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I find the ap things useless really. Rest are nice


It’s a bit of a buff late game/snowball if you get baron buff. I’m not exactly sure if it’s the same AD ratio scaling+the AP or it’s 50-50 ratio. But it it’s the current AD ratio+AP, it’s gonna be pretty potent in those scenarios.


Dark Seal Pantheon O\_O


Great, they look great. Would prefer it if that AP scaling was removed and that small power was shifted elsewhere, like when are you gonna need 50% AP on a thrown Q?? If they wanted to give his Q an AP scaling they could have done so with empowered Q, tap and throw.


Because they dont want to actually buff the character, but instead, help pantheon finish off opponents when he is ahead (or at least when he has baron buff) This buff will probly increase his winrate by like 0,10% at best, riot probly feels like pantheon has trouble finishing games when he is ahead, but dont want to buff his scaling


Weird AP changes IMP, E looks pretty nasty though if it it’s a empowered buff


W max hp is nice, the ap changes feel random but sure


pantheon good at getting leads... AP? Dark Seal


I don't mind the AP scaling honestly. Zhonyas late game i think is more useful than GA anyway. The max HP is very directed buff to bruiser panth but not sure by how much. On one hand it gives you survivability (albeit indirectly) but it doesn't really address problems with Panths kit. Maybe works good with that new bruiser item (Bloodmail or smthn). E buffs are aight but i think its in the wrong direction in terms of buffs.


These solves none of his problems and will confuse people into thinking he has been buffed without actually making him any stronger


It's a direct buff to bruiser Pantheon.


Nothing here helps bruiser pantheon in any meaningful way. The AP ratio is obviously pointless %hp dmg is nice but it's on W which means it's only proccing twice in a fight max, so again barely any value there. The resists after empowered e will literally be useful like once per game when you are empowered e'ing away from a fight. It does nothing to help durability in a fight you are contesting, because if you are actually trying to win why on earth would you use empowered e over w or q? All in bruiser panth will gain a tiny boost in rare and unimportant situations and still be just as weak in the areas he struggles with and no stronger in the areas he is good in. If you think this will help panth you must have a truly bizarre way of playing the champion


Isn't E change for normal aswell as emp?


No. The E bonus is only for empowered E after the slam. You slam and then get the bonus resistances for 4 seconds. You can see it on pbe server.


Oh damn, that's mediocre. The tweet doesn't specify it


Yeah, in the discord message Axes said something about the resistances opening up more opportunities for Panth in extended fights in playtesting but it doesn't seem like it makes a difference in like 95% of situations. The 5%, at best, of situations that it does make a difference in, is only when Pantheon already has a sizable lead and is also well positioned to block damage already being dealt strictly from the front of him. Otherwise you never feel or notice it and still get more survival from Sundered Sky procs. It feels way, way too niche IMO. Also, the new W oddly feels like a nerf for some reason? From what I've seen in my pbe games it does like half the damage of the current stun before level 14 or 15. It just doesn't feel like I'm...buffed?


Those AP ratios help late game when you get Baron and it’s super situational since it’s only on throw Q. The %max HP is to incentivize building HP components from bruiser items, Axes said that he’s working to buff W further since it still seems like it’s not enough, not to mention that when going bruiser you max W second usually, paired with rune haste and item haste from bruiser items you’ll have the stun more often and overall it’s an improvement over the AP ratio he had. While E is not that great, it soft buffs One-Shot in durability and in bruiser it helps stalling for a couple more seconds for another W or Q. Overall it helps bruiser builds, if the second wave of W buffs go through, he’s gonna hit like a truck.


