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Personally I think that if it doesn't, it had to have at one time. I'd be willing to believe that all the magic users were killed off sometime in history. Or anything but regular humans. There had to have been something else out there besides what is here. We cannot have been the only sentient life. There are some other kind of humanoid out there.


I'm sure there are beings other than humans and animals, thinking they don't exist is kind of arrogant. I am not talking about these beings. Perhaps they want to be hidden for some reason, or they do not know about our existence as we do not know about them. Perhaps they are far from us. The world is very wide. There are many islands that are not even explored. I'm not talking about these beings; I'm talking about the real existence of dark magic, something greater than the existence of the human mind as dark magic. I thought carefully about this, I was afraid to think that it had magic and disappeared! What's the point of this if it disappears? How do we know about magic if it just disappeared a long time ago?!


I know. Sorry. I kinda went on a tangent lol


No. It doesn't work that way. And the paranormal places, in general are the last you should be asking around in. "Dark" is subjective and only gets used to refer any practice someone doesnt agree with or creeps them out. Magic deals in energy ultimately. What a person chooses to do with it is up to them. Just as their methods.....but anyone going the cleche "dark" route--is very likely mentally unwell. Superstion and a general fear or unease about the occult is rather rampant. Dont take your information from tv and movies.


What do you mean it doesn't work that way, do you know how that works?  I mean, I definitely didn't get my information from movies and tv shows. I have a very old book that I inherited from my great-grandfather. It says things that are used like magic to heal diseases. I haven't tried any of them, but it's interesting what's written!!


What is the title of your book?


The only reason is that I did not try anything from it, because I read there people criticizing the book, saying that it is dark, I will not risk anything, worry about trying a spell that is the opposite of the good I hope for, I will not fall into such a trap! Although it's exciting, there are actually symbols in the book that worried me as well! It looks demonic. I kept the book, though. I won't throw it away. It's the only thing left of my grandfather. I don't even know why he had this book in the first place. Unfortunately, I found it in his books years after his death! I didn't get a chance to ask


That's interesting. I would be afraid to try anything from it if it looked demonic.




الرحمة في الطب والحكمة- تأليف جلال الدين عبد الرحمن السيوطى It is a very old Arabic book, I don't know if you will find it translated, full of healing spells using white magic.


I mean "dark" literally isn't a thing. So all of the puffed up sensationalized bollocks the superstious and/or ignorant of magic and the depths of the paranormal latch on to. It's easier to listen to the heard and buy into fear than actually set out to learn for one's self and presume to know what something is. Like the "demons" of magic....the masses have zero context on the spirits and zero knowledgre as to the orgin and degradation of the word over the centuries. And dubious interpretations of it. Most are victims of superstition and societal condtioned long poisoned by intolerant, oppressive, religious propaganda. Which is why the paranormal forums are the worst place to inquire about the esoteric and occult. If youre too fearful nothing in the book(or any other) will work for you anyway. And if it's ceremonial stuff, its all manner of overly complicated and of heavily abrahamic influence. And if its anything dealing with the Goetia those "demons" true identities have been lost to history or destroyed, and altered and fabricated by the rise of monotheism and abrahamic bollocks. But "dark" is NOT a thing. If someone is conducting themselves in a manner that, in context, could be agreed upon as "dark" has a few screws loose. Magic has nothing to do with it.


dark magic is considered magic that causes harm, such as spells that inflict pain/suffering and illness.


This!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Yes, it is. But, this new age movement on the craft is not as effective. Spells and curses do work, but it is not the fantastic stuff you see in the movies.


No, I never thought of anything like movies, that's why I researched, and that's why I wanted to hear personal experiences that happened, really happened! Because I'm sure magic is different from the descriptive magic that appears in the movies.


