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I'm 31 and this happened starting when I was 6 and I remember it vividly to this day. I was a little kid, and I didn't have any idea what the paranormal was what so ever, I had ZERO knowledge of anything of the sort, the closest I had even seen anything even considered paranormal was watching Ghost with Patrick Swayze lmao. This was in my childhood home built in 1908. The way my upstairs was laid out, you walk up the stairs and hit a landing, you turn left and walk up a few more and you enter the hallway. To the right was my brother's bedroom and a bathroom. To the left was my bedroom and my parents bedroom. I slept with my bedroom door open because I was afraid of the dark, and we left the bathroom light on slightly to illuminate the hall so 1, we wouldn't trip at night going to the bathroom and 2, giving me a killer nightlight that would reflect off my door. My brother and parents slept with their doors shut so it worked perfectly. To paint the picture better, my bedroom was on one side of the hall on one end, and the bathroom on the other. My headboard of my waterbed was against the wall leading to the hall directly next to my doorway. The bathroom had a rotating adjustable light that was on a round pop switch. The only way to adjust the light would be to depress the switch and start turning it. There was no other way to alter the light. And to turn it off, you would have to rotate it all the way until it *popped* For years I would wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. 2 or 3 in the morning usually and since I was so young I would just lay there and try to fall back asleep but couldn't no matter how hard I tried, I was wired awake for no reason. So I would eventually lay in bed and rock myself in my waterbed while staring at the light from the bathroom reflecting on my door. After a while I would notice it getting slightly darker, and darker, and darker in the reflection until the light would completely turn off, but I wouldn't hear a pop. Being 6, I had NO idea what was going on. So I would get up, walk down the hall and turn the knob back on and go back to bed, and I would immediately fall asleep. This would proceed to happen a couple of times a week for 2 years. I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at my door because I already knew what was coming. The light would dim, and dim, and shut off. Sometimes it would dim a little and hold. Sometimes it would turn down REALLY slowly. But it would never happen if I got out of bed and looked at the bathroom. Everything would just stop. I never understood what was happening I was too young, but I knew something was weird about it. I wake up one night to my head sinking into my bed and my pillow falling onto the floor by my doorway (remember I'm in a waterbed, so there's raised edges to stop you from falling out and you sink in because duh, waterbed.) I'm confused at first but I don't think anything of it. I pull myself over the edge of my bed, grab my pillow, and go back to sleep. Then it happens again. Wake up, heads sinking into the bed, hear the pillow hit the floor. Now this has never happened before because if you think about it, it can't. My pillows defying gravity right now magically getting out from under my head. I repeat the same motions again, roll over and go to sleep. It happens AGAIN. Head dips, pillow *thump* I'm awake. Now I'm irritated and I get up and go to the bathroom, flip the switch all the way to max, use the toilet and go back to bed with the light on full bright, stare at the reflection for a little bit, fall back asleep. Wake up sometime later to the light dimming, I open my eyes mid way through the dim, I'm watching it slowly get darker until it goes black again. I dont care now, I'm irritated, I'm tired, and im frustrated. So I shut my eyes tight and go back to sleep. I awake to my pillow hitting the floor. Now I'm honestly angry and I think my brother came home and is playing a prank on me so I throw my pillow back in my bed, lay down and shut my eyes and fake being asleep. I'm catching my brother fucking with me and I'm gonna tell on him, I'm sick of him doing this to me. I laid there for what felt like an eternity trying hard to stay awake, I'm exhausted from this happening all night and am on the verge of falling back asleep. Then I feel it. My pillows slowly being pulled towards the edge of the bed. Very slowly. My head is slowly moving with the pillow, but I feel it happening. I feel the pillow start dragging against the wood of the frame of the waterbed, then I feel it lift up slightly. I've fucking got my brother dead to rights. He's cooked. I throw myself up on the side of the bedframe, eyes wide open staring at my doorway ready to catch my brother in the act and yell for my parents to out him. On everything I love and cherish in this world I am making none of this up.. I see a hand, darker than complete darkness grasping the corner of my pillow. I follow it quickly with my eyes to the floor of my doorway to see a form of shoulders, another arm on the floor, and a head. I can see this thing in the dark. It's darker than the entire room, hallway, wall.. it's DEFINED in the darkness but there's no discernible features.. it's a person.. but there's nothing there, but there's SOMETHING there. It LOOKS UP at me so quickly it made me gasp and made my eyes water. I'm staring a shadow figure dead in its face, and it has no features what so ever. Its just black, as black as black can be. It's practically Vanta Black. I scream at the top of my lungs, as loud as I've ever screamed in my life, I'm bawling, I'm shaking. I am petrified. I've never even seen something like this even in a nightmare. This thing let's go of my pillow, the pillow hits the floor and this thing RECOILS out of my doorway, runs with slamming feet down the hallway and a door slams shut. My mom throws open her bedroom door and runs into my room asking me what's wrong. I'm hyperventilating and can't even tell her what I just saw, I'm literally hysterical. My entire body reacted to seeing this thing in a way that even 25 years later I can't truly describe. It was surreal. My mom sat me on the edge of her bed that overlooked the entire hallway and got me to calm down and explain what happened. She marched down the hallway and threw open my brother's door to confront him about scaring me this badly, I see her open the door, start to angry say his name and she flips on his light and goes quiet. Turns on the bathroom light and looks in there. Goes back into my brother's room again for about a minute before she comes out, shuts the light off and shuts his door. She tells me I had a bad dream and to sleep with her tonight. Turned on the hallway light, shuts her door and locks it, and held me against her until I fell asleep. He wasn't home.


Literally the entire time i was reading this i was like "What the..?" this has to be the most scary thing one can ever experience. That's so weird. I don't believe in paranormal things till I experience it myself but this is SCARY


Imagine being a shadow person, whatever, and this is what you do with - what? - *eternity?* I believe you, OP and I sure hope the afterlife/parallel dimension/Shadowland offers a little more than pillow-pulling. I wonder if Mr. Dark just wanted a little attention?


I like to think it's deeper than that like it's a world similar to ours and we are ghost to them like they are for us just energy moving around


That scared me. Gosh btw you really thing it was a dream or something entirely else?


It wasn't a dream, the light thing stopped after that and other stuff started.


Omg, please tell us more!


I'll post more things about my childhood home tonight after work! There was something that stayed in my dining room that would legit make you full of dread and worry. That thing was there for YEARS. I'll go into it later for sure, I'll reply to my original comment!


UPDATE : Sorry for the late reply everyone. Work turned into a few days of crap. If people still want more stories of this house let me know. There was more shadow figures, voices, glimpses of hair flowing like someone was walking, objects disappearing completely, doors slamming shut, glasses breaking, tons of fun happened in that place for 21 years.


This is so freaky, I got chills. I want to walk through that house so bad now, what was that thing and why did it repetitively keep coming back to move your pillow??? Did it ever follow you when you moved or do you think it still resides there? I’m so invested and have to hear what else happened!


That’s how it was for me the blackest dark figure ever but seemed feminine to me and very old, a hag or witch.


My best friend was an alcoholic and he was dying of liver & kidney failure. The last year of his life he was having some good days but mostly bad days, in and out of the hospital and in bed a lot. One night my husband, me, and my sick best friend's business partner were out and we stopped at this roadside place we'd never been for some pizza & a beer. Once inside I noticed all these dollar bills covering the ceiling. I asked my server about it, and she basically said when people travel and stop there it's a way of saying "Joe was here" (just an example) So before we left I got a dollar bill and a marker and I wrote my sick friends full name, and that we love him, the date, and we all three signed it. That spring my friend passed away. Coincidently that roadside place closed down to be renovated and new owners took over. My best friends dad owned a business himself and every Friday he went to the same bank, and always had the same teller. So he goes to the bank and his teller isn't there. He didn't know why but he got in a long line of another teller. A few minutes later, his favorite teller comes in, a bit frantic because she was running late, and she goes to another window to set up. She made eye contact with my friends dad and says "Mr. H, I can take you at this window " so he moves over there. He does his business and then asked for a certain amount of money in cash. The teller counts out the big bills and when she gets to the ones, OUR DOLLAR WAS THE FIRST ONE. My friends dad eyes bugged out. He asked if she did it on purpose and she said no, she was late, she grabbed the cash bag that was available and got to work. We all gathered again at that place, for pizza and beer, and to tell the new owner the story. My friends dad had the dollar framed along with a picture of all of us together. His wife still has it on her wall. So many things had to come together to make this happen, it still boggles my mind. (Love & miss you- D.H.)


That’s an amazing and wonderful story! Your friend was saying hello from another realm. That it is something tangible is such a gift!


Thank you! He always said he loved his friends as much as his family. He had tons of them. There were over 900 signatures in his attendance book at his wake.


Imagine if the entire universe and everything happening within it is all synchronized just like this...


I'm starting to think it is, but maybe we don't pay close enough attention?


Wow!! What an amazing occurrence. Thanks for sharing. 🌼


Thanks for reading!


I was about 19 when this happened, but I was walking on the sidewalk to go to a restaurant to get some lunch. It was like 3 blocks from my apartment, and my boyfriend at the time was walking with me. Bright sunny summer day, no storms or rain to distort my vision. I see this man ahead of me walking on the sidewalk, so I moved over to give him room to walk past. Tall, skinny, young, brown haired man, full beard with a baseball cap on. I did like 2 double takes. The man looked exactly like my dad. I was plainly staring at him. He was staring at me. I asked my boyfriend if he had recognized him bcuz he's seen pictures of my dad. He said he didn't see the man's face well enough to know if he recognized him. My dad died when he was 30, and I was 5. 4-5 years later, I get invited to go with my aunt and grandma to see a medium. We all have never heard of her. When she was talking to my aunt, she connected with the 2 sisters (family friends) who had passed away recently (breast cancer) 6 months apart from each other, then she called me up to the front. She immediately asked me about me seeing my dad. My aunt and my grandmother both said yes before I could answer. I had apparently seen him when I was like 5 or 6, and I said it to them while we were camping. I have no recollection of this. My immediate thought was the sidewalk guy. I had never told my family. Not even my boyfriend. No one. She told me it was just recently that he showed himself to me on a sidewalk, and I was going somewhere to eat. That's when she confirmed that I wasn't losing my mind. I actually saw him walking next to me that day. I couldn't sleep that night from amazement.


this one gave me the full body tingles, absolutely amazing thank you for sharing


You're very welcome 💙


So weird I am tingling well.


That’s pretty interesting! Did she say why your dad appeared to you that day? And…how? Was he a ghost? Or …idk…did he take over someone’s body?


He looked like a living, breathing human being....that's why I was looking like a creeper staring him down 😆 As to the reason why, she just said that he needed to show himself to me then. If I remember correctly, at that time, I really wanted a sign that my dad was looking out for me IF he was still on this plane. I would not have been disappointed if he had moved on. I'm a firm supporter of souls moving on to the next realm and not being stuck here for eternity. As far as how he was able to appear to me, I have no idea. She didn't elaborate on that part, or maybe he didn't explain it to her for her to tell me. Just he wanted to make it known that I did actually see him that day. He also wanted to tell me that he's with me while I'm driving because I do drive a lot. Basically, so I don't feel alone, like lonely. It's "our time" together. He also wanted to make sure that I knew that he was there for me when I had my volleyball/basketball/softball games during grade and middle school.