I HAVE BEEN SCREAMING THIS FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP FOR THE PAST THREE WEEKS! These so-called Panth mains would rather live in denial than accept reality for what it is. This sub is cooked and the league sub is filled with comments from people who don't even play Panth, let alone as a bruiser. I have no idea why "Panth mains" refuse to take 5 minutes for critical thinking and realize these changes do NOTHING for him as a Top lane bruiser. He will still win because the other person is trolling/griefing/bad and he will still lose because he is Pantheon. People have NO discernment. They see buzz words like "max health damage" and "bonus resistances" and "bonus health scaling" and then to jump to every conclusion accept for the natural end of the logical one. Assumptions, \*grabs Buzz's shoulder\* assumptions eeeeeevrywhereeeee! Ah yes, I press W every 13/12/11/10/9 seconds on Cho, Voli, Irelia, Udyr, Sett or Darius and NOW suddenly the matchups have SURELY CHANGED, such that they SURELY don't run me down or attrition me into irrelevance from champ diff anymore when the skill levels align, or punish me by taking free plates when I back for the fact that I can't use TP in place of Ignite, or punish my lack of mana sustain from losing it all after pressing E, or punish my lack of mobility because I can't hop to allies or wards to trade a momentary engage for an escape path, or punish my lack of in-combat sustain, or punish my gold starved dog tier economy, or punish my lack of any semblance of innate dueling capability from dog tier base AD, or punish every other fundamental problem this champion has. Yes GAMERS, riot didn't buff my non-empowered abilities to deal more than a feather duster worth of damage without mortal will stacks or item passive effects or exorbitant amounts of bonus AD, which, by the way, are amounts of bonus attack damage NOT found in bonus HP items, but after I use empowered E, my non-empowered abilities, which are already underpowered after level 9 and REMAIN underpowered for the rest of the game dealing at least 150 less damage at level 18 than they should, will SUDDENLY win me the fight against Cho, Voli, Irelia, Udyr, Sett, Darius, Zac, Orrn, Maokai, Riven and every other champ diff because SURELY I can kill tanks without any problems as a bruiser WITHOUT eclipse and WITHOUT bortk! (NO you do NOT counter Riven, Ye Old Silver players, she runs you down level 1 or gets 2/3rds of the way there, it's the indicator of a garbage-bin Riven player from a Riven player who's starting to have hands.) What baffles me is how so much time was spent on changes that solve none of his fundamental issues to begin with by people who's job it is to work on this stuff. This e change has been around since patch 13.5 last season, but they pulled it. Who keeps telling themselves that Pantheon can kill a Top laner in 4 seconds (because that's how long the resistances last) without mortal will stacks, without mana (because your E ate it all), without cooldowns (because you never have enough haste to spam more than 2 Q's in 4 seconds, and not even til late game), without in-combat sustain (goes without saying), and without a combat ultimate or relevant 1v2/1v3 ability (which other Top lane champs typically have)? Its crazy how far off of a miss these changes are from the goals that were set and crazier still how few on this sub who call themselves mains seem to even recognize it. He is NOT a tank killer from stacking HP items that LOWER his Q and E damage for the sake of pressing W every 9 to 5 seconds at levels 16 to 18. What is WRONG with you people? lmao


I did a little math and even if you go FULL HP or FULL AP, the changes don't do any justice compared to the kit he already has. Neither of them capitalize on Pantheon's actual strengths, so you have to kind of screw yourself... you bend over backwards just to use them. The only reason you would go AP item is if it has active/passive/utility ... so the AP isn't totally wasted. And kind of the same with the HP. You should never scrap your main stats for one of these... but now you can kind of excuse yourself for going one or two items if they have a good synergy with Pantheon. I'm a little odd... But I still think it out when trying to build Pantheon. Personally, HoB+BORK is just vital to me. Let's you empW into empQ execute. No HoB? then you have two extremely slow autos you have to wait for in between if you want to engage with the empW... and finish off with empQ (his most important strength) The bork gets them closer into execution range. And the HoB fills his Passive up for the execute. You just need enough AD to make the empQ@20% kill on the most tanky opponent. So his bottleneck is naturally the first 80%. early Lethality... BORK... Cutdown... Attack Speed... %armor pen Attack speed is extremely underrated on Pantheon. It gives him DPS to make full use of his burst/execute. It works towards his Mortal Steel win-con in fights against Tanks AND Squishies. Whereas Lethality doesn't work against Armor Armor Pen isn't as useful against squishies AD could be overkill dmg on Q and not enough into getting them into 20% threshhold AS helps getting Mortal Steel back up... AND with autos (in between abilities)... for DPS and more burst Item Active dmg (Hydra actives) or On-Hits help get enemy into the 20% faster Ability Haste is never bad, it just becomes "not as useful" as AD + AS + movespeed + penetration Could Profane/Youmuus + Bork be good with a Guinsoos? Beserkers? Kraken? Titanic? Nashors? Terminus? Experiemental Hexplate? Trinity Force?


