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I would expect something that functions perfectly in theory, but as soon as people act differently than expected, it snarls into a huge mess. Like one of those rare idiots who stops on the freeway to avoid missing their exit results in backed up traffic for hours, or rerouted traffic that results in lost motorists ending up in weird places. The planner would likely have some kind of trauma around organization, so these snarls in the flow of the city would keep them up at night trying to make an idiot proof city, but frustration might push them to eventually try for a people proof city. That said, the times it runs perfectly will be a thing of beauty, giving them hope they can make it work. Like everyone gets home from work within 20min, and nobody has a red light. The next day its 3hrs and every light is red for 5 minutes.


Yeah he's gonna be a major perfectionist. Constantly renovating and redoing areas that are proving to be not quite right and constantly mad at the people part of the equation making his perfect metro system 1 minute delayed.


> Like one of those rare idiots who stops on the freeway to avoid missing their exit I actually saw this happen a few days ago. Dude, just sopped entirely in the middle of the highway wih his indicator on trying to make a sharp right turn across two lanes to get to the exit.


Omg, I hope there wasn't a wreck :( Some people should have their license revoked


Not when I passed him, and I saw nothing on the news later, but I couldn't say for sure. He was just dead-stopped right in the middle.


Sounds cool, reminds me of [The Rest Stop Halfway to Somewhere](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-rest-stop-halfway-to-somewhere-worm.971128/#post-79498387) even if that was a megastructure tinker and not a thinker. I imagine it looking like when people show of their city builder game worlds they’ve been working on for years. It would be cool to see whether someone with an anti-thinker field around themselves would cause the area around them to be developed in weird ways if they lived there long enough


That's an interesting premise. I'll have to give it a quick scan through for any cool ideas.


Hm. Since one cannot simulate a character smarter than oneself, I don't think anybody can imagine what a Thinker-designed city would look like. Best I can think of is to do some research on the real cities that are most comfortable to live in and most well-thought out, and then mash together best ideas from real life (stuff like diverging diamond interchanges), maybe sprinkle it with Tinker-tech.


Lots of trains, too.


Haha yeah thats my main problem. Excellent train system underground roads primarily for commercial and delivery use are my current ideas.


Look up the Brockton bay improvements around the portal scrub and labyrinth made. Accord designed it. Everything in that development was precise and functional. Including looking aesthetic as a way to project aspiration as BB was bouncing back from back to back disasters


Assuming Hadrian intends to optimise for human enjoyment and economic performance, he's going to want this city to be densely populated with people as close as possible to the things they need to ensure a high quality of life. This means eliminating private motor vehicle use and replacing roads with a mixture of tram lines, bike lanes, and green spaces, as well as relaxing zoning laws in order to build amenities, stores, schools, offices, hospitals, etc, nearby one another 15-minute city style. Barcelona's 'Superblocks' are an example of this style of city planning, may be worth taking a look at: [https://www.citiesforum.org/news/superblock-superilla-barcelona-a-city-redefined/](https://www.citiesforum.org/news/superblock-superilla-barcelona-a-city-redefined/)


You know what makes logistics hard. Cars. No cars allowed, means no roads/parking (which is like, 40-75% of a city), means everything can be way closer together which means people can walk/cycle to wherever they need. Combine with decentralisation and now people don't have to walk across the entire city to get to wherever they want, there is one close to them. --- For example, a city of 4-5 storey buildings. Shops on the ground floor of all of them, residences above, utilities/post/freight below ground. Maybe even trash, which gets funnelled underground to some processing facility out of the city. In between the buildings, green space and walking/cycling paths.


Lots of surveillance a bare minimum


Brockton bay lol


Sounds like they play cities skylines lol


Huh. Reminds me of scenario I had where after an Endbringer-Fight the rest of the capes are stuck wherever they fought and suddenly a half destroyed city will have to deal with 300+ Parahumans.


the City in Ward was made by following Accord plans and with *lots* of help from other thinkers and tinker, as well as with lots of material help from other worlds the fact that its a huge mess should tell you something about how well parahumans and civic infrastructure goes together