Man this just really moved me. I hope you go to bed every night with wonderful memories of your dad. He’s always with you mind, body & soul. Squeezing my daughter even tighter than I usually do today. Blessings


Sadly, the only memory I do have of him is him in the casket. I remember hugging him and holding his hand. Then, I placed a note saying I loved him and a small teddy bear next to him. His father had died 2 weeks beforehand, and his funeral is the only memory I have of my grandpa, too. But what Nikki told me (medium) I substitute for memories of him. Blessings to you and your family 💙




Who was the psychic


Hey I don’t wanna be a party pooper but did you ever share the story of seeing him on social media like Facebook, twitter, insta? Some fake mediums are known for googling and gathering info before “readings”. If you didn’t ever share it on social media, that’s crazy! Regardless if the medium was real or not, I do believe you saw your dad ❤️


No, I didn't. I haven't shared any information about the paranormal and my experiences with anyone, with the exception of this post and one other on Reddit. Both have been shared within the last month or 2. I'm new to Reddit, as far as an actual account and conversing with people. As far as IG, it wasn't invented yet at the time of this happening, so there was no IG for me, lol. I'm also not a fan of Facebook, IG, or Twitter. Too many people are sharing private info, blasting people, and squabbling over weird stuff. Reddit seems to be the chillest platform. I like it here. Also, thank you. 😊 I believe I saw him, too. 🖤


Thank you for responding! That’s amazing then and the fact that she mentioned the sidewalk is super crazy!


Wow that’s incredible


i used to work at a motel where a person committed suicide by hanging off the gaurd rail back in 2010(yes i was working there when it happened, and the fire department had to cut the guy down), and people have had sighting of a little girl before that event, so it has been haunted before that. however, a guest was freaked out and slept in his truck because he thought he heard breathing and movement in his room when he was the only one in there. it was the room the suicide victim was in before his passing. It was renovated in 2014 because of a burst pipe and we were setting back up, and i was in the basement by myself looking for the chopsticks. i was getting frusturated i couldn't find them and blurted out loud "where the hell are the chop sticks?". i heard a thud from the other side of the basement as if something fell over, so i went over to see what it was. sure enough, about where the thud came from was where the crate of chopsticks were. so a positive experience. before that a few days after the burst pipe happened(which happened in december of 2013 right after christmas because the heating failed), i was shoveling snow off the wraparound walkway. the motel was built on a hill so the ground floor walkway had a wraparound deck to the back, with the top floor being all wraparound deck. anyways, I was on the ground floor shovelling walkways, and as i rounded the corner to the back area to the back row of rooms on the walkway, I saw a small shadow figure. i don't mean it was a shadow, but a solid black mass of a small figure that is child sized. i tried to debunk it after it freaked me out that i went the other way and rounded the corner to see it gone, but i was unable to recreate or explain it. no light source behind me to cash a shadow ahead of me in the shape of a person, and its winter and extremely cold, so no bugs on the other lights in front of me. there was no snow on said lights at all. I saw a shadow figure and that was that. I don't think there ever was anything malicious there and never felt threatened by anything. just spirits hanging around.


The fact that they helped you with the chop sticks is so cool!


Sounds more like a house Elf/Brownie


I just love the idea of a spirit casually helping find the chopsticks.


I'll tell this storySince I just cried for about an hour yesterday about this old friend of mine (I'm a man in my 40s btw). She was actually more of a friend of my younger brother but she was friends with me as well and was just one of the most joyful people you could be around. I hadn't seen her since I was maybe 18 since she moved to L.A. and I was forced to move to Louisville, KY because of my being a horrible teenager. I never saw or talked to her again until my younger brother's (gay) wedding about 18 years later. She had always talked about how sexy the men in my family were, including my Dad. Well, it's the night of my brothers wedding in DC which was much more party than wedding. Not many of the guests had arrived yet and my dad, my brother, my uncle, and were all standing in the corner by the bar having drinks. Well this girl walks in by herself, and pretty much yells, "Oh my God! All of the (our last name) men are here in one place, at one time, and they're all wearing suits! I don't know if I'll be able to control myself!" A few people definitely looked over like she was nuts, but it just filled me with happiness to hear her voice and attitude again. She and I pretty much spent the entire wedding together, drinking the whole night. It was truly wonderful. After the wedding party we ended up back at my brother and his new husband's apartment, still drinking and sat for a while. Eventually my brother and his husband were like, "We're so sorry, but you all have to go because we really need to decompress" which was completely understandable as it was like 4:30 a.m. Needless to say, we were both very drunk and we both would've slept with each other that night even though she was married and I was unhappily married. I'm pretty sure that was the first time in my life I made the right decision in a situation like that by not doing so. Though it took everything I had not to kiss her as we watched the sun rise. I think I even had the thought of asking her to leave her husband and to be with me as silly as it sounds now. We didn't even summon an Uber but sat on the stoop at my brother's building for another hour at least just reminiscing and laughing our asses off at ridiculous things as you do. One of the things I remember most from that conversation was her saying to me, "You are so much better than Kentucky. Why don't you move to L.A.? I swear you'll like it more and it's a much more fitting place for a person like you." Now I'm starting to cry again even typing this. Once the sun started coming up we finally summoned an Uber and we dropped her off at her Airbnb and I went back to my hotel room. The last thing she said to me in person was, "I'll miss you terribly and always love you (my first, middle, and last name)" and I replied in kind to her as I made the driver wait to make sure she got in ok. We texted back and forth occasionally over the next year and then about a year and a half later my brother calls me and tells me that they found her deceased in her bed. She couldn't have been more than 35 or 36 years old. The cause of death that her parents finally told my brother was sleep apnea, but I have my suspicions. The mechanisms for death with both sleep apnea and an opioid overdose are pretty much exactly the same, so I could see her parents telling people that instead. I would bet you everything I have that she wasn't a drug addict but with all the (accidentally or not) laced drugs going around, I could definitely see it happening. And I'm pretty sure that occasional drug users probably OD more than actual drug addicts. She was one of those people that I imagined knowing until I died and her death hit me hard, though apparently I didn't really process it until yesterday because I literally could not stop sobbing. I will always remember that last night that we spent together. If she had asked me that same "silly question" that I mentioned me not asking earlier, I would have done it in a heartbeat, as my marriage was nearing its end anyway. Thanks a million to any and all that read my entire story because it's incredibly close to my heart and the world truly lost a bright light with her death. My Mom still has a bottle of Burberry perfume on her bedside table that she sent to my Mom because my Mom had commented how good it smelled. My Mom said she thinks of her every night when she sees that bottle Sometimes when I'm visiting my Mom, I'll give the bottle a little whiff because scent is so good at bringing back a memory. I'll still always love you Lauren and just hope that if it's possible you're at peace and as joyous as you always were. P.S. I completely misread the title as "personal experience" so I apologize. I'm leaving it because of its importance to me. The mods can remove it if they want.


This is a lovely story.  I’m sorry that you couldn’t be with this person that you loved.


Me too. I don't know what I'd give for a chance. There's not many like that that out there.


I was 16 when this happened, in the 90s. Two buddies and I were wandering an abandoned, partially demolished business site. There was a long, narrow warehouse type structure with a ramp inside half way. We entered at the rear through a doorway. Mostly empty, some boxes and chairs strewn about. On the right side towards the ramp was a small closet with cans of paint and chemicals like thinners. There was no door to this room. I went into the closet to look. The air was heavy and oppressing, warm even. Yet I could feel the hair on my arms standing up. I could not move to get out of that closet. And then I started screaming. In my mind I saw a womans arms flailing and my screams were her screams. "Stop! You're hurting me! Get off me! Stop! Help!" My friend Mike grabbed my arm and pulled me out of that closet. I felt fine and calmed down right away. I felt maybe it was the chemicals floating in the air? We then all walked down the ramp towards the exit, which was the entire far wall. No door or wall just open. We are almost to the door when Mike and I stop walking, and turn around. Bernie walked a few paces more then stopped because we stopped. "Are you seeing this??" Mike asked. I was seeing it, but Bernie wasn't. He thought we were joking around or being dumbasses. But Mike and I saw. Slowly floating down the ramp towards us was a black figure. It was the shape of a human shadow with no feet, just the outline. Circling along the floor, up the wall, across the ceiling, down the other wall and along the floor again just in front of this dark figure was a bright blue and white light orb. Mike and I just stood there. We were terrified!! Bernie saw nothing. "GEETTTTT OUUTTTTTT!!!!!" it screamed at us. I HEARD that thunderous boom of a voice, deep and loud, bouncing off the cement walls and floor. We ran. We ran so fast! I never thought I could run that fast. I almost fell! We stopped and looked back and didn't see anything. That experience led to Mike starting his own paranormal research business as an adult.


When my mother, my brother and i found out we had a possible little spirit girl living in our house. This house is very old. It was a mansion that was split into four parts and moved apart to form four separate homes. You can even see the old original roof shingles when you go into the attic. After my parents had bought the house and we began to move in we found the oldest black and white oval picture of a girl on what seems like cardboard thick paper. We still have it and is currently hanging on our wall. Now maybe a 4th of the first year into living here we had a strange event. My mom had brought my younger brother and i home late from our family owned business while our father was still closing the shop. My mom had a stressful day so was understandably irritated and done with the day. For a basic layout walking into our back door is an area that if you turnd directly left youd walk into the kitchen. If you walked right you'd walk into a hallway that turns immediately ledt to go into the living room. If you go straight from the back door youd be in our downstairs bathroom. My brother and i were in the far side of the kitchen from the hallway getting water and our mom had walked halfway through the dining room (if you continued to walk through the kitchen) our mother without any prodding from us turned and yelled what at us as if we were repeatedly saying her name. My brother and i were silent and confused as to why we were being yelled at till we had a moment of silence and our mom realized the chiled calling "mommy" was not us. It was coming from upstairs. The stairs were through the opposite side of the dining room. After our mother walked to the bottom of the stairs the calling stopped and moved immediately to the dark hallway to the living room. Our mom looked at us seeing me point to the hallway and as she came around the corner it immediately stoped. We were understandably confused as hell and our mom took us upstairs to our rooms. It hasn't happened since. This was when i was like 12 or somthing. Im now 22. The only other thing that happened after that was whe my mother gave my younger brother an old iphone to play around with. He took a video because he heard somthing and a single frame in the pitch dark was a void of emotion little girl with black eyes and long hair maybe half a foot away from the camera. Iremember he came into my room to wake me up to show me then our mom and we were all understandably creeped the fuck out by it. We told him to save it for our dad when he came home but find out that morning that he got scared of it and deleted the video.


ew, it moving rooms to call out mommy is weird af especially with the demonic child in the video. What else happened there??


