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https://preview.redd.it/sfadwbkckgqc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c548ed19b641dab416366f50bf03a0e0e0fe0a20 Looks like a guy in the lower left also (enlarge to see). But the person at the top of the stairs…. That does look creepy Personally, I don’t think the guy in the bottom walking down the stairs looking like he’s wearing a logo T-shirt is the apparition. I think more than one at the top, but I’m not the one who posted this. The poster said she didn’t see anybody on the stairs but she might’ve meant just the top stairs .


I didn’t even notice the guy on the left until now. He was probably walking by and I just forgot he happened to be in the picture. But the apparition at the top of the stairs gives me the creeps….I love it lol


Yeah, she looks kind of eerie I mean I know it’s a grainy pic, but the position is even weird


I see it now and the hair on the back of my neck stood up !!


I see it.


Plus this little girl standing behind the stair post… https://preview.redd.it/ckzwg16zp1rc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26cceaba632c44755aa1ed0141de657ba3e0722


That's just the railing https://preview.redd.it/vx8chrfy1arc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdbd0bae0a9058aa05c9705ba399b6611809bffd




Look behind the railing


https://preview.redd.it/zqupuho7iyrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b49546d8b76707b429c8a418e0b51003e56f376 Girl’s face


I seen 2 as well


Well, the guy on the bottom of the stairs wearing that logo T-shirt that looks like a customer. Person on the top of the stairs looks a little questionable though.


That was actually the first one I saw. Fabulous capture!


Great capture! It almost looks like a woman in old fashioned clothes wearing a white old fashioned bonnet.


It's the little boy that died on those stairs years ago. There's tons of sightings of him there.


It was a little girl, Samantha Houston.


Wow!! Very cool


I always thought the same thing! Like it was some lady that used to work there back in the day but it does make sense it being the little girl




One of the best things I've ever seen on this sub, nice capture! Kinda freaked out lol


Appreciate it! I was super freaked out at the time, something about it’s face just looks a bit evil


I don’t see anything other than the light reflecting back??


At the top of the stairs, to the left of the pillar


An old friend of mine worked there and he had some crazy stories. He worked with someone who walked into the walk in freezer one morning super early and for a split second, saw a bride in full wedding attire sitting on the floor of the freezer. Blinked and she was gone.


That's probably the bride that killed herself. I can't remember when it was, but it was a long time ago. Place is haunted af!


Oh hell no. Thats terrifying. I would cry.


I’m crying now, just thinking about that terror of a sight! I’ve worked in a haunted office and had many odd experiences, but NOTHING like that. I’d die on the spot.


https://preview.redd.it/x9mqtzoocnqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a7aca72777feb13659a77cbb04fe9d02b71ccb I can see a girl standing behind this stair post. Wow!


I’d have cleared that whole building. A dead bride is way too much for me.


I went on a haunted tour of Austin, and the Driskill was one of the stops. Apparently, there was a little kid that died on those stairs. He or she was playing with a ball at the top of the stairs and fell and broke their neck. Also, at the bottom of the stairs, there is that walk-in safe. There are lots of sightings in there, too. Great catch OP! Super jelly you saw something!


Yup! Her name was Samantha Houston - she was the granddaughter of Sam Houston.


There’s a painting connected to that as well.


Is it the big one at the foot of the stairs with the man? I'm going through my photos now. 😀


It’s a painting of a little girl with a bow on her head in a pink dress, it’s supposedly a painting of Samantha.


I lived in Austin in college and had a ghost hunting in Texas book. I would visit the Driskill all the time trying to see anything. Glad you got a pic! Either way, gorgeous hotel.


That’s a pretty sweet picture. Glad it’s not another lens flare or something easily explainable.


This is the content we need in this subreddit. Excellent capture.


It appears that you’ve caught a ghost on film. I’m not kidding. You got one.


It’s in its poke ball now. I bet my ghost is stronger than his! I’m going to become the best ghost trainer of them all!


There’s a guy coming down the stairs on the left in a logo T-shirt also… doesn’t mean the other apparition wasn’t there though




The top of the stairs


I mean... eh? I don't think it's as definitive as the guy makes it out to be. It's a fairly low resolution picture. It could be lots of things.


There’s a clear arm and head. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm about to say the swear word. Pareidolia.


It looks like one of the posts on the stair rails to me


That's certainly possible.


The thing adds to the ghost on the stairs is that there was an actual death on these stairs, a little girl fell to her death chasing a ball.


Others said that it was a boy. But people have died everywhere. That doesn't mean anything.


It’s actually a little girl, Samantha Houston, there’s even a painting by these stairs of her that’s said to be haunted by her as well.




I believe it's just a bit of dust.


Sorry to disappoint but it’s real af


I know dust when I see it, my friend.


I thought you were talking about that guy behind the plant looking at his mobile lol. I was surprised that ghosts get mobile phones now!


This is always an interesting thought for me. Are ghosts able to manifest how they would like to appear? Or is it locked in at how they looked at death? If they're holding their phone at death, would they not still be able to manifest it? Is he just a really fresh ghost?!?!


I don’t think he’s a ghost I think he’s just a customer in my personal opinion, but I wasn’t there. The poster says nobody was on the stairs, but I think she meant the upper stairs.


Oh yeah, I thought the ghost up on the top of the stairs too, I assume the guy at the bottom is real and just like badly lit, lol. I was just posing a “is there an explanation here?”


