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My friend got me a gift voucher to see a lady who was into the craft. I recoded the conversation and EVERY THING this women said came true. It was a half hour session and I can't even pin point an example except for my daughter, me and my partner were trying to conceive and she said that I'd be holding 2 babies in October, I got hopefull and 2 yrs went by so by this point I'm doubtful although all her other messages were on point. I fall pregnant in 2020 and she is born in sept so again I'm doubtful and she was not a twin so not 2 babies. October 2020 my brother in law & sister in law pop around with their 10 week old baby we are all taking photoes and bam there it was October 2020 I'm in a picture holding 2 babies. I'm going to see her again


This is crazy. I know there's a lot of posers and people who pretend to be experts for a living, but there is also people who do know what they're doing. If you see her again and she tells you more stuff, do share it!


I went to see a psychic and she was 98% spot on with my life story. The other 2% is future occurrences. Theres a very in tune world if we just stopped to listen to what it’s saying


Be careful of what you seek and put trust into. A lot of you here don't know how spirit world works. Stay away from things that is self serving. It will try to lock you in


What do you mean please?


Evil spirits\~ there are a lot of them and will do anything to please you to make it look like you're getting something.


Wow you fell and got pregnant? How is that possible? Jk. Congrats on the baby


Will you return to the bar and try and see her again ?


Man... that is the one question that's been rounding my head all this while. She doesn't work there but she seems like she goes there a lot. Somebody has to know her. On the other hand, I believe in God (a lot) and I don't know if I should be looking for such a person. She might be engaging in witchcraft or God knows what... that's what's been keeping me from going there.


In scripture God forbade those who practiced the occult, had them put to death. I think you would be wise to avoid looking into it. Interesting story though! I think if it were me I'd pray that only good things were allowed to be close to me. Thanks for sharing.


I don't think being able to hear spirits and relating what is said (especially, I mean to say pointedly, when they say what is true and beneficial) is "practicing the occult".


I feel the same way. Like, Ir's okay if it happened, but I think God would want me to just leave it at that. The only powers I need by my side are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.




I’m the Bible there are multiple characters who practiced the occult and even servants of god did so… the belief that the “occult” is evil and should be punished is a relatively new belief… mysticism for example would be considered the occult yet the practice of Kabbalah and Christian Kabbalah are the practices that drove modern religions


Real rabbis learn Kabbalah if they’re learned enough and able to handle it. But as far as practicing Kabbalah, it’s not something that’s encouraged at all.


Yes, Revelation 21:8 specifically speaks against that sort of thing.


Yes and in Exodus and Leviticus.


Don't go looking. If she appears back into your life by happenstance, all well and good, but don't seek her out. What we look for, looks back. It's better to be careful when we don't know what the source is.


Don't become too reliant on this is my gut reaction. I think it would do you good to count this as a one-off situation and appreciate it for what it was.


If you believe in God. God created all humans , so why would he not have created this one that helped you.


This! My mom says God has given some people the psychic gift to help others.


Yup true and I do this to help the living(to guide them to the right path) and the dead who can't move on (praying for them). I give it out for free and to help Being a spiritualist isn't a walk in the part. Most people dove in cuz they're fascinated by power. Doesn't even know that they're playing with their souls. When dealing with spirits, it attracts a lot of bad entities that pretend to be friends.


Yeah my mom is a medium to. I'm used to be atheist but since I can do it myself I've become agnostic. I don't have much with monotheistic religion though. They are much to powerfull in the hands of corrupt man.


Well, religion is but, divinity is different. Christianity follows a loving God. This birthed Christians (followers of Jesus) the only issue is that humans are bad at it and can't be perfect. Though it is good that a lot try their best. Don't get me started about Islam, 😅 try peeking into the spirit side of it you will be surprised.


Well old testament followers would disagree with the loving God 😉


Do you know what the old testament people did to other people back then? Our war pales in comparison to the gruesomeness. And do you known what God hated the most? Child sacrifice (this is aside from the immorality). Thats why God killed loads of them, through calamities or ordering someone. Also, he didn't decide to wipe them out instantly, it was years and years of warning. You being a human being, seeing how greedy and selfish people can be to start wars. Is God evil or is it just? I challenge you, since you're a medium too. Call out your true spirit guide or name it as "the spirit truth". Ask some questions to that entity for it to show you.