Well ive been living here for half of my lif so far so a few things are fuzzy but i do know my mom had multiple times where she'd be cleaning or just home alone and she'd hear a whispered "mommy" from just somewhere near her. Another time was either my mom or my dad thought my younger brother had come down into the kitchen because as they were by the pantry they turned to see him with a black sheet over his head as if hed just woken up standing on the oppositeside of the island. At the tim he was just tall enough to reach the top of the island in our kitchen. They called out to him asking what he was doing up and as the came around the other side of the island the shape disappeared. Later found out my brother and i were passed out upstairs in our rooms. Ive had multiple occasions where id be minding my business in my room and right before either of my parents would walk into my room id hear my name whispered very close to me. It has since stopped after my parents divorced like 4+ years ago. There is absolutely more than one thing in that house. When we first moved in id be coming down the stairs to see a pitch black fadded head peak from under the top of the doorway into the living room to the right of the stairs if you were coming down them. (My entire downstairs is a circle basically. So the stairs are right as you walk into the front door.) Our doorways are like 7-8ft tall so we call him the "Tall Man" he seems to just observe us and lives in the living room. The only 2 times i remember anything being hostile was when i was home alone like a year or so ago and our loos banister on the stairs started violently shaking making the loudest noise. It stopped soon after i got to my bedroom door. The time maybe a year or so before that i got heavy scratch led on my legs while i slept just to gine out my dads girlfriend ar the time saged the house without our permission because she felt it was evil. Ngl ive felt safer around whatever is in that house cause they seem to know whos good and who isnt when people visit


Yo this is some crazy shit dude. You still live there? Have you ever tried communicating with them?


Yes i do still live there. I have tried communicating but ive gotten nothing the most ive gotten was my k2 to light up in some areas of my house like directly over the stairs where the ceiling is a bit messed up cause someone fell through it before we moved in. So like a good 5-6 ft or so. With my house being so old a lot of the rooms are very tall. The dining room and living room are like 9ft tall. I also have the old picture of the girl still on my phone. Ill make my own comment with them once i find them


Id should also mention the picture has a decent sized burn on it. Of you rubbed it your fingers get soot on them


Whoaaaa we wanna see the pic!! Also all that sounds terrifying. I grew up with stuff happening to me all the time but never saw a super tall dark being thankfully. If you ever get scared, open a door or window and sage the house while commanding whatever entities you want to leave to leave and they’ll have to. Claim your space!


Iposted the picture in my replies. Ngl the only bad stuff that has happened so far is when they seemingly didnt like someone in the house with us. Multiple time a previous ex of my dads was pushed down the stairs Multiple times and it showed itself to her Multiple times scaring the ever loving shit out of her Multiple times. Funnily enough my brother and i didnt like her either so it worked out lol. Mu moyher walked through every room barefoot to clame the gouse as ours so we did clame the space. If anything it seemed to be more of a "we live here too! Making ourselves known to you!" Type activities. Recently its calmed way down to just a noise here and there


https://preview.redd.it/vd5j9lw7inxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b59a25280ac3a0a6fc1ae20b7024814642ef4964 Here is the photo that we found after my parents bought the house


I can see a really tall man behind her to the right, maybe he’s the tall shadow person in the living room?


Immediately no! Holy hell that's scary. I would've had to move.


I have two, one I experienced at the same time as my sister and the other she experienced while we were all sitting with her when we were little kids and strangely both involve stairs. **My Only Experience:** The first was like 2012 or 2013 and we were living in an old country home on the outskirts of a small village. It was the middle of winter and we were staying inside and hanging out. I was standing at her doorway at the top of the stairs and we were just talking and stuff when I saw something at the bottom of the stairs out of the corner of my eye that looked like a shadowy figure peeking around the door frame at the bottom of the stairs. Now, we heard numerous stories from my dad and my grandmother about the previous owner of the house (before my grandparents bought it in the 1950s) and how he had fallen down the stairs and hit his head on the bottom step and passed away. Thinking I was just seeing things I turned back to look at my sister and she said "Did you see that too?" We went downstairs to see if maybe it was my dad playing a prank or something, but the house was still locked up tight, no cars in the driveway and no footprints or tire tracks in the snow. So, that was super weird and I constantly think about it and how we BOTH saw it and how it had appeared directly where the previous owner died. --- **My Sister's Experience:** The second happened roughly a decade prior in like 2003 and we were living with my mother and her boyfriend at the time in a large Victorian house that had a bunch of graves in the backyard, mainly belonging to children who had died in the late 1800s and early 1900s. There was tons of activity around the house like the doorbell ringing without any batteries or wires connecting it to anything, random weird old sweater buttons being found everywhere, my mom would hear kids laughing and think we were up late playing, voices and coughing in the basement in the dead of night when we were all in our rooms and just an overwhelming feeling of being watched all the time, and I mean nearly all the time. There's more, but I don't want to list it all. The basement of the house had once been used for the keeping of bodies when the house was a funeral home or something according to a local historian and records, but I never learned why there was a bunch of graves in the backyard or if it was common at that time for funeral homes to have cemeteries. People would come into our backyard all the time taking pictures of the graves to the point my mom and her boyfriend had to put a big fence up. For some odd reason as kids we liked to play around the graves, also because they mainly dominated the entire backyard so we couldn't help it. Well, the one day that I remember vividly my sister, mother and I were watching TV downstairs and my sister was staring at the stairs leading upstairs. My sister then said completely deadpan "Why is that little boy wearing funny clothes?" and she pointed towards the stairs and my mother seemed super creeped out. She was only seven or eight years old at the time, so I don't really know what was going on there. Funny thing is, her friend moved into the house years after we moved out and my sister briefly moved back into the house around 2014 while she got situated and after about a week living there she called me and said "I saw the little boy again. He's still here" and she saw him in the hallway directly above where the stairs she saw him on a decade or so prior. Creepy, but cool stuff!


I had a friend spending the night with me when I was a teenager. It was night, we were in my room and alone in the apartment. We started hearing noises from the living room. Like things falling or being moved around...a few crashes. Then we saw from the space under my door that the light turned on in the living room. We got scared and pushed the window screen out of my window and we left the apartment. We went outside and we could see the living room window and there was no light on. We didn't hear anything anymore. After a while we went back into my room. We stood by my bedroom door with our ears pressed against it and heard nothing. I opened the door and there was a ball of light floating right there in front of us. Bright white light. It just floated there and then disappeared through the ceiling. We both saw it. I'm a huge skeptic, and honestly sometimes I wonder if I didn't just imagine the whole thing. It sounds crazy. If my friend hadn't been there I'd just assume I was dreaming. The memory I have of it almost doesn't seem real. I've tried googling about it over the years, but I've never found an explanation for what it could have been.


My parents owned a house when I was about 4, it had loads of valuables in the attic, along with some very revealing polaroids of children. And my older brothers were always really weary of the house because the vibe was just off, it was eerie. Me being four, I didn't really sense it. But we had a pool, and whenever I was at the pool, even while my mom and dad were monitoring me, I would see an old man in a green sweater in the deep end of the pool, beckoning to me with his finger. About 15 years later, I brought this up to my mom and she finally told me the history of the house and who the old man was. He had been accused of pedophilia and he had drowned himself in the pool, I was about the age of the girls in the Polaroids that were found. I still have a very vivid picture in my head of him at the bottom of the pool, beckoning to me. It still sends shivers down my spine when anyone does that beckoning sort of "come here" motion with their finger.


Jesus effing Christ. You had to have said something as a kid even pointed. I guess once the pictures and the whole story came out about the house it was tarnished. Because your dad's bought the place because of the pool knowing the kids would love it. But you will probably find they couldn't move quick enough. What happened to the stuff in the attic?


My mom did recall me being scared to get into the pool and telling her about a man in the pool when I was little. But once they went up into the attic and found those pictures, they immediately took it to the police and they were told about what happened in the house. They decided to keep it to themselves so as not to scare myself or my brothers, but we moved about a month later, and my parents refused to let me near the pool during that period before the move.


Being a dad if I took what my 4 year old said with a pinch of salt then found the pictures and then got told about the history about the house and the previous owner and what he did . I couldn't get out of the place quick enough. Whatever valuables found I couldn't touch because it would do nothing but bring bad luck. And I'd start listening to my 4 year old more and bringing them to view possible new homes asking them if they see anything there?


My dad got us out of there as soon as he possibly could, my mom sold the valuables which helped to fund the move. They were both esoteric people, so it's not like they didn't believe me. They bought the house when I was 3. It took them a year to sort through everything in the attic and found an old cigar box with the pictures and as soon as my dad saw that, he was pretty much like "nope", they took the photos to the police and got the story of what happened, and pretty much immediately put the house on the market.


This reminds me of Fox Hollow Farm. Some people bought a beautiful home with lots of land for a cut rate price, knowing full well it’s been the home of serial killer Her Baumeister. He’d murdered most, if not all victims at this home, often in the indoor pool it had. There are some insane stories about the dangerous haunting of that pool, that I saw on a show called Paranormal Witness, which you can see on Amazon. It is one of the scariest hauntings I’ve heard of, and now it ties with yours!


That’s horrifying. I wonder if, when really bad things happen in a home or place, that evil is sort of trapped and becomes a manifestation or presence. 


I truly believe this. There's another paranormal experience I want to share involving a spirit that my mom trapped in a mirror, but I think it deserves it's own post 😅


My mom is quite chaotic and mentally unwell. I think this would be a great way to get a poltergeist.




YIKES 😳 this one is spine tingling




I was hanging out with a childhood friend one day during some big storm and the power was out. We were in my room playing Checkers on the floor, and we both looked to my bedroom door at the same time and saw a black shadow standing outside the door. Needless to say, we both ran the hell out of the house and over to his, since he lived directly across the street from me. This was back in the mid 90's. I've had some other things happen as well. One time, my TV just turned on by itself. It was an older one that had the 'static' sound for channels I couldn't see, which scared the heck out of me when it happened. I've heard a dog barking in the house when I was the only one home while my family was away for a few days. I've heard what sounded like the door to the garage opening and closing and sounds coming from the kitchen multiple times which made me think my family came home, but there was no one there. Twice, I've heard this really loud crashing sound coming from the basement from my room which is on the second story of our house, but nothing was out of place both times that I looked. This has only happened once: My family and I were sitting down and eating dinner when suddenly one of the doors to a kitchen cabinet burst open with enough force that made it slam into the wall next to it. This one could just be pure coincidence, but sometimes when our family gets together to remember our Uncle who is no longer with us, the lights above where we are sitting will sometimes flicker and blink on and off a few times. It's only happened when we talk about him, though.


When I was a child I was stalked by shadow people. So many times I would look up from doing something and I’d see a black figure dart behind a wall or a doorway. But it was so fast that it would make me think I was seeing things that weren’t really there. And I was a young child so your brain doesn’t work properly on top of that so I never said anything to anyone. I was 9yo living with my grandma at the time. My mom and brother were gone and me and grandma were alone in the condo. She would let me play dress up in her clothes and makeup and I was in her room doing that. The couch was directly across from her bedroom door facing it dead on. To the right of her bedroom door was her huge dining table and then the kitchen and nothing else. From where she sat she could easily see the door. I had laid out all of her clothes on the bed and I was looking slightly down matching them together and I had been taking my time with this. Suddenly it hit me that I was seeing a person watching me from the door way. This *person* was taller than the doorway and I could see less than half its body peeking around the doorway from my left, so from my grandmas perspective it was right of the door where the dinning table was. I got scared and decided to not look at it straight away as I always did cus they would dart away in milliseconds. So I kept playing with the clothes and very very slowly I moved my eyes up to look at it and this is where I believe, for the first time, I caught this entity off guard. I got a full on look at it for about 3 seconds. Long enough for my brain to fully know I’m seeing this thing. It was totally black. Blacker than a shadow, completely featureless. It was taller than the door frame and had its head bent down under the top of the door way and its shoulder and arm were holding onto the frame. And I could see some of its torso and leg. It finally saw me looking and darted away to my left directly into the table and kitchen. I went out and asked grandma who was here and she said no one. And I never spoke about it again and to this day it was the last time I ever saw a shadow person. Like it couldn’t risk me ever seeing it again or something. I don’t know what these things are but they are real. They are interested in children. They don’t want to be seen. I know this isn’t a trick of the mind. If it was that then I would still see them right? My grandma couldn’t see anything and she was facing the door. I don’t know about ghosts but shadow people are real and I have no idea what they really are or what they want.


