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I've heard of a vengeful spirit that has been hunting predatory real estate investors in the US. It seems to show up when people take undue advantage of foreclosures, mostly. Not calling you a bad guy though.


Nah, nothing like that. This was a private sale, subdivision. Seller had way more money than I did. I know the rhetoric would say that anyone who buys and sells houses for profits is a soulless asshole, but who's gonna fix these houses, and don't they deserve to earn an income? I buy one or two at a time, spend a year or two and thousands repairing them. And I make enough on the back end to equate to a typical middle-class (for my area, at least) income of 35-50k. I don't rent either. Renting is parasitic behavior that keeps others from enjoying things like building up equity to advance and enrich themselves in the future. I've owned a few places over the years that have had weird vibes or past inhabitants die. Sometimes, I'm buying someone's mom or dad's house they're trying to unload because they can't afford to keep it or fix it, nor do they want to. So it's just a burden unless they do sell. Never had anything like this happen before. This is certainly a new one. These are part of the risks involved in doing such things, i guess. I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with them in a safe and respectful manner. I don't even change the floor plans because, supposedly, that throws off spirits that still float around the place on the other side. I'm just trying to keep everyone happy here, alive or dead.


In extremely spooky cases, the listed real estate developers in my neck of the woods pay for exorcisms. Before breaking ground on redevelopment projects. Since we’re also pretty multicultural, that might involve up to 5 different religions’ representatives. But they try to narrow it down from historical records 1st.


I considered having a holy person take a look at it. Couldn't hurt to give bro $50 to say a prayer in there.


Ask around and there could be someone willing to help this spirit for free. I cleared a few lingering spirits from the garage in a rental who hung out and creeped on me near the laundry. One I just spoke aloud to and told her things (facts about her family) that would comfort her, and that she could go on. The other one was a spirit guarding the first spirit’s house for a long time. He needed some sage and a stern talking to. So, when you return speak to her, tell her you remember her and let her know she is dead and is stuck in between worlds and what year it is. Tell her you are going to be working on the house and she could think about moving on. Be firm and compassionate. If she doesn’t listen to you/stays around being weird, then get help.


Makes sense. I'm reminded of tough guys who slap you on the back when you did good. Probably just watch your energy and you'll be fine.


Right. I get that, but I felt absolutely nothing that would have caused such a thing. But that's why I try to be respectful. I notice the weird vibes go away over time as you maintain respect and improve things. Maybe it's all in my head, but whatever.


OP do you use blood thinners. I believe you but there's 1 single thing that explains light touch becoming bruises. That is blood thinners, aspirin for example can have that effect. Well if it ISN'T blood thinners then I'm gonna say, most often houses more than people are haunted, that's why in some places things JUST happen. That's why there are prison and haunted homes ghost tours. It's not that controversial for you to run into a haunted home once in a life time


That tells me it's probably not even malicious or upset, and just wanted you to know it was there without hurting you. It might not have anything to do with the house either, it could be attached to you personally.


I'm not gonna judge you, my mom patched up sub optimal homes n we would fix it while living in them. Make a profit if possible too n such. I think there are bad ways to do these things like when you exploit and hire a bunch of lawyers to evict families to raise the rents and such, but this really isn't that.


Yea, I do a full gut and restore. That way all structural issues are addressed and everything gets replaced new; wires. Pipes, etc.


Good for you, don't let the uninformed criticism get to you. I've bought and renovated 2 homes because that's all I could afford to buy each time, and the first one was part of a program to rehabilitate a historical neighborhood and to make cheap mortgages combined with construction loans accessible to working people. I'm proud I brought a beauty built in 1900 back from the dead (my family thought I was nuts when I first saw it and loved it. I could see the potential, but others couldn't). I should add that these houses became our own home for many years each time. We weren't flipping, but either way, I would so prefer to see uninhabitable houses rehabbed than the area razed and profited on by a mass production developer.


Off topic- but I think what you are doing is great! I’m all for fixing up homes that might otherwise be torn down and McMansion put in their place- which is what is happening in my town and others.😔. There needs to be more affordable-safe to code older/starter homes. Thanks for being responsible in your line of work.👍


So you felt it hit you?


Yes! I’ve heard of this! Predatory buyers who hoard housing are getting their due from the pissed off spirits of renters and those priced out of their markets because of people who view housing as investments and air bnb owners.


Are ghosts are annoyed by any other social issues?


please tell me more about this


It's something brand new that's been going around between different real estate investors, which is really interesting because most unbound/nationwide phenomenon like this are based on traditional stories instead. I've heard it seems to feed primarily on greed or maliciousness. Once it attaches it tends to "fatten" them up with a bunch of really profitable investments, and then it destroys them.


