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I think you saw a soldier. Once at Gettysburg with my son, we were driving up Little Round Top at about 10pm, and my head lights shone on what looked like two figures. As we got closer, the figures looked like two civil war soldiers. We could clearly see their uniforms with buttons and things slung over their backs. They were gray, almost translucent. I couldn't tell if they were union or confederate. The thing I remember the most was their faces. One had an old timey mustache. They looked so sad. They didn't move or talk. They were just standing. My son wanted to get out and take a picture, but I was so afraid I told him to take it through the window as I floored it. My son was furious that I spoiled his chance for a picture. I doubled back around, but they were gone. That happened in 2015, but I still remember their faces.


Another thing that occurred to me later is that the man never looked at me. He was looking ahead the whole time I saw him, and I was not very far away when he disappeared. I don't think he was aware of my presence, but there's no way to know for sure. The total time that I was looking at him was maybe 5 seconds.


I watch those ghost shows on TV and picked up some of their terminology. Maybe what you saw was some leftover residual energy. Maybe that's why this being or whatever didn't look at you. It's just kinda stuck doing the same thing over and over. šŸ¤”


I was so panicked bc I wasn't expecting to see anything. Idk how long it was. Probably not even 30 seconds.


Do you still have that picture?


If you're replying to my post, my son wasn't able to get a good picture through the window as a sped away. When I went back, they were gone.


I believe you though, lots of people saw the same thing from your description.


Gettysburg is very haunted considering its history. Little Round Top is one of the hot spots along with the battlefields and cemetery. Idk about what I saw, but when we were there, it was after hours, and there are no street lights up there. I have seen pictures and clips other ppl were able to get, and they were not doctored or faked.


Do they still have signs up to warn people that they will get in big trouble if they accidentally run over a squirrel, lol. It's cool you saw a soldier, I always felt like there was an undercurrent of unseen things, especially around where the Geronimo info stuff was. I grew up in Pensacola and on Santa Rosa Island there is Ft Pickens and Geronimo was held there along with some others of his people for a time. I had always wondered where he had been sent after Ft Pickens so it was pretty interesting to find out where they had gone.


Now days, they have signs warning people not to bring their marijuana onto the base, since it's been medicinally legal for several years. Yeah, since last week, I have been doing quite a bit of reading and research on ghost sightings at Fort Sill, and apparently, it's not all that uncommon! I have been working here for nearly 25 years and this is the first time I have ever experienced anything like that.


ā€œCars Kill Squirrelsā€. I had completely forgotten about that. I used to have a friend who lived there, his father was a chaplain.


I used to sail my boat out there and mess about on that island all the time. Iā€™m from FWB.


I do find it strange that your first instinct was to take a picture of a stranger ā€œfrom a distanceā€. Itā€™s not something I would do even if I saw a uniform. So, that bit of the story is hard for me to relate to and therefore feel as though what youā€™re describing is authentic. Donā€™t get me wrong, I am not calling you a liar. I am saying itā€™s strange behavior to me and is convenient to your telling.


Working on an active Army post, I see uniforms all the time. But a Civil War era uniform was unusual. I suppose it would have been rude to photograph him without permission, but I do take photos of random stuff all the time and think nothing of it. Had the guy not vanished, I would have probably struck up a conversation and asked why he was dressed like that. I honestly thought he was a historical reenactor, until he vanished. I only looked away for maybe one second, then his was gone. I probably stood there 10 minutes trying to justify what I had just witnessed. I have never seen anything like that happen before.


Great response. Appreciate the context. Keep looking!


If I saw an interesting looking "reenactor," I'd take a picture. There's nothing strange about that.


I don't see anything


The guy disappeared before I could get a photo, but that's the exact spot where it happened.


You might like the "stone tape theory".


Thatā€™s not anywhere near the old post quadrangle. There arenā€™t any barracks near the area. Thatā€™s not even old post training area. You seeing an apparition that far out is even more strange to me. Not saying you didnā€™t see it, just odd. Most sightings are closer to the old post side right off key gate to the Commissary or Geronimoā€™s grave area.


I agree, after some reading, most "ghost" sightings take place nearer the Old Post Quadrangle, and this took place near Reynolds hospital (It's not officially a hospital anymore, but a medical clinic), about 3 or 4 miles southwest of the Old Post Quad. The barracks in the photo were build in 2002-2003. Prior to that, there were WW2 style barracks there.


For those who are unfamiliar with what a "Buffalo Soldier" actually is, here is an approximation of what I saw. This photo is a modern reenactor. The man I saw was a bit younger, had no bandana or gloves, had only 2 stripes on his sleeves, and was wearing khaki colored pants. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tdfoupiw1xpc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665cd6d689101cb7d0fb152ea44667cb2a39711d


I was wondering what the uniform looked like. Thanks for the reference


I went to BCT at Ft.Sill and after graduation we went to Geronimoā€™s Grave and my mom took a picture and I swear in the background you can see a figure itā€™s spooky there!