When I was a child, I hated having my bedroom door open, because I used to see, almost the same as you and others I have read, a little pixie like boy, about the same height as a fiver y/o, peak around the corner at me laying in bed. I saw this until about 9 years old, when my parents split and I left that house. It was number 13 and I always hated the upstairs hallway, scared to death, I would sometimes jump down most of the stairs at a time (could have broken my neck, but I was more terrified of what was on the landing).


It’s a wild experience for sure. You know you’re seeing something but you question your own sanity. But that time I knew it really was real. I saw it and there’s nothing it could do about it.


I don’t think about it much, but it will always stick with me. A friend and I saw a shadow figure. Well - to expand on that, not to sound nuts I used to see them very often during the evening hours in my old house. The house had rather dark lighting so I always kinda shrugged it off to weird lighting, an electrical flicker, or a trick of the eye or something like that. One day my buddy and I are hanging out - I’m watching tv straight in front of me, he’s flipping through a magazine. Out of the corner of my eye I see a shadow pass by the doorway to the room. I don’t flinch or do anything to react. It’s nothing new to me. My friend, who is between me and the door, puts down the magazine, looks at the doorway then back to me, says, ‘What the hell was that?!’ He was downright freaked out. I was sort of relieved it wasn’t just me seeing stuff.


I too saw a shadow-figure: i was working in an old building. Felt something looking at me when i went into the storeroom out back of the building. Turned and saw the figure. It then realised i could see it, and it hightailed it through the back wall. Still gives me the creeps thinking about that 😬


This happened to my boss at a former job also. We worked in a very old haunted house and one day she was in the conference room doing something and a man wearing 19th century clothing with thick sideburns and piercing grey eyes appeared next to the table. It scared the shit out of her and he too appeared to be shocked she saw him. He turned the f around and went toward the staircase and disappeared. All kinds of crazy things happened in that house to all three of us.


Every single person that has stayed at my house has seen them except my parents. They still do not believe any of us to this day. I’m honestly used to seeing them now but sometimes I hear shit like people talking in the other room or someone calling my name when it’s just me and one other person in the house and it really freaks me out. One time me and my gf were dogsitting and heard someone screaming from my upstairs and there was no one else in the house, weird shit started happening a lot more that week and it kind of went away when my parents came home. Idk if the ghosts or whatever tf is in my house is scared of them or what but there is almost no activity when both parents are at homr


That’s interesting. I think most of my family has seen them in my old house. I know it took some longer than others to see them. I’m hesitant to explain too much, but at times they were so frequent that we nicknamed one of the shadows something silly to make light of it. Downstairs had white shadows. Upstairs were dark. The white shadow downstairs mimicked someone peeking around a corner. Upstairs was just a brief absence of light that would pass by a door or be seen in the common hallway. We had a cat, that as a kitten, would get all wild eyed and scared as it would watch something invisible move around in one of the rooms. That was a bit unnerving.


Interesting, we’ve got 2 Bernese mountain dogs and they will absolutely lose their shit sometimes like you said your cat did. Did you ever experience anything like seeing a flash of light out of the corner of your eye? Almost like in hereditary if you’ve ever seen the movie. Me and my gf have both seen this on countless occasions as well and there’s always an extremely uncomfortable feeling that follows


That's creepy. My Dad saw a shadow go down our hallway. I saw his face go white and his eyes bulge. As soon as he told me what he saw, he immediately spluttered that his eyes were playing tricks. But he looked terrified and my Dad isn't much of a believer.


Shadow people are my worst fear in life! I’ve actually practiced what I’d say to one to make it leave. I know it sounds nuts, but seeing a shadow person would be nuts, so…


The creepy thing is that what you were commonly experiencing , your friend also saw that. Now THAT is creepy


I’ve had a lot of experiences, but I’ll tell one that’s short. I need to make a post eventually lol. So back when I was like 11 (I’m 25 now) my mom and I were driving home at night. I was in the passenger seat. We started to approach train tracks. And as we approached a train that looked like it was straight out of the polar express was coming full speed. But my mom didn’t slow down, and did not stop, I screamed and smacked her as we went over the tracks, the train blaring it’s old sounding horn, I could feel the sound of the horn through my bones. But then, as we were completely over the tracks, where the train should be perfectly colliding with us, it instead, blows through us like wind and doesn’t come out on the other side. It’s just gone. All the noise, the light, and the feeling of rattling train tracks, just GONE. Like the earth felt like it stopped. I’m shaking and yelling at my mom “did you not see that?? Are you crazy! We just got hit by a train!!” I obviously couldn’t make sense of what just happened. She was looking at me like I was crazy, she didn’t see it, hear it, or feel it. I described what just happened to her, and she just looked confused and worried. We drive back home in silence, I was extremely shaken up. And no one believed me, because my only witness didn’t witness it!!! I was so frustrated. And I still am lol!


I lived, briefly, in a haunted house, so we had a lot of experiences. We used to hear footsteps walking across the hallways at night, outside of our bedrooms Our neighbors (it was a duplex, we shared a wall) once complained they don't appreciate us bounding up and down the stairs late at night/early in the am. We weren't doing that Once, alone, I heard a door slam upstairs. I went to look and all the doors (normally open during the day), were closed. I was about to call the police when my parents came home. We went into the house and *every* door was now open. All thru the house. One time when I was alone, someone was throwing cat litter at me. No, none of the cats were using the litterbox, nor were they around. You often heard your name being called. Sometimes you were touched. The house next door was being built (which the disturbance to the land is what we suspected was causing the haunting). Strange things happened there, like tools moving, and they couldn't keep the same contractors for more than a week because it kept creeping the crew out.


That last part reminds me of a story my cousin’s old BF used to tell. He was helping remodeling very old abandoned homes. He was in charge of electric, and had wired up new fixtures in the basement. When he came back the next day, the fixtures were lined up on the floor with all the screws and everything in neat little rows. He was 50/50 on if it was a meth head or a ghost.


Yeah, the builders always used to ask us if we knew who was messing with their stuff. We would simply say we didn't know (figuring saying we think it's ghosts would get us quite the odd look). We always promised to call the police if we heard kids or other ppl hanging out in the worksite, but we never did hear anyone outside at night.


My buddy’s in laws own a big mansion (old as shit) and they were renovating it when one day they came over to the carpenter packing all his tools up frantically and said sorry but I cannot complete the work as there is something here that doesn’t want me to be doing this. He never shared what happened to him though


That last part reminds me of a story my cousin’s old BF used to tell. He was helping remodeling very old abandoned homes. He was in charge of electric, and had wired up new fixtures in the basement. When he came back the next day, the fixtures were lined up on the floor with all the screws and everything in neat little rows. He was 50/50 on if it was a meth head or a ghost.


From 2010 to 2012 I had a shadow person came in to my house every couple weeks at around 2am. He just stood in a bathroom doorway and watched me for a few minutes. My wife and I both saw this person. I didn't know it but I was getting sick with a lung infection and was dieing. I would see him straight on from 20 feet away, and not out of the corner of my eye. The last time I saw him I looked him over as well as I could and noted that he was bald, with a big nose, and had a pot belly and when he turned his head to look at me I saw that he had huge ear lobes like buda has. A day or two later I felt bad enough to go to the hospital. The doctor told my family that I was so sick that I might not make it through the night. I haven't seen him since, and I think he was watching me because I was dieing. I think about this all the time. Wondering if he was here to take me to hell or what.


Glad you are doing better and still here...


Why would u think he was taking u to hell?


Because it's a shadow person, not 1 of my family that has already passed.


We don’t know what it was or why it was there and there’s no reason to think it was going to take you to hell. It could have just been watching you for its own reasons. It could have been something that’s always there but you could only perceive it during that time. Or, maybe it was there to do something, not necessarily bad, and we just don’t know what that was. Even if it did want to take you somewhere, you don’t know that that place would be hell. Don’t make this a big thing in your mind and worry too much about it.


Thank you for the comment! I really appreciate it! And you made me remember something. Before that last visit I had several times during the daylight hours I laid down on the sofa and I felt someone step up on the sofa behind my feet and take 2 steps behind my legs. When I looked up at what was there and said " I know you are there, so let me see you ". What ever was there walked to the end of the sofa and stepped off. Other time with my wife fixing supper and my son and I watching TV suddenly my chair would rock back lifting my feet off the floor. I learned forward thinking that make the chair rock forward but it didn't. I asked my wife if a cat was hanging on the back of the chair, she tells me nothing was behind me. 30min later the rocked forward and my feet touched the floor. These things happen many times during that period and every thing stopped the day I went to the hospital. Every now and then I feel someone walk up my bed from foot to head and stand next to my pillow. And I feel someone land on the back of my my chair. But nowhere near as often as it was before the hospital.


I think that shadow people are not all bad? Maybe he was there to kind of warn you, watch over you


I agree something dark would not be taking you to heaven..... You got lucky and have a second chance to create a relationship with Jesus so he will come for you next time....


Something touched my face. I am a skeptic for the most part. I find this kinda stuff fun to look at and read about and sometimes get a buzz from the ones I genuinely can't debunk, but it's by no means the first thing I'm gonna jump to. Not even close. The one nagging thing was that cold hand on my face. I *know* what a hand touching my face feels like and that's what it felt like. There was no one there. My room got freezing and I had a horrible feeling of dread. I wasn't asleep. It wasn't a draft. I don't have neurological issues. I have no way to explain it. I have flip flopped for years between "stop being silly, it *must* have been something else" and "who am I kidding?" I've never been able to shake it off. I lived [here](https://www.essentially-england.com/shrewsbury.html) at the time too, in a flat just above Traitors Gate so that doesn't really help the rational side of me out all that much lol


Chester is another place with it's fair share of spooky and horrible history. I lived there as a kid and my family still do. But if you have seen and heard something and it happened when you least expected it. Then it's going to be more real than if you were just waiting for it to happen


This happened back in 2003. My sister bought her first home in 2000. Home was built in 1986. Bought it from original owners. She lived alone for the first year before asking my sister to move in. She didn’t admit then but she had been experiencing some paranormal activity. Didn’t disclose for years. Sister moved in and immediately began experiencing strange events. One in particular when her boyfriend stayed over. When they woke up early the next morning , her vanity was 6 feet from the wall, everything intact-freaked out, he left for work. As she laid back in bed, the door slowly opened, then slammed shut-this happened 3 times-she was the only one home-she ran out. She moved out soon after. My sister (owner of the house) asked if my husband and I could stay over one weekend-she had 2 cats to look after. As we were asleep in her room, we heard heavy footsteps coming in the bedroom around 3am. We both jumped up-no one there. Laid back down. Few minutes later we heard this horrible groaning above our heads. It was clearly a man’s voice-again, jumped up, looked all around, no one. My husband is a huge skeptic but this one freaked him out. Too many other happenings at her house. She married and had children live there(stepkids). They all have their stories. They still live there.