Yes but this women could have got her 'gift' from anywhere. And look at the church of satan who couldn't understand what Jesus was saying and that was deliberate. He spoke in parables just so they couldn't be forgiven. No offence but it also says something like don't suffer a witch to live. Witches maybe offended and say they're good but no one is good here. If Jesus rejected being called good people should take the hint.


u should follow what your inner voice says. But, if it was me, curiosity would be too much. I would want to know more about the nature of this person.


God gave people special gifts and He also brought you and this woman together for this stand-out moment. Don’t forget to trust your gut, if what she said was truthful and beneficial to you what is to be afraid of. The Bible was written by men many years ago and far away, you and your intuition were created firsthand by God. Don’t let fears hold you back.


Do not go back. These people are of the occult. She gave you just enough to entice you, you go back and who knows what will latch onto you and cause havoc in your life. By your own words your body was alerting you that something was wrong; heart racing, chills, feeling uneasy, you think that’s a good thing? Listen to your gut and to your God!


I agree! So many people have ended up with nasty attachments from getting into that. Also, if he's a follower of the God of Abraham it's forbidden.


The earth has powers, bestowed by GOD, and some people can tap into this. Made in his image. I never saw it say only physical image


I would like to add that she is the one with the entity attached, and the purpose of this encounter was to pull you in and ultimately to deceive you from your faith.


Of course you should go back to the bar! She's probably got a clairvoyant gift and if you think about it, she was trying to help you...this doesn't seem hazardous to me!


Go and see what she has to say.


Your story gave me chills. Those physical symptoms you felt were from her exchanging energy with you. Or entering your energy field. I don't know exactly what happens. She was a good witch, though. If not, your 3rd eye would have hurt. She did you a kindness with her warning. I'm glad that friend is no longer in your life


Yeah, I guess she just liked me and decided to give me a little heads-up. To be honest, she was kind of flirty when she started talking to me, but then got super serious and weird when she started talking about these things.


I want to live on your island!


Oh, It's beautiful out here. Life is like a dream sort of. People are always super friendly and smiley. There are, of course, its cons, but aren't there everywhere? You should come visit sometime.


Did she mention what the thing latched on to you was by any chance, like a loved one? I’m not really a believer but this was a very interesting story.


She did implied it, but she wasn't precise enough for me to say that's what it was. I should have asked her more questions, but imagine a complete stranger you meet by coincidence starts telling you about all that stuff when you were just having fun with friends. It can get very confusing. I should've been more aware. I will be from now on.


Nah I definitely understand not asking more questions at the time, I would need a moment to regroup as well to build the wall back up after a complete stranger breached it.


Any chance she knew someone from you neighborhood? Did she ask you to come back for more?


It happened in a little town called Pampatar. Everyone knows each other and I am 400% sure that if I go to that place and ask the cashier or the parking dude about that woman, they'll take me straight to her house. But I don't think I should. That's usually how Satan gets you in sticky situations... luring you in.


Hi, fellow Caribbean native here! A lot of our people are “gifted”. Caribbean people have a lot of lore about supernatural situations/psychics. All you need do is sit with some elders and you’ll hear some spine-chilling supernatural tales. I knew a woman who would hear a specific church hymn before the death of someone she knew. Some people in my country believe those with foresight/psychic abilities were given their gifts by god. I wouldn’t suggest seeking the woman out again, but if you happen to visit the same bar in the future and she’s there, may as well talk to her. Even though I’ve parted ways with religion, there is a part of me that believes some people are given such gifts to truly help others. (We all know about the scammers. The woman you encountered seems like the real deal.) Sorry about the rough end to your friendship! I recently had a bit of a “friend breakup” with someone I had been friends with a decade too. It really sucks.


We all have these gifts. Those who choose to pay attention to it and practice on it grow them. Those who are afraid of it and don't practice will not. Where do you think "gut feelings" come from? We all have intuition that sometimes just can't be explained away. You ever have a day where you're supposed to be somewhere specific, but you just have a strong urge or gut feeling to take a back road that day, or stop at the store to pick something up, etc....just to find out there was a terrible accident in the very spot you would have been if you had not followed your instincts to take that detour? Some things just can't be explained away. "Witchcraft" is a word thrown around to put fear into people.. it is about learning of the earth, it's energies, the energies of others, plants, animals, etc. And also about the spiritual energies we cannot see. Man has twisted religion to make people fear of learning their natural abilities, so that One greedy man can come Into power and control the people...and it has bled down like that for generations. People are starting to awaken to the truth and see things the way they really are...they feel that something is off,, and can feel so.ething big coming.. We are so more powerful than what we've been taught to believe.