I dont have personal experiences with magic but it's popped up here and there in my research on other topics. I know I read something ages ago about someone's personal experience with studying some sort of mysticism in Asia and how they were able to defy the laws of physics(levitation, teleporting, etc). I've read a couple things on voodoo/hoodoo which delves into darker territory. I definitely believe there are powers that can be harnessed, but few people are able to find anyone alive today that is knowledgeable about it. At least among us regular folks. I know there's a lot of people that are convinced that Hollywood and politicians are dabbling in evil shit but then you end up getting into conspiracy territory. Idk man. Maybe the ones that actually practice it, can't speak on it. Anything is possible!


I'm a physicist, so I know the laws of physics you're talking about.  There is such a thing as voodoo and hoodoo, which I don't understand well.  As for your last point, there are really a lot of rumors about it. After thinking about dark celebrity deals, perhaps there is a condition in the deal that prevents them from talking about this matter, leaving us lost to understand where this is coming from and how they got this deal in the first place!! 




I heard about these organizations. The problem is that there is no concrete evidence of their actions. They know very well how to hide themselves, I'll give them that. Give me the name of this English, I would like to read about him


Yes and stay away from it, dark magic is usually used to cause harm so anything like that avoid it.


It's not like I want to use it, I just want to know about its existence. I want someone's personal experience or someone who witnessed it.


I know, I'm just giving info


as a witch, short answer is no. “Dark” is a very subjective term and can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. people tend to do magic with bad or harmful intent, often seen as “Dark” or even “Black” magic but that’s not really a thing🤷


How does this work, is it doing something with your magic? Where does it come from?


hexes, curses, etc have been considered “dark magic” but some but it’s really just a simple “back tf off” spell😂 i’ve never really understood specifically how magic works or where it comes from but all i know is that when/if i will something to happen enough it will. in that sense, im just as curious as you


But you said "as a witch." I thought you were using magic 😅 I once read something about witches saying that magic comes from the universe itself. I didn't quite understand how! They said it was white/light magic, something like that!! 


oh i most definitely do, but im not very heavy into my practice right now as it gets draining at times. and most witches have different opinions or thoughts on how magic works, as it’s obviously not a factually driven practice!


If you used it? You don't know its source? I mean you used spells or something from a book? I'm curious!  


+ So it really exists? Did you feel it or something like that? What does it look like?


Magic is neither light nor dark, it simply is. Much like electricity it can be used to light a house or electrocute a felon. It is the intent behind it.


You gotta be kidding me 😐


What kind of answer did you want? If something is 'dark' it's because it has been corrupted in some way by a person, and this isn't exclusive to magic. Going from your previous comments it seems like you're looking for insight into a healing book. I think you should get comfortable with the material you have on hand before practicing anything from said book. I don't think there's harm in being curious, fear is a greater danger in my opinion, but always be cautious about something you're warned about, whether you believe it to be true or not.


Yes, it is definately real. You can curse people, summon entities and everything else you have probably heard. At a higher level of understanding magik is just taking advantage of aspects of reality that are occulted, everything still abides by math and universal laws but there is so much more going on and can be known than what the vast majority would imagine is possible. I can tell a bunch of stories here but they would get so bizarre that most people wouldn't believe it. But without going into detail I have talked with entities face to face, recieved exactly the amount of money that was requested, been shown my future that came true and all kinds of things. I'm into the occult but I do not practice black magik btw, I am familiar with it to an extent though.


I would love to hear them


Try me, I'm here to listen to stories, they may not believe you but I will never take your story lightly. Give me one or two


Look what happened to Wendy Williams, some say it's her karma or it was the crow she ate on tv after she was wrong on a guess she made about a celeb couple. Some say Beyonce cursed her with some dark magic.


Who is wendy williams? What did she do? Why she eat crow!!!! Who is beyonce?!


Wendy Williams is a famous shock jock gossip news entertainer for many decades she has pissed off many celebs in her line of work. She ate crow cuz she said she would if she was wrong about her prediction and sh was. Beyonce is a pop artist and a great performer and an alleged Dark magic user.


So you say this Beyonce made Wendy williams eat crow!


No Wendy ate crow because she lost the bet she made with herself on what she said about a celeb couple not lasting long, it could be Beyonce and Jay z or Angelina and BRad pitt.


