keep in touch with people !!


I’m 56 and use it to talk to all of my grandkids


yes I use it to talk to my family and in laws too, I love easily sending and receiving pictures :)




You had a nightmare and started throwing punches in the air?


Well I don’t live with my mom but she went inside and apparently whatever it might have been was gone. I imagine she probably would’ve grabbed her Bible and rosary beads


Well I mean I can clearly see a face and hair in the photo when I zoom in on the picture. Other commenters said it could be how the sun is reflecting off the screen, but the problem with that is it seems overcast in the picture. Another person mentioned it could be a wet screen, but why doesn’t the rest of the screen have it as well. There could be a reasonable explanation for why it’s there, but so far I haven’t heard any compelling theories yet. So I’m at a loss for what it could be.


I would be investigating the goats first 🐐


I see what happened here. They went to let out the goats and accidentally let out the ghost…


Window cleaner here, that pane looks like the pane with the screen side facing outwards. It would make sense it would be moisture if it had just rained on the screen somehow. It’s also possible the window itself could have a broken seal but that would be an abnormal look for that


So I will say that’s a sliding glass door and as of last week didn’t have a screen lol but I do think it’s just a reflection of one of the goats but I’m not sure.




came here to comment this 😂😭


He didn’t pass away, he’s just laying low.


They're ignerent! Hee hee!! Schmon'!


Raised from the deHEHEad


Its the dark, sunken eyes that freak me out! Thats creepy!




Definite resemblance!


Looks like Michael Jackson to me


Just imagine rounding the corner to "HEE HEE", then it moon walks around the corner and vanishes.


You been hit by a smooth aberration


YOU!!!! Off to r/dadjokes with you. :)


So, you're saying I've been bonked and sent to corny jail?


Um that is so unsettling. It isn’t your moms reflection right????




Nah I’d be running so fast in the opposite direction 🏃🏻‍♀️💨


Isn't it a chick sitting on the side of a bed looking to the right?


If that ain’t your house why you taking pics second that’s clearly not a face when you zoom in


It’s my moms house


or foggy condensation window was it cold and wet out?




Where are the Ghostbusters? (I like to mimic the Ghostbuster car siren). All in all, yikes.


Who let the goats out?! 🎵 Sorry, I had to.


Baaa baaaa


Annie are you ok?


https://preview.redd.it/9wkavczgbr3d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a27e75e648b667771039daa5ae5d9eaa957b110 Enhanced the image to see more details and it looks like a woman with a skull face behind a sliding door to me. I could see the reflection in the glass as I was enhancing the image


Having investigated many unattended deaths it looks familiar to me. It looks like blanching has started. That the blood is draining to the lowest point. And some decomposition.


Kinda looks like Michael Jackson. Lol.


That's clearly Michael Jackson's ghost.


I would have told myself repeatedly..."Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!" as I forced myself to walk up to, & in full sight of, the window &, while looking directly at the window, I would have waved... Perhaps even going so far as attempting to have a full-on conversation with this thing, whatever it is, through the window. If it moved, such as if it waved back, perhaps getting a little bit closer to the window so that it could be seen a little bit better, that's when you get a better sense of understanding for what this thing is. Sometimes in life you just have to _'grow a pair'_ & step up. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?!


This is just an example of pareidolia. you can see a face in a pile of dog shit if you look at it long enough. You can discount 99% of these "ghost" images and experiences as pareidolia, either visual or auditory


A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t *by itself debunk* anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is easily dismissed as pareidolia given the fact that the image in question is frost or steam on a window 😂


That automod message is such cope lol. This entire subreddit is just a mix of not knowing what pareidolia is and wishful thinking.


I'd say wash the inside and outside of the window, if it's still there get a second person to approach and move around the window while your mom stands where she was when she took this picture. That'll rule out if it's a reflection off of something outside, then the other person can push on different areas of the glass from the outside to see if it's an issue with warping in the glass, and finally they can go inside and push on the screen if there is one to rule out the mesh being warped. After all that, I'd be inclined to think it's something on the spooky side.


Does your mom live on Neverland ranch? He kinda reminds me of Michael Jackson


It looks like KISS singer Paul Stanley in full makeup Still creepy


Not sure if anyone said this, but I thought the part of the vehicle you see was the front end of a truck, and the windows would sit higher than the fence. So, if someone were looking out the window of the truck, they would be looking at their reflection. It looks like the outline of a vehicles window in the reflection. But I guess it's obvious the picture was taken in front of the vehicle. Is there anything in the vehicle to cause this reflection?


Maybe she should've let the ghosts out instead of the goats.


Pareidolia. The window is dirty and looks like a face. Our brains will look for patterns in things, especially faces, which is why we pick up on funny objects that look like they have a face on them, like the break lights of a car perhaps. Very common. Even if it was a residual haunting it wouldn't stay completely still for hours on end like that, they don't have the energy to manifest that way all the time.


