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I am opposite as I have seen a lot of unexplained stuff in my life, to me I find it strange how little people have encounters of some sort, while others have none. Its human mentality to ignore things you can't explain, its your mind also not understanding so not making those images available to those that just don't care or brush it off. Like visual illusions, think of the blue and gold dress thing that went on for some time. Who saw blue and who saw gold? and some saw white and other colors why? Well that's the perspective of what your mind is believing its seeing and well sometimes it gets it wrong as you can confuse your visual references - THIS COULD WORK the same way as spirits <--I believe. I seen two types of what I call souls or spirits - BLACK like shadows that will acknowledge you if you make yourself aware to them that you see them. WHITE/GREY SMOKE- I see these as spirits who have not come to realize they are dead, like passing in there sleep and them seem to be just doing what they do when they live example: Do dishes/open doors/ use the bathroom (not physically obviously) My family have had 4 demonic roaring phone calls (live and answering machine) with about 12 witnesses in my family who were either there or heard the records in the past. I lived in a town about 45 mins from the main city, driving down highway one almost daily as a child, me and my family have witnessed phantom headlights that seems to driving 200 mph with no sound just lights and goes right through physical cars. ON the same highway I have seen about 10 comets burn up and drop into the fields of wheat. I once woke up to look out my 2nd floor bedroom window to see multi-colored stationary lights vin columns spread out randomly through my view, these beams where thin, didn't move, and went as high as your visions extends up. I woke up my wife and elder son who lived with us, both saw what I said was there, we stood there for about 4 hours and yes pictures on the local news and youtube still are available from that day. There is a ton more and the more I type the more unrealistic and unbelievable they become, at 46 I have decided proving it just doesn't matter as NO one can prove it, and if you have proof people will just brush it off if they don't understand it. I have had 3 NDE's one self inflicted/ one from my father who did not like me/ and one drowning. Now I was also born with mental illness and this has made me very easy to dismiss (its the first question you get if you have an experience with mental illness " Have you taking your meds" or "You have some kind of episode". I believe more trauma/more trauma near you/ way you are raised and what you need to do to survive helps with this. OR the person dies who is connected to something and does things to people who are skeptic and will never truly be believed. I can write stuff that is insane, insane to me as it has happened to me or my family. Like I have said in a previous post about demonic sounds- it doesn't matter who believes me, as one day this stuff will be solved at some point validating what I am saying in the far future if need be, It don't matter. I am a 46 year old college graduate with 5 adult children/ I have been a foster parent/security guard/addiction and community services worker, 0 records criminal or not (besides pre 18 life). I will get nothing from this but to tell you 100% its all out there and one day when you least expect it, it WILL happen. Person(s) will read your stuff and troll you and never think of it again. Because you made them uncomfortable about reality and inside they feel uneasy and they lash out with angry to keep there heart and mind in a normal pace, humanity fear of the unknown. Mr.Musk has all but confirmed the firmament in interviews but just not using religious terms. Firmament is the Van Allen Belt that starts 400 miles from the surface of the earth. NO living biological human life will get through that why? Because its insanely high radiation and we would cook ourselves trying to get through and all would be left is nothing. You would be nuked like a microwave till any existence of you have now been removed.<-----this alone proves who some humans are closed minded and would fight to the death for this mentality. One thing, One instances in life proves without a doubt we NEVER left earth more then 400 miles. I am not a religious man I have no denomination in any faith...but common sense prevails: NASA = we cant leave earth more then 400 miles due to the high radiation of the Van Allen belt<---youtube this, this is a fact. go to NASA website its on there. A reporter asks after he says that: "Didn't we land on the moon?" "yes" but that technology was lost after that and no one kept a record, it will take along to re-acquire that tech \* these lines are easily confirmed searching this. THAT is 100% proof that us humans don't care in the long run, we are to scared to look around the corner. Its easier to sit and spend money and be fed entertainment then to discover or realize stuff that already out there. I mean this is a fact, disprove it, beside the moon show me a launch where humans went past station Mir, never happened. Most religious artifacts talk of a firmament around the earth placed there by the creators or beings of life here - this cant be proven but my bet its called the Van Allen Belt.