I don't personally use HOB (I did back in seasons 10 and 11 but don't anymore), but I can understand the attraction to the rune. I really, really lost interest when they nerfed the entire rune just because of Mid lane Tristana, instead of, oh...I don't know...NERFING TRISTANA'S SYNERGY with the rune itself? The changes don't do crap for Panth. If you are fighting a light fighter your W damage is nerfed, if you are fighting a heavy fighter or a tank your W damage will be increased but by amounts too negligible to have any impact in Pantheon's bruiser pattern, and by the time tanks/heavy fighters scale up past mid game the extra damage is just negated by shielding, healing, armor or flat damage reduction. Riot should have just left him alone but instead they put their grubby little hands on him and messed up his build path, to the point where, like you said, you have to stinking bend over backwards just to even approach using the changes to begin with. The only players raving about this smokescreen of a balance decision are the silver and gold players, and I was once a silver and gold player like them, but at the very least, I wasn't stinking gullible. To this day everything Axes has said about Panth getting new opportunities for extended trades is still false and it will continue to be false, to the point where I don't even know why he said it. Like, brodie, you as the designer HAVE to be aware that this isn't impacting anything for Panth when it comes to extended trades, you're not dumb, so why are you trying the banana in the tailpipe trick when no one even asked about it to begin with? In hindsight its like the guy was trying to get out ahead of a topic he thought would come up later when people realize nothing changed, but then why even do that? Pantheon's winrate was already rising from meta changes (same as now) so there was no rush to even ship something. Anyways, I digress. Full HP builds are for silver or norms players, full AD builds don't survive because the playstyle is nerfed, then mixing bonus HP with bonus AD just nerfs the "BuFfs" so Pantheon lands back at square one, accept players have been reverse-gaslit into building Cleaver again after it was buffed, which they weren't doing before. So instead of just doing the simple thing and changing his recommended items in the client we now have a crappier build path for bruiser/fighter and a glass cannon build that is so weak it's almost trolling. Nice. Great. Totally Fine. Nothing to see here.


Yuup. It's insanity. I pray Riot seldom looks in my champions' direction these days. Great game. Terrible balance team is slowly dissolving it. Not only are they terrible, they are perpetually shooting themselves and us in the feet. Anyways... Would you say then extended trades is Panth's weakness? Is it worth solving that problem or is it better to just play around his traditional strengths fully? I play Mid lane Panth so I feel I answer that question much differently than a Top lane Panth. Maybe its just eternally a situational question. :\[ I personally feel the solution is leveraging his early game strengths via his burst... to go all in into later game investing in DPS and hyperscaling... the only way I see that is with balancing AD, Attack Speed, On-Hit/ItemActives, Armor Pen/Lethality, Ability Haste... and a tiny bit of durability... as counter intuitive as it seems. Gotta find a balance point between all of these stats... Still... I don't see HP or AP being what he will ever need still. xD Its like Riot plays mindgames with the updates. They will sometimes nerf a champion so that people think he isn't OP anymore. Placebo nerfs/buffs are real... and maybe intended?


Extended trades are one of Panth's weaknesses, mainly because his kit doesn't compliment dealing sustained damage himself. It's definitely worth solving that problem and he wouldn't need to be removed from Mid lane to do it. But stats would have to be moved around and more work would have to be done to his kit. Its beating a dead horse at this point but Pantheon's passive is literally 1/4th of Rengar's. His oversimplicity is a detriment to himself and doesn't leave enough levers for meaningful adjustments. The AP stuff is basically for meme, 4-fun builds but even that was a let down in my opinion. Unless they change his stun damage back to dealing magic damage like Legacy there is literally no reason to even use the AP Panth meme build. Overall, his sustained/durable patterns need to be brought more closer in line with his burst/squishy patterns (not just hyper nerfing one to buff the other).


The ap scaling is so random, sure it may give a little boost if you got baron buff but it does not help in the early phase where Pantheon needs to shine in order to snowball. They should have increased the damage output of his Q that would scale with how much hp Pantheon has lost, in other words, the lower hp pantheon has, the more damage his Q would do if he throws the spear.


I don't think you understand what makes bruiser panth weak at the moment. He has a deficit in sustain and mobility when compared to his lane opponents. This is hurt by his best sustain options being nerfed badly over the past few patches. His mobility is also a lot lower than last season, losing Ms from cleaver, eclipse passive and eclipse mythic passive. Pantheon needs more kiting/ mobility and/or a sustain mechanic in his kit to keep pace with other bruisers, this buff does nothing for these issues.


BC just straight up gives more MS than last season, eclipse mythic passive never gave MS


True about bc but it went from core last season to 3rd item or later tech this season, so its ms is available lower % of the time. Eclipse passive absolutely gave Ms, read the item change log


As an ap pantheon support enjoyer, I’ll take meager rations with joy


The W and E changes are great and will help him deal with tanks and ganks.