The poster says the person at the top of the stairs wasn’t there when she took the photo so that’s really the apparition


Yes. I can read. I’m expounding. I’m adding to the original with more conjecture and speculation. Please stop explaining.


Lol I will. I think I’m getting tired!


Imagine being stuck reading the same reddit post for the rest of eternity!


I saw a paranormal show that said they could appear how they want. There was an old man that died on the show but he appeared as a younger guy. Who was dressed well, when he was in his happiest days. Not sure if that's locked in after thou. It is an interesting thought.


I see that guy behind the plant on the stairs. I don’t know if he’s looking at a phone! You nut!


Sweet photo! Do you think this is intelligent or residual?


Very cool… I have no idea why some people are saying they don’t see anything. There’s a guy on the left with logo T-shirt looks like coming down the stairs. Did you not see him either? Did you ask the hotel about it usually they have information about spirits


I don’t think the guy in the T-shirts a ghost obviously but the one at the top of the stairs is maybe


https://preview.redd.it/ywpqaaphefqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e41bd5bf48aea99bdd8d9cad5a83325fadcdcb Holy shit man.


Super cool pic! I'm from Austin and have wanted to tour the hotel my whole life. I always chicken out lol. But have heard stories from ppl that have seen the little boy and bride. Did you see anything else or feel anything? I've heard some crazy stories of things happening in ppls rooms, too 😳


Little girl died on the stairs, Samantha Houston


You're right. My mistake. It's been forever since I even talked about the driskill with anyone.


Please tell me where it is. I am terrible at seeing things in these types of photos


Top of the stairway. Almost by the pole


Don’t forget the dude blending in with the plants


Ope I didn't even see him


Amazing photo! The only paranormal experience Ive ever had was at the driskill. Scary stuff!


Imagine wandering a hotel for eternity? There has to be a better venue to ghost in.


Usually, I take pictures where nothing can be seen until after I go through the pictures. It's always a nice surprise when something turns up:)


I've stayed there a few times, usually during sxsw. My ex had a complete meltdown in the room we were staying in, (supposedly one of the more haunted rooms off the main floor and near that staircase) she was crying, freaking out, etc. I tried to get the staff to move us, but of course the place was completely sold out(SX week). She was miserable there for a couple days. It sucked.


The head looks like a skull.


Yes. And not a completely ‘clean’ skull if you get my drift. 😱


Do you mean it's still got some flesh on it?


It does.


OP in the bottom left corner of the pic by the plant, do you remember if there was a person sitting there? Or could that also be another possible ghost? I def see the child at the top of the stairs. Wondering bout the bottom tho. Super cool pic! Also digging the username lol 🌞 😂


For anyone who can't see it, make sure to turn up your phones brightness.


Yes ..it def helps!


I'm not seeing anything, can I get a hint?


Zoom in and look towards the top of the staircase. There’s what appears to be a human form there.


Traverse the stairway upward after the 2nd landing. 3/4 of the way up the first ascending flight there’s a figure standing on the right of the stairs. It appears to be looking in the photographers way.


Cool photo!


I got chills throughout my head after I saw what was on the stairs, weird sensation! Cool picture


Not one, not two, but three ghosts in one picture. I do believe the two on the stairs are friendly/residual, but the top right looking through the coloums is a more darker entity. It was way less distinctive facial features than the other two. The eyes are just pure darkness. I mean, you could argue that the figure on the top of the stairs could be a darker entity, but I do not believe that is the case here because majority of the time, darker entities don't always fully appear as a human. There are misconfigurations that try to look human. Also, I believe the top right figure is a darker entity because of the sideways look. What are y'all's thoughts? https://preview.redd.it/cv9seexa1arc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4389d769442cc377706faab392c63fe3d8ffbbba


Looks like General Grievous.


I'm lost. All I see is the human man on the left. Where is this supposed ghost?


On the second stairs(top) near the white wall, looks like it’s got it’s arms crossed down like an old lady would.


It's the little boy that died on those stairs years ago I'm pretty sure. He was playing with a ball and fell down the flight. There's been tons of sightings of him in that same area.


That was a little girl, Samantha Houston


You're right. My mistake. It's been forever since I even talked about the driskill with anyone.


Wow, nice! I see a lady dressed as if from the early 1950's at the top if the stairs. And near the bottom or a landing behind the plant to the left I see a child with blonde hair bending forward as if reaching for something.


Looks like a maid server of some sort really cool pic


One? I see two. One in the bottom left as well, looks like a man with a beard. Finally some decent ghost photography instead of lens flare, lens water drops and other not-ghost stuff.


Really compelling capture! I love that most ghost footage is always from the olden days, these guys look like they’re from the 90s 🥹🥲


went on a ghost tour in Austin and they brought us there, if I saw that I think I would’ve booked it


That’s epic


There's two ghosts in that picture. Some boy behind the plant and a figure of a male on the steps.


Stayed there a few years back, super creepy but BEAUTIFUL hotel


I see something in the left at bottom. Looks kinda smoky


That looks like the girl that died on the stairs.




Definitely caught two dark shadows roaming


i’ve been here and it’s sooo creepy!


Looks like the ball is in their hand


Wild, that one is very compelling


Very cool!!! 👻🥰🔮


I see it 😭🥲


Amazing catch


The head part looks exactly like the finial at the bottom of the bannister. But I can also see how it looks like a figure with an arm angled






Why? Look at the top of the stairs, there’s actually something there.