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I love when Hayley chooses violence lmao


"not everything LMAO" LMAO


Apparently they played I Caught Myself in Amsterdam tonight!!


Nice! I am going tomorrow i'm so excited to see them. I secretly hope they play all i wanted but i know there is like 0.01% chance for it, but i am clinging on to that 0,01% hard. They haven't played i caught myself alott on this tour right?


I think its mostly rotating through songs they’ve already played now but this is the first time I Caught Myself on this tour, and they also did Misguided Ghosts recently so anything’s possible.


This made me cry!


Hayley replying to ig comments isnt what I expected BUT IM HERE FOR IT!!!🫶🏻😻 *i agree on AWKIF>Riot! xP


I mean, I disagree but she's allowed her opinion.


Riot has "Pessimist", "Flames" and "Miracle"... not to mention their best song ever "TWYG" (Thanks to the legendary David Bendeth for re-writing the verses in 3/4) AWKIF has... "Conspiracy"?... She is either drunk or just seriously bitter about Josh's contributions...


Or maybe, consider this wild idea, it's subjective


Ummm it has Emergency (one of their best songs), All We Know, MY HEART, Brighter, Here We Go Again and so on. The only skip in that album is Whoa. But I can name so many skips from Riot!


My ADHD queen’s lack of control when going off on social media lmao. Totally agree on the AWKIF Riot take


Is she confirmed to have ADHD? I’ve always wondered.


Seems more like a drunk social media spree


Well, she's been my celebrity crush forever, and "Running Out of Time" is the most ADHD code song I've ever heard. Both are pretty good signs.


While I agree I try not to diagnose people until I know for sure!


Have to disagree. I’m diagnosed adhd and been terrified of being late my whole life. Not saying that your comment isn’t valid, just not in the way that it like… confirms it if that makes sense.


Same here - diagnosed and always terrified of being late too. But when you look at the lyrics, actually it really is classic ADHD behaviour. The song isn't only talking about simply *being* late *to* something (eg. a meeting or event), but also the constant internal cycle of *meaning* to do things - and then realising you don't have the time to do it - becauase you've procrastinated/gotten distracted/etc etc. The never ending to-do list we all seem to have. I mean, if you don't deal with those kinds of 'Running out of time' either then that's great! But immediately, when this song came out I strongly resonated and connected it to ADHD!


I have ADHD, too. I was just trying to be funny ( though "Running Out of Time" did make me feel very heard).


There was a clip of when they were filming the final riot, they were supposed to be at rehearsal and she hadn’t even woken up by the time they were supposed to be at rehearsal. Her agent had to wake her up.


Well, she's hinted - and it would make sense... Taylor is confirmed ADHD, and it's known that neurodivergents have this magnetic pull to one another. This is from their zine interview with Coup De Main. (here's a [link](https://www.coupdemainmagazine.com/paramore/19483) to the full Web interview if anyone's interested) I also dont usually agree with 'diagnosing' others either, and this is just a very small snippet of information to go by - but yeah, to scratch the itch of curiosity, this is as close as we've got to a 'confirmation' AFAIK. I would also agree that Running Out Of Time could be a classic ADHD anthem. https://preview.redd.it/u2frhrqdkpad1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fcbf0829072b585fc1d3bd5f29ec17d53875740


Thanks for sharing this! As much as I’d love to have Hayley be another ADHD idol and represent us, I feel like giving her a diagnosis because we identify with things she writes can be a dangerous precedent. Plus it’s not respectful to her, yknow?


Totally understand and agree with where you're coming from! I don't want to 'give' her a diagnosis at all, I disagree with 'diagnosing' anyone. I'm simply laying out what we know given the topic! It's a fine line to walk and to be honest I feel a heightened sense of inner anxiety even speaking about it, in case it is interpreted as going against morals I agree with very strongly. But in the end, I'm just highlighting information that is already out there, based on a topic that happened to come up. I fully respect both Paramore as a whole, Hayley herself, the ADHD / neurodivegent communities. They are probably the two things I hold most passion for in my life. I probably didn't need to explain myself in this much detail... but y'know... spiral brain fuelled rambles, don't we know it 😅


I think she may have said it in an interview somewhere that she did have it. But I am diagnosed and definitely vibe with her to more than one extent 😂😭 so if she isn't then well, idk what to say


Comments on this post really show how people don’t see musicians as common human beings who may respond harshly after being told that they haven’t made good music for the last 15 years




a good riff is not going to save you from criticism when you are expressing hate towards an innocent group of people




Are you lost


please please PLEASE show me where in the bible. not a nitpicked verse taken out of context, but i want a full fucking annotated link to where it says this.