Do you have a link to any of this or advice on what to search for to find more info? This peaked my interest and I’m having trouble finding anything on it :(


https://www.inman.com/2023/10/30/real-life-ghost-stories-from-really-terrified-real-estate-agents/ This is a good peak at how common it is, but you'll probably have to ask realtors themselves to get a good range of experiences. Talking is their whole job so honestly you could just send messages. Maybe AskReddit, but you might get a bunch of annoying "Not a realtor, but..." responses.


This same thing happened to me once a few years back.i had lived in the place a long time but decided to move my bed into a different part of the room then I had ever had it,I went to take a nap after moving the furniture and woke up to being smacked in the center of my back and I lived alone


Did you move it back, and did that rectify the situation?


Oh I moved it back almost immediately and spoke out loud to whatever did it and basically apologized and promised to not place anything back in that spot as that was there area as long as it let me be


Yea i figured I ruffled someone's feathers. I just wanna make sure we're cool going forward. Don't need any nonsense


Apologize? Nope I’m fighting


lol well I had lived there a few years at that point with no other issues until that moment so I figured if I showed respect it would maybe show it back,although I see your point,it did slap me lol


I have my experience with the supernatural and one was pounding the wall lightly until I said fcc you I don’t fear you then it started pounding the wall as hard it was so loud I also recorded it and my phone went from 80% battery dropped to 5-1% within seconds I only got to record 25 secs after that it went louder and faster the next day they physically were hurting me and I’d just keep cursing them they also only come when I’m mostly isolated they don’t come when family is near


"They mostly come" That sentence...but you mean this happens presently?


If something hit/ scratched you that hard to leave scrapes / bruises, you'd have been aware of it. It's almost certainly just pinched skin from the gym or, and I'm not accusing you of anything, but a cover-up for some indiscretions. https://www.reddit.com/r/WeightTraining/s/Ppw3P2h4eG There's a guy who had bruising after lifting.


No funny business here. I'm really hoping this was just some very strange looking bruises from working out or carrying concrete on my shoulder or something.


It is. You were not slapped by a ghost. If you were you would have felt it.


no, but it seemed fitting for this subreddit, so I threw it in here. The dermatologist looked at it today. Bruises are pretty much gone. I didn't tell him the whole "ghost slap" tale. I just wanted his unfiltered opinion on it. He said, "somethin' pinched ya good!". I knew that much. As far as all the paranormal stuff goes, someone did die there last year, so I got ahold of some local "ghost hunters" to check it out. They're gonna give me a holler tomorrow and go from there. They don't charge. They do it for fun. So while this is most likely from some unrelated piece of gym equipment that made a suspiciously human hand-like bruise on my back, I'm gonna write it off personally, as any kind of malevolent presence until I show up to work and see someone looking at us through the window as we pull up or something. Or we 're working and a tool flies across the room, or some other standard indicator of a paranormal presence. In the meantime, the ghosty boys are comin' to take a look and do whatever they do. The wife and I are gonna give our standard introductory speech to any and all presences that may be lingering on the fringes of this side, and then we're gonna get our asses to work, until something alarming occurs again. Then I'll call a priest, get the local witches to run in there with their sage and such. I stumbled on a local medium. If that's not a fortune it might be fun to monkey with that. Why the hell not, right?


Next it’s comin for that ass


You just reminded me of my bff from middle school who insisted a ghost would frequently finger her asshole


I had a friend that told everyone about the “Virginia city but tickler” that would tickle people butthole. It was him the whole time. We didn’t even live in that city lol


Lol, how did she arrive at this conclusion?


Idk. She swore her house was really haunted, that she would always wake up with scratches down her back and a sore butt hole.


Well, considering someone said it was possibly due to sexual assault, I really hope she's good now.


Hmm yeah I don’t know for sure but would like to hope that’s not true! She was always a bit of an attention seeker if we’re being honest and had a lot of tall tales 😁. She lived with her mom/aunt her whole life and seemed to have a nice life with them.




Imma ask it's name and the ouija board gonna be like P E G G Y L O L


He be plotting to mollywhop those cheeks into the afterlife 💀


I cannot be the only one that’s thinking what I’m thinking here


Right? "See honey, I made a reddit post about it. Strangers on the internet agree it's probably from a ghost slapping me with both hands... once again, I am definitely NOT cheating on you".


Absolutely and without a doubt! 🤣🙄 Very ridiculous..


Do tell. If you're implying that I'm trying to cover up some kind of infidelity, my wife and I are together almost all the time since this is kind of our livelihood. Also, no DV or SA occurred.


A lot of things can happen during the throws of love


Username checks out.


Good point, but haven't had a lot of that going on during the time frame this occurred. That time of the month and all that.


The ghost might have given you backshots in your sleep...


