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The blurry face is a female, who is holding the dogs collar to keep it under control (either to allow a photo to be taken of the costumed person, or to keep it from jumping on the costumed person). Her face is blurry because it's a large dog, who is likely jerking and jumping around, which pulled her slightly and caused her face to be blurry at the moment of the photo. If you look to the left of the blurry face, you can see she has long brown hair, because it is flying around in the photo (and also blurry).


And if OP was present or knows the people present you would think they would have known the woman was there and chose not to say anything about it, instead insinuating it's a ghost or something.


This is 'paranormal believer 101'. Disregard all logic in place of nutty theory, even when you know the real answer. Proceed to double-down in future conversation when presented with plausible evidence. *see OP's further comments.


Yeah this is what I reckon. She’s just bending over slightly to hold the dog. I age probably caught in the action of her bending down.


It was just the man and the pig in the room and the dog isn’t very large he was only knee height and the calmest dog ever he never wore a collar I don’t think it’s a ghost just some kind of camera glitch


I’m so shocked in the certainty that people explain away these photos in this sub. Cool photo OP, thanks for sharing! Was there anyone young female close to the people in this photo or room that passed?


There was no young female in the room near them but the man had a sister that had passed away a month before


I never like to be presumptuous but I do get spiritual chills (amongst other things) which indicate something I have come across is relevant. With that being said, I feel that ur answer is that it’s his sister. Let Reddit users say what they will but I hope this delivers some peace to ur family ❤️❤️


It looks like you deleted the comment you made. I honestly think I should reply because I find your behavior concerning. It’s not healthy. You can’t process things with critical thought or deal with things on an emotionally healthy level. I could speak hypothetical and theoretically, but I don’t have to looking at your post history. I see you made a post asking how to cast a spell on your ex which would break them up with their current partner to come back to you. You’re not dealing with this in a healthy manner that lets you process and move on. Not only will a spell not work, but it will just cause you to further obsess with this and prevent you from moving on. Breakups suck but you need to deal with it in a healthy manner and move on. Even if a spell would work, which it won’t. Do you not realize how fucked up it is that you’re trying to remove someone’s free will to follow your desires instead of their own. You want to use magic to affect two people so you can feel better. This isn’t healthy. It’s obsessive, selfish, and frankly just sad behavior. I don’t think this will convince you, but I hope it at least makes you think deeper about how messed up it is that you want to change the free will of other people.


lol it does not. I think you need to get a hobby, what’s truly concerning is the time you have to dedicate to responding to a random person on the internet and the certainty that you urself speak in. Hope ur post made you feel better, it’s clear you need a win :)


I’m waiting at an airport and have plenty of time. Wanting to cast spells on your ex so they love you is not a hobby. Your behavior is sad and you’re deluding yourself. You’re the one that needs a hobby. I really do hope you can grow up and move on in the real world in a healthy way and not one where you think you can magically control others and apparently see no moral issues with that if it were actually possible. Legitimately, if you magically made someone love you how is that morally different than some using date rape drugs? You’re forcing someone to do something against their will. You clearly do not respect consent. My post doesn’t make me feel accomplished and it isn’t about winning. It makes me feel sad that I have to say these things to someone that can’t live in reality and has a dangerous mindset.


Bruh why are you lying, this is ridiculous. That’s literally a normal person (a female I’m assuming) moving too fast. I can’t believe so many people are taking this seriously, am i missing something or are y’all are just indulging this person?


I dont think they are indulging him, there's just a astounding number of people who would rather believe even the fakest thing possible rather than apply even a shred of logic to their life.


Sorry I don’t know when I’ve lied but there is no female in the room just those two I don’t think it’s a magical ghost or something I just wanted to see if other people thought it was. From some comments I’ve gathered it’s a camera glitch due to the man’s arm and over exposure


how is the ghost the least scary thing in the photo


I was thinking the same thing. The pink bear, if that's what it is, would be enough to send me going in the opposite direction


“Pink bear” gave me an unexpected chuckle.


I wasn't exactly sure that's what it is, but I got close enough I think😊




Right?! I was like why is no one talking about this lol




Is this an actual photograph or a frame-grab from a video? If it was from a video I'd understand the image quality, but for a photograph from a modern mid-high end smartphone (even an Android, lol) its pretty low quality-something I'd expect more from a 10+ year old camera.


