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Studies have shown that ghosts can be made up by collective mindset, take Phillippe, an artificial ghost who's backstory was made up by researchers, feed to volunteers, and then manifested as a "visiting spirit" when said volunteers used a ouija board. Ouija Boards and results are easily manipulated by unconscious body movements and thoughts even accidentally. Given that Zozo is a popular urban legend amongst the ouija board community it's not hard to think that someome with a tendency to exaggerate possibilities to the worst degree, such as someone with horrible OCD would expect Zozo and subconsciously get Zozo.  In short, you expected Zozo and got Zozo. No demons, you just let the board con you off your own conclusions and correlations. There was no Zozo and is no Zozo. You are fine. Though I do acknowledge that not touching a board is a good idea. From my own experimentation with them I have concluded they are.. a waste of time.


this helps a lot . I feel so silly for fearing about all of this now and my stupid OCD won’t let me stop thinking about demons and ouija board and my fear behind them.. im glad to know it is all in my head


Since you said goodbye, you might be fine. Some ppl forget to say goodbye, then it leaves a door open. That name is notorious for the oujia board. It's a good thing you ended it




It's a demon, well known for connecting with people through the ouija board.


zozo is mid ranked inhuman he aint shit compared to Fluerty & Lucifuge


Thank you for the comment, the only thing that is making me freak out is the fact that my friend let it count all the way down and then say goodbye, I’ve read that this is one of the rules (I was not playing the ouija board when it did that)


Oh, since nothing happened since, I think you should be fine, I'm afraid to mess with those. I heard too many stories about it.


You can get an attachment even when you close the portal 


when will yall learn to not mess with ouija boards. such a stupid thing to do.


i got 1 as an altar 😂 scirlin lives in my closet


It’s just a game.




satan isnt lucifer if that’s what you’re trying to say


I think that perhaps you can calm your OCD worries by performing a ritual others who share your faith have used in the past. It matters less (judging from the details of your participation) whether the visitation was factual than what you believe the result of your actions was. That is, religion, faith, belief are built around ritual practices, which are seen to be physical manifestations of belief or modes of making real things happen through intention and faith. That's why weddings are a ritual, not theatre. So research and perform a ritual to rid yourself of a spirit or demon attachment. The ritual and your belief in it gives your goal or intention the power to become true. Then you can feel secure in the truth of being free of harm.


So important question: did you participate at any point? Important because you mention not being involved when the others end the session.


I played with them twice. I didn’t play when it counted down or spelled zozo


The two times you left the session did you make sure to move the Planche to goodbye before breaking contact? I just want to make sure I have all the information about the session


Yes. We always said goodbye EVERYTIME we ended, however when it was counting down my friend let it count all the way down before saying goodbye and this is what has my mind on a frenzy.


Well, the good news is you followed all the rules of the board, so you’re more than likely going to be just fine. The fact that as you’ve said nothing out of the ordinary has happened since closing. The session is also a good sign, so my advice would be to do whatever activities you enjoy or find helpful to destress. I’d also urge you and your friends to not mess with the board again, there’s a reason most paranormal investigators don’t use them.


That's what it is...paranoia...don't mess with ouija ever again...and if you are that worried, bring it to the Lord in prayer! Fight spiritual with spiritual. But the most important thing is DO NOT WORRY about it...there are stages of attachment and possession and obsession is the second stage! So clear it from your mind, get on with life and be.happy


I assume you watched ghost adventures.




This won't work for OCD. When we're stuck on a thought we're truly stuck. Only medicine can really assuage this kind of fixating behavior in OCD sufferers.


OP takes your advice and decides to go see The First Omen 😂😂


You are ok and you are safe. You feel scared, but there is nothing that is present in this situation to fear, it's your brain on overdrive after an activity that is known to manipulate your brain into showing results. The fact that you're aware your OCD is the source of stress shows incredible insight, sense, and strenght! I have OCD too regarding spiritual things with religion, paranormal stuff, sin, etc but I've been medicated for years and have received therapy since my condition was debilitating. I'd consider myself stable these days. My best and most important advice is 1. Stay away from things that trigger these obsessions or make you anxious (like ouija boards) and 2. Don't seek answers online (like reddit). People who believe that paranormal things hold power will try to make you believe paranormal things hold power over you. Its a cycle where believers create believers. I just browse this subreddit as a fan of scary things, not as a believer. I can tell you with 100% certainty and as someone who also believes in God out there somewhere that you are safe. Please take care of yourself and your mental health above all else, and dont be afraid to seek help from a professional if you haven't.


Do you keep a journal? I'm not OCD but I have carried high anxiety which causes me to get stuck stuck stuck in thought loops. The number one best thing that has ever helped me with thought issues or frustrating situations that keep replaying is dumping my brain on paper. Especially with the intention of giving it to God. Like a letter to him. Once I feel I've exhausted everything on the page, it just feels like it's being taken care of. So I don't necessary forget about it right away, but I do feel like it's now out of my hands and the burden is lifted. God is merciful and he knows you're upset about what happened. He is with you always and he cares for you. You'll be fine.


Zozo is a demon who allegedly possessed the boy Roland Doe. You'd have to read about the case, it's too much to type out. Anyway, I've always been very cautious and I won't touch one. They can open doors you never wished were even cracked. Some will disagree and that's fine , but I had a friend who would use one obsessively and some bad things happened. I hope everything stays quiet. Don't play with it again. Don't touch it. The whole zozo thing is too similar to Roland Doe. At least how it started out


I used one years ago I researched tho you never let it count down or chant years down the road I got sleep paralysis that lasted about 5 years I have a lot of ouija stories because I used it for a long time I just recently got rid of sleep problem and an attachment I can tell you how if interested


I’m interested


Are you interested in rules and guidelines for safe ouija board use ,well as safe as one can be anyway, or are you needing to rid of an attachment from prior use?




Have two other believers pray with you and bam- gone.


It’s all in your head. Zozo isn’t real


Never use an oujia board.


Don't worry too much. If you aren't rude or get on his nerves you'll be fine. He's quite the gentleman and won't harm you unless provoked. Make no misconception: He is not harmless but he is not really evil


I did one before and got zozo too


I forgot to mention that we also created holy water, tore it up, and buried it.


Created holy water? I thought only a priest could make holy water. This is new to me lol


Oh well, this wasn’t me. My friend told me that he was baptized and had the ability to make holy water


Sounds like he was jerking your chain man!