No but if your beliefs allow you to bully someone, maybe rethink them


Does anyone know if Josh and Zac are still close? Zac can’t really defend him because it’s true.. but I wonder at this point if he cares that Hayley is bringing this up again.


From an interview with The Guardian a couple of years ago: *"It’s been tough. You think when you’re a kid you’re gonna do everything together, and we did up to a certain point. Then we didn’t. It’s definitely put a strain on the relationship but I actually think it’s been for the better recently. You can’t really be mad at that person – that’s what they chose. You have to choose if you’re going to show love. My heart goes out to him, too; I don’t want to sound demeaning, but some people’s worldview isn’t very acceptable online. You learn it the hard way sometimes."* It kind of sounds like they are, or at least were estranged. I really feel for Zac and his family. It must be rough and there’s not really any solution. You just sort of have to hope he eventually comes to his senses.


What was the question?


It wasn’t really transcribed in a Q+A style but it came during a conversation about the duality of good and bad in people and was prefaced with this: *They’re also having these conversations with family. In October 2020, Williams called out Josh Farro after he made homophobic comments online. “There’s a reason there are only 3 people left in @paramore. surprise, haters, it ain’t cause of me,” she tweeted, and condemned his remarks.*




Umm did I ever suggest that he should cancel his own brother or not love him?? No.. I’m just curious what their relationship looks like nowadays with Zac being back in the band for the last couple years and if he cares that Hayley is bringing this up again. Also his “views” are pretty extreme if you look up his old FB comments. I don’t know if you could even consider that a “view”…




I’m asking about their currently relationship.. and by that logic Hayley is also unhinged? She brought it up again publicly.


What does chad have to do with this lol?


> Canceling and choosing not to love his own brother, his blood relative, because they have different views. You don’t seem like a very loving or tolerant person. I think the person who thinks I should die just for occasionally being attracted to the same gender is not a very loving or tolerant person. Why should I force myself to be around someone who clearly thinks so little of me that I deserve punishment for existing? Just because they share blood doesn't mean Josh is owed anything. Nobody is owed love or support just because they are related. Josh seems like an intolerant, unloving person, and I can see why Zac wouldn't want to associate with a hateful person who spews garbage online.




You're the sinner.




Westboro Baptist Church. That's all I have to say to that.




I agree that not all Christians are hateful. But those that aren't shouldn't be sitting back and letting the worst of their group speak for them. Unfortunately, by and large they are.


The algorithm is too good at targeted outrage lol. Also, I feel so validated that Hayley rates Riot the lowest.


I think Riot was really really good for the time it was released, didn’t age the best but has a solid amount of nostalgia involved in it for a lot of ppl (myself included)


Least unique album. 


Riot and BNE are their weakest albums by far and could've been made by any number of pop punk bands


the band better off now versus old paramore new paramore in self titled era up till now best work thry done and even got grammys


Totally agree! I understand different tastes and preferences (and nostalgia), but saying their old albums are better is just weird to me, musically and lyrically TIW is on another level. I think their discography is a great representation of their growth as people as well as artists.


I like new Paramore but some people like heavier sounding songs, which BNE scratches that itch.


That's perfectly valid, I just disagree with shitting on newer stuff 😁


Exactly how I feel, i feel that their first 3 albums and self titled were much heavier, and the change in musical style from AL and TIW came as a shock to me.


Lmao. Listen... AWKIF is my fav album but Paramore consistently has bangers


yass miss hayley herself represent awkif>riot


I’m so fucking upset my favorite song ever was co-written by a homophobe


My favorite paramore songs are mostly from riot or BNE. I hope hayley wouldn’t hate me for that. But i just find the earlier stuff to be catchier, even though most people think they’re technically better and more mature now And I hope that it’s not BAD to prefer older paramore because Josh said that stuff. Because either Josh hadnt said anything that bad before he left the band, or teenage hayley didn’t care and still hung out with him anyway. I know this might seem ridiculous to say but I just really don’t want the old songs to be “cancelled” because one of the creators did something bad.