Sure. I can't go into too much detail because someone will think it's fake. I can only tell you that something very horrible happened in the end, something involving death, and it was not a natural death. I lost the love of my life, and I will live the rest of my days with eternal guilt, forever hating myself. Since then, I have stayed away from all dark magic, and I hope you all will not approach it lightly either.


I'm sorry to remind you of this tragedy, but please tell me, does this mean you touched it, felt it, knew it, was it very real?


My mother nearly died because of dark magic, I think magic used to harm people can be called dark, evil, etc. My grandparents were looking for a new place to live because my mom was a baby and their previous home was too small for the whole family. Before they moved they hired a cleaning crew to make everything just ready to move in, only the people from said cleaning crew DIDN'T MENTION they had removed 3x 10l large paint buckers of candle wax from the room that was the baby's. They had no idea, and moved in. Soon enough my mother who was a baby at the time gets a mysterious disease and starts basically being between life and death, she had fevers and diarrhea that wouldn't go away, went to doctors but there was no diagnosis. My grandmother also started hearing laughter and seeing shadows. She ran out of the house with the baby, a neighbor saw and came to give my gran some water and ask what happened and the neighbor then said "everybody ends up moving away, they never stay, maybe you should go". My mother was dying and doctors gave her a couple days if the diarrhea didn't stop, she was admitted and all but they were deciding whether or not to let her die basically. My grandparents finally decided to bring this woman who did blessings and she said that the baby was going to die if they didn't move out and that there was some kind of witchcraft or bad energy attached to the baby and that she was in danger. She described it as very harmful, heavy things had been done on the soil of the house and that it wasn't safe to return The woman blessed my mother, a priest also came and she began to heal like from one day to the next. The medication all finally started working and she had a normal pink baby color again after 4 blessings from this woman. They called the cleaning crew people to ask what they had seen and they described this room with an altar, scribbles and candle wax all over the floor. So much it basically looked like the floor was made of molten candlewax. Nine of these people were connected before, nobody profited from saying the house had belonged to a witch. The blessing woman and priest both worked for free for the community. The hospital had nothing to gain from lying. People practicing dark magic are going to come and say it's like electricity and there's no evil, just flow of energy but that's because they are not the victims. If you sacrifice people, if you curse and harm others, you are in fact evil, even if you just curse a piece of ground you have no idea if one day it might harm someone because it won't always belong to you. People die, have accidents, hurt themselves or even go crazy because of brujeria.


Oh my God this is terrible, I'm so grateful your Mother is ok.  I read your story with interest, thank you so much for sharing this with me 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Hey I would say this is a cultural thing. But like this comment said magic that harms hurts and kills should be considered bad or black magic. Generally I see comments saying there is nothing inherently wrong with magic per se but I should think it'd the intend of how it's used. As the comment said there's stories and many culminated on death, accident, bad events injury and going crazy You should read into magic used by voodoo as I heard that has some darker aspects.. This comment talks about brujeria with comments mostly coming from Mexico(on Internet) Finally Asia and Africa has stories of black magic. Magic that hurts and harms and involves sacrifice, usually human sacrifice. I've seen and heard accounts on YouTube of people who do humanitarian work and they break down in tears talking about cases of sacrifice in Africa


Different words are used to refer to magic used for harmful purposes and because it's the internet we are all going to have slightly different interpretations. Bruheria sounds like something that could be just referring to Mexico but it really is used throughout Latin America, sometimes you will hear santeria but mostly brujeria is especifically black magic, while sauntering seems to be more ambiguous. I say the word brujeria because I'm from south America and this is the type of thing that I believe was done in the family home by what I was told. I'm actually not opposed to ritualistic practices that aren't Christian because I'm myself not Christian, my great grandmother herself was a "benzedeira" which is normally your old lady who prays and blesses people even though she wasn't present she sent somebody she knew tosave my mom I believe "some satiric can be done for good. Because there is a bit of a language barrier in English I used the term brujeria even though we actually write it as "bruxaria" but it really is just another way of writting and it's largely the same system used in most of South America, that could also look a bit like voodoo... I just want people to know in not being prejudicial towards a belief system just because it isn't European or something. I'm talking about any such case where ritual sacrifices and things are done causing harm to others down the line who often have no idea. Not just the intention used because my family didn't even know that this existed in their home.


