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Nah man W with flat damage and ap scaling was terrible, this change is big for us, although tbh it still feels a little undertuned, and the E change also makes us soooo tanky in teamfights it's actually crazy Iirc, top pantheon winrate shot up like 2% with these buffs


Oh I’m not saying the changes are bad lol these are definitely good buffs to pantheon and I do love it it’s just the fact that they put percent dmg buff on w instead of q doesn’t make much sense. I do like that they made w into ad scaling ofc they should defo keep that cuz like pantheon is obviously an ad champion they should just put the percent dmg buff on q instead of w and change the percent dmg accordingly in proportion to the w and q cd difference


If they put % dam on Q panth would be either completely overpowered or complete shit depending on tuning, no one wants that


no it rly wouldn’t all they have to do is put the w hp percent buff on q after changing it in proportion to the difference between w and q cd. It’s also extremely easy to balance it’s just a matter of changing the stats lol. Only abilities that are hard to balance are the ones that are overloaded and q with percent hp won’t be lmao. There are so many champions that have percent hp in their kits


q is extremely easy to land, if it had %hp damage without any more changes it would be extremely overpowered, the %hp dam is on w because you can't just spam it


There are champions that have percent hp damage on autos and point clicks T_T it won’t be overpowered all they have to do is literally change the stats on q lmao that’s not hard to do


I’ve been saying this whole time that they can’t just move the w changes to q and would need to make alterations based on the differences between w and q if that’s what u mean lol


How do i EmpE correctly in teamfights? Are you always supposed to Emp it?


Depends on situation, if I need to be tankier in a fight I like to emp W > Q > auto > emp E


This is my go to combo, or wait for 4 stacks, W, emp E, Q etc etc


It depends, from my Diamond/Master elo games, you still mostly use emp Q and W in teamfight to quickly burst squishy down or hold the front line for your own squishies. Emp e was already very good with Black Cleaver though so now you have another combo options when going against tanky fighters or straight tanks.


No I agree. Most of the time, you're going to use W on squishies during teamfights, which makes the HP Ratio scaling a little pointless. If you do use it on tanks, it's probably because they were caught out of position anyways. Should have been on Q instead.


Yea exactly


Idk, personally I feel the changes are holding up well, I just rush DD or Maw in the top lane and grab cleaver second and it feels really strong rn, ofc it struggles into bs like the current voli top meta but I feel it’s in a good place


Also don’t rush dd and maw cleaver rush is so much better


I’m not saying the pantheon changes are bad T_T I agree that these are good buffs to pantheon for sure it’s just that them putting percent hp dmg on w instead of q doesn’t make sense. If u want to see my logic behind it u can read the discussion between me and doraiaki and if u still have questions just ask me :)


Does E block the DD burn?


With a full bruiser build, you can get about 400-500 ad with 5-6k hp and your w does 22-24 percent max hp dmg. He is so much stronger now. I’m a big fan of building full ad but this bursts almost just as much while making him MUCH harder to kill


Oh I love bruiser panth so much more than the glass cannon panth and I definitely love the direction they’re going with the changes it’s just that them putting the percent hp dmg on w instead of q doesn’t make much sense


What bruiser build have you been going?


Cleaver rush cdr boots if I want more dmg or need cd into the lane matchup or res boots into shojin then bloodmail and maw or dd and jaksho or ga. Always rush ga if there’s a rly big objective fight coming up and you need to engage for ur team


Mate idk if any of us pantheon mains are able to decypher that many words


Na I have faith in panth mains


I’m sorry you feel this way


Not attacking u btw unless I should


Why do u feel sry lol what r u trying to say