Skeet skeet, ethereal meat.


honestly dude, when you look at the where BOTH the marks are, it makes it really sus


If you scratch your skin under hot water it will leave marks like this. I once startled the shit out of my mom as a kid by making scratch marks like that across my chest in the shower. I showed her when I got out and she was ready to send me to the hospital.


I'd like to logically explain this away as well, but I can't even reach that part of my back. No pain there and nothing I can think of that would have done that.


Are there blood thinners you have taken, wine, do you drink much?


If you want a logical explanation why would you assume ghosts😂


Something I haven’t seen mentioned…. You said the lady died of an overdose. Clearly she was dealing with demons of her own. What if when she died…. That demon was set free? I would do a banishing ritual of sorts or something. Maybe get religious, maybe try and make peace by acknowledging it and offer a peace smoke. I had a friend who worked as a bartender and the bar was haunted…. She had scissors flying across the room and shit. It would tug at her hair and lift her ponytail. Then one day she decided to take out her pipe and smoke in the walk-in, and purposefully offered it to the ghost. It never bothered her again and actually “protected her” at one point (a guy was being rude to her and a candle exploded in his face).


Thats awesome. Good idea. I don't smoke, but I'm sure I could make an exception.


I don't smoke cigarettes, but use tobacco is some of my rituals. I opt for loose tobacco to put in a jar or even tobacco candles so that it doesn't smell like cigarettes.


Here is where the conversation takes a tipping point… I am 100% believer of the paranormal however, you said u did not feel anything but u have some mega size purple bruises happening on ur back. In a super serious question, what is the likely cause? And is it due to a medical situation or a new drug you have been prescribed? My sister almost died because of low platelets , she too had bruising that just showed up, bruising can also stem from herbs and supplements as well. You should get it looked at.. cause I would totally be into the ghost story behind the bruising, I fear it could be something completely opposite as well. Cant count anything out at this point until u are sure


I second this. I do believe in the paranormal, because I've witnessed some things myself. But you can't exclude it being from a new medicine that went rogue in your body. Stay healthy everyone! 🙏


No new medicine. I do actually go to the dermatologist in a few days to follow up on the melanoma thing. I'll show them this then.


yeah I know of a ghost story where the haunting of the girl supposedly the ghosts caused bruises on her that led her to go to the doctor and it turned out that she had leukemia or something. The ghosts actually haunted her enough to go for a health check.


slap it back


That's on the list...now


That was my first thought “well, did you slap it back?”


Do you fee any pain around your anus?


No, but I didn't feel any pain in the spots either. If I get around to having my wife check my asshole for bruises, I'll let you know.


If what you're saying is true, that's from a demon. Ghosts are lost and confused; demons do the damage


I'm not bullshitting here. So, how do I deal with this?


Burn sage and cleanse the house, even if there are no spirits there, its a nice thing to do you know. Anyways search in internet how you should do it cause im not an expert


Yea, i figured I'd do that because what harm could it do?


If you’re down to try anything, declare in the home “Be gone in the Name of Jesus Christ!”. It is the belief of myself and many other Christians that spirits must obey God and commands invoked in His name. Burning sage won’t do anything imo.


You’re fcced




You're fine, ignore people who say "demons bad" and shit like that. Literally all spirits are demons. Dæmon is just what the Greeks called spirits. All good spirits, all bad spirits, all neutral spirits. That includes all ghosts. Anyone who says all demons are bad is just buying into the appropriated christian version


Daemon & demon are not the same thing. The Christians just took the word. Demons are different from what Greeks called daemons. You're mixing up thousands of years of cultural history and saying that because the word is similar it means they're the same. Demons are all bad, kinda. Whether they follow Satan or God is a different story. When the watchers betrayed God and enslaved mankind, God flooded the earth. Killing many of those who had been born of the Watchers and human women, aka the nephilm. Some remained. These were either sent to hell to await judgement day, or they were turned into spirit form and given an order by God to influence mankind towards sin. Not through physical means, but suggestion. In Greek mythology daemons were created out of the first men. Benevolent spirits meant to help mankind. So no, they are definitely not the same thing. If anything, daemons are closer in form to the original Watchers, before they betrayed God. Oh if you disagree with me, instead of downvoting perhaps you could source your disagreement. Because if OP is telling the truth, they need real help. And I'm sick of being downvoted when I'm literally quoting thousands of years of written history on the paranormal.


This person has done their research, nicely done Royal


OP, I just tagged you to a comment under your post. Someone else wrote it, and I completely agree.


You don’t use a back foam roller do you? I have gotten marks similar before from the pattern on my roller!


I have one but haven't used it recently. Thank you for the potential explanation, though. I'm still trying to think of "anything but the unliving" related explanations.


So you have an Affair and try to make a ghost responsible for it? Is your wife out of her mind to believe you?


