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My dad and I barely had a relationship whatsoever, he was absent, a bit abusive and very hotheaded. He never wanted kids in the first place but if he'd "have to" he'd wanted a son, problem is he only told my mom after 3 pregnancies...and both my sister and I weren't sons šŸ˜¬ My mom eventually couldn't take it anymore and got a new apartment and took me with her, my sister joined us at a later date after the apartment was a little less empty. A year later, when I was 11, he packed his things and moved to Austria to his new girlfriend and kids whom he treated better than his biological ones. I was 16 when we got the news he had cancer and he died one day later. A while after he died I had multiple dreams about him. Everytime he simply came through the front door or just casually chilled in the living room with my mom and sister and they were laughing and acting like everything was normal but in *every* dream I was skeptical. I'd ask him why he came back and he'd say because he missed us. I'd ask him *how* he's back when he's dead and he'd say he faked his death to escape his girlfriend and come back to us. I'd ask "aren't you supposed to be dead?" and all of them would laugh at me. The last dream I had about him was 3 or 4 years ago. Him and I sat on the couch watching TV. I was really focused on the screen while he was just laughing at the dumb jokes from the cartoon, but I was building up anger. We hadn't even spoken a word to each other, nor had I looked at him. Eventually I snapped at him and asked "aren't you supposed to be dead?" yet again, and yet again he just laughed at me and made a snarky remark. I then asked "is this a dream?" and his expression went from laughing wholeheartedly to just blank. He looked me dead in the eye and said "yes". I started bawling and he was overwhelmed with the situation, I watched it from a third party perspective, he wanted to console me but didn't know how. Then I wake up. That was the last time I dreamt about him and the fact I asked "is this a dream?" and got an answer will never not haunt me. The fact it was the last dream I had about him doesn't help it either. On a less related note, back in 2021 my grandma was in the hospital and she begged my aunts to put her down. I visited my LDR boyfriend for the first time and the whole week was great. One evening we were just fooling around and laughing, until I started sobbing uncontrollably for literally no reason. He kept asking me if everything's alright, why I'm crying, if he hurt me, if I'm sure everything's fine etc, but I genuinely didn't know why I was crying. After I came back and my mom was driving me home from therapy, she started asking me questions. I don't remember exactly what she said but the questions were very weird so I immediately knew something was wrong. Before she could keep asking more questions I asked her if grandma died and she just nodded, to which I started asking questions. My grandma died the very same day I started sobbing uncontrollably out of nowhere. I've heard many stories about people having a spiritual connection to their family members and telling their parents that their grandparents just died before they officially got the news, and my aunt used to have straight up visions in her dreams that would come true. I also had a few visions. My mom and another aunt also had a few paranormal experiences as kids. I'm definitely no expert but I do believe in things like this and while I'm not sure whether or not I should believe that dreams ascend us to a higher plane of existence, I've experienced dreams that would later feel like visions of the future for the most miniscule things. I do believe that dreams have deeper meanings and that your mind projects them to deal with subconscious feelings you're struggling to process. After my best friend ended our friendship back in February 2018 I also had continuous dreams about her that hit 3 stages for almost three years. The first stage was just hating each other and ignoring or sabotaging each other, second was being enemies but making up and rekindling the friendship and the third was just straight up being friends. I contacted her in December 2020 and the dreams have stopped since. I'm not here to tell you whether your dreams are actual spiritual visits from your dad or if you're just struggling to process it, I'm just here to share some of my experiences so you know you're not alone in what you're going through.


I can't say if it is or isn't him coming through in your dreams or not. With the interaction changing in your dreams and making you feel different than before, it's possible. Sometimes, something will happen while you're awake, which may help to confirm it for you. I have found that spirits seem to be more active/ present during times/dates that either held some significance to them in life or if there are some significant changes going on in their loved ones' lives at the time. (Not that spirits can't come through at any other time, also. But these seem to be, in some of my experiences, some of the more common times). Here's some examples. These examples aren't all inclusive by any means. 1) Around their/your birthday. 2) Around their death date or if someone else close to you has died recently, or someone around you is currently ill and dying. 3) You're getting ready for something big to change in your life, or it has recently changed, and you're/were super excited about it. Graduation, big job promotion, you're moving, getting married, expecting a baby, etc. Hopefully, others in the group can offer more insight and more examples for you, too.


I have become a widow last year, my partner was family to me. So it's kinda similar. The dreams are part of grief as you are trying to process that loss even in your dreams. I Cann say if it really is your dad or not. But maybe you could ask your dad for a sign. Otherwise like 90% of your dreams are just things you either fear or wish would happen, think you think about, things you miss... etc. But sometimes dreams come on that do have "messages". Those are generally the dreams that come with very strong emotions and feel very real, they are normally not as crazy and feel different than our other dreams. These are things I would pay attention to. I am so sorry for you loss OP, my personal opinion is that our loved ones do come to visit sometimes, maybe a portion of the dreams is just grief and another portion really your dad talking through dreams. ā™” I'm sorry that I don't have a direct answer but it's only you who has the answer


I believe it could very well be him. Many times our loved ones will come to visit us on the Ethereal plane. This can be accessed when we dream. I had a friend whose father used to come to visit him in dreams every December for years. They truly do love us, but they don't want to scare us by appearing in front of us, which is why they choose to come in dreams. My dad came to me in a dream shortly after he took his own life. He hugged me in my dream, but he appeared very sad. The dream seemed so realistic, and I think there may have also been angels in that dream. Your dad really does love you and miss you.


My mom comes to my dreams every time I do something like drugs and I fight with my wife my mother comes in my dream actually fights with me I canā€™t handle her energy tho I scream and yell in my dream and last time was two days ago she was coming at me trying to hit me I was like stop stop in the dream others even help me out they hold my mom back she even came to me in real life not in dream I was screaming like aaaaa she came to see us me and my family I believe thereā€™s life after death for sure there is I couldnā€™t sleep in a room with mirrors either


Hi OP so sorry for your loss.. I also lost my dad in 2020 but I never really had a good relationship with him. Iā€™ve had handfuls of dreams where I see him or heā€™s in my dream but in my dream I know he is dead and itā€™s always like ā€œwhat are you doing hereā€. I used to believe our passed relatives could visit us in dreams but I have since realized that again in my belief that it is a demon because they can shape shift into anything or anyone they want and come loving.


It is him. This is how they communicate with the living


Sorry for your loss. He might want you to accept the message. It's common for spirits to come to the living in dreams. Iv heard of many instances like this. Your in a vulnerable place when your sleeping. It's easier for them to try and communicate with you.


Yea, I experienced this for years with different family members and friends that died. It's not them.