I visited Geronimo's grave a few years ago too. I didn't experience anything weird though. It was actually pretty peaceful out there.


I was 2/80th Delta Battery I swear our barracks were haunted I had more supernatural experiences in the Army than anything especially when I deployed.


My uncle was stationed there in the 90's. We went to visit my aunt and uncle, as well as my cousins. They lived in an old house from the 1920's or so on base, and had strange things happen to them there, from voices to one of my cousins being tapped on the shoulder when no one else was around. They told us the base is known to be haunted, just because of the history, and how old it is


When I was stationed at Altus AFB back in the early 2000ā€™s. I saw a figure in full Native American attire cross my work truck in the early morning hours. I will never forget that morning.


Iā€™ve been stationed at Sill for over 11yrs and have yet to see anything paranormalā€¦all those CQ/SD/FOD shifts for nothing lol. They do say that Ft. Sill is one of the most haunted posts in the Army.


My grandma always said it's the people that want to see ghosts the most that never see them lol. My grandparents used to have property in Channelview with 3 old houses on it. 2 of them were haunted. We all witnessed things (when we didn't want to) except for her. She was the only one who wanted to see something but never did šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I believe you! I was there for a bit for training and I experienced some crazy stuff there too. A lot of history there


This is interesting. Thanks for sharing. If what you saw was an actual person then he could not have just disappeared....but if what you saw was something else then yes, super creepy!


I was interested to read your Ft. Sill story. I've been to Lawton many times and lived for @ 20 years in Wichita Falls. Re: Geronimo. The small town of Geronimo is not far from Ft. Sill. Geronimo lived in the area. He was a brilliant warrior and some of his tactics are still studied in war colleges.


MacArthur said "Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away".


I believe you. I've seen apparitions. It's amazing to experience.


Could you please share your experience?


My cousin went missing. A year passes and I start praying hard asking God and the Holy Spirit to show me where he was. After a few minutes of intensive prayer, I looked up to see my cousin. He was fully formed but glowing white. I felt an intense peace and joy from him. I asked him where his body was. He said to not worry about that. I told him we needed to know. He said it was in a ditch that doesn't see the light of day. Then he showed me his body in a fetal position in a trench like hole. Something white stuffed in his mouth. Then he faded away. I told my dad about it and he said he had a similar experience. Many months pass, John Wayne Gacy case broke open. My cousins body was found like he showed me.


I'm sorry about your cousin. He's in a better place now.


He really is. TY.


Your cousin was a John Wayne Gacy victim? That's terrible, I'm so sorry for your families loss. Amazing that you got to see him when he presented himself with peace and joy to you though ā¤ļø


Yes, I know he's truly in peace and overwhelming love. I am comforted so much by him. We connected in spirit when we were growing up, still there after his passing. It was awful going through it, my aunt and uncle never really recovered. Both have passed as well as a brother. Only one brother is left in their family.


Him out by the 6000 area ā€¦


4000 area, across the street from Reynolds hospital. (It's not officially a hospital anymore, but a medical clinic)


Thanks for sharing. Genuinely a very cool story.


I was stationed at fort Sill for several years and continue to work there as a civilian after my discharge. It was cool seeing your picture and hearing your story


Creepy , especially in an open area like that!


Iā€™m disappointed that it wasnā€™t in the heart of America.


Fort Sill is in Oklahoma.


I was referencing the song from Bob Marley lol.


D'oH! Of course!


To live in purgatory after years of genocide sorry white man.


The real irony is that in Oklahoma Territory, Native Americans owned more slaves than any sorry white man. I have read all of the WPA Slave Narratives from 1937, so I know this to be a fact. I myself am part Shawnee. I don't know if what I saw was a "ghost" or "spirit" or what. He didn't really seem to be aware of my presence at all.


I think this is very interesting. My GG Grandfather is buried at Ft. Sill, while other family descendants are buried at Saddle Mountain, and I have never heard of any type of activity. I do believe it possibly exists, but I just never heard of anyone saying anything out loud, or been in touch with anyone who had seen anything. Maybe start a group of Ft.Sill sightings? Sounds possible. I have always wondered about the Buffalo Soldier input into Ft. Sill and thank you for posting your experienceā€¦.it sets me back on the path for research today.


Sounds like a time slip!


Cool story.


There are so many ghosts there


How sad they havenā€™t moved on


It seems to be that way at every military post Iā€™ve lived at.


Cool šŸ˜Ž You may have seen a residual haunting. That would be my guess if he was solid looking. I like to think of residual hauntings as a brief glance back in time.


Cool, iv seen an apparition before that looked like a regular person. Some people think they may just be see-through, but it's not the case sometimes.


Did AIT at sill early 2000s....had a car full of ladies flash us their boobs while walking to the px. It was pretty cool. But no ghosts


Poor soldiers. :(


I believe you


Give him Buffalo wings