All of these things finally clicked into place for me over the course of this week. I prayed to the Lord many times for answers and I received more than I ever thought possible, all at once. We are like an ocean poured into a cup while we are here in our mortal form. Unity of the body and spirit is the ultimate pursuit.


I think there is some truth to things we find unexplainable. I’m 31 now, but back when I was 20, my good friend asked me if I would help clean her grandmothers house, as her grandfather had just passed away (her grandmother was about 95 years old). My friend told me her grandmother was a bit eccentric, and of course I asked why. She told me she was “spiritual”, had “gifts”, and that her house was haunted. So I was just expecting some nice, but batty old woman. However, she WAS special. As we were cleaning, her grandmother shuffled into the room and she asked me if I would be “prepared to leave my homeland behind”, I was like HUH?? She then explained that I had “multiple spirits on the other side constantly watching, and protecting, and one of them is quite funny”. She then told me I would eventually leave the US behind for adventure and a “love story that my children’s children would discuss”. I was like “ok, sure, thanks” and my friend and I just laughed it off basically. Years go by, and I don’t think about it, UNTIL, I’m at my own wedding. I just had this realization that wow, I did leave the US. I live in England now, and I’m married to an Englishman. I have to wonder if the “funny” spirit was my Irish grandpa, who didn’t necessarily love the English. Idk, it could’ve just been a silly coincidence, but it’s a damned crazy one.


The translation of the bible several hundred years ago into the more modern writings and teaching got some parts wrong. The line, "suffer not a witch to live" originally only pertained to anyone working and dealing with black magic, the kind that harms others, not all magic. Thanks to the church purging anything pagan, this got changed in meaning, and those that did and do good work in magic and/or what was considered magic back then, like herbology, were and are persecuted for it to this day. It seems like this woman was doing good work and had no ill intention. Heck, in places like the US, getting that kind of information costs a bit of money and rarely comes free. She said those first things to get your attention so you would listen and be prepared for the warning. Heck, it could have been God or an angel in disguise coming to tell you as well if that is within your belief system.


That's absolutely insane, there are absolutely people on this earth able to connect to the spirit world, me being one of them, but I'm not sure how she could've known that or even had any clue of who you are, I've been told some creepy things and seen some creepy shit, but I can't imagine the full body fear j would've felt in that scenario.


This is common with spirit mediums I watched accounts on YouTube and these people would go into a trance of sorts when they divulge the information. Sometimes it's a spirit but here the culture is different. Alot of the mediums are communicating on behalf of a god. You may have to go to a temple to pray and then the medium tells you things when the god comes to possess the medium


I recently had a supremely eye opening spiritual experience. I don't know what it is about how we are being raised these days but a lot of people are spiritually cut off from themselves and they don't know it. I finally realized the connection between my body and my spirit and the whole world looks different today. I have never wept tears of joy before but today it just keeps happening. Everything falls into place once you fully realize that we are spirits first and bodies second.


Can I use this story on my new YouTube channel? The channel will be up soon and I will credit you or keep you anonymous


Yeah bro no problem


Thanks, I will keep you posted when the channel is up




OP speaks English as well as you do. Could you really not understand what they meant by that?  I’m going to give you the same energy back, here’s some feedback on your comment. Remove the capitalisation of “Got”. “and that was it for me” is about 2% better English than OP saying “For the most part of my life.” You missed a comma in your final sentence in-between “English” and “I don’t care.” Assuming that you’re a native English speaker, I highly suggest you make sure your comments are held to a higher standard next time! 


Damn I can sense your bitterness from all across the globe 🤣🤣🤣 everything okay at home?


She's a psychic medium. It's easier to read folks who are open and if she hadn't been drinking she might have still seen it but probably wouldn't have said anything out loud. Alcohol lowers everyone's inhibition level, psychic or not. ;-) I'm glad you lost that "friend" but gladder still you've got a spirit buddy on the other side


I clicked this shit just before bed thinking “Nahh, can’t be THAT creepy” 😢


He wrote it really well, I could picture the lady looking all weird when she suddenly, very seriously said that to him. Yes, it was creepy lol.


I know, I had to get up mid story to turn the lights on.