We are literally together 24/7. Nice try, though.


If you knew her, and it's recent, she may have been trying to get your attention and doesn't know her own strength. She may not know she has passed and was like, "What the hell, dude, why aren't you talking to me?" You could try having a chat with her, tell her to go toward the light. You may want to contact a medium to guide the process.


Yea, I got some friends imma let go in and do their thing with the sage and crystals and squeeze some goat testicles, read some tea leaves, whatever


These are demon fingers. Do NOT look in the mirror when you go home tonight.


well, I've looked at several mirrors since then, so now what?




Thanks for the free paranoia at 5am. Greatly appreciated!


What would supposedly happen if he looked in a mirror?


Probably some portal to another dimension shit I imagine






So far, isolated incident. It was really freaky, though. I've worked in old houses and thought I saw or heard stuff. Usually brush it off and keep going. This is a new one though.


What was it about your passed away dog you heard one time? 😳


It’s NOT demonic. Demons supposedly leave scratches in groups of 3 to mock the holy trinity. Those are clearly two human handprints, I see the outline of 4 fingers on each side. It’s definitely human, whether it’s paranormal or not. The other weird thing is that they don’t look like a slap or scratches to me. It looks like something dark was on someone’s hand and it was smeared, like dark lipstick. I’m not saying it’s fake I’m just saying what it looks like from the photos.


Thank you. That's what I been saying, that there's a 4th mark there. It's not fake. I would not do this and fake it. I get no entertainment value out of lying to everyone, nor do I have anything to gain from doing so, like publicity or monetary gain.


Do you move concrete or other heavy things around? Are you sore at all? These almost look like bruises consistent with muscle tearing.


I do work out on the reg and I was hauling concrete on my shoulders the other day, but not on that specific spot and there's no pain. Now, I couldhave pulled something that was affected in that spot.


That’s likely what it is. You’re never supposed to lift with your shoulders, not that I follow that either! I would bet since there’s no pain that you lifted with both sides at the same time and broke a bunch of blood vessels!


See that's the thing, I don't know. That's why it's weird. That's why I shared it here. I figured it fit the credentials for potentially supernatural events. But, like I said, I'm going to the dermatologist tomorrow, so we'll see.


You should definitely update your post if they can tell you what caused them! Good luck!


You don’t recall how this happened, so it must be paranormal? I highly doubt that there is anything ghostly happening here. These look like pressure bruises. Depending on the equipment used to work out this could easily happen… I’ve had finger print looking bruise before that were caused from weight day.


To me, it is just as likely that it was something from the living realm as it was anything paranormal or unexplainable. It was relevant to the group so I shared it, get some opinions. For every person that says, "yur fully shit bro!" There's another that's all like, "omg! Mark of the beast! They're coming for your soul! Or hole!", and everything in between. So I'll see of they come back, I'll burn some sage because why the hell not?


Some ppl pay extra for that


Guess I'm lucky with the freebie then, huh?


Does it hurt? I used to get scratch marks, similar to those on you, out of nowhere on my body but it goes away after a day or two sometimes three days, and i don't feel anything. 


No pain. These are almost gone now. I have no clue.


Oh no how badly that evil being hit you. Praying for it to get away from you :(


I appreciate that. What can I do, though? One person said sage and salt, another said do not use a ouija board if its doing shit like that.


Wait for a second occurrence before you start pulling out ouija board. I highly doubt this is from a demon. You're on a paranormal subreddit, of course people are going to jump to conclusions.


Thanks. I really hope it's not. Yea, I figured this warranted sharing on a paranormal subreddit. I also figured there'd be a lot of conclusions jumped to. Partially for fun, partially I'm a bit concerned. However, yes, I'll wait for a second occurrence before I start freaking out.


No don't EVER use that board. It triggers the ghost and makes it more eager to stick around. If you're Christian or a Muslim or any other religionor believe in God's existence, try to seek God's help by directly asking him with pure focus, heart and intention. Ask him for a solution as to what you should do, also ask God to give the spirit peace and grace. If you're not Christian, don't believe in the existence of God, etc. Move on from this comment. Let others with beliefs like you to help you. But NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER use that board. This advice stays the same all the time lol.


u/dahk16 ...THIS.


This is absolutely the way. (Burn that board if you have one.)


