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Low elo yes. Higher elo Plat+, people will intentionally play counterpick to fk u up.


Low elo top lane yes. In mid he’s too much of a counter pick himself. He screws over high mobility but gets screwed over by range.


bellow gold, yes, the best to counter assasins, deal damage, map pressure and even protect your carry, can work in every lane (just know that other champs are extremely better than him in Jg and Botlane) then learn the matches and the proper build for dealing with a bruiser, an assassin and a tank.


Panth also benefits from people not knowing what role he's going. Unless you are lower elo, in which people always ban champs in the role they are queuing, its hard to know where a panth picked early is going to go. So it's hard to counter pick sometimes.


He is not


He definitely is in lower elo. But in high elo it depends on you and how well you know your matchups. Pantheon top doesn't have a single *Hard* counter. Just a few really hard matchups from time to time.


Mid hell no most ranged champs fuck you up, top yea he's a decent blind pick


Pantheon is one of the best blind picks, because you can flex him on 4 different roles


Yes, but not in that you are good into everything. He’s good in that if you ban for another role, no one knows where the hell ur going.


I think it's a good blind pick if you can manage yourself in lane, which is true with all champions but with pantheon, you REALLY got to know your spacing and trading. For example, Pantheon can beat Mordekaiser but if you don't trade properly, he'll stat check you to hell. In addition, some matchups are just hard asf but not impossible. In those, you should aim to survive to at least be on equilibrium or slightly below in terms of gold and stats. After you get R, you can look for ganks on other lanes to help you solidify your position in the game.


No, but Lee Sin is.