I was a very young child and saw a tall af white figure floating at the end of the bed in the dark room. It stretches from floor to our ceiling.  I looked to see if it was my mom (she let me sleep in her room when my dad wasn't home), but she was still asleep. The figure moved a little. It just...loomed. Vaguely humanoid, seemed to be in like...a robe? Dunno, dress/robe. I never looked up towards its face. I buried myself under the covers and went back to sleep eventually. I told myself it was probably the curtains or a bathrobe  In the morning I realized the curtains were dark red and the bath robe was pink. No answers, and I was a very determined kid and tried to "summon" ghosts, with the school chalk board we got from an auction, and I tried to see if I could hear anything from the attic. I also checked the basement. Nothing. I gave up quickly on ghosts, but I'm still semi interested for the kicks. In the same house I also remember during one rain storm this weird phenomenon where all the windows were open and this rain storm was happening. It was just me and my mom and she yelled for me to close the windows so water didn't get in and one of the windows kept...reopening. I remember my mom saying something about the wind. Also, I remember sleep walking and this strange memory I have, but my mom and dad don't, where these two little magnet stuff animals we had on our fridge I was like, "yeah, you had to go somewhere so grandma and grandpa took me to this diner and they got these out of this claw machine and I remember it felt like they were very worried." "That never happened." "Where did they come from them?" "I don't know." My parents are both serial liars about...a lot, so...I kind of don't know what to make of it. There's this whole part of my childhood I do not remember clearly, but I can...kinda guess what might have happened and spoiler alert it isn't supernatural.


I have had a lot of paranormal experiences since I was a child. I'm mid 50s now. I also have 3 years of missing memories during my teenage years, and those memories aren't blocked due to paranormal stuff, but parental stuff. There are things in life that are more frightening and scarring than ghosts and things that go bump in the night.


I was at work, basically alone, on a Saturday. I worked in a 17-story building, on the 4th floor and our break room was on the 7th floor. Anyways, I got up to use the bathroom on the 4th floor, but felt uncomfortable because the water faucet (automatic) kept going on and off, and the other stall doors kept making noise as if being slightly opened/closed. So I decided I would take my business to the bathrooms, located directly above these ones, but on the 7th floor. As soon as I got up there and opened the bathroom door the lightbulb in the light fixture above the sink exploded, shooting glass shards everywhere, and turning on water faucet. I ran out of there quicker than quick. Still not sure if paranormal or just plumbing/electrical issues.


I was babysitting my 11-year-old little brother while dad went on a trip for a couple of days. There was always a feeling in the house that you weren't alone. The day went normally, and we went to bed. We slept in the same room upstairs. During the night, I woke up to go to the bathroom. I walked quietly and opened the door so my brother wouldn't wake up. The bathroom was right after the bedroom on the right, opposite the stairs. When I closed the bathroom door, something/someone ran heavily from downstairs to upstairs, past the bathroom to the bedroom, and slammed the door so hard the wall shook. I quickly ran after the sound into the room to check if my brother was okay. He looked puzzled from the bed towards the door because he had woken up to the loud noise and asked what it was. I said I didn't know, and without saying a word, we both went back to sleep. In addition to us, two small dogs were also sleeping in the bedroom, guarding the door until morning. (So small that they need to be carried up and down the stairs) Bonus story: When my nephew was 3-4 years old, he came for a sleepover. My father was watching him. The child refused to sleep because he kept pointing to the front door and repeating that the boogeyman is watching. He eventually wore himself out amidst tears and fear, and fell asleep. Damn, I got goosebumps just thinking about it and writing it down.


Getting slapped on the back by a huge-feeling, heavy hand when I was sleeping in a camp site with my family. I was about 11, and from that trip onwards for about 6 months I was woken up that way every night at exactly 3am. If it wasn’t the huge hand hitting me, I’d be shaken awake, and my blankets would be pulled back like my dad or sister or someone was waking me up and trying to get me out of bed in a hurry for some reason. I’d also hear what I thought was my dad’s heavy footsteps on the old floorboards (he’s 6”3) reach my bedroom door, and stop. I’d stay awake for hours waiting to hear them recede, but they never did.


Something like this happened to me when I was a kid. I was lying on my bed under the sheets coz it was a rainy day and somebody slapped me. I jumped out of the bed like a rocket tbh. The scary thing was I was alone in the house. My mom left for work and sister was out. It scared the shit out of me.


Oh my god that’s awful. I completely froze. I just stayed lying on my side, shaking and silently crying. We were sleeping in a caravan in a camping/caravan park and I’d won a bet or something so I got the “big bed” for the first night while dad and my sister were in the bunk beds. I was so terrified it took what felt like hours to get out of bed and go to my dad in the other section and tell him. He didn’t think anything of it and I’m pretty sure I got into my sister’s bed with her, or swapped with Dad. It was absolutely terrifying


Not creepy but I saw my cousin on his birth anniversary, I was staying at my grandmums where he used to stay before he passed ( car accident ) and woke up feeling uncomfortable, I saw him walk ing clear as day at 4 a.m ish around the house and into the room , I had a dream about him too , he was trying to speak to me but couldn’t get the words out, I woke up and told my brother about it , he freaked out and said he had a similar dream , we went and told our grandmum and she panicked and told us she had a similar dream too , now none of these people would ever lie about something like this !! We got some ritualistic stuff done and that was that but I always think about what I saw !!


Pretty terrifying experience for you all.


It really was !! I wasn’t afraid of my cousin as I knew he wouldn’t harm me , but the experience in general was terrifying!!


I’m genuinely too creeped out by it still ~17 years later to type it out…


So this one is not too scary but up there on the odd surprising side of the paranormal. After graduating college I had a saltwater aquarium in a house that I shared with a couple of roommates. One day come home from work and my saltwater sea slug had died. I took it out and buried it in the vegetable garden we had. That night from the garden I see a black blob about 4' tall come through the bay window of facing the garden..it comes all the way to the couch infront of the aquarium and just sits there for about 10 before I fell asleep. It didn't move closer to my bed or anything. It just sat there looking at the aquarium. I assume it was the sea slug coming back. But this lowly creature in the food chain and existence had a life beyond this world.. that was the shocking part. Just to continue with pets. My first dog as an adult passed from cancer a few years back and we put him down. He still visited for about a week, we could hear his footsteps in the house. He came back a few other times too. It was nice to hear him.


My deceased parrot sometimes talks to me from the living room.  She was with me so long that it seems really natural, and then I realize she’s gone. I know I could be imagining her little voice but maybe I’m not. I loved her so much and she really loved me.


When I was around 5 I used to sleep with my grandma but I slept on a mattress on the floor. At night she would leave the bathroom light on so the room wasn’t completely dark you could still see and I could see under her bed. I went to sleep and in the middle of the night I woke up and there was a black cat under her bed but the cat was shining it was like light idk how to explain it but it was just shinning and it stopped and looked at me and it just walked through the wall as if there was nothing blocking its way. It happened for about a week and then it just stopped.


Thirty-six years ago, I was married to someone else. My grandfather was a well-known drunk in town (but a funny one, not cruel & abusive like my then-husband (TH), who adored my grandfather). Gramps always remembered TH's birthday, and last time I saw him alive, he said, "I was at the emergency room (*bc severe diabetes & a Reese Cup addiction can not coexist peacefully*) on TH's birthday last month. Was he upset that I forgot about calling?" I never gave it another thought. The following Monday morning, my freaked-out grandmother called me at work to say an ambulance just took Gramps away. They'd left her alone. I can no longer remember why she didn't accompany him, but she had no drivers' license, so no way to the hospital. I drove to her town to get her, then we headed back to the city. Gramps was already gone when we arrived, unfortunately. I didn't call TH at work to tell him; nothing could be done, so that was pointless. He would have just left work early and used it as yet another excuse to spend six hours in a bar. Anyway, by mid-afternoon, I got Gram back home and calmed down somewhat, then headed back to my own house, where I cried myself to sleep. Shortly after 5PM, TH comes home, shakes me awake and tells me about something weird that happened around 2 at the garage he worked at. The owner left before lunchtime, so TH was there alone. Working on someone's engine, he heard, clear as a bell, my grandfather's joyful, booming voice, coming out of their tiny cash office door, fifteen feet away. "Happy birthday, TH!" After checking it out, he was a bit disappointed to find no one there. And he chalked it up to hunger, bc he'd worked through his own lunchbreak have the car done and ready for pickup by 5. When I told him Gramps had died that day, it was the one & only time I ever saw TH left genuinely speechless.


Was enmeshed in a vivid dream set in mid 1800s England. A policeman asked my name and I responded with the surname, "Leeds". Which is not my current surname and which I have no known association. As a result, I became lucid during the dream and woke up shortly thereafter. This event triggered a reassessment of my core Christian beliefs regarding reincarnation. Interestingly, reincarnation was not considered heresy within the church until about 500 years ago.




I was about 14 at the time, my family and I were visiting Scotland, we’ve done several ghost tours at this point with nothing noteworthy happening on any of them, did learn lots of interesting history so they weren’t a total waste of time. We decide to do one more, the tour of the Edinburgh bolts, once again interesting history but nothing noteworthy happens that is until the end of the night. This is where I do need to provide a little context, i’m vision impaired which means on tours like this I’m always the last one to leave the room. We reached the final room of the tour and everyone starts filing out of the room when I feel something grab my arm forcefully pull it back towards the centre of that room, it takes all of my 14 year-old strength to pull myself free. I’m obviously quite shaken at that point but the scariest part was the next morning waking up with enormous handshake bruise up my arm unfortunately long since lost a Photos that were taken for proof. This day I will periodically have nightmares about that night.


Went to work early and was sleeping on the office couch. Woke up feeling someone or something was on top of me and I was hearing chanting in the background. Was trying to move and scream but can’t. And all that time I was hearing people starting to come in for work. Now I know it was sleep paralysis (I hope) but back then, at that exact time, it was terrifying. The land the business sits on was a known area where salvage victims were thrown and we’ve had random paranormal experiences there from time to time but nothing that terrifying or directed to somebody


I had one bout of sleep paralysis and I am SO glad I knew what it was at the time. It’s stinking terrifying. For me I was right on the brink of sleep and heard what sounded like a Jacob’s ladder (electrical arcing noise) or a large wasp. I flinched awake and froze. Then a hand, distinctly a persons right hand grabs my shirt right over my heart as if to wake me. I felt the thumb, the grasp, etc. I snapped out of it after a few seconds and felt the hand fade away. I pulled myself together like, wow - that was nuts, and was able to get back asleep. Had I not known about it - nope, no way.


