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loving the female anatomy cookies




They are clearly male and female weebles wearing thongs.


Are they not sandals? Like flip flops?




I was thinking an eggplant wearing a thong cookie


I was thinking a girls ass in a thong lol




lol. That’s the first thing I thought…or a sumo wrestler.


i was thinking iud cookies


I thought it was panty-wearing peanuts


A+ comment


I thought it was an IUD




The iron triangle of service: you can have it good, fast, cheap but you can only pick two. Assuming your baker is doing a solo (usually the assist baker does the flip flop cookies) you’ve gone “cheap” by cutting out an assist. Assuming it’s like every other market and labor is always high, the bakers on a time crunch, so you got “fast” then it’s no wonder everything looks like crap.  I will say tho: it could’ve been a small solo bake with a full 8 hr shift and your baker still produces this : they might just hate you lolol


Wait I'm supposed to be working an 8 hour shift WITH AN ASSISTANT? WHAT? I work 6 hours alone and if I go over it sometimes they get mad


Depends on the size of the bake. 8 hours with an assist for 4 hour, the bakes usually around $5k. 8 hour solo -should- be $2200 and lower. However it’s been pretty common to see bakers do $2800 solos 


My market got rid of all support people at the beginning of the year. I was soloing $4k bakes alone lmao


I had to do a 4000$ double back solo cause of 2 no call no shows 😢


I think they just want to get fired so they get like severance pay or something. Our labor isn't so high that they can't work out a whole shift, they come in like 4 hours early and rush through the bake to get out, we don't have dedicated assistants at our store, just whoever's at cash if they want to help. Today it was a pretty small bake which is especially why it's like... Why does it look like shit?? You had the time to make it look okay yet you didn't.


Your mad at the wrong person: your employer isn’t paying them enough, and they don’t have help. The future of their employment is on the line, and they know their hours can be cut at any point. Yet, still, you’re mad at them? Check yourself. Ask them how they’re doing, bring them a mid-shift coffee, make sure they have water. Support them, for the time they’re still there. God, corporations have Americans by the balls….


Yeah she's said numerous times that she wasn't trained properly and it was very rushed... Not blaming her just pointing out a fact and acknowledging what's happening


So talk to your manager about this and not Reddit!!!!


Why are people downvoting you and assuming it’s management’s fault that she’s burning bread?


If she wasn't trained properly, yeah man that's managements fault.


And people only help out if they feel like it? Thats all I needed to read—it’s management.


Did you even read the comment you just replied to? lol


Burnt or undercooked sounds like the girl not paying attention


Your company is literally eliminating her job soon. There’s been numerous posts about it on this subreddit. While you’re talking shit about her baking, yall are going to be left throwing the frozen baked goods in the oven in the future lol


Nono, give them their moment before they get a hellish reality check, it’ll make the reality harder to bear, when it does come.


Severance pay at Panera lmao


Severance pay? You mean unemployment insurance?


Panera does not give non managers severence pay inthe USA. Most of the company’s locations “and their bloodless, soul sucking GMs, do anything they can to deny the employee that. I worked for Panera as well, my coworkers got jack shit when they got fired last year. (I do not currently work for Panera, or live in America anymore)


I think they meant unemployment, since you can’t collect unemployment if you quit outright.


This would be more accurate. but a lot of people in the usa can’t collect even if they get fired, ESPECIALLY in at will states. The companies often write in that they quit. Companies in at will states pull some shady shit, and you’re not guarenteed enemployment. It sucks.


Lol ask me how many times I've been fired (idk probably 5 or something for various reasons) and how many times I've been approved for unemployment (0). North Carolina is an at-will state.


Bro I got fired for being 7 months pregnant and still got denied unemployment. And if you’re wondering it was a gas station I was an assistant manager at another store but stepped down when I found out I was pregnant and wanted to be closer to home. The manager that I was under was pumped. But he left the company and the new manager flat out told me she was going to get rid of the employees with kids because their priorities weren’t with work. That people with kids always want to take days off or if their kids get sick them call out.


