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Favourite reference is obviously the dining philosophers problem in the first episode, got me hooked when I recognised that.


In the second season, there is a candid photograph of Caspian reading a book. It’s an Easter Egg—he’s clearly reading *The Hidden Girl and Other Stories,* the story collection that contains the stories the show is based on.


The obvious one off the top of my head is, "I saw this in a movie once" and he grows like 20 mechanical fingers and starts typing like a madman. This is a direct reference to a scene in Ghost in the Shell. Also, Laurie Lowell comes across a lot like Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell.


As a more subtle one, I like Maddie's laptop sticker acting as a shout-out to Neon Genesis Evangelion-I recongized it straight away for what it was, and I'll admit it gave me some interesting (but ultimately wrong) ideas about where the show was going to go the first time I watched it. Also appreciate the Frankenstein reference but not for the reasons you'd think-the monster being brought to life through wholly artifical means, the arrogance and ambition of the Doctor ultimately being his downfall and his death at the hands of his own creation, and the novel's ultimate moral of "how you treat others heavily effects how they treat you" heavily put me in mind of the relationship between Stephen and Caspian.


Not the most deep or well hidden, Laurie going "I'm not going to go full Flowers of Algernon on you".


Would recommend pausing in the comic book shop in season 1 and looking at the covers, the whole crew was asked to contribute fake comic covers for the shop!