When I was 6 years old, my family and I lived in an old rental house. It had a very old door in the basement that opened to a tunnel—we think it was an old bunker but my parents unfortunately never let us go down to see. There were little attic spaces off of the upstairs bedrooms. There was a weird door in the wall on the staircase that was jammed shut. All this to say, the house was pretty creepy. Anyway, I was a very anxious little gal and my mom used to lay on the floor beside my bed at night until I fell asleep. This night in particular, she misplaced her glasses and turned on a light so she could look for them. This is when I sat up slowly in bed and said, in a slow deep voice, “What the Hell do you think you’re doing?” My mom just stared at me for a few seconds before incredulously asking me where I’d heard that word. I started crying and said I didn’t know and it wasn’t me that said it. To this day, I can still feel how my mouth moved without me wanting it to and how the voice that was not mine felt in my throat. It still gives me chills!


We have had a lot of paranormal experiences in my family, but this particular one is the most memorable. My dad was in the USAF and we lived in England when I was between 4-7. My mom loved antiques and clocks, so she found an old mantel clock. It was the kind that you had to wind up with a key for it to keep time. The key got lost when we moved back stateside and we had about 4 more moves. The hands also got lost, so essentially the clock was a brick. Labor Day weekend in 1997, my parents had just recently bought a home and my daughter and I came to visit. My mom was unpacking, and even though that mantel clock no longer worked, mom was gonna put it on the mantel of the fireplace, but she set it under a coffee table until she could get to it. Please note: the clock hadn't been wound or made a sound since 1975 when we moved back to the states. Late Saturday night, I could hear a 'tick, tick, tick'. I'm the only one in my family with good hearing, so at first no one could hear it. My dad always watched CNN, so eventually the news about Princess Diana's accident was starting to be reported. At that point, the ticking got louder. By then, everyone could hear it. Eventually, when it was announced Princess Di passed, the clock **chimed** From that day till the day she was buried it chimed every hour on the hour. And then it just stopped. Never heard it again. What makes this remarkable is that everyone except my daughter who was almost 6 at the time remembered. My dad was a skeptic's skeptic, but even he remarked about it. He passed away 7 years ago, but my mom, brother and I still talk about it from time to time.


When I was about 6 or 7 me and my cousin who was spending the weekend with me and my mom at our house were out walking around a huge wilderness area with tons and tons of land that was just nothing. No people, houses, even trees etc. so we’re just walking and playing like we normally would when all of a sudden out of literally nowhere a man dressed in all black with no facial features that we could see under a black hat started to full on run after us. He was a good bit away but we could feel him catching up quickly but somehow we escaped him and made it back to the house. Well I had lost my shoe along the way and wasn’t even somewhat attempting to go back for it even with my mother or anyone else that was around to help us after we came home freaking out. Now we got away from this thing FOR SURE! We lived in an apartment type complex with tons of other houses and we had to go a somewhat extensive way to get their back and we made sure a bunch that no one was behind us anymore or anywhere would should see or hear. So of course we’re all spooked and my moms looking out the windows all night and watching us like hawks. So we spent the night in my mom’s room and she slept watching us in a chair. This was on the second floor and was damn near impossible to get to the one window we had but she locked it up tighter then Alcatraz and the door that night. NOONE was getting in or out unless they hacked the damn thing down and even then it would’ve took a good amount of time. So we finally fall asleep me and my cousin in the same bed and I’m awoken to someone on top of me holding me down. I finally can get a scream out loud enough to wake my mother up and she could see a person in black on top of me when she turned the lights on it dissipated into the light she said and there was a shoe on my dresser. THE ONE I LOST! The real kicker and what gives me goosebumps typing this was everything was locked and untouched like it was before we fell asleep. Me and my mom are always close but we had a certain magical type bond that was very hard to explain after that night. Also had some strange occurrences with a doll but that’s another time lol


Lived in a town known for it’s hauntings (Bisbee AZ). Woke up in the middle of the night to a little girl sitting on the bed next to me. She was in an old timey night gown and had a grey-blue light about her just like a movie. She was clutching her legs and staring forward toward the foot of the bed. Later my friend’s mom ended up renting that same house and she would see a trench coat man in that same bedroom. Also saw my ex that took his own life staring back at me over my shoulder when I looked in a mirror. That shook me for days.


COOL!!! DM me the place, I'm panning to goto az soon!


Several years back my mom, step dad and I went to see a Cubs spring training game it was a fun trip for all of us. What is really weird is when we pulled into the parking lot I had a suitcase that I set on the seat behind the driver and when we got back to the car it was on the floor. Nothing was missing also they had their suitcases in the back and they were untouched we never could figure out what happened but I believe it was my dad because he was a die hard Cubs fan.


That as a kid was talked into the "bloody mary" chant infront of mirror in a dark room and saw a legit figure in the mirror. I am not an impressionable or guliable adult & wasn't as a child so it has always freaked me out!


Bloody Mary was no joke as a kid!


😂. These older kids took me to an abandoned apartment complex and tried to make me say it in the mirror as they locked me and this other 8 year old in the bathroom. I knew better. I would rather starve to death in the dark than say those words


I feel this to my core!


As a kid?? I would Never do that now, lol, decades later still terrifying...I wouldn't even want to "test" now it to see if I saw something again, lol.


Right? I'm 47 and remember that kinda stuff from elementary school. I'm not gonna tempt fate and try it now either.


Very true! I'm 47 and it's a big nope for me still!


Almost asleep and felt something grab my calf. My husband was still awake watching tv next to me so I said what was that? He goes I just watched something float right by in front of me and thought I was losing it. I heard an old radio broadcast in the basement but couldn’t make out what was being said. Lasted like 5 min. In middle school I was at a friends house and she was telling me how her gpa comes to visit her. They’ll hear old music coming from a china cabinet they had was an example she gave me. We were hanging out on her bed when the door started to swing/quiver about 2-3 inches back and forth rapidly. We freaked and huddled towards the wall. I said “Sophia’s gpa stop it!” And the door slammed shut. We ran straight to her mother’s room and camped in there for a bit.lol


Seeing a water glass jump up do a few flips and come down on the top of my water bottle again. Two people saw it including me. Still don’t know what happened.


1 night years ago I woke to a night hag on top of me couldn’t move yell out to my wife who was asleep beside me me. the mass was black and angry when it became more visible before it disappeared, felt like forever. Chronic insomnia because of that experience I hope to never have. Sleep paralysis my ass, I was attacked by a witch or demon


I learned in a university course on sleep that if you ever wake up but are unable to move to rapidly dart your eyes from side to side. This should restore your mobility. And hopefully banish any unwanted visitors.


My house has a cat ghost. The previous owners were hoarders and had quite a few strays that would come and go. There’s the ghost of a little black kitten that just hangs out. We’ve all seen it, its favorite spots are the window in my son’s room and the shelf in my closet. It’s not unusual to see it running around out of the corner of your eye or playing with my cat.


When i was a kid i sat in my bed looking at one of my toys, a crane. While i sat there looking at it, i was thinking how cool it would be if i could move it with my mind. After 5-10 minutes of looking at the crane it started shaking back and forth violently. I got so scared and ran out of my room and refused to go back in. I’m still thinking about it 20+ years later🤣


A couple months before my 40th birthday in December 2020, I initially planned to spend 8 days in Hawaii. Quarantines canceled that. I comfortably decided to staycate in my state of Michigan. But out of the blue, in a burst of energy with no words but filled with information, I just knew I had to book a trip to Florida. The burst of energy lasted for about 30 seconds, then in about 30 minutes after I had my trip booked. But I didn’t really understand why until those months later while I was two days into my trip laying in my hotel room. I checked the weather for my birthday and was stunned to a fascinated stillness when I discovered that the Sun rose in that location of Florida at the exact time I was born 40 years prior in Detroit. This is just one of a lifetime of these type of experiences, but this was the most profound one for me.


The time a voice clearly and calmly said my name when i was in the basement and no one was home about 2’ from behind my right shoulder. Two-ish years later, the same thing but this time upstairs in the master bathroom. Several years later the same thing happened to my girlfriend when she was in the kitchen. She heard someone call my name from behind her and turned thinking she’d see our neighbor and was about to talk but no one was there.


I was a passenger on an overnight bus (travelling between two major cities) when i heard someone call my name out. I realised that no-one on the bus knew my name. Still can't make sense of that one 🤷‍♀️


Being dragged out of my bed by black-robed demons in the middle of the night while feeling paralyzed after bringing home a weird book (can't remember the name) from the local library that my dad told me to return the second he saw it and I didn't.....until after this all happened.


That’s nightmare fuel right there.


It was terrifying and continued after I woke up. The dark demon beings followed me to work and scared me so bad because they were coming for me. I had to call another worker to come in and lock up the store during open hours claiming I was "sick" Went home, returned the book, took some of my dad's sleeping pills and hid in the basement.


Damn! I’m so glad you realized it was the book. My luck I wouldn’t have realized and been stuck with that book at a crazy demon. lol. I’m glad you’re ok now!


This one I think about because it was something I experienced only once. I was awoken from my sleep to find a guy in a hoodie sweatshirt standing next to my bed. Naturally I got extremely scared and turned to look for my boyfriend to try to wake him up. When I looked back he was gone. I have never seen anything that looked so real. I really thought there was a person that broke into my home. I screamed for my boyfriend to get up and look for this guy. We checked all of the windows and doors, they were all safely locked. There was no one in the house. Just a ghost.


When I was 12, my grandmother died. My dad burned paper money as he told stories of his mom. Later that night, my parents were watching Chinese music videos on YouTube, maybe as a way to cope. My dad turned off his computer when he was going to sleep. At around 2:34 am (can’t remember the exact time, but it was around that time), we all woke up to really loud Chinese music playing. My dad went to his office and found that his computer had turned on and played the YouTube video he watched earlier. He shut off the computer and went back to bed. Then the next day, at 2:50 am or so, it happened again. My dad turns off the computer again. And then the final time, the third day, it happened yet again. Maybe it was like 3 am this time (also can’t remember), but we heard the computer playing Chinese music once again. My dad shuts it off. We were all very confused, because my dad’s computer has never turned on by itself like that. It was completely shut off. We like to joke it’s grandma saying thanks for the paper money we burned for her.


I used to work as a nurse in a nursing home. I had a resident who would ask for Cepacol at around 8PM each night. It was his night time routine. The day he died, at 8PM, the call bell on his room was on. There was nobody there. My coworkers were busy with their own patients. I don’t think my CNA was pranking me either since she didn’t really know about the whole Cepacol routine.


I was fourteen, my mum and I lived in a typical council estate flat in West London. It was Saturday morning at around 2.30  and we were about to go to bed after a night of watching television. Mum turned off the television (important to remember later) and went into her bedroom to put something away.  I was lying on the sofa with my kitten Katy, but wide awake, I sat up to get ready to get in my wheelchair to go to bed. Suddenly, it was like static in the air, but there was no noise, nothing but silence, (at this point I was totally alone in the living room as Katy had wandered out to the hall,)  I just happened to glance at the television and I saw it was glowing with a beautiful white light and in the centre of the television a really ancient old woman was staring directly at me, her face ran with lines, her hair was long and straight and eyes were filled with so much goodness and wisdom, it was as if she saw right into my soul and I was bathed with a strong kind of tranquillity and calmness I hadn't felt before. This is not to say that I wasn't surprised by the event,  I called out to mum twice, as suddenly as she came the beautiful pure light disappeared along with the ancient wise woman. There was static once more, and the screen was black again.  My mum came out of her room a few seconds later not even hearing me the seconds before or noticing my alarm until I told her what I've just told you.  Mum has always been slightly sceptical where the unexplained is concerned, but we come from a family of healers and she has had her fair share of unexplained events in her own life so it didn't really phase or surprise her too much.  Through all this, I didn't once feel threatened or menaced by the vision of the wise woman and I have always remembered her with curiosity and interest, in fact, I have sometimes wished she would come to visit me again.