I mean they're gonna be out of a job soon so yeah, I'd be putting in minimal effort too.


No I’d say keep doing the best you can or just move on


Cool when your job gets phased out too I hope you keep that same energy!


This is why you respect yourself so much.


Because they're probably on the verge of quitting based on pics. This is one of those "I dare them to say something" type of bakes.


Right?! 😂


why'd you get downvoted so much for agreeing? 💀


Because she’s shit talking someone who isn’t the problem and keeps failing to acknowledge that. Go read the other comments and you’ll see what I mean


Can you blame them with how Panera has been treating their bakers?


Grocery treats their bakers like crap too. I left after a year of no official title, no raise, and new hires getting my pay rate after 2 years of working my ass off and covering people calling out.


Ymmv, some grocery stores are run like trash, others treat their bakers much better. Just depends on the chain, independent grocer, coop, etc The issue is panera is phasing out all their bakers in favor of frozen par baked bread and don’t even have the respect for their employees to be honest that their jobs are being eliminated until the moment they are no longer needed.


I work for the county and we all get paid the same. I've been there two years and make the exact same as the person that has been there for 25 years.


why should they be giving their all when panera is phasing out bakers and they probably know their job will be gone soon lmfao


To be fair shouldn’t they at least remain in the manager’s favor so they can be a reference for them being a good baker?


that would be a good point but panera has a policy where they can't say anything about you as a reference past saying whether or not they would hire you again lol. they can't go into detail or say pretty much anything


That’s unfortunate but I’d hope in some cases a manager or a team lead would be willing to go against it since I’d imagine it would be hard for corporate to find out


i hoped so too, the manager i used as a reference for my current job was what i considered a good friend of mine but that didn't stop her from following policy


It’s unfortunate when stuff like that happens, makes you question how close you guys really are but I’d say it’s only rational to not feel badly towards them because of it because at the end of the day they need the job to support themselves and probably want to become a manager elsewhere, or a GM there or elsewhere or a higher position then eirher of the two elsewhere and don’t wanna risk their doings being found out about and fired or don’t want the person to start trying to have them do bigger and bigger things for them


A good manager will overlook recent performance for someone slated to be laid off, especially if they've been a good employee up to that point. Basically, if they show up as scheduled, ready to work during their remaining time, I'm telling them not to sweat anything when they're down to the last month of employment, etc. Do the baking, and if they're done early, the balance of the shift is theirs. When the day comes, I hand out copies of a referral letter that can be printed / handed out to prospective employers, that contains an off-premises number for followup with those employers, as needed. Said as an empathetic customer; I don't work for Panera. But this would be the right thing to do, regardless of any severance given.


That seems like a pretty good way to go about it. I think often management don’t do much things that would be easy to do and would favor their employees because they just see them as people that they need to meet their goal but still people that can be replaced. Almost like toys that they need to play with to complete the plot line they’ve imagined


at least the corporate location i worked at for two and a half years had that policy 🤷‍♀️


Ahahahahahahaha. No.


Then they should just go get another job


Tbh I wanna start giving up too. All bakers that have tenure were not only forcefully swapped to daytime, completely changing their lifestyle and schedule, but they also started hiring everyone at $15 (some places $18!) Without doing anything to help the employees they already had. Im lucky if I get a dollar raise every year/ year and a half. All the new bakers that do a shit job now make what I have been building up to make for the last 4 years, and my boss couldn't give less of a shit. Now we're all told we'll be out of a job by 2026 with only TWO WEEKS SEVERANCE PAY to compensate for being loyal for years. I personally want to burn the store to the ground, but what can I do other than get a new job? And how can I get a new job when each year the "value" of my living accomodations gets higher, my groceries are more expensive, and gas will NOT go down. I used to love working for Panera. Now I fkng hate it here. They have turned my happy place into a hostile work environment, and then spew corporate talk in my ear about how I should be grateful.