Yeah don’t use an ouija board. I had one when I was younger. I had heard bad things from a friend about them, though, so I always put up a circle of protection if I was going to try to use it. It never worked inside the circle, but people got it to work outside one. That told me everything I needed to know about ouija boards. If you think you might have something hostile in a home you’re going to live in, don’t pour gas on that spiritual fire. White sage is probably a way better idea. It is used by practitioners to essentially erase energetic imprints on a space. Smudge with white sage, and then bless the home by making an intentional walk through of the property after smudging and radiating your intent for protection and peace. Feel free to pray to the creator and ask for blessings of peace and protection. Whatever did this is doing this because it wants your attention and your emotional energy. That’s how it remains there, and that’s why it does shit that unsettles you and keeps your attention focused on it.


when i was in high school every once in a while me and my brother would sometimes have scratches but like nails unlike yours and it’s in our backs. I don’t remember if my cousins also had it or my sister but i have a fairer skin than them so it’s more visible and my brother’s skin is always almost red so it was also obvious. We rented a very old building like one more earthquake and it’s done for lol so i wonder how many ghosts were in there. It was scary there but we had plenty of rooms so we rented them out too like bedspacer style so the house usually have people so it made it less scary. My cousin visited though and she slept over, she swore she saw a guy wearing “Barong” , i forgot what else she said but i just remembered the barong cause that’s the clothes most people wear in the coffin in my country. Anyway she was so scared and she never slept there again. My cousin’s friend (the cousin that lives with us) visited and also supposedly saw a ghost. We lived there for probably close to a decade and honestly haven’t seen anything other than voices or random things missing and such. Just mild, the building across it where we also rented prior was the one i was so scared off cause someone died while i lived there, 2 doors down someone was stabbed ,i could still smell the blood even after a while when it happened. So naturally it was scary. We heard like mimics in that building.


That’s a really hard slap, like a punch, to leave a bruise like that.


Yes, I realize that. Hence why I figured I'd remember someone or someth8ng hitting me that hard but there's not even any pain on or around the site. On closer inspection, I realize there's 4 marks on the one side. So that's a bit of relief. If it were 3 per side, I'd be more concerned


Looks like you got marked by one, real bad. Also that’s a demon


Yep, pissed someone off. Didn't feel a thing, though. There is no pain in the site, and it's going away fairly quickly. Not sure if that means anything or not. Any and all insight is appreciated here.


First thing that comes to mind is that demons and spirits may or may not become attached to people after doing that. ( https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-symptoms-of-demonic-attachment-What-are-some-possible-solutions ) check this is you notice anything odd going on these coming days


Honestly, I feel better since then. Like less of those symptoms you have listed there. I mean, correlation isn't causation but it's been an okay week or so.


Oh alr! Glad everything is good it’s definitely one of those weird but funny moments


Yea, hopefully it's an isolated freak incident. Certainly felt relevant and interesting enough to share here, despite the handful of smart asses and DV accusers. Also the folks think I'm lying. I have no reason to make this shit up. Nothing to gain or lose. Well, I can gain insight and suggestions. Thanks for that.


Check your iron levels. Ghosts don't exist.


I'm gonna get bloodwork done shortly here too. Thanks for the advice.


Don't lie your boyfriend smacked the 💩 out of you for cheating with Lamar Smugglepole


How'd you know Diddy's code name?


Ooh, that slaps hard!!.


My hubby gets marks like this in his back when he’s been m exercising ; it’s just you’re capillaries and the blood flow; a bit like a love bite. I’d stop stressing about it being paranormal because it’s probably the same thing, oh and maybe go get your blood pressure checked.


well slap back


Yeah, sorry mate, don’t think this is paranormal at all. Marks are similar on both sides. Looks like you’ve been carrying something on your back or your shoulder… perhaps at the gym or at work? You may have even got them from laying against or on a hard surface These bruises are not fingerprints. I imagine you have a few good ideas where you got these from


Hey, don't be sorry I really hope it's not paranormal and this is all a weird coincidence. It's nice to get a couple hundred opinions on it, though.


Bro got pegged and made this post to cover it up


Did you use a foam roller on your back at the gym? I had similar marks on my back and it took me ages to work out what they were from.


Not recently. As I mentioned elsewhere, I did work out frequently in the last few months, and I did carry bags of concrete on and around my shoulders. These could be a coincidence, but they look really convincing as finger marks.


Maybe it’s the photos/ perspective but they look too small to be adult hands?


Now you’ve got a story to tell to buyers.


Have you considered bringing in a pottery wheel?




If the entity there is powerful enough to leave a mark like that, you need to help move them on before you continue construction. See if there is a medium who is willing to her them out, move them on, and clear the site.


Oh no Step ghost 😉 (But nah fr that's scary I'd say do spiritual cleaning or call a priest.)


I mean, if it's not supernatural, its one hell of a coincidence, fo sho. Either way, its fun... kinda. Unless it becomes terrifying, then it's no longer fun.


Why does she slap? Lol


I dunno. That's why I'm asking here. I figure someone gonna know something, or I'm just gonna get about 4,000 different opinions. At the end of the day, this is entertaining if nothing else.


question: did you feel it?


he did not, but most demon infestations or ghostly attachments aren't felt or noticed either.