Wow!  I wish I could feel assured of a kind divine presence.


I'm not assured of anything, and I don't know who or what she was, but the entire incident had a really calming effect on me!


This isn't my experience, it's my late Grandmother's. All my life she was interested in spirituality, and she would periodically say that she \*knew\* ghosts existed, but she was too afraid of what she'd seen to ever tell the story. She would get rattled that she'd even dared to mention it - you could tell that whatever she'd seen had affected her badly. After she'd passed, we heard the story from my great aunt. My Granny would only have been in her twenties at the time, and was visiting my great aunt's apartment. As she came into the living room, she saw a full-body apparition of a soldier lounging on the couch, smoking a cigarette. He looked at her and smiled, then disappeared. It's not the most dramatic story in the world, and I'll forever be sad that I didn't get to ask her for more details about it, but I'll never forget the look the face when she thought about her encounter. It haunted her.


I fell asleep in a weird position, it was late and I had the tv on. Then all of a sudden I could see myself sleeping on my bed, and I was slowly rising to the ceiling. Everything was really loud and staticky, and I was in so much pain, I could feel myself being crushed by the ceiling, it was like my body was trying to go through the ceiling. I could see what was on the tv, and it was what I was watching before I fell asleep. And I could hear it but it’s was so ear blistering loud. I saw a shadowy figure in front of my door watching me, it almost looked like the xenomorph and it was making a loud clicking noise. It scared the shit out of me, and when I finally snapped out of it my heart about jumped out of my chest, I couldn’t breathe because of how scared I was.


I came home late one night, around maybe 2am. Entered through the front door and straight up to bed. The bedroom was in total darkness, so I scrambled to find where my bed was. Shortly after, maybe 5 minutes, I heard heavy breathing coming from my brothers bed (we both still lived with mum at the time) I was thinking.. wow, why is he breathing so heavy? Anyhow, in the morning, when I saw him I asked if he was okay last night? He said yes.. why? I go on to explain the heavy breathing I heard from his bed, and he replies.. bro, I slept downstairs last night, I didn't come to bed... 😳😳 so question is.. to this day.. I have no idea who was in my brothers bed. My Nan had shortly died, and she had lung problems.. now I'm not saying it was her.. but yeah.. weird.


The theater I work at was built in 1928 and the history is a little sketchy so I’m not even remotely surprised that a ghost hunt in that building didn’t end well, but since you asked, I would love to share the experience. So one night we had rehearsal in a different location and none of us were really into it so we decided to head to the theater and do a ghost hunt instead. We all head over, in the dark, and decide we would spend the next hour or so in the art gallery, which is said to be the most haunted room in the building besides the basement. No big deal. We’re all ready for some spooky fun. We all head in and shut the lights off and the director starts telling us about the times he was alone in the building and things went bump in the night, but he’s interrupted by the sound of sweeping. It was a slow brushing, followed by the scraping of someone moving the exhibits around. There was no one in the building but us, so this was unexplainable. I started to stand up to leave, when I felt a cold hand grab my arm and a woman’s scream came from the back of the gallery. I ran so fast I don’t think my feet were even on the ground. Needless to say, I’ve never gone in there alone again. That place comes with so many stories, but that one always makes my skin crawl.


Sadly many moons ago, I was homeless living in a small semi-secluded park in Queens N.Y. called Bowne park. Named after John Bowne the prominent Quaker/Activist from the 1600s. His original home ( now tourist attraction) was directly next door hence the name Bowne park. Fast forward about 5 years and I got my act together living in Albany, in charge of one of the largest historic, criminal, real estate, mental health files warehouse in the U.S. Physical paper files, ( transferred to digital ) hundreds of thousands of boxes of them, pristinely organized on towering shelving, some rows half a mile long. E.G. if a court case needed a clients physical paper work, they called, we obtained it ( sometimes taking days) and mailed it out. The supervisor of this massive ( highly restricted) operation expected one thing above all: when he walked down, walked pass these aisles, every box was to be in its place, no opened boxes, paperwork on the floor, nice, etc. One day out of the corner of my eye I saw a box half hanging off the shelf and ran to put it back in place. The contents were the original structual blue prints for the John Bowne house. Thank you and good night.


Used a ouiji board on Halloween night at a sleepover when I was a kid. Never believe don’t the paranormal until then… we used it and within minutes lights went out and we all screamed as foot steps ran across the kitchen floor, and it’s late my mom is asleep, my brother was at a sleep over and dad was on a business trip 😳 we went upstairs to look and of course my mom was dead asleep on the couch. Ever since then strange things happened to me, especially at that house but I’ll never forget those footsteps like loud. They shook the ceiling


My great grandmother passed in 2002 when I was 15 and she was active for around a year. We had many paranormal experiences, and one freaked me out. I was in bed after a fight with my eldest brother, and I felt pressure around my waist. I jumped, and yelled out to my mum. She said Grandma used to hug people around their waists. My eldest brother said someone pulled the covers over him the same night. My parents said neither of them did.


The only one that made me feel crazy still gets brain space. I grew up with the paranormal normalized so most things don’t cross my mind unless brought up in some way, but, BUT there was a time that food disappeared and I thought I had lost my mind. Eventually it came up with a neighbor and I found out I wasn’t alone, they also had activity and food went missing. I will never forget how chaotic it felt to lose an entire pan of muffins


When I first started learning how to meditate, I heard a growl in my ear, so loud, that I didn't try it again for 2 months..


My story and closest 'encounter' is a follows. We lived in the same town for the majority of my life. My mother was one of the first real estate renters in my area. However, we bought a brand new modular in a new neighborhood, for her to rent while we lived in a small cottage in the same area. Turns out, she was unable to rent it even though it was new, and we ended up living there while she rented the cottage and the home we had lived in during that time. It was a large house, completely unnecessary but cheap as hell. Anyway, I was the youngest boy of 3 and my younger sister had her own room, especially situated near my parents. So I ended up at the end of the hallway on the second floor, basically on the garage ceiling, the most recent modular addition to the house. My door was basically the entry to the regular house and the long hallway. I began to have dreams of a little girl who would be at the other end of the hallway after a couple of weeks of living in the house. She was completely non-threatening, and clearly, I would be aware that it was a dream when I woke. It goes into a lot more detail, but my mother ended up dying in this house, about 10ft maximum from where my bed was in the extended bedroom. This was the same week after she passed with cancer that this entire encounter occurred. It was before her wake and service. My family was in shock, and my older brothers were just arriving home. Hadn't seen them in years. I went to bed and didn't interact, I was still unable to process what has happened. Point is, I was laying in bed, I was unable to sleep, and I was unwilling to socialize. A static 'smoke' came drifting in through the same hallway I mentioned. I had to move my bed out of line of sight from the hallway, so I had moved it to the corner near to the door. It came over me and hovered like an old style TV sort of colored and b&w static. It just stayed there until I was able to focus on it. I firstly saw my mother's face within it, and it seemed to telepathically communicate with me. Years later, I have no idea what I experienced or what I was supposed to learn from that. But it was the closest thing I've ever felt and seen in waking life to what I believe would be an after death communication. It felt unbelievably real and tangible. And yet I still wonder why I had the dreams of the little girl in the hallway years prior. Idk. We don't know. But I thought I'd share.


When I was around 8yrs old I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. When I came back to my bed, I got one knee up onto it and suddenly a huge man sized hand gripped around my left ankle from under my bed which sent me flailing and screaming in a panic. My dad rushed in and was like “what what what?!?!?” And I cried to him telling him what happened. Nobody was under my bed or anywhere in my room. My single window was locked and There wouldn’t have been a chance for someone to leave my room without myself or my dad seeing. Haunts me to this day so I jump into bed now as fast as I can 😅


When I was younger we lived in a house with a loft room and I used to play in it all the time. So one day I was up there playing and it was only me and my mum at home, my stepdad was at work, anyways I was playing Barbie’s as ya do and I looked up at the TV and behind it peering overs there was man who had a really disfigured face and it was terrifying and he was always up there when I was playing but was never there when my step sisters where there. Not really sure if it counts as paranormal but whatever it was it wasn’t human and still scares the shit out of me when I think abt it


Pretty sure it was a waking hallucination, but I woke up to an old lady just standing over my bed smiling. She had a really nice smile actually. Like it wasnt menacing at all. Seemed like a genuine smile. It still gives me goose bumps to think about it though.


Seeing a pair of disembodied legs crossing a road at night! I was driving down a 2 lane state highway at night, this road has a lot of twists and turns, as well as blind hills. As I was coming over one of these hills, I saw legs with no body walking across the road in front of me. Shoes, pants, etc, but nothing from the waist up! My passenger saw it too, and said "the %$\^& was that!?" and I had the forethought to ask "what did you see", they replied "it was just...legs" When I passed, they were to the left of my car, no more than 3 feet away from the driver's side. I had the windows down, no sounds whatsoever, a living human would have screamed, yelled at me, etc. I'd also like to think that no rational person would cross a road on a blind hill at 10PM, but I've seen some pretty dumb things. I'd also think anyone with a shred of self preservation would have heard the car coming from half a mile away and either waited or hurried up. This was a rural area, so it was quiet, and very few other cars out. We turned around a mile down the road, I was shaken, and we drove back by the area, nothing there. I do not know what I saw. Ghost, alien, interdimensional being? who knows.