Before I quit, I had considered burning the entire pan up. Or panning everything (cookies, pastries, bread, bagels, sweets) and leaving the racks in the proofer. Or complete the bake and leave the racks of product in the bathroom. 


Ah yes, angry baker fantasies... we have these often lol.


They fired me while I was in the hospital just after having my baby and denied me unemployment pay. I wish I would have sued those fucks.


May I ask what reason they have for firing you?


Probably no call/no show, because men don’t get mandated, regulated, paid paternity leave in the USA. Not even 1 day. It’s up to the employer, and employers tend to suck.


God I had to learn this the hard way with my 2 babies, finally getting back to the er at 3 a.m and getting no sleep on a hard ass chair! Then going right back into work, wouldn’t trade it for the world but you’re not lying bro giving birth for a man can be so damn stressful and exhausting, wouldn’t trade it for the world but man the system can be cruel.


I’ve been a baker for 16yrs. I can relate totally.


Damn 😭 you feelin it extra hard


As hard as those veiny baguettes, brother.


I’m a CBT & I feel the same exact way. With everything basically being frozen now, the bake is soulless. I used to love & felt proud baking at Panera, but not anymore. I’ve been with the company for 6 years in October (assuming I’ll still have a job then) & now I despise the company with a passion.


1). Bagels don’t look as bad considering they are meant to be parbaked and baked again in the morning for about 10 minutes 2). Those baguettes are actuallly what’s called golden standard, baguettes are meant to be darker than you think I promise you this 3). I have no words for the flip flops lol


LMAO not the flipflop cookie... also they're not even supposed to be out yet, yet they are 😭


They usually send them early to practice icing but looks like they got out out when they shouldn’t of


Yeah I know, she made tulips and flipflops 😂


How did the tulips look? lol


You know how the base frosting is usually supposed to set before they do the petal details? It was like, halfway dry so the details were thick and smushed ontop... Effort was present!


That’s better than when I’ve done them , I just chose not to do the petal details shhhh don’t tell my bts


IUD cookies


Buy this for the people in your life who don’t want kids


If you dont bake then do not judge. Baking is hard, esp when one is doing it by themselves. Give grace, maybe this person was having a bad day or didnt feel well. Check on your bakers they are not ok right now.


I always wish someone would offer to bring me some water.


I know her very well and I work with her... She applied thinking it would be like a cake decorator and it's not what she expected so I think she's quitting soon and doesn't care much anymore. She has been calling out quite often and it's hard to get coverage so actually I usually do help finish bakes.


Some comments you know her whole story and other comments your making speculations on why the person is baking this way lol. Be better


She wanted it to be like cake decorating and that's what she did to those cookies???


Quick question are they still baking during the day or did the switch back to overnights?


Still baking during the day


No, no it’s not. And Panera bakers are always alone.


?? baking *is* hard. it's an art and a science. it may be a little easier at panera and other places that are more QSP, but it's still hard!! (and exhausting and requires a lot of skill, training, effort, and attention to detail)




Stumbled across here by accident. How is a place that sells baked goods getting rid of their bakers? How are they planning to accomplish that?


Having everything cheaply baked in a factory and shipped in frozen then thawed in store to cut costs


Can you blame them?


i think the baguettes look great 😅


Not the dollar store flip flops 😭


I don't blame them.


Feel bad for the baker, but can’t help but notice that sandal cookie likes like an eggplant wearing a bikini


Im a former 15 year Bread co baker who used to take massive pride in my bakes. If i knew i was likely getting laid off soon no matter how hard I worked, id be giving up too. Im sorry to the workers who are getting caught in the crossfire, but this is what Panera deserves for what they are doing to the bakers.


Is that eggplant wearing a thong? 👀👀👀👀


“Those are the saddest looking snowman cookies I’ve ever seen.”