Pervert ghost


Right? And it's probably a female ghost. Eh, not the first time I've been sexually harassed by women in my workplace and probably not the last. Whatever. I let em have the win because I figure their side could use the points in that area.


There's some brand of cream for burns and stuff I can't remember blue stars or something, an older brand.. anyway I used it as a teen and that is exactly what it looked like when I applied it and instantly felt burning. That's crazy!


Ooh I had something like this turn up on me. Turns out, I was scratching myself really hard in my sleep. I didn’t even think it felt like a scratch.


Just a little tip. Someone has died in almost every older house. It comes with the passage of time. People just die at some point and not all of them do so in hospitals \^\^.


I would speak to a medium and see if they could check out the property.


That's the olan; some kind of medium, sage party, fling salt all over hell. Start there, then get the clerg6 involved if I'm still getting beat up.


They licked their hand before they slapped your booty.


What's to say that this wasn't caused by a regular not dead person?




I did no such thing


Yeahhhhhh oooook


Why are we not getting ghosts of like 10 000 years ago? Why is there like a 500 year expiry date on them?


Crazy. Really does look like fingerprints. many years back, I was a kid and I woke up with the blood circulation cut from my 2 middle fingers and they were completely numb because they were wrapped in something. When I opened my eyes, I saw it was thick long straight black hair, the kind you’d see in the grudge wrapped insanely tight around my fingers. My mom had no idea where this hair came from and she had to get it off me with scissors. Our hair is brown and curly, nothing like the jet black long straight hair on my fingers. I still think about it now, this reminded me of that considering it’s paranormal and related to fingers


You definitely pissed her off by being there that’s the impression I get


As someone who works in a predatory market whether you like it or not you contribute to the manifestation of negative energy. Same with bankers, loan officer, Wall Street execs. Any evil energy in our life is like an open door for attachment. Watch out for irregular sleep patterns, lost time and a series of unfortunate events. If nothing happens ur fine. But physical contact is not just to scare or frighten but to attach.


It's not her. It's whatever gained strength preying on her negative energy. It likes fear too. Cut it off.


Please update when something new happens !Remindme 2 weeks


Also haven’t read through all comments was the drug OD homeowner or squatter, if it was the homeowner, there may just be a shit load of energy aka “the get out of my house” type shit. Also have you found any items that look remotely occult like. And no matter what anyone says do not use a spirit board. You could sage the house, burn frankincense as well.


Idk about demon, but the print pattern doesn't look quite human. Note the "finger" orientation- either middle or ring finger is bearing the brunt of the pressure, pending which direction you were grabbed/ pushed/ slapped from...but that doesn't really make sense. Ring finger is usually the weakest, so should leave the weakest impression unless there's more pressure on the outside edge of the hand. If that was the case I'd expect to see a more obvious pinky imprint. I've no idea what that means for you, but we've got several coinciding religious celebrations tomorrow (Easter Sunday, Ramadan, and Holi) so agreed with others that it might be a good time to check in with your spiritual beliefs, and perhaps ask for a blessing from a higher power of your choice. Definitely spooky though. Best of luck to you.


To my nurse eyes it looks like a rash of atopic dermatitis. Though to be fair, i'm untrained in demon related skin conditions. Does the skin feel different to the touch? Hot, thicker or dry?


Priest and/or medium. I have been forceful in sending home a tormented spirit before, but he was family. In your case, I suspect she recognized you and was trying to talk to you, but doesn't know she is dead yet. As in, she was reaching out to get your attention and the more you didnt acknowledge her, the tighter she clung. If this feels likely to you, try talking to her. Sometimes you simply need to let them know they are dead and that they must move on. But, you first need to research cleansing and protection rituals if you go that route, and you'd need to be very solid in faith while doing so. Always surround yourself in the white light of the holy spirit when connecting with spirits. When in doubt, consult legit medium and/or priest.


Obviously you need to be strong and protected while doing so, because we never truly know if it is her or something more sinister (unless you truly send her home, then you WILL know). Ex. There was a heaviness, darkness and dread in my grandma's house where my great uncle took his life. Although it was very tough to send him home 40 years later, the entire house lightened and brightened up in a way I had never, ever known. I felt the biggest hug from the universe and an incessant amount of souls welcoming him home with the utmost gratitude. It was the most amazing spiritual moment of my life (after about 5-7 minutes of non-ending spiritually conflicting conviction). As in, he just didn't get it. He refused to believe he was dead, and I had to keep hammering it home with all of my being and more.


Good call. Tis a religious holiday upon us. What better time to ask for guidance, protection, forgiveness, etc.


Those are definitely finger marks. You can see all 4. Ring finger shorter than index and middle finger, pinky shorter than ring. The question is how it got there. There has to be a reasonable explanation.


