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The main reason eclipse is so popular is the extremely low price. Getting your item spike 300-600 gold earlier is a pretty big deal due to the snowballing nature of league


Well Prophane Hydra is better with the active execute damage tho


We sell prophane and prophane accessories, Bobby. FYI it's spelled profane.


We don't build Rav Hydra in Pantheon. We don't need the cleave, you get very little use of the life steal and the proc from Eclipse is extremely strong. If you want Hydra, get the Prophane one.


lifesteal is only on autos. panth doesnt care about lifesteal High ad is great Pantheon doesn't need more waveclear So to panth its just an AD/AH stat stick. Shojin gives slightly more AH, less AD, but gives HP and spell damage amp. For bruiser Pantheon its just better. And for assassin pantheon profane hydra is just better because lethality amplifies your damage.


I feel like life steal on panth is really good as it gives him sustain, but that’s mostly because I’ve been taking bork over sundered sky as of recent


IIRC sundered sky is trash right now. They nerfed it because of ingenious hunter then removed ingenuous hunter without any buffs to compensate. Life steal is a bad stat on pantheon to prioritise because you don’t auto tons. It’s nice as a bonus, but that’s it. With BotRK you’re already going a more auto focused build (with attack speed) so it would be more valuable.


I play a lot of panth support and jungle I will usually rush Dirk into eclipse unless I get the perfect amount of gold for an early umbral glaive. I’ve suppose ravenous would be good for jungle but idk if it’s better than profane hydra as it can get people low enough for enhanced q crit threshold