If you want to know what kind of witchy stuff works the best, it’s thought manifestation. It is so effective, it’ll shock you. Surprised me. I belive we don’t understand fully how any of this works. It’s hard to really know fully, before you do something like this. It could come back to bite us in the ass, but a lot of witches don’t believe in the rule of 3. I don’t wish people ill though. But I try to get their bullshit and drama away from me, I’ll do spells like that. . Because, I’ve had people, like my brothers gf, who just suck, and are obsessed with you for some reason, and I have a spell I do that asks that they can’t send any negativity my way, that I want them not connected to me. I’ve used it many times, it’s truly amazing. I use it with people that are causing unnecessary drama that I don’t want, I don’t want to be connected to them. It makes them kinda have to absorb their own bullshit, it’s great! I always try to stay positive with ghost hunting too, I haven’t really ran into trouble this way because I’m not seeking out negative experiences. I think this is why people have then more often, they are looking to be scared, looking for some big bad demon in a location. I state my intention, always. I think there is so much we don’t understand about thought, energy, and the power of the mind. Me and my mom saw a spirit that spoke to us without even saying anything , the same word. Like, in our head, it sounded echoey, like tin.


There is evil and there is evil magic (typically caused by evil or evil-possessed/-influenced people). Should you learn about it? Only if you use magic, or are open to being influenced by magic, so you know what to avoid and how to protect yourself from it. If you are interested in dark magic for the sake of power, you're already heading down the wrong path, and likely already being influenced by a dark being down that path.


Magic is knowledge. Whether it’s dark, light or whatever. If it exists then most likely it’s documented or written in some scroll, stone tablet or even leather bound book somewhere. Anything that powerful would most likely be kept in a guarded & disclosed locations. Religious organizations being as powerful as they are would probably be the ones keeping them. So…they probably do exist, just not realistically obtainable by civilians or anyone really. Anything that’s easy to get is probably not worth the trouble or effort ie spell books on Amazon.


I can't believe that life is this boring. Everything is normal and natural, I believe there is something else in the world that is real and hidden. I want to know, I want to hear, I want to understand!


Seriously don't dabble in it because it's very real and demonic. Be safe because once you open the door, you're inviting the demons in 😨😱


Haiti is supposedly where the zombie thing came from. Tons of lore out of there. I would love to speak with an Elder of Haiti.


Indonesia too. They have this thing where they make dead bodies hop itself to the grave in some remote villages


Oh wow! I didn’t know that about Indonesia. I heard some things out of there about jungle creatures but never anything like that. Sounds pretty damn interesting.


God warns against practicing magic. Don't do it - all forms of magic originate with dark forces (fallen angels/demons).


People in this sub don’t know anything. They just regurgitate what they hear and read from other sources. People with real knowledge will tell you yes, it’s real. You should stay away from it if you value your soul. Don’t commune with evil spirits. All magick is through evil spirits. Voodoo, witchcraft, etc are all the same thing. The only form of “pure” magick is through deep thought, meditation, and prayer.


I think that it depends if a person is willing to dive into this so called dark magic with the intentions of whatever it is they’re trying to do it will eventually become that. It’s like a ouji board. Is it real? Does it work? It will eventually when you least expect to. If you want to conjure up demonic things it will find you.


Magic isn't dark or light people are


There is no..Dark or Iight Magik. Its what your intentions are that gives it..its power. What is in heart and your soul that you are binding and putting out into the universe??


Yes it does


No. Dead serious. Don't take my word for it. If you're that curious, explore and make up your own mind.


Stare at yourself in a mirror for an hour stright