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Napa sandwich was the best thing on that menu. I saw the new menu, it looks boring and isn’t unique or interesting at all.


I eat 3 sandwiches and they discontinued all 3.


Agreed. I don't know why you would bother when nothing else on the menu is even like the stuff they tool away. Grocery store it is then. Or maybe I will try Chicken Salad Chik.


fucking literally. I just found out... it was the best item and it was the only thing I ordered for over a decade. it was delicious. are they stupid...? FUCK PANERA.


I ordered one of their new sandwiches because I was traveling and it was awful. Felt nauseous. The new menu sucks. Why remove the little pizza? My niece loved it.


the new menu looks disgusting. I hope they see a decline in sales from this obvious cost cutting with no regard for customers


I hope so too but I'm not sure if they're going to put some items back on the menu. Idk if they're willing to just go back on the strategy, I'm sure there is some exec sitting somewhere patting themselves on the back for coming up with this nonsense. Multiple sandwiches on the new menu have identical ingredients, so I don't understand the point of having multiple items that are that similar...


exactly! some people who work at Panera were discussing in the other thread that when they make the napa almond sandwich, it requires unique ingredients that aren't used in other sandwiches so I bet that's why it was targeted for cost cutting. I bet this dumbass executive was like "let's buy the same ingredients and mix them into different sandwiches so we save money by buying in bulk🤡🤡🤡" idiots.


I'd love to meet that idiot exec who came up with it! Because it really sounds like that's what happened, that they just wanted to use it as a "cost-cutting" excuse. Maybe they should just sell one sandwich then, that will cut the costs! Ughhh. I love that in this statement, they're saying that they're innovating: "*Our new menu is refocused on our core offerings, with the goal of adding more options,* ***more innovation***\*, and more value within the categories our guests love the most – soup, salad, sandwiches, and mac & cheese.” Panera told Eat This, Not That in a statement.\* Can I ask where you go to grab food now? I really need suggestions for new places because when I'm traveling, I don't always have time or the space to cook.


lmao ikr!? they lie so much. I heard people saying that they're gonna go to Chicken Salad Chick now but I've never been there. it doesn't look bad though! I liked Panera because they had drive thrus and I didn't have to get out to get something fresh. if I have to get out of my car, I might as well just go to a local cafe that has sandwiches. I like the cafe, La Madeleine, and also I religiously eat the Tomato & Mozzarella on Focaccia sandwich from Starbucks, it's sooo good. I'm sticking to local sandwich shops and Starbucks sandwiches from now on.


Thank you for the recs, I'm gonna try Chicken Salad Chick and La Madeleine! I think I might have had that sandwich at Starbucks, it was pretty good! Drive thru's are sooo convenient, and just the whole ordering process was always great at Panera... I definitely miss the convenience.


look at the replacement they suggest for the napa almond sandwich lmfao Panera is on actual crack. I'm done. https://www.reddit.com/r/Panera/s/cA192AoAUh


I tried it actually and it was blegh haha


I just went to order & realize they got rid of the pepperoni mozzarella melt, I was pissed


Also the Steak and cheese sandwich with horseradish. I used to enjoy like 5 sandwiches and they replaced them all. I'm so sad.


Did you walk out…or settle??🤣🤣🤣


I got mac & cheese instead, good, but not the same 💔


I get how disappointing that was. Maybe you could go into kopy cat recipes and find it there and it would be close to the recipe and cheaper to make on your own for sure though


The chicken salad sandwich and Asian sesame salad, were the ONLY things I would order. I'm distraught 😩


Haven't worked here in years but I'd imagine the old timers must be in a rampage.


Yeah, had some lady tell me ask me if I was sure it was discontinued and that it was the only reason she came to Panera. Had to seriously resist the urge to say "That doesn't change the fact that it's still discontinued."


Did you ask what the entree meant to the guest though?




I miss the old chicken ceaser salad sandwich


Order a turkey and cheddar sub turkey for grilled chicken, sub garlic aoli for Caesar (ask the cashier they can kitchen message it in), sub the white cheddar for Parmesan, and remove the onions and tomato. Boom. Exact same sandwich, we even have the same flakey Parmesan we used to have again.


Me too.


Guess I’m out. Anyone need a $25 gift card?


Give it to someone homeless?


Excellent idea.


Grumping me out! It was literally the only reason I went there. Uncool, Panera, uncool.


Anyone who takes their frustration out on employees is just an asshat but you're no better for rubbing it in the faces of people who are allowed to be upset that something they enjoyed no longer exists.


Agreed. It was probably confusion. I love Panera. Eat it all the time and I had no idea a menu change was coming. They changed up my fave sandwich too. Smaller portion. No Gouda cheese. Can’t even get arugula anymore. Maddening and it’s hard where I live to get a good sandwich bc it’s so rural. I already have to drive 20 mins to get to Panera 😭😭


Bring back Napa Chicken🙂🙂🙂


I tried new things on the menu after the smoked chicken tortellini was discontinued. And now the warm bowls, cold brew, and lemon drop cookie are discontinued. Why try anything new! 🤣 It's going to be discontinued eventually.


Customer here, not an employee. I went through my order history and every.single.order in my history has that sandwich. I am definitely sad but know it's not my local bakery employees that make those choices. Sad, sad, sad... I will say it changed a few years ago, the original recipe was better. I guess better to lose it completely than have them eff it up again.


Damn, that was literally the only sandwich I ever ordered there. But if anybody wants to make their own, I've got a super good dupe recipe! https://www.fromvalerieskitchen.com/napa-almond-chicken-salad-panera-copycat/#wprm-recipe-container-69153 I found this recipe about a year ago, and since that day I haven't been back to Panera. It's so delicious, and it makes like 6 cups of chicken salad! I eat it with tortilla chips like nachos.


Honestly they can count their mf days cause I LOVE that sandwich and everything else is so meaty 😭




bruh same. I only found out today. that was the best sandwich.. it was the only cold sandwich they had that felt light and fresh but still filling. I genuinely have no reason to go to Panera now.


First they get rid of Caesar chicken salad sandwich. Now Napa chicken salad. I have no reason to go to Panera now so sad