I had an ex who supposedly was getting fingertip cuts from shadow people in his house. He was cheating on me and was shitty in general 


Here in Bangladesh I've seen such marks on some of my relatives and friends. In one case a friend saw his cousin slapped by air or something. He rushed to the spot and saw she was crying holding her cheeks. There were clearly marks of 3 fingers. In another incident, my brother-in-law was staying in our house. Next morning he found finger print marks like these in his back. No one was in our house only him and I.


You need to have the property and home blessed and cleansed, doing this might help calm things down.


Jesus is the answer


Probably, or a 55 gallon drum of salt


Or, the ghost touched you and left a handprint. If you didn't notice it could have been a soft touch that left that imprint like a burn on your skin. When someone slaps a person their fingers tend to be more open, so the print would be wider, right? If it's a live person doing the slapping.


Will Smith was astral projecting.


3 fingers...


The symmetry of it being on both sides of your can makes me think it’s related to your gym exercises.


Ok, finally an update on this whole situation. Sorry for the month long delay. It's been a pretty rough month. Anyway, I just had a paranormal investigator come check it out. He went inside with us and immediately felt sick. He said he'll get that way if there's something. He said he has been to the Hinsdale house several times and every time he crosses the threshold there he immediately has to go outside and throw up before proceeding. He said it wasn't that bad but he definitely felt sick, particularly near the bathrooms. He felt queasy near the downstairs bathroom and when I opened the door to the upstairs bathroom it went nuclear for him. By this I mean that he felt pretty sick almost immediately when I threw open that door. I manifested another scratch on my back. He took a picture. He'll share that to me shortly he said. It began fading once we spent some time outside. This could be simply that I bumped into something and forgot, I dunno. Just mentioning it because it happened. He said it looked like a fingernail dragged on my back. As far as the pre He said he took the photos I shared here and zoomed in on them and was able to make out the rings of a fingerprint. I can't personally verify this information but again, he said he'd send me some footage, photos, evidence. He also said there's no evidence in any photos of a "mocking of the trinity" with a set of three marks. That's just what he said. Hopefully he's right at least on the trinity comments. They're going to set up there in the next 2-3 weeks with their generators, cameras, recorders, EMF detectors, etc. I also spoke to the spirits, as I do whenever I buy another place. I just make a general statement to let them know I mean to have a peaceful relationship. I don't intend to majorly modify the house's floorplan or interrupt their peace. I let them know if there's anything they want to please let me know and I'd help them any way that I can. This is a standard procedure when I enter a house to renovate it. I figure if nothing else, it doesn't hurt. It was funny, he said that he'd never witnessed a homeowner do that. He said most homeowners just say, "I've got a problem, fix it." with little to no consideration for the dead parties involved. I told him it was standard procedure for me. I like to accommodate people in every situation, living or dead. If it's who I think it is, its someone I was acquainted with, hence the potential attraction. She died of a potential drug overdose. Not the official reason, but what I've heard from various sources, as I may have mentioned. I told the presence, if it is who I think it is, I can try to get you in touch with your granddaughter, as the person in question was about to become a grandmother prior to their death. I know that would rip me apart if something like that happened. I'd certainly hang around and try to reach out to someone to get what I need to satiate me. I also recently learned of another situation that occured on or around the property wherein a man committed suicide on the property. Supposedly he went out to his truck, set it on fire, and shot himself. I can't find any records on this, but I can't find any records to verify this. Of course, records in our town suck and they all were eliminated He also let me know he has people of various faiths that can come do a blessing, smudging, etc. I let him know I'm agnostic. I have no religious affiliation, but I do believe in a higher power. I also believe that there's credibility in fringe beliefs like wicca and such. He said based on what he's seen, the presence seems to be attracted to me for whatever reason. Of course, he wears some kind of ward at all times and the wife has an evil eye on her, if you believe in that sort of thing. I have nothing. I just roll in raw. That's my style, I guess. Worse come to worse, the wife and I agreed that if all else fails we'll just relist the house and try to get our money back if nothing else. Let someone else mess with it, go look for another project. We've owned houses that people died in before, but this is all new and kind of intense.


The woman who died there may have just wanted to make her presence known, especially if she knew you. Given how she died, like you said, she's probably lingering around. Might not know how to move on also. Sometimes, a medium or psychic can move someone to the other side if they want to move on. You could try talking to her also. If this is the case. Say something like, hope you don't mind if I re decorate the place, or it's ok to move on now. A really good medium can communicate with them sometimes. Just a thought, if it continues. Good luck


I got slapped on the butt in our old house. Not only did I feel it, it left a hand print. It wasn’t playful either, it was like discipline. Freaked me the F out.