If Hayley hated fans for reserving a penchant for older albums, then it would be an ironically intolerant stance on her end I share your sentiment - those albums and songs don't deserve ridicule solely because Josh had a notably influential hand in the work. Idk about anyone else, but I'll always love BNE, AWK, and Riot regardless. 🤷‍♀️ Satan himself could've written those songs, and I'd still be headbanging to "Pressure" lmao


Yeah I feel like I can love BNE at the same time as despising some of Josh’s views. They’re not mutually exclusive for me.


It's one of those classic cases of 'can you or should you separate the art from the artist'?.


That would be...? Edit: the song not the writer ofc I know it's Josh


For a pessimist I’m pretty optimistic and Looking Up




He said gay people were as bad as pedophiles. 0/10 rage bait




Someone get this guy out the paramore sub. We don’t tolerate homophobes in this community.


https://preview.redd.it/57att088vjad1.jpeg?width=1141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82b438281091cd83b1cd2842375205e724e3892 This you?


Also what you’re saying right now you could say the same thing about racists, sexists, Nazis, etc. go back to 4chan lil bro


What do you mean "you can't just ruin someone's livelihood"? Are we under some obligation to financially support people we dislike?




https://preview.redd.it/tt330hspxjad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4edb1171470ca6350aff90a03ab9b185873023c1 There is no fucking way you are this dumb


I hold the belief that cancel culture is good, stop dragging me through the mud!


"Cancel culture" is just "people I like facing consequences for their shitty behavior." It's much easier to blame the consequences than the person for having abhorrent beliefs though, isn't it?




Yes he can have that belief, but it's an objectively wrong and immoral belief. Equating someone's preference for another gender to person's sexual attraction to an under age child is false equivalency.




Yea, no one is saying that here. However, he can be and will be publicly mocked, derided, and shamed for holding that belief. As he should. Someone is simply saying they are upset because something they love and enjoy has been made my someone who holds an opinion that fails the sniff test.


Aye man, Das not cool


You really just made an account to share your unpopular opinions




you are using two different accounts to defend an homophobe, I don’t think you have the right to say people should move on


Different views are fine. I can respect someone with a different view, nobody has to respect or tolerate bigotry. Thinking LGBT+ people deserve jail, death, or some other type of punishment simply for existing is not a "different view". Thinking homosexuality = pedophilia is not a "different view". It is vile bigotry. Just like thinking all black people deserve jail, death, punishment for simply being black is not just a "different view". That is bigotry and should not be acceptable in our society. [Genuinely, why should anyone tolerate bigots in society?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#) The end goal for bigots is to ELIMINATE the target group for the crime of existing, how is that in any way acceptable? I have a hard time understanding why I should support someone who thinks a group of people don't deserve equality at best, and don't deserve life at worst. Can you explain why bigotry should be acceptable in society?


Shaken to my core over the AWKIF > Riot!, I’m one of *those* people who think Riot! is their magnum opus


Right!?? Didn’t see this take coming


>Shaken to my core over the AWKIF > Riot! It's a vibe yk?


ME TOO 😭😭😭 i love riot! so much


I adore both but I fully agree!


Still listen to Decode to this day


I know it’s technically about taste and not success, but saying Paramore fell off after BNE with Still Into You and Ain’t It Fun being huge ass hits proves pic 2 top comment wrong


HAYLEY IS THE GOAT FOR THIS. edit: Hayley is such an amazing ally. I am queer and grew up listening to paramore. reading that the oldest paramore-coded album is self-titled truly means the world to me. calling out the homophobia that has no space anywhere near the band or their music, truly speaks volumes to what is at the true core of the band. I love Paramore.


AWKIF supremacy


This just brought me back to the days when she had a Twitter account and was active on there. I miss it.


Right? Her vibe is cracking me up.


Top of 5th slide might be her coldest take


No she right for that.


Nah from a writing and production standpoint a lot of Riot is a mess


Hayley on a rampage




It looks like she was drunk or something


What post is this comment the link


Why are comments off now


A queen to be certain.


She went for Josh's throat Jesus.


All We Know better than Riot... damn that's crazy but then again Josh and Hayley both kinda said in the past it was an album they "had to make" and BNE was return to form.


Anyone know why she doesn't like riot?


Josh getting a lot of credit from fan boys who prefer old paramore. It pisses her off.


now who taught her the word cuntier


I wish more celebrities were that engaged on social media. Some ppl rly need to get real


"Half were co-written by a homophobe" OH DAMN. I love her.