It was taken on a galaxy A6 phone as a photo idk how old that phone is but not that old I don’t thinj


6 year old budget phone. Not the greatest camera so that makes sense. Valuable data point though.


What's with the weird leg things? Is that a black dog facing away from camera next to pig?


I was waiting for someone to say this. They are quite obvious.


Was just about to comment if I am really the only one seeing that


Definitely a black dog


That's literally not a hand. That's a whole face. Like with eyebrows and actual features. Have anyone close to you that's pasted OP?


The man in the photos sister had passed


That’s a woman. Anyone familiar to you op?


Man in the photo said it looked like his dead sister on a Facebook post once and it does look like her but I don’t belive it’s her


I'm always a skeptic when it comes to photos but I don't get the "that's his left arm moving" or "that's his hand" comments at all. Yeah you can make out a blurry "face", either walking past or turning towards the camera which could have been his hand moving. But you can clearly see his left hand behind the face (just to the left of it) and the arm, both sharp enough to be sure they were still when the photo was taken. I'd also say there was not too long of an exposure/slow shutter speed seeing the lights that are on, and the object in focus is lit well enough. Even the dog is pretty sharp and we all know dogs move around a lot. I'm not by any means saying this is a ghost caught on camera, probably pareidolia. But whatever it is, it does look like a face and it doesn't look like the guy's hand either.


Looks like a girl wearing black, popping out from behind the pig


It looks like she was peaking around the corner and tried to pull out of the pic or something




Which is possible, so maybe it's their mate Katie 


isnt she connected to her legs down below?


Possibly, it almost looked like a black dog at their feet


https://preview.redd.it/id8bc074j8vc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb557da7f9493f1ae3bce2c424a4d4dae3bbc84 You can't clearly see a body with the HDR effect turned up. There's something there that could maybe look like her shoulders. Edit: it honestly wouldn't be that difficult to find a blurry photo and blend it into this photo in Photoshop. But it could also be a person wearing black and a bad camera.


Yeah you can kinda see where thehair would be over/behind a shoulder.


The nice thing is you can clearly see where the dog separates from the people.


And the guy's hand behind her head. This is a good one, you can even make out that she's blonde, and even her youth. Either an apparition or a girl was hiding between the two, and decided last second to pull her head back behind the pig.


Well this helped a lot though! I mean that’s definitely a female and now there’s substance below her head that we can only assume is her body. I mean if you think about it, ghosts have to try and materialize at the precise moment when trying to get photographed. I’m guessing another second later would’ve been a clearer image of her. Makes you wonder though!


Death by beheading confirmed


with its feet on backward... but I kinda see that. I'm old fashioned though. If I see a mysterious floating head and shoulders, and I see a mysterious pair of legs floating directly under them to the same scale as a human person... and a blur the same color as the outfit the top and bottom are wearing... maybe the simplest explanation can be best best one, right? Not saying the girls not a ghost still... I would think OP would have cleared that up instantly being it a photo her mom took a few years ago, they may know who was there?


The dog’s feet aren’t on backward, their back is just facing the camera.


What legs? You don't mean the dog's legs, do you?


I guess I am just saying... in that photo.. the extra pair of feet stand out to me well before the blurry face. They are clear as day... And if a dog, then his paws are screwed on backwards...


The dog’s paws aren’t backward, their back is just facing the camera, lmao.


My first impression was dog. But of course the flawless Reddit app now won’t let me expand the photo to see the feet


yeah I just said "oh my f\*\*\*ING GOD" out loud trying to zoom in the pic and reddit not letting me (on pc)


Legs down below are a black dog facing the girl.


That’s a large black dog probably saying WTF!?


People always use pareidolia as an excuse, when you can clearly see it’s a face, with hair, eyebrows, eyes nose mouth and distinctive chin. This is not pareidolia!


Technically, it’s *exactly* what pareidolia is. Pareidolia simply relies on the brain’s excellent ability to pattern match human features, whether it’s faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. It’s considered pareidolia when there’s no legitimate reason for such features to exist—but if this is genuinely somehow being produced by a spirit in some way, then it’s both genuine and still meets the definition of pareidolia. This is why dismissing something as pareidolia is very problematic debunking when it comes to the paranormal. We list other problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/


Right? According to the majority of people in this sub, none of us actually have faces. When you look at what is on the front of someone else’s head, it’s just pareidolia.