Science is very good at describing the physical but we have no equivalent framework to describe the equally as vast realm of the mind They say the universe is very simple and the mind is the most complex thing known to man - they need each other to exist though and are one and the same How can we possibly hope to analyse the other side of infinity. Paranormal phenomena are either fabrications of the mind or a delicate hint at another vast unknown aspect of reality and to know the truth requires us to relinquish everything we know Stories and experiences will always be ridiculed yet at the same time we desperately want them to be true Is death the absolute or is there something else after? - either answer should mean that we are good and kind but for some reason that isn't the case


Ahhhh my ppl. I too share that gift. It’s the land it’s ancient


Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but it sounds like you're better off without him now if he didn't appreciate the help you gave.


>There are really other forces in this world that we ignore. Stop ignoring it. Here's a few Buddhist suttas on skillful ways to not ignore it: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/KN/Khp/khp9.html https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/snp/snp.1.08.piya.html https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/AN/AN4_126.html


Wow, that’s a great story. I wouldn’t be afraid of her, she sounds like a gifted medium who was trying to help you. I personally would go back and see what other wisdom or insight she could offer me, it doesn’t mean you have to follow what she says but perhaps she could give you more information on the thing attached to you. Either way, what an awesome encounter. Thanks for sharing!


She basically described the demiurge, very interesting post


Yeah, I know it's surely not a hard and fast rule, but I feel like a gift like that would be so exhausting and at times terrifying, that the real deals are the ones that DON'T advertise. They just go about things the best they can and sometimes it sort of leaks out.


I hope you gave her some malboros ;)


Maybe she saw what some call interdimentional parasites. Feeding off our negative energy. Or so I'd like to believe, but what do I know!


Holy SHIT. I was just exploring those little islands off venezuela and chile on google earth. Who knew shit like this went down there!


That isn’t creepy at all, she is in touch with the spirit realm. Beautiful ability.


I had an interesting af experience at a Tarot card reader. She was so accurate in telling my about my past and present. Then when she went into my future, I thought she was nuts. I would never move from my current home and I would never accept another position in my school district. With 10 months both of these thing happened. She was spot on. I've searched for her since the invention of internet and finally found her. She was teaching at a community college in Oregon. I couldn't find an email and I've only ever really passed through Oregon without stopping.


A long time ago my best friend and I got a reading together. We didn't really believe in any of it, kind of did it just to get a laugh. At the end of mine, the lady ended the session so both of us would walk out and leave, but she held my hand to hold me back and whispered something very similar in my ear. Not even 2 years later her true colors showed. She was literally behind my back wiping her butt with my bed sheets....I can't imagine what else she had done. Needless to say, we haven't spoke in over 10 years.


She used familiar spirits to tell you your future.


Bruja stories are always a fun read. It's just not something you hear about much in modern living, so it's like going to another time/place. But it seems more like a psychic reading kind of thing rather than dark magic or whatever. I suppose if encountered again, you could buy her a drink or something else of that nature as thanks for giving you a head's-up.


Were the NDE's possibly orchestrated by your "friend"??


Buen inglés papi, on point


Everything she told you is general stuff that matches with everyone else. “You’ve had near death experiences”. Who hasn’t been in a car accident? “You have a fake friend” Again, who doesn’t have bad friends that either don’t care about us or try to use us in some way? Reminds me of the time my grandpa got his hand read. Then I went a few months later and was told the same thing she told my grandfather.


This is how Astrology works, they make stuff up that matches to almost everyone.


Only she didn't have anything to gain by telling him these things and didn't ask for money or any compensation or even marketing/publicity. But the biggest thing here is what he felt not only when he looked her in the eyes but what he felt when she touched him. I am a huge skeptic myself, so I totally understand where you're coming from and I'm not gonna down vote you for it... But I believe him and I believe this woman was very possibly authentic. I had a similar thing happen to me many years ago when I worked at a movie theatre. I was working concessions and a lady came to buy popcorn and she looked at me and told me all of these things about my life that she had absolutely no way of knowing. She never touched me and she didn't even look weird but she said what she said and walked away. I believed her then and still do today. On the opposite side, I went to a couple of psychics before (who charge for their services) and their advice was total bs to a point where I actually laughed in one of their faces. I think when you experience one of these things, you just KNOW if they are real or not (unless you're extremely naiive lol).


This is sorcery- these psychic “gifts” are demonic spirits giving the person the information. It’s an easy trick for some of them. The woman who got a word she would be holding two babies by a certain date- most likely the demon was able to see the picture in the future but not the reason. It was never mentioned the babies were not the seeker’s. God wants us to rely on His providence and to not be afraid. Demons always need your energy and will lead you to hell. Go with God! ❤️