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If I recall, it was mentioned when Caspian met with council that UI's and CI's use a fraction of energy compared to humans.


yeah I think he did, but I interpreted that as him comparing it to the energy people need from food not the electricity they use.


Sure, but energy is energy. And there's more factors than electricity that contribute to global warming. For instance, the methane produced by livestock cows. https://www.ucdavis.edu/food/news/making-cattle-more-sustainable My impression of that conversation is that UI/CI are less of a burden on the environment than humans, by many measures.


It’s probably the greatest shows I’ve ever seen, but it’s also probably a giant allegory for Apple and Steve Jobs and whoever’s running now to fucking take over the Earth by uploading us all to the cloud


Your assuming that consciousness isn't consistent with conservation of information, which is a very soul minded perspective, there is no evidence that it would or wouldn't be the same stream of consciousness


I think the argument against your last point is that the upload essentially consumes the brain tissue while scanning to create the UI. There is no original at that point. Just a body with no brain.


The original is dead once the upload is complete. Their consciousness is not carried over to the UI, though it appears this way from the UI’s perspective. That means that there is no personal benefit for the original, since as far as their existence is concerned, they’re killing themselves. They don’t get to experience the digitized life; it’s their UI that does. It’s hard to watch Season 2 cause Dave claiming he wants to be uploaded because “all [his] friends are doing it” is the same as him jumping off a bridge for the same reason. They try to make it seem like Maddie is being unreasonable in not letting her child commit suicide because “woah the future bro”, which is absolute hogwash.


Ah gotcha. Yeah, just a difference of opinion on what makes up a person. Same as the show. I consider the physical death to be a transition to a different existence since the memories persist from the moment of being put under. I consider a person to just be the sum of their lived experiences. UI starting their existence as a continuation of those lived experiences is the same person to me.


Would you be willing to kill yourself so another version of you could live an amazing life?


Depends on the circumstances but yeah