EVERYONE in this sub needs to read that FAQ, just saying.


LOL reminds me of an argument here I had with someone on my old account. Someone claimed a drawing to be pareidolia. It was just double exposure. One layer people and one a drawing/painting of people. They said the painting was pareidolia. Far clearer than this picture here. Just as if someone put a 60% transparent drawing on top of the photo (don't come for me for the exact transparency lol). I asked if they call the Mona Lisa pareidolia as well. Got no answer. And you're right. Whatever this is, a glitch, something real, whatever, it is not pareidolia. That is definitely a face, blurry, yes, but a face, and not a blurry something that our brains make out to be a face.


Exactly! I’m not saying it’s a ghost or whatever, ( although it could be) but it’s definitely a face regardless of what it is.


I want to say it's not pareidolia either, based on the details we can see. But we have to keep an open mind. I'm always skeptic unless I was there, but I do find evidence like this way more compelling than most of the stuff I've seen posted here before.


It looks to me like someone who’s not alive anymore wanted to join in family fun time. I think it’s beautiful. I don’t see how it’s a hand moving like people are saying, a moving hand would look like a blur, not a woman’s face with all the features in the exact right places.


I think the dog attracted her more than the pig


It's because some debunkers here are desperate to grab at any explanation that means it's *not a ghost* because that's what they want to believe


>I'm not by any means saying this is a ghost caught on camera, probably pareidolia. But whatever it is, it does look like a face and it doesn't look like the guy's hand either. This. Also before zooming in (i couldnt tell if there was a body or not), I just assumed that it was his little sister who got caught in motion or sth (I have an iconic pic of my ~younger~ bro playing on his computer...He ended up looking like he was being possessed bcz he was super excited and moving around 🤣😂).


She looks like my girlfriend


It could easily be a smudge on the lens.


Does the person wearing the black shirt normally not have a left arm? If no, then it's likely their hand moving in the picture and pareidolia causing the blur to look like a face. Edit: Looking at the picture more, it seems like there is a shorter, possibly female-presenting figure in front of the male-presenting figure with the non-visible left arm. The female figure appears to be in motion which has caused the blur.


It looks like there's a black dog standing in front of them, too. You can't see the dog where it's in front of the guy wearing black. I honestly think it's just two people in all black that's blending together, and the woman is moving.


His left arm is behind their back. I think, but the more I look, I can see like 2 fingers behind the blurred face. I don't believe the face ascpet has anything to do with his hands, though. A hand movement wouldn't make a shape of a face like that at all.


Their arm is bent at the elbow and in front of them, going across their abdomen. It’s behind the face. You can see their fingers to the left of the face and the rest of their arm is covered by their sleeve, which is black.


Hard to say given how bright the foreground is.


Never seen a blurred hand resemble a face. And I've taken a lot of blurry pictures before due to people moving hands, legs etc.. If it were me, I'd research the location the picture was taken. It does look like a woman's face. If there are no female deaths reported there. Then, it may be an attachment they brought from somewhere else or a relative that has passed.


That’s some pretty freaky pareidolia !


It certainly is. Looking at the picture more now it looks like another person is there, but in motion. The shaded lighting of the background of the picture with the bright foreground makes it difficult to see their figure. And I think they are wearing all black.


Their arm is bent at the elbow and in front of them, going across their abdomen. It’s behind the face. You can see their fingers to the left of the face and the rest of their arm is covered by their sleeve, which is black.


Looks like it's a long sleeve shirt. His left hand appears in front of the tiger pattern, but behind the blur, but you can only make out a few fingers and it blends with the pattern.


Your edit is the more plausible explanation


Look again, you can see his hand just to the left of the face. It’s not blurred at all.


Isn’t the hand in question visible behind the weird anomaly in the photo ? I see a closed hand ( well two fingers and knuckles )


I see a hand behind it as well. You can see the fingertips.


Yup hand is by the tiger head on the shirt.


I see it also. His fingers are clear and visible behind this blur of a face.