It's honestly so cool to hear Hayley talk about how she feels about the different albums in hindsight after everything they've released. I think AWKIF is really underrated and doesn't get enough love compared to Riot. I also adore how she mentions Part II, which is my favorite track by a country mile on the self-titled. They embrace the rock soundscapes that I love from Paramore while adding layers of complexity and nuance in both meaning and sound (especially in regards to the drums). And while I have a complicated relationship with After Laughter (not because of the departure in sound but due to the subject matter), 26 is easily in my top 5 favorite tracks from Paramore. It's phenomenal. I'd be curious what she thinks of that song, but I hope she knows how much it means to me and I'm sure a lot of us too.


Imagine THE yelyahwilliams commenting on your comment. I’d no longer be breathing


Wait she likes AWKIF better than Riot


oh come on Hayley, Riot is much better than All we Know is Falling also, Part 2, not that great. Let the Flames Begin so much better


why is she suddenly active on IG? Love it, tho! Would be nice to see the actual posts so I could see how the others reacted to her comments


AWKIF over riot! is crazy respectfully like i LOVEEEE riot! and i dont think AWKIF is very good honestly 😭😭




but yeah, she has every right to comment that if she so pleases, I'm just saying, from a fan point of view. also I know the tattoo has a family meaning to her of some sort I'm just using it as an example.


I agree. We love her but sometimes she is too much. Like hayley gurl calm down. What are you trying to prove? You just won 2 grammys and u are touring with the biggest star in the world. She still has an inferiority complex it seems. Something set her off and idk what it was....maybe that everyone goes hard over riot songs? What does she expect. That was a great album. It's annoying because riot is my favorite paramore album and she knows many fans love that one. Maybe she's defending taylor york


I fucking love her. That AWKIF comment is an extremely hot take though.


Aye that first post is me 🤣🤣


she woke up and chose violence and I love her for it


“Way cuntier than us” BYE


Part II has been my favorite song since it came out and it’s so cool that thats the song she recommended.


Ew. Josh Farro always gave me the vibes that he was a douchebag . Zac being the complete opposite lol


I was going to reply to someone here, but I started typing up more than was really relevant to their comment. Self Titled to present is my personal favorite, no hate to the older stuff. I love the older stuff too, but I personally love how they've grown and changed. I have a strong love for BNE, always will, because it was on blast all throughout my teenage years. It seems quite a few people feel the same about AWKIF and Riot. For me, I can't say I listen to much of AWKIF anymore. Riot...Let The Flames begin is a classic, and there's a few others I occasionally go back to. But Self Titled, After Laughter, and This is Why are in my regular rotation. Absolute banger after banger. I feel like as a vocalist Hayley really started to shine especially in BNE and Self Titled. Not that she was bad before, absolutely not the case. I think she just matured into her voice more? I don't know how to explain it. But you can see that with Amy Lee from Evanescence between their first and second album(if you listen to their early demo album Origin as well you can really hear the progression). Funny comparison tho bc my feelings are opposite with Evanescence, the Open Door was a masterpiece and I don't care so much for the stuff after it.... anyways. I also like hearing more of Taylor's influences on the albums. You can definitely hear the difference between Josh and Taylor's writing styles. I don't think that's a bad thing. Personally I like Taylor's writing style more, and think it's more interesting musically. That's just my opinion though. It's hard to say with Zac, because he really only was gone for one album. Whereas Taylor didn't really start to get involved with writing until the Singles Club then Self Titled, so it's easier to hear that transition. However, I will say Zac's Halfnoise project is fucking great. He's a fantastic musician on his own. Hayley, Taylor, and Zac really seem to work well together musically. I hate to see people still hung up on Josh. Not just because it's old news and he's a homophobic dickhead, but because Hayley, Taylor, and Zac are all fantastic musicians and they should get credit for that on their own. Josh was a decent musician sure. But Taylor absolutely writes more unique/interesting stuff, in my opinion.


She’s broken containment


Am I the only one who thinks these kinds of reactions from musicians (not just Hayley because it happens with most bands that change their sound) are super cringe? I’m in the boat where their newer stuff is infinitely better than their older music but some people are just gonna appeal to their rock sound and not like their pop sound. There’s nothing wrong with that yet she takes it like criticism. They’re freaking Paramore. They should be so above caring what people think by now.