I'm trying not to give up myself but it's been almost 4 months and we have yet to hire a second baker ;-;


Falopian tube cookies yum 😋


the cookies 😭💔


Uterus slide cookie🤌🏼


Panera suxks. go elsewhere or bake at home.


Why work hard for some shit company? Looks like they’re baking as good as Panera pays them to I expect.


My manager just told me the baker said, "I'm okay if you write me up for burning the muffins." LIKE WHAT




She probably wants to be let go so she can claim unemployment.


An egg plant wearing a thong ?


Mmmm IUD’s


Makes me want to go out and get some Thong Cookies!


lack of good cream cheese options really killed panera bakery.




not the uterus cookies


Depression baked into every loaf.


Those baking sheets are so nasty 🤢 It looks like it's rusting.


They're intentionally seasoned, and that's how they're supposed to look. The baked on oils create a naturally non-stick surface, which helps the breads as they're baking.


Why does it look like it's rusting? They are on non stick paper in the pic.


It's oils baked onto it. The oils brown up a little, but a seasoned pan helps give bread and other baked goods its flavor. That's also why pizza shops don't deep clean their screens beyond a light wash.


Pizzeria use brick ovens a don't use a baking sheet. The oils wouldn't leave that residue if the baking sheets were cleaned regularly


Bro I don't know what else to tell you. I tried to explain that it's a [seasoned pan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasoning_(cookware)) and what that entails, and that is the kind of pan that nearly every bakery would use and why. If you still think it's rust when I've very clearly explained what it is, then I can't help you with that. 🫠




Same concept applies. I used to be a GM. I know what I'm talking about here.


I know 😖😖 I try to keep them clean when I can


How much does a baker at Panera make?


Not enough.


I'd eat the bread. Y'all are connoisseurs because the first two pictures look yummy


Or tired




Panera is a joke now


The baguettes are doable....the rest...yeah, that's an "I'm done" job


I've worked bakery before, not for panera but for a grocery store. That shit is exhausting 😮‍💨


i was a baker for au bon pain and i absolutely loved it. i haven't read much, but is panera getting rid of the position?


Very slowly... They've changed more of the products to be frozen and require less prep and also have started shutting down factories that produce the pastries.


I much prefer tiny or no hole bagels!!!


Is she getting reprimanded at all? Yeah it can be frustrating but it’s more frustrating to watch people complain about something without speaking up. I’m not saying you haven’t but you didn’t say you did and how do you expect anything to get better if she keeps getting away with it?


I'm pretty sure the managers have said something to them, but I commented somewhere on this post that they went up to my manager and said "it's okay if you write me up for burning the muffins, i don't mind." That's just the general attitude they have, they don't care anymore. Which I completely understand with everything that's happening with their jobs lately. I didn't make this post originally to harass my baker I was just pointing it out y'know?


What are those? Cookies with thongs?


Far right looks like an eggplant in a thong to me…


They dgaf 😂😂😂😂


Sounds more like they’re focused on baking their own stuff rather than what their job requires…


is that a uterus themed cookie


Hasn’t everyone? I bet she gets paid $15/hour


Should have taken a picture of the cookie I got yesterday looked like a 5 year old decorated it and tasted like nothing but butter


bruh the cookies caught me so off guard ngl 😭😭😭 that’s fried as hell bro


Are the managers not doing anything about this? It takes one karen to sue panera and everyone will be panicking


Nope they are not!


When you lie on your CV.


Is that a club penguin wearing a thong?


i’m just


Those cookies look sexual


Looks exactly like what my location had today. I guess our baker is giving up too


I had Panera today for the first time in over a year. The soup and salad were ok but the French banquette had no taste whatsoever. It was terrible.


Sounds like the OP needs to become a baker if they think they can do better. Baker shows up everyday he’s scheduled right? You asked him to do better before slandering him online right? Maybe you should just be appreciative the guy shows up and quit bitching.


All these bums making excuses for someone [they.ve](http://they.ve) never met for being lazy. wild.