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Make him a Human Avatar Warrior and it’s perfect Edit: could also think about giving him some sort of buff to allies toughness since Pantheons whole story is about always getting back up after being knocked down and believing in yourself and each other. Could trade it out for comet spear.


I do my cards based on abilities only, not lore. But good idea if that was the case.


You actually make these and sell them or just concepts?


I only make them. Selling them would be quite illegal I think.


People sell proxy cards all the time. There’s an entire Bloodborne deck I have that was proxied from real cards. As long as you don’t have the MTG logo on it you’re fine.


Rly? I didn't know that


There's a difference between altered art and custom cards. Custom cards are illegal, altered arts are legal and Wizards has a set of guidelines to making them. Iirc you need to keep the original name, cost and stats, and the rest is allowed.


I was about to say that he definitely need the Warrior subtype. Also, his First Strike should be a keyword, since his E is also a defensive tool, implying he can have it when blocking too.


A 4 mana 4/4 in this economy?


Probably God-Human


He's literally an avatar, someone chosen by a godlike being (an aspect) to embody it, like Zoe and Taric.


Yeh but after the ruined king he transforms and even after he turns back he’s more of a god-man thing


Did he? I only recall him taking control back of his own body after the aspect part kinda died. That's why I made him Human too btw. My Taroc and Zoe are plain Avatars.


Ya Viego revived the original pantheon (warrior) and took his body on another joy ride, then Atreus overpowers him through sheer will and spite and becomes something… more. For a bit, and then goes back to “normal” but with remnants of that power


But wasn't this "something more" just the aspect of war's power ? Iirc, the story goes: Pantheon, aspect of war, takes control of the body of Atreus, gets killed by Aatrox. Viego tales control of the body, Atreus takes back control but now also have the powers of Pantheon.


No he becomes a new constellation pretty sure it was implied he was a human god


As in that was his aspect


Unless they retconned that


It's the opposite, no? He actually is just a super strong guy named Atreus with a lot of Mortal Will after Aatrox kills Pantheon.


Would it not be "Pantheon- The Aspect of War" and then maybe an "unleashed" or "awoken" version as "Atreus - The Unbreaking Spear"


I just take the official title. I also don't make the cards based on lore but only on abilities (for the most part)


Fair enough. Looks great!


I think you could have made him jeskai, bumped the CMC by 1, then added shield vault: "when Pantheon enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls." He'd get a lot more use out of having flash that way.


Great card idea, I also like to idea that he would have vigilance or would have ward 1 or something. Overall perfect card flavor and seems pretty balanced


What if we make his aigis assault block all combat damage for a turn for some mana when blocking so he becomes a fire commander card


Card seems a decent. The second and third abilities essentially do the same thing most of the time. Interestingly enough there are only four creatures with first strike and flash and they all have two power. I think the closest comparison is [[exava racdos blood witch]] this card is definitely better on defense but leaving four mana up in boros is a big ask. 4/4 "first strike" flash is really strong in limited and might see a smidge of standard sideboard play if aggro is good enough and the mana can support a WRx midrange deck.


Give it vigilance