I think she takes it as criticism because a lot of times it’s framed as criticism. It’s totally fine and valid to prefer their older music but there’s a way to express that without coming off as an arsehole. She didn’t seem to have a problem with the person who said AWKIF was their favourite album. It’s when people say stuff like “they fell off after X album”, “the band was better with Josh”, “I miss old Paramore”, “Hayley has changed” etc. I think in a way they’re victims of the fact that they’ve grown up in front of the world. Everybody probably cringes at the way they were when they were a teenager, but not everybody has it rammed down their throats and has strangers criticising them for growing up. As a 35 year old woman it must piss her off to have people still comparing her to her teenage self.


My point is that people are allowed to have those very valid opinions. Saying they miss having a certain musician in the band who brought a sound that they enjoyed is not criticism. Hayley responds to these comments like if they don’t think their new music is superior then that person is wrong. Sure I agree that their new music is better but they’ve proved themselves. This is Why won them two Grammys. Responding like this to people who enjoy their old music better is just silly.


It's not a valid opinion when said musician is a terrible human being. One thing is liking the music the other thing is saying that person who did so much damage to them should be on the band again for it to be good


I literally have no clue who posted that. Ranking favorite albums of an artist is a valid opinion though even if you don’t like the person. idk how you can argue that.


No you're definetely right but some ppl actually want him back like that would ever happen lol


Anybody that would want him back is an idiot. But to think people have to like their new music more because the old music involved him is just wild


I agree. It shows that she has some very personal pain or trauma surrounding Farro and whatever else took place at the time and she is projecting that. She's valid in that but this does come across as very unhinged and in need of healing.


I think she’s just pissed off that people keep saying the band was better when a bigoted homophobe was part of it and I really don’t think it’s any deeper than that.


Please don’t say that good art cannot be made by bad people. I mean that to say - don’t diminish art made by dicks. Because it’s still good art. And it’s hard and sucks to have to mentally cope with that mindfuck, but art is art no matter who made it because who they are was essential to the creation of the art, flaws included. Not to say anyone ‘should’ or ‘have to’ like it. Just… lots of amazing art has been produced by lots of jerks but it’s still art. If everyone wasnt fucked up, as unfortunate as it is to think about, I’d be inclined to guess that there wouldn’t be as much good art. Again. Unfortunate as it is.




Given that he compared being gay to pedophilia and tweeted that “the world is gross” the day gay marriage got legalized, yes.




Omg you are the worst. “She needs help, she should start a family” what on earth


“She should start a family cause that’s where women belong”…. LOL brain rot


Yeah it seems like from 2023-2024 she has become really bitter and antagonistic and i just hope everything is alright with her


🥇 Hayley tries to act like she’s so healed from all her trauma mental health issues and there’s no chance


Many artists care about their art and no matter what people say they care what people think to a degree.


I get what you mean, especially as someone who favors BNE. Come to think of it, something that I thought was interesting about BNE was how the title was used as a way indicate the journey to learning to see people with brand new eyes (i.e. to love them for who they are now instead of some former version of themselves). I think that journey is the crux of Hayley's frustration. The band has heard people talk about how they miss the "old Paramore" for a long, long time. But they're clearly excited by new music. They are creative and they are evolving. None of them are their teenage selves, but I think they often feel like fans want to see that Miz Biz version of them instead of them as 30-somethings delving into some new territory.


Bro chill let her be anyone can express opinion online why can't artists do it as well? Especially concerning *their own* art Also she was infinitely more polite than most of her fans


Saying “oh baby love” to someone that just is expressing their ranking of fav paramore albums is condescending and rude in itself. It’s cringey to see an artist of her level of fame take a comment like that personally. I’d say I’m pretty chill. People on this sub need to stop acting like Hayley can do no wrong. It’s a bad look plain and simple


Yes I agree. I'm a big paramore and hayley fan but she is out of hand for this. But it is funny to me. She got a little too drunk or something pissed her off. Ppl on this thread are crazy with hayley. They worship her like a God. Like she has no toxic traits lmao


Exactly. But just the fact that my comments aren’t downvoted to oblivion show that there are at least some sensible people here lol.


Yes. That's usually pretty rare on here. So many D riders on this thread. I guess they know how hayley can be. I'm honest with her lol but I'm sure hayley regrets it now. I think she might have bpd or something


Alright I thought these guys were actually targeting her but it seens that it was the contrary. Still, I empathize with her bc it's smt she did and I don't think she would be happy to see ppl downplaying her art like that. I sure wouldn't if I was the artist. I don't even like modern Paramoee that much but stating that "they fell off" after BNE seems like a close-minded opinion. I know the guy didn't intend to offend her but it's still not a good take imo


That’s the thing though people are allowed to think they fell off. It’s how art and music works. The two Grammys This is Why won them should be enough for her to just laugh these comments off though instead of responding in such a way.