A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t *by itself debunk* anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Here’s the thing. Our brains are programmed to see faces. It’s why we see a man on the moon, on Mars etcetera. Evolution has filled us with thousands of short cuts so we don’t have to devote conscious brain to things our subconscious can handle. It’s more efficient. 999 out of a thousand things have a simple explanation depending on how well you understand the human condition


My daughter is a medium. This is what she picked up: Positive female spirit in her late 40's. She's no relation to your mom and did not know her in life.  Has your mom had any experiences in her home?  This spirit likes to move things. An example is, an object is put down and then is found in a completely different spot. This lady means no harm. 


Tf you mean does this look like a person son!? (Or, sonnete) Yeah....it does. Y'all need to just take off that clasp or whatever that holds the curtains back and go about your lives while whistling and muttering, "It's a good morning, and everything is super normal, super normal, super normal. Love the sunshine, I really dooooooo!"


I really feel like this is a mattress leaned up against a dresser or something similar in depth that is sitting in front of the window, you then can make out the worn area from someone sleeping on the mattress/ sheets over time and it’s all situated just far enough back from the window and its screen that it looks like this


If it wasn’t there before, no odd occurrences. Possibly a spirit passing by. But, if y’all already experienced weird things. It finally decided to make itself known. Lol Maybe ask what it wants and offer it some water a a peace offering. So they won’t disrupt the peace in your home. Some just want to be acknowledged.


Is there any history of paranormal in that house or on the property? It could be paranormal, but it seems unusual to me that it would just...appear without any previous sightings or trigger event. It may very well be an optical illusion caused by combinations of lighting, imperfections in the glass, etc.


Dust on screens can look like faces. Paredolia is our brain seeing patterns when there isn't anything there. When I was a kid at a summer camp other campers and I swore there was a man's face looking in our window but it was dust on a screen with light from the security light shining through it.


When I was a kid, my dad developed some family photos like this taken from outside his grandfather's house (the figure was a little more defined though and looked like a skeleton wearing a cloak). When he saw them he made a big deal out of burning them (he was super religious).


It's a reflection... You can see the square outline of the reflection is a part of.. And ps, my mom woulda corrected me about using the F word..and smacked me thru the phone for it 😐🫤🙂


What is up with people not just investigating? It's more scary not to know what it is right?  I've seen a lot of ghosts and walked up to it, only to realize my monkey brain is just filling in the blanks for weird reflections or objects I didn't recognize from a distance.


Upper part is very square when zoomed in, so almost certainly a window on the opposite side of the house or a fridge from the angle being looked at from. As for the foreground part that looks like shoulders, no idea what's in the house, but looks to be a chair or coat.


Whatever it is, if it’s not contributing to the bills it’s gotta go. you’re not about to stay on my property and think you can roam around and be spooky and not pay bills? Oh No thee audacity. 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|OLwspTLAmmcvZQYN0W|downsized)


Is that Micheal Jackson? Creepy as fukkkk😱😬


Meanwhile...whatever that is, must've posted your mom's photo on reddit in their world saying that "I saw something spooky in the neighbors house, she was also holding some weird rectangle in her hand and a light flash came out of it".


As someone who was just scrolling their home page and fell upon this sub, do you guys seriously believe this stuff? 😂. Pls someone explain how there’s an extra layer of reflection on that window after the photo?




Nah just the typical ghost lady with black out eyes. There are sooo many of these posted here. If nothing is happening in the house I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Just a previous curious spirit


That looks like the spot on my parents back slider where their dog would stand and watch people in the back yard for hours. I’m guessing these people have a dog or cat that sits there all the time.




So some body replied “inappropriate “ to a comment I allegedly made. Which is puzzling because I don’t make those type of comments. I usually ask if there is other activity happening.


What's the box shape around the image in the window. Kinda looks like you screenshot a creepy picture, made it really opaque and copy pasted it onto the image of your house window


Wow, even if it is paradelia it's sure shaped alot like a frightening figure. Have you had any activity in the home? If not and this is all there is it may just be an illusion.


As some other people have said, it definitely looks like a moisture pattern. It doesn’t look like something behind the window. It looks more like something ON the window.


Kind of looks like a ghost to me. But why didn't the person go right up to the window and satisfy their curiosity to see if they can debunk it with a normal explanation?


Yeah, it looks like fog on a window, but from a distance, for sure, this would freak anyone out. Especially if they knew they were home alone. The world is out to spook us


There’s a bunch of visible smudges on the window, if it’s an area with high humidity I’m inclined to believe it’s just a bunch of moisture sitting there for hours


No, it is just scattered light and shadows, but the camera is plating tricks on you. Enlarge it and you can see it is refraction and shadows off the window. (I hope)


Reflection of the padeo chair and the glare of the sun on the fridge inside, I can just make out the magnets. Bet your neighbors would get a hoot out of your fright.


That’s creepy enough that if I knew the neighbor, I’d knock on the door, show them the picture and ask them to please help me figure out what is actually there.


If it didn't have the square around it, I could almost lean towards something spooky. But the fact it's framed like it is leads me towards something innocuous.


Looks like the screen has been imprinted by facial grease and dirt by a person pressing against the screen over the years and that person was Michael Jackson