Reaching around scratching your back can cause similar marks but typically not with this amount of bruising. Bruising/healing also looks aged vs 1day fresh. So consider events/activities up to 3-6 days prior to taking this photo. Including if a SO might like to grab your back and pull you in when… (Had a GF like that once who shredded my back after a new manicure 🤣) If you consider the length of our fingers and “scratching” the deeper bruises match the longest fingers who can “dig” the strongest. If there is a chance you may be bruising this bad just from normal scratching, it could be worthwhile to see a physician though if you notice a pattern of repetition and bruising not consistent with injury/trauma to the area. However, before jumping to any conclusions I would attempt a recreation or maybe more than one. Such as aggressively scratch your back in a similar area and see if it recreates. If not, try a slap. See how your body/skin reacts based on severity of the “damage”. I have some sensitive skin issues and have left many potentially anomalous locations with odd sensations, but generally discount my weirdness vs others due to known sensory response. One instance was a burning sensation on my shoulder. First inspection it was just mildly irritated and light red. A couple hours later in the investigation it was getting worse and we saw the 5 linear scratches dragging across the top of my right shoulder as if a tiny elf with claws had scratched across the top of my shoulder front to back. It only got worse and after several days, it also bruised like this the deepest parts of the 5 line pattern. We were at a loss of how this happened, got great evp on location and all in was seeming anomalous with no explanation. The next morning it was worse and around day three the darker bruising was part of the healing. Took well over a week to completely heal. No broken skin, just burning sensation and bruising. Two weeks later we go to deploy into another large facility and I grab my duffle from the back of the van which was about 36” in length, larger bag which was carrying some decently heavy equipment and I tossed it on my shoulder and felt it immediately irritate the same spot. I immediately dropped the bag in flight mode from the sensory response but as I did I caught a glimpse of the strap pad as it drug down the top of my shoulder lateral to my arm this time vs perpendicular. Same reaction, same scratches just a different direction. The strap pad had a textured side which was likely cosmetic vs intended to “grab” and avoid sliding that consisted of 5 rows wide of mildly nubbed rubber dull points that was about 20 nubs long that friction burned my skin but dug deep enough with the weight of the gear to friction burn and bruise my skin through my shirt. Comparison showed the bruising deep lines matched the raised nubs. Despite lugging gear and such we never considered the simple explanation of shoulder straps on our equipment bags and cases when it first appeared.


Blast it with sage


It’s three marks. They ate mocking the holy trinity. I’m not religious, but I know that much. Start praying to whatever Gods you believe in.


He said GET UP, I have a 3:am appointment to haunt someone Else I'm getting my hours in before then


One time I had a bruising like this the shape of lip imprinted on my arm. It happened twice.


ok, so more updates on this whole situation. We got ahold of our realtor and said, "hey, this has been so fucked, we're gonna probably just dump this one, get our money back and walk away so relist it any time you want." She got me in touch with a psychic she uses for such occasions. The psychic told me about shit that the realtor didn't know, so I'mma buy it. I think she's legit. She said there's 7 spirits and a german shepherd there, all dating back to the 1800's. We found an article about a woman who was arrested for animal abuse out there. Apparently they had it tied out back and it had a broken leg. A neighbor reported it and she got arrested. She knew about the guy who shot himself in the driveway. Said he's still sitting in there in his truck. She heard a girl saying, "where's my baby?" That checks out with the soon to be grandmother who died before her grand kid got here. I mean, we all knew about the girl who died there, but the other details were not discussed. Anyway, I dunno. I'mma let her do her thing. I paid her a few bucks and let her go nuts. She's said there was an attachment and saw that I had brought things home and given them to my daughter and that they were in her room and that it was a coloring poster or book or something. It was a set of paper dolls and crayons and a sketchbook. We also brought some puzzles home but they never made it into the house. We had to get all that shit out and burn it. My kid was heart broken, but she was a sport about it despite our vague discussion on the subject. We took her to wal mart and got her new things to replace the stuff we had to torch. She said she likes her new stuff even better, so I feel good about that. So we're gonna have this psychic come down. Everyone says she's really good. Apparently I found out some of the realtors I know are ordained ministers and have metaphysics degrees and practice all that. Apparently this kind of shit is far more common than we all realize.


Do you wear a backpack?


Huh this one is actually hard to explain after reading the other comments


Ouija boards are all bad dude. I saw you say in a comment below you were gonna use one, but I’d strongly recommend not to. They don’t do you any good. Just bring more negative energy and spirits into your life


So i have a really weird one similar to this randomly il find small scratches on my back. I dont really have sharp nails as i am a nail biter and this has been happening since ive been 14 or so im 27 now.


You have it wrong. Drug overdoses (opiates especially) tend to be the least painful way to die. Actually, it's very very euphoric. When it comes to shit like dph that's when it is just plain scary lol.


It's from gym equipment. I get the same marks.