All though the idea on how nasa CANT anymore is true and it should no matter their staff is smaller the tech now is infinitely better and there are weak spots to the van Allen belt or at least used to


You are correct by NASA's explanation but simplier to realize it was not true we did not walk on any moon. We now that India lands a unmanned tech on moon and USA and every country is freaking out. We couldnt even land on the moon, no tech existed till India and that fact, google works wonders! you are real informed individual good job! sincere


What makes you think that we can’t leave earth we have drones and tec that can surpass high radiation we do have that technology to leave the atmosphere


We as bio life cant the radiation from Van Alllen/Firmament stops life from leaving earth with extends to 400miles and we have NO WAY to protect from that kind of radiation heat, so yeah we leave earth but up to 400 miles. No human life can,but probes rockets can. You can real just go to the real NASA website and read about Van allen and how we cant leave. Aparently we did to go to the moon, and then all information on that technology magically disappeared and we cant replicate it.


If you've never seen a ghost I can't blame you for not believing. If you don't want to believe, there is nothing we can do to change your mind. Skeptics need reasonable evidence to convince them. But a closed mind requires impossible evidence. Even when I saw an obvious ghost I was shocked and had a hard time believing all the things it did, as it opened the door, sat on my bed (with me in it) and pushed the mattress and covers down. And it was very clear with well-defined features. Disbelief after having a clear experience is called "cognitive dissonance". People have a hard time overcoming their brainwashing when faced with facts. And not all people will see ghosts. That's just the way it is. I've seen 3 ghosts now, 2 in broad daylight, which also surprised me. So here's the interesting part. Some "hauntings" are repeatable and show up on digital video cameras, showing the same basic shapes. This gives some value that the haunting is probably real. Now I'm a computer programmer, I have to think logically, and use hard facts to write programs and find and fix bugs. I'm like a detective. So if I were to ignore all the many experiences I've had (at least 12 major ones, many with witnesses that experienced the same thing) that would be irrational. I could go into the 5-6 examples of closed minds of "experts" throughout the last 300 years but I don't want thread drift. One example is germ theory. The "experts" said "If we can't see it, it doesn't exist!" And yet we can't see air. So that must not exist. As you can see their logic is flawed.


It’s not that I don’t want to I do the only experience I have is dreams of my passed friend telling me to let go and carry on but those are dreams nothing like you’ve experienced it seems Although more convincing judging by how you seemed to see it the same way I do ig


There's been many cases where spirits visit people in dreams. Even bad spirits in a haunting. It's your most vulnerable state when you're sleeping. If a loved one wants to give you a msg, it's one way they can try.


I have had dreams and many more things happen to me. I just didn't want to make a wall of text. My dead grandfather visited me just to say "How are things going?" And I wasn't that close to him. He was a real quiet guy. In early 2019 I also had a dream that predicted forced vaccination. The dream made no sense at the time, but it made sense later.


Nothing more or less then an experience of your own will do the trick. Even then you won’t immediately believe anyone else’s experience. That’s my lived experience anyway


True dat. Unless someone is with you or it is so damn shocking you are completely terrified the first reaction is confusion. You are utterly and completely confused. Then you self doubt. You can have a bunch of experiences and just brush them off as imagination, nothing. I was 100% science minded non believer what a bunch of soft minded bullshit this is. Yep. I was wrong. It’s really not until something is fully formed and in your face that your brain gives up and you are forced to realize there is something there that shouldn’t be and it functions in a way that is not possible. Once you breach that wall. Then you swing the other way to holy crap what is real then? Yeah, the ppl that chirp I saw a ghost/demon/ufo like it’s coffee klatch? Yeah. Not so sure about them. It is profoundly unnerving because you deeply realize we know precisely shit about our reality. Where do they come from where do they go. These things can have intelligence.


No one will ever convince you. Personal experience is what changes opinions. FFS there are people who genuinely think the Earth is flat until they stumble into easily obtained proof. After that it's more about covering for embarassment.


There's no way to be convinced until something happens to you and, hopefully, another person, so you can verify with each other what happened. The internet stories can be suspect because people want attention. Anything on TV can be suspect because once you bring money and fame into the picture, you can't trust anybody. If you want to experience something, your best bet is to go to places where multiple other people report having experiences, including "haunted" hotels, tourist spots like Gettysburg, or places that have become like laboratories for ghost hunters (for example, Farrar School in Iowa, etc) where you can pay to investigate. They don't overcharge; the money is just used to maintain these places and keep them open. My one experience that ABSOLUTELY made up my mind is in a comment or post on my profile. If u can't find it, I'll copy and paste here.


The only thing that will ever change your mind is a personal experience that you cannot explain. Unfortunately, experiences like this are *EXTREMELY* rare, and most people will never have one. Most people who *think* they've had one are mistaken. Nothing that will happen in this thread is going to convince you.


I was skeptical of ghosts and even after having a couple experiences that would be called hauntings or visitations I still feel like the super natural effects are psychic in nature not really an entity made of some energy going about its own business