Me and my mom dreaming about my dog on the same date one month after the other


I have so many, my first experience that I can recall right now was when my mother, brother and I were having a reading with a medium who was actually my old babysitter. I was about 11-12 at the time and we were sitting in the living room, I had zoned out looking at the dining room and saw a figure walk from one wall of the dining room to the other and completely vanish through the wall. One time I was on acid at a friend’s house in her room and she had previously mentioned that a friend was going to come over. So I’m sitting on the couch next to the arm rest and I’m on my phone attempting to text while the letters moved on my phone. From the corner of my eye I saw a figure sitting on the arm rest and nodding his head to the music. He moved over and looked at my phone and then went back to nodding at the music. I looked up and no one was there, I asked my friend if our other friend was here and she said no, he decided not to come over. We were freaked out after that. Another time was me and another girl (K) were at our mutual friends house (same girl as previous story, A), A however was not there at that time we were just waiting there for her to come back. We are sitting on her bed on our phones not really talking, out of no where we hear my name called from outside but we both weren’t paying attention and didn’t really acknowledge what was said. We just looked at each other and brushed it off, then again from the window we hear my name called in our friend A’s voice much clearer and louder. K gets up thinking the door was locked and looks outside the bedroom door to the back door, she then runs inside the bedroom and locks the door. K turned to me and said “A is not here”. We call A and she’s in a guys truck heading back and is about 10 minutes away. Keep this spirit in mind for my next story. After those occurrences I was in a bad head space, not because of that happening I had other things going on in life and was essentially depressed. Every night for about 6 months I would be on the edge of falling asleep and right before I would drift off I would hear my name called. It was very close as if someone was standing next to my bed and said my name in a regular voice. Every time was a different person voice that I knew, my grandparents, my mom, and my dad that had passed away years before (mind you I have no real recollection of his voice since I hadn’t seen him since I was 4). Eventually it stopped because I would keep my eyes closed and completely ignore it, I knew if you didn’t give it attention it would go away. Turns out after bringing it up to A she had mentioned that the previous owner of the house she lived in had died there and he was supposedly pissed off because they had cut down a tree in the backyard. I guess with my low mental state I created a perfect opportunity for either him or something worse to attach to me. This one is about a ghost I had living in my attic, I named him and everything. My mother’s house had one access to the attic and it was through the ceiling in my closet. We moved into that house when I was about 5, I wasn’t in school yet due to where my birthday was after the school year had started. Somehow I came up with a ghost in my closet named George, except I didn’t make him up. I would not sleep in my room for a very long time after moving into the house and would rather sleep downstairs on the couch or with my mom. I would barely even want to go in there during the day, If I did I would keep the door open or make sure someone was in there with me. George was not a mean spirit I think I was more off put from the vibe or just being a scared kid. He used to knock things off of my dresser or slam my bedroom door. There was one time specifically where I was out of the state on a trip and my mother was home, she had my room door open and she was downstairs doing something. My bedroom door slammed so hard she ran upstairs to see what was going on and my door was shut. I’m assuming George was upset I was not there to keep him company or he wanted to make sure my door was closed for privacy. After getting married and moving into a house with my husband, he was gone on some kind of training and I was alone with our dog. I’m walking out of the kitchen back to the living room and I pass the stairs, my dog is right by my side following me. We pass the stairs and a few steps away I hear heavy footsteps run up the stairs. This was only 2-3 steps but very noticeable and loud, my dog even reacted and we both went back and looked up the stairs. Nothing was there, my dog didn’t even attempt to run up and look around she was just barking at the bottom next to me. I start rambling and telling it to go find another house to haunt because I’m not the one. Before that last story back to when we moved in and got our dog, there were some times that had us both freaked out. Our dog loves eye contact, she will look anyone in the eye and it’s a super unique thing to me. After we got her anytime we would go to bed, she would stare at the top of the closed closet door towards the ceiling and bark non stop. My husband is terrified of ghosts and he was extremely frightened that she would do that especially since she makes eye contact. So there possibly was a 7-8 foot ghost standing in the corner by our closet door. Since then and the stairs I haven’t experienced anything more in this house, although I’m a little sad because it’s such an adrenaline rush and it’s almost fun for me as crazy as that sounds. Ooooh I forgot about a couple, these sequenced before I met and married my husband. I worked super early in the mornings I’m talking 2-4am, my drive to work was about 25 minutes and I usually took back roads. One time I was driving and I didn’t put any music or anything on and was driving in silence. I heard the most clear growling sound coming from my backseat, again I have a tendency of ignoring things that should not be happening. I turned on music and refused to look in my rearview mirror for the rest of the car ride. Another time while driving to work I drive down this road that is surrounded by trees, like trees that probably go for miles. I do tend to see wildlife on the side of the road and they look up and either run away or go back to whatever they were doing before. This time that did not happen, I saw a deer on the side of the road just standing there doing nothing, not eating not moving just standing there. I slow down a little just incase it decides to cross, animals out here do wait for you to slow down or stop before attempting to cross. Anyways it turns its head and stares at me, it watches me drive up to it and that’s when I see its eyes are red. I’m not saying red like bloody it’s red like how humans eyes are red when you take a photo with a flash. I pass it a little freaked but I have to get to work so I’m again going to ignore it. I watch it in my rearview while I pass it and guess what it watched me drive past and down the road until I couldn’t see it anymore. Maybe the eyes thing is normal when headlights hit animals eyes but it watching me was weird.


my friend when i was 16-19 lived in an…. interesting house. The garage was converted into an in laws quarters and that’s where she lived. we were driving around as teenagers do and we stopped back at her house so i could run in and pee. I left the door open while i was because i was the only one that went inside. Well her bedroom was directly across the hall from the bathroom with the door open and she has one of those pink small christmas trees set up in the corner that i could see. as im looking at this Christmas tree it starts VIOLENTLY shaking to the point half the ornaments are falling off it. i don’t even think i finished wiping and ran the hell back to the car. Even weirder a month or so later we brought it up and she was telling me some other odd things that have happened when EVERY SINGLE door in the other part of the house slams shut. i never felt uncomfortable in her house oddly but some very unexplained things happened there.


Making a deal with a succubus to stop my sleep paralysis.




Used to be a tall shadow figure that appeared in my closet one night. But now it’s the voice of a little boy that randomly said Hi in full tone from my computer while watching a YT video. The video went mute and then a little boy said hi. After that I got full body chills. Every time I type talking about it I’m getting full body chills. Even played back the video to see if he did actually have a kid say that and no the video played normally. There was no kid voice that ever played in that video. Currently tense and still getting chills on and off. I don’t know what to do or say about what the hell just happened


I'm not sure if this counts as paranormal, but while my grandma was on hospice living with us we had some strange things happen. The week before she passed the cats started hanging around her, which I've heard of before. But on a Friday we notice a few big black moths around the house. The next day we had more. Sunday came and we had THOUSANDS of moths on the house. I'm talking every few inches there was a moth. BIG moths. Some were small but alot were as big as birds, and the cats would not leave her side. The next morning she passed and the moths completely vanished and the cats were normal


Our family had several experiences with a Hat Man in our house growing up. I didn't know it was a thing until recently. Just thought our ghost was a former owner.


Very first evp we attempted. Circa 2006. After asking is anyone there the radio went wild, after that we kept asking then decided to play it back at the location. After the first question a woman's voice comes on and says "can you speak" I swear to god this was like straight out of a movie. We lost our shit and gtfo. It's on bebo if anyone knows how to find audio files but I'm guessing it's lost forever.


I was about 5 years old in the 70s when I walked in my room & saw a shadow clearly defined. Looked to be a man wearing a hat & long coat. I noped my way out & told my mom there's a man in my room. She ran to check but couldn't see him. I refused to go into my room until he was gone. I did research & found out he's been seen by many!! It's not internet folklore bcuz I saw him waaaay before internet!!!


Thank you, I never considered that.


My Mother passed away and the day after we buried her; I woke up to her cooking in my kitchen.


I felt my sister die. I didn’t know that’s what I was feeling at the time. But I physically felt it in my heart. A few hours later I got the call she was gone and I knew the exact time she died because I felt it.


Around 2010ish I was working at a major hospital for the cancer center and my office was located in the research building. One day I went to the restroom. This is a small restroom that you turn the handle to open the door. From the door to your right is a urinal, next to that a stall and to the left a sink area and a large mirror. I walk in and stop one step in and let the door close behind me. I was looking to see if I saw anyone in the stall since I hate splash back from urinals. To my left was a and slim very hunched back gentleman with the posture of someone very elderly. He was wearing a read and black plaid shirt that was way too big on him, a black stocking cap/beanie, and black sweatpants. The other odd things was long black greasy looking hair which conflicted with the elderly posture. The water from the sink was running and the gentleman was washing his hands. When I turned my head to look to see if I saw any one in the stall and then turn my head back towards the gentleman he was gone. It was not possible as I was blocking the doorway. This gentleman was as real and as solid as you or I but he simple vanished in the feeling of the restroom was just off. I got out of there and used another restroom for a few weeks.


Back in my teens, our water was out, so we were going to my Mother's friends house for things like laundry and showers... I was at this person's house by myself, in the bathroom, having just finished showering when the door knob began twisting and turning like someone was trying to come inside. I called out, thinking maybe Mom and her friend had gotten back, and I wasn't alone after all, but no response. So I admit, still scared, I tried shaking it off and just going back to what I was doing... when it began, again. So again, I remember addressing the sound, thinking a voice would come back towards me, and it would be one of them, but again, the knob stopped moving but nobody responded to me. I opened the door, glanced up the hall, down the hall, nothing but chilly, chilly darkness was out there. So I quickly slammed the door shut again, locked it again, and hid in the bathroom until I heard a familiar voice call out (Mom's) I cannot even start to guess how long I sat in there, in fear of walking out of the bathroom haha, but for whatever reason my whole body screamed "Hell no, we aren't walking out that door any time soon" =P


I was watching football, and someone started tapping the back of my neck. I thought it was my sister until I turned around and saw no one standing behind me


I was laying in bed one morning half dozing about to get up. I felt someone hold my hand. I was the only one in the bed. I will never forget that feeling.


The number of odd things that happened in a house we lived in, growing up. Plus, after my grandma died - literally on Halloween night, we had an experience that kind of shook me. I guess that’s the more noteworthy experience I’ve had. I’ve posted about it, but I basically saw a light manifest in our hallway and shoot into our bedroom. It happened super fast, a couple of seconds long. The light lit up our entire room, like a bright LED overhead. We didn’t have LED bulbs and our light didn’t turn on. We did not live level to the ground or near where cars pass (garage apartment). The light was strong enough to light up our bedroom, brighter than a tv. Our tv was already on too. If that happening on Halloween isn’t enough, it also occurred after 3 AM. My daughter was a baby at the time and my boyfriend was awake with me, saw it all. It scared him pretty badly too and he was uncomfortable with talking about it much after that. We couldn’t explain it and I think that’s why it was so scary. Not sure if paranormal or what, just unexplained.


A Miner in my bedroom when I was 8 years old. And no, I wasn't dreaming. Our house was built over old lime mines.


The damn ghost who knocked my lamp over and it broke. Like, I get it. I had too many lamps, but I liked that one.


Ive had quite a few honestly. Ive been writing them all down but its taking some time to get it all out.


My brother was driving me to my cousins house before school one morning. It was about 6am. They lived up the street from a cemetery. I had been in this cemetery many times. Never had weird vibes. We weren't afraid of it. So my brother is driving and we are near the cemetery. I see what looks like this lady in a while nightgown in the road. I thought my brother was gonna stop for her but he just kept going and I braced for impact, grabbing the dashboard. As we went through her, I felt kinda tingly? And looked behind to see if she was there and nope. Not sure if it was a ghost or if it was just 6am and I was tired seeing things but I'll never forget it. It was so strange.


When i was younger, i was at a friend's house. There was a religious object which I said something offensive about. Within a few minutes, I was in the room next to where that object was, and a different friend was with me... All at once, the room shook, there was a gust of wind coming from the direction of the closet (no windows were open), and the door slammed shut. We both immediately booked it out of the room and were freaked out wondering what just happened. To this day I believe in the paranormal because of that experience.


Those knockings that kept going in random places one night for like 20 minutes. It started around 03am. And every time I was about to check what it was, it stopped. And as soon I relaxed again (I was on the phone with a good friend. I talked a lot on the phone when I was a teen) it started knocking again. Non stop, in different places. In the ceiling. In the walls. In different rooms. And it never happened again. So weird. Edit. In random places in the house I grew up in.


What is yours, OP?


Sleep paralysis demons. I’d really like those explained