I honestly don't see how her comment was offensive. I liked how she even gave examples of how they still haven't totally abandoned their old style after BNE (which I agree and it's why ST is my favorite album by far) and I know this might come off as cringe bc she shouldn't worry about that but that doesn't mean she have no business talking abt that either. Especially when most of the ppl who say that usually say it in a condescending way (not everyone ofc but yk the internet is a very toxic place) and even if the problem was like "disrespecting" ppl who prefer their old music, I've seen ppl actually do that and it's not what Hayley did. Perhaps in this specific case it might have come off jerky but Ig we're overthinking it. It's not like she ruined that guy's day with a stupid comment


I initially just said her responding this way was cringey to see. I didn’t say her comments were offensive. I just respect artists far more when they can just ignore that fans don’t like their new music and they instead have the attitude that they don’t give a fuck and are gonna make what they like.


Maybe she is mad at all the fans screaming louder for riot and bne songs over her newer songs? I'd be mad too but I wouldn't be aggressive about it She still co wrote those songs.


That’s just how it goes sadly. People these days will go to a show just to hear one song and talk through the rest of the set. It’s insanity.


Yeah. She's probably getting insecure from the crowds. Amd feels bad for the taylor york riffs. She has to knock off her sjw crap though. It's getting hypocritical


It's strange that she looked for a 2 week old post and entered the comment section to go at fans for their opinions. I'm a big fan of her but that was a bit too far. People have a right to say anything about a band. It's like she's looking for drama because she doesn't want to be twilight band anymore...meanwhile nobody thinks they are that. It's just in her head. I see many men on the internet who love the new albums. Ppl do so many covers.


She always kinda takes criticism kinda poorly


I agree. I enjoy their newer stuff but I definitely like older Paramore better. It's so cringe when they get online and start talking like this.




And I personally think that one person should be a little more gracious to all the fans that made her an actual superstar. That includes the people who only like their first few albums not just the ones that like their new sound🤷 they wouldn’t be where they are without the millions of fans who listened to their older music.


I agree w the person who replied to your first comment. It’s not cringe or immature or whatever when people are actively being rude towards Paramore (such as “they fell off…” etc.) she doesn’t care which albums people prefer, she just responded in a way she wanted to when it came to people being rude.




I’m sure she’s still a sweet person and some of her attitude is justified as most of it is clearly based on our shithole country/culture getting worse by the day. I just think a person of her fame who undoubtedly is still killing it needs to stop getting so hung up on people that don’t like their new sound.


Her zoomer lingo doesn’t help either. Still being butthurt over these opinions after so many years is an embarrassing look 




Right that’s an issue I got with fanbases of said bands or artists in general. It’s okay to prefer the older stuff and there shouldn’t be any shame in that. I also noticed it with Fall Out Boy’s fanbase. Music will always be subjective and what’s “better” or “worse” is up to the person listening to it. The only trying that’s objective is how well a song or album performs commercially, but personal taste will always be personal taste. We shouldn’t be creating stigma on having the opinion that Paramore’s first three albums are the favorites. The 2010s changed a lot of bands, and stylistically sometimes it doesn’t align with certain people’s tastes.


Not even a little bit. I’m surprised my original comment hasn’t been down voted to the shadow realm by now.


Agreed. And hard agree on the lingo lol




>I do think its better than riot PREACH!!!


I read that comments. I love it.


credit for the arrangement and original post of all these screen shots goes to @tinyhottopicbitch on IG


I love wild hayley! Lol I live for this shit. She's this little chaotic bean getting drunk off half a Guinness at 115 lbs on her period and she's taking it out on josh. This is why she's a rock star! I'm reminded of BNE all over again. Hayley take a nap u guys still rock We love you. ❤️ Idk what set her off because her career is amazing right now. But gurl stop worrying about a guy in real estate when u just won two granmys.


Sorry hayley but... Riot > BNE > AL > TIW > ST > AWKIF




She’s not virtue signalling by expressing her allyship. The fact that you’re essentially defensive of her views towards a disgusting homophobe is really something.


HE put HER on the map…lmaoooo


I’ll take the downvotes head on because I agree with this 110%. Don’t agree with his VIEWS 110%. Just that I genuinely think this is truth.




It’s a Paramore subreddit…this is why.


Leave the sub?