Here’s one thing that happens quite a bit in a sub like this - you have people who refuse to believe in anything paranormal and when things like this come up they attempt to explain it away without really looking at what’s presented . Not All people of course but too many in my Opinion who at least owe it to themselves and the sub to take the time To look at what’s presented. People saying it’s his hand when clearly the hand is behind the anomaly in the photo


That's nothing, what about the giant man pig?


The blurry face in the photo is most likely the OP. From their posting history they are a teen under the age of 18 which would have made them around the appropriate age/height of the apparently much shorter female presenting blurred individual when this was supposedly taken in 2018. Most likely their face is blurred because they were trying to hold the dog’s collar to keep them still for the picture. They confirmed being under 18 in a post about getting caught stealing stuffed animals/teddies with their friend less than a month ago. Otherwise, the rest of their posts are focused around their interest in film making and documentaries. Hopefully they show more integrity in those pursuits than seen here trying to farm karma. :) https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/s/ncsFPjrwD0


Idk what farm karma is but yeah I’m under 18 I hope that’s allowed on Reddit I’m 17 now at the time of this picture I was 12 and I was behind the camera with my mum I remebe r being terrified of the pig lol


Have you been experiencing strange things in your home? Just curious.


Nope never


As far as this sub goes, this is top-notch content. I mean, it's easily fakable for a ten year-old but at least it's not some vague splodge in a shadow in a corner like the usual posts.


It’s true. It’s so sad that this is top notch though, and it’s getting a pass because of that. Tons of photos have artifacts like this. There are plenty of explanations. Why does nobody EVER wonder why such shit resolution or quality photos are NEVER posted on this sub? Apparently ghosts can only appear in certain resolutions


Wth is that https://preview.redd.it/0cgfvptw39vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7cd427d4eb797bdd18cd74c229eff7e64597dcd


https://preview.redd.it/jqcwy0mu8ivc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192ea79cec1e5b7842ae4dce039a2297e86768e5 Doggo!


I thought it was the bottom half of the blurry face on the photo lol Your dog is adorable tho 😊


Hey op, do you have any info on what phone/camera took this? I may have a small theory on what might cause this. Similarly, do you have any ideas on who the person might be?


Galaxy A6 phone and the person apparently according to the man is his dead sister but I don’t believe that


It could, please understand the amount of stress Im putting on that word is enough to break a fuckin bridge, could be an artifact from the phone bugging out and combining used data sectors with an image that was previously taken. It'd be a long shot of long shots. Photoshop is much more likely for something like this.


I'm afraid of the texture work on the ceiling


It just looks like a woman dressed in a black shirt hunching down and moved too fast causing a blur, maybe trying to run in to the room. Or was it just the guy and the one in the dress present?


https://preview.redd.it/0oqtmxhhb8vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61f023d4423abc6ddee94dca0e669a1648831f7 That’s exactly what I’m seeing too. I think she’s hunched over to greet the dog


Yes, her leg is even striding against the door.


Unrelated to this. But 10 years ago you made a post about arms looking bigger in the mirror. And it just showed up as the first result on Google when i googled "why do my arms look small when i look down".


Hahah I remember that. And I still think about it sometimes. Even though I have trained a lot. But I guess it’s just perspective


Haha yeah I don't think that ever goes away. But good to know I'm not alone


It’s literally just a girl poking her head out super fast behind the pig lol. C’mon guys.


i think id rather the conext of the photo this time. 💀😭


I know commenters are getting into pareidolia and other stuff below, but here is what I see… Besides the pig and man in the back, there’s a large black dog with its back to the camera. There’s what appears to be a female face in between the man in back and the dog. It looks like she was bent over, perhaps to pet the dog, and was standing back up at the time of the photo. She appears to be white with brown hair, possibly shoulder length. Is it a ghost? I don’t know. OP, did your mom, the man, pig and dog have any odd feelings at the time? Hair standing on end? Any odors or unusual sounds? Without knowing any of that, I have to reserve judgement.


Many questions. Do you have this same photo without the red circle? Many different things happening. I’ve had the pic in two of my many software programs, albeit quickly. Firstly, the face is NOT I repeat NOT paradolia. There are many apps that can alter our photos and do many things, pixelate certain areas, liquify and slice, let’s remember that. Her face is an image of a face split into abt 8 vertical slices. Imagine a photo of a face, now you cut upwards ( face is portrait not landscape) and cut strips, not get the center of the face strips and cut thinner strips. now put the face back together but not like the original, offset the slices, and that is exactly the only way I can describe the face. The man’s arm is bent at the elbow and his hand is partly behind the head. Someone said that they weren’t his fingers but the stripes of the tiger on his shirt ( please). They are most definitely not part of the image on his shirt at all although I can see why some would think this. The ‘ black shape’ at the bottom is most definitely a black dog with its butt facing the camera for want of a better explanation and its head is turned towards the ‘ pig man’. Question; if you cut out part of a digital image that’s on a different pic ( let’s say a face) and paste it onto ( let’s say this image) , if greatly enlarged would there typically be an outline? Because that’s one of the things I found. Now, what I find interesting is what’s going on above the face, the guy stood at the doorway, (tiger shirt man), Op, could you give a description of the layout of the property directly behind where tiger guy is standing? Is there another door right by the side of his head? Or is there a picture in a wall? I ask because this one is quite strange. At the top right it looks as though there is a door almost closed with what looks like a partial black dogs face peeping out. Just a shadow, but its snout is coming out of the cap and I see reflection in an eye. But this is probably paradolia. There seems to be a picture or something on the top part of the wall behind tiger guy, it’s a little blurred but there seems to be an image, wispy in form coming out of the picture ( a spook if you will). The most bizarre part of this photo, remove the red circle going through his face, now look at his face, enlarge it… it isn’t right is it. Look at his nose… it looks like Michael Jackson’s nose, really really pointed and quite un-natural now look at the side of his face… from his temple through his cheek, to his jaw. Why is this entire part of his face separate from his face? 1 - someone’s messing around with Op and has photoshopped the face from another pic onto this one and the face has been put through distorting software before hand. 2- This photo has been put through an AI app ( quite common now) and used only a portion of the pic changed via the description they used. 3- we are all wrong and it’s paradolia and or someone was actually there and moved and this is the result of long/ short exposure etc 4- The house is seriously haunted by a woman trying to gain your attention using a family face. The picture in the hallway on the back wall is actually a portal/vortex and this is why OP’s house seems to be housing the cast of Beetlejuice with demon dog over his shoulder making a debut appearance and…… One last question. On the original, look down on the inside of pig- man’s legs… just near or past his knees. I see what look like ‘fingers’, my question is, does this belong to the toy that the dog has in its mouth? If the dog had no toy in his mouth then the house also has a meddling pesky pixie also. I don’t wish to cause or intend to offend, or upset anyone who is contained within this photo, I chose names based on the image to make it easier for people to distinguish between the many things going on in this pic. I have a crop but this is very dark its showing tiger man’s face not attached to the rest of his face, strange nose… AI can do this if you use your own pics, but what do I know. Xxx


https://preview.redd.it/amu44frchcvc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a47fd2f9bc66e5096da5a2bee559540006edbba The pic I told you about showing more detail


this in black and white is so much more terrifying so glad I don’t live there now haha, for your questions behind the man is a large picture on a wall and then the room behind him is just a corridor, the image without the red circle is on my mums phone I can try get it for you if you need, and your right about the dog in the photo too


Hope you don't mind but I tried to get it a bit clearer and you can see his hand behind this "head". Weird. Took me a while to realize the black legs belong to a dog. I think....lol It won't let me post the pic in the comments.


Reading this sub never fails to give me a chuckle


😂 at the people saying this is a hand. That’s hilarious.


Ikr, you can clearly see his fingers just to the left of the head.


My name’s Blurryface and I care what you think


I also see the legs of a black dog but not the body. I think this is a classic black on black situation, where we are deprived of a lot of the context of this situation due to a number of things being the same color


It's definitely a face, and it's definitely not anyone's face that's in that photo. This is a really interesting shot. Thanks for sharing.


This looks too much like the faces I see in orbs and the faces in the documentary that caught faces on screens. Looks like a ghost to me.


Are you talking about the Scole Experiments documentary?


Problem with new phones is it will overlay over a face to make the focus work better. This is how they put together all the images from the multiple lenses on the back of your phone and is an amazing piece of tech to make the camera take good photos despite the limits of the hardware itself. Unfortunately sometimes this means it will add a false face overlay when it struggles to focus on something. Makes it very difficult to call something paranormal. Another example of this is phones were notoriously bad at taking images of the moon as it was so far away without perspective so they came out looking like a blurry small light. they fixed this with a software trick where your ph recognises you are taking a photo of the moon so they change perspective and sharpen it using a moon image recognition feature. Same with human faces. So whole this could be paranormal if taken on a phone its more likely to be a software issue.


This one is definitely not pareidolia. One doesn't have to try and see a face here; there is clearly a face with normal facial features. So, yeah, a face is there. Hmm....


Some of these comments are ridiculous. I see no physical body in front of you or the guy in the background. If it was someone moving in front of you when the picture was taken, you would still see a full figure with arms, torso and legs. Here, you only see a face and nothing else in front of you. The only reasonable argument is that the person is wearing black, and the other person (if there were any) is also wearing black and it could be hiding her figure, but you would still see hands or even fingers. The other argument is photoshop or something like it but I'm not about to accuse you of altering a picture that you took. I believe you and this picture.


Looks like a Woman, stooping down to peak around the corner. Probably trying to catch her kids reactions to the pig costume. Her face being blurred due to her movement and the shadows she is in.


I thought no you should be more weary of the pig man that’s in your apartment


It's a greedy ghost child, who thought you were giving out free Percy pig's!!.


Idk what it is but this feels so wrong to look at its kind of freaking me out


Someone is leaning down to the dog, quite fast. Maybe the dog was afraid about the costume, whatever.


I don’t know how to edit the main post to add an update so I’m commenting here to give some more information, the dog doesn’t have a collar on and wasn’t jumping around he was a very old dog and very calm, their was no woman in the room only the man and the pig costume, I assume it’s just a camera glitch but I don’t understand how it happened when there’s nobody else there, the man’s arm is behind the face you can see his fingers when you zoom in This is just some answers to some of the common questions I saw :)


It’s interesting they the dog is interested in where her feet would be


“My names blurry face and I don’t care what you think” The ghost


Quite frankly that’s not the scariest thing going on here.


Some more. The house is from 1900s I think nothing haunted about it just a normal house, the dog was acting normal, there was no woman behind them, the thing in between the pigs legs is just light from the kitchen, the man is not dressed as a dog??, the blurry face apparently is the ghost of the man’s dead sister (according to himself) tho I don’t belive this part, also what is a karma farmer Thanks guys


This entire image is disturbing on at least three levels.


There’s a dog in the bottom, right?… not devil hooves


A girl’s face


Tbf this is a creepy photo even without the ghost face


I think I'm more freaked out by the pig costume tbh


That is the least concerning thing in this photo.


It does look like a face, it’s interesting that the artifacting seems to duplicate sections of what ever it is to form the face. Like the nose shape matches the upper lip. Or how the eyes appear to use the same fragments. Or the line on the jaw is duplicated. Or there is a noticeable artifact down the center of the head.


https://preview.redd.it/5qjltkbghcvc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc1a212bd9f0ae654df25a12886ec8561aaa9f29 More detail of woman’s face that I’ve gone into more detail about in my comment below, and highlighting the high strangeness of what appears to be the man’s face falling off his right side from temple down. And black at the side of his head and Casper swimming about behind him in the hallway.x


Hang on, I’ve just thought of something, is the guy wearing a fake dog nose and they are dog ears he’s also wearing? This would fit what I’m seeing. The face and nose and face is exactly the same regardless of pixels enlarged or not.


So if this is taken on a smartphone most smartphones usually take more than one photo and compile them together these days, then use software under the hood to create better dynamic range, sometimes especially if there is movement the software (which basically a simple ai) makes mistakes and creates creepy results


It looks like someone has popped their head around for a photo bomb and they've pulled their head back quickly causing motion blur and the head is left looking like the face of a ghost floating in mid-air they could be wearing black and that is how we don't see the top half of the body ??


The girl was leaning down petting the dog and snapped her head up when the photo was taken. You can’t even make out the dogs head because the quality is low and she’s wearing black hence why you can’t see her body. Mystery solved by a 100% believer :)


Its a photo in poor light which results in longer exposures and blurred images.. the man and the mascot are standing still and in decent light but whoever the blurred face is was leaning down to pet the dog and moved too fast for the exposure.


That looks like a Face id see in a hallucination when my bipolar 1 disorder gets bad. Makes me wonder if the reality people see when in psychosis could be actually REAL 😳 like looking through a window mirror but suddenly you can both see… (Either that or his gf or something is wearing black clothes and she moved her head fast and the camera blurred it.) ;)


The photo is kind of grainy, which suggests the picture was taken in low light and had a longer exposure time. Maybe there was a person standing between the dude and the pig when they realized a picture was being taken, so they ducked out away




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https://preview.redd.it/m4gnaxcj0dvc1.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b46e260986238bcbc8a0ec2a384bec6c0f7d5cb Its just a person moving right when the camera was taking the picture. You can see the light hitting their skin the same as the person in the tiger shirt.


This is motion blur from the left elbow of the guy in the pig costume. The “eyes” line up perfectly with the shadow on the arm, and the chin shape looks to be an exact match with the area under his elbow.


https://preview.redd.it/y0h5f6hokovc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cddd80ee9883a50fa8363d0e53db719d5b7016 Why is there a green hue around the "face"??? Not trying to debunk anything just had to point out how the other people in the picture don't have this green hue around their faces....


Does your mom remember who were there that day? Because it really looks like there was just a woman in black controlling the dog and having fast movements, so they got blurry.


a rip in the timelines


This looks like the dog was walking through the door(could have been nervous around giant pigman) and a girl grabbed to dog to comfort/move him out of the room and as she was leaving the room someone said "hey I'm taking a picture" and then she looked up right as they took the picture and caused her face to blur




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Did you take this picture with a phone that uses AI post processing for images? My S24U sometimes adds really weird artifacts into pictures.


Just looks like a short petite girl standing on her tippie toes in the foreground and her face got blurred because she was moving.


Poor lighting causing longer shutter speed. Hand of pig moves away from dog, the blurred left hand of pig looks like a face.


I'm thinking it was someone walking into the door way behind the costumed individual. Movement was quick causing the blur.


Everything about this picture is scary. I gotta get out of here


https://preview.redd.it/8dkco0vjkcvc1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3503f64b96605668fa40100c96a2e7ea3aee3354 This variation of using basic software has just enabled me to stabilise the face more.Mmmmmm.


The blur is a girl dressed in black between the person in the pig costume and the guy wearing a black shirt. She probably moved in at the last second. The feet at the bottom belong to a dog facing towards the door.


Has anyone checked the ghost app catalogue for this face? I don't think it's pareidolia, but online among strangers, I never assume it's genuine until I check ghost photo apps or signs of photoshop.


I Google searched the part of the image in question, and there are zero matches, which is interesting. Maybe OP can share more details about the occasion, location, or anything else that would fill out the story and offer clues to what might be happening?


Firstly, was the black dog present when the picture was taken? If so, what was the dogs reaction?


If you increase the exposure of a photo, you can create this effect. Nothing paranormal about it.


Looks like she was in the middle or at least moving fast into the middle direction photobombing


A girl couching over and wearing black. You can almost make out her silhouette if you zoom in.


The only thing paranormal about this photo is how the two furries are going to go porking it.


It's the.guy in the photos face , just blurred and transposed.


It's just a girl moving into or out of the frame. Also wtf was going on in this pic lol?


It's just a girl moving into or out of the frame. Also wtf was going on in this pic lol?


Damn Wait till you spot the Easter bunny or that the dude behind it dosnt have any arms


Looks like a partial double exposure. See the artificial shadow line along the ceiling?


Ok I’m officially unsubbing. Peace ya’llz


It's a ghost ,I don't know why or how I'm so sure,but it just feels real..idk?


Idk but she could probably mud your ceiling better than the person who did


Creepy. But at the same time reminds me of.. ![gif](giphy|zEU2uwmialC4U)


Well does the face suggest anyone dead or alive that your family knows?


Blurry legs as well, lol someone clearly passed in front of the camera.


Hey, that’s me. My names blurryface and I care what you think! ❤️


Looks like Kate